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Brasilian Strip Review

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Greetings from Rio, guys. At the Point 202 sauna on Saturday night they presented three of the hottest strippers I have ever seen. The first guy came out dressed macho in chaps, did a sexy dance number and got naked, except that he put his hand over the dick!:-(


The second guy came out as a Swat team guy and also did this long sexy strip, all the while being encouraged by the crowd and the drag queen hostess. He also covered the crotch when he got naked.


Then number three comes out, a sexy blonde hunk, does a great cop routine but covers the crotch!


Not to worry! Each guy then comes out separately with a full-boner for the audience to see. All three of these guys had the perfect combo of great face, super bod without the steroid look, and, a huge dick!! Now, were they available after the show? I don't speak Portuguese, so how would I know?:p


I met a future Gaiety dancer there, he comes to New York in three weeks...a macho bodybuilder with a huge dick, a little older than the typical dancer. For the Victor fans, there are several guys here who can compete with victor's dick but have much better looks. Some of these dicks could be dangerous if not handled properly! See the Rio thread if you want more details!

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Hey, Lucky -- it's good to see that you're experiencing the magic (and the healing vapors) at Point 202! Not to mention the generous way the guys who work at the Point (and the other saunas) are willing to share Brazil's "national endowment!"


I'd still love to know how there manage to be SO many gorgeous, exuberantly endowed guys in one single country. Any thoughts? Is it the water? The rice and beans? The guaraná? If we could bottle and sell it, we'd be rich beyond avarice! ;) All those "magic oil" and "penis patch" junk mails wouldn't stand a chance!

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P.S. The odds are very good that those guys are available after their shows! The lack of Portuguese shouldn't be a big impediment to a creative cruiser. Also, there's almost always some guy or client around who speaks some English who can help you make contact, if you weren't foresighted enough to make arrangements with Eduardo to help you out!

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Well, I have met Eduardo. He's a very nice guy. And, coincidentally, I just encountered one of the three above dancers on the street, and he wants 300 reals (US $100)to see my hotel room! Given the abundant alternatives, I wished him good luck!

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Bargaining is allowed! Start at R$100 and go up to R$150 for a 60/90 minute visit to your hotel room. R$300 is wishful thinking, although your hunk obviously has learned that if he doesn't ask, he'll definitely never get it! ;) But the lower rates are more in line with what that kind of a session should run. And your hunk knows there's competition!!!

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Actually, I drink it, too, and I DEFINITELY don't look like them! OK, we've probably ruled out one possibility. So is it the water? The rice and beans? The passion fruit juice?


Uh, oh! Could it be the farofa? If so, we might have a small marketing problem. But to get a bigger dick and a body to die for I suppose there are lots of guys who'd eat TRUCKLOADS of flavored sawdust as long as it was guaranteed to work!

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This supplement is making you look like the Brazilian sauna gods? What is the name of this wonder product? Can we start a pyramid sales scheme to peddle the stuff and run off to Brazil with the profits, living happily ever after in the land of the guys who seem to come by their assets naturally? :p

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Lucky, Thanks for the Rio update. You're the first to post a Rio review on this Forum. Point 202 Sauna sounds like good therapy, relax and enjoy! Also, encourage more of those hotties to dance at the G. You can be our "Good Will Gaiety Ambassador"... Enjoy the sunny weather, NYC is expecting a foot of snow tomorrow. :+

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Guest msclonly

Professional Potency Formula- Sauna Strength!


I have tried a lot of stuff, and this is the first one that works.

All Natural. I think everything available is in it.


The best part is it is NOT Network marketing!

You can take one three times a day or 4-6 capsules before the desired activity!


Let me know how many you need. A Volume discount might be possible!


:p :+ :9

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Guest Tomcal_

RE: Brazilian Sauna Boy coming to the Gaiety


Here's the info on this guy. 1/2 the year he works as one of "jabba's" bodyguards, for those of you who read the Rio threads, Jabba (real name Paco Raban) is a Multi,Multi Millionaire Spaniard, who has an estate in the Canary Islands and spends 1/3 of the year in Rio. He comes to Corujinhas restaurant every night at midnight accompanied by 3 or 4 bodyguards. This guy I have seen with him for the last year and 1/2, never cracks a smile, never talks and is always very serious. He is huge, about 6'2", huge biceps, chest, narrow waist...you get the pic. His hair is short and receding in front, but very masculine non boy, goodlooking guy. He is coming to the Gaiety he told us in Mid feb. When I was in Pointe 202 sauan in Rio last week(with Lucky) he approached me and was very friendly,with a much friendler demenor then at the restaurant. He speaks fairly good English and was trying very hard to get me to go up to a room with him. He told me that when he is on duty as Paco's bodyguard he is not allowed to smile or talk to anyone. I would have taken him up on his offer except I was waiting to go up to a room with another guy who had gone to get the key. While talking to him, he kept running his hand over my chest and my thigh(no doubt thinking this was the way to get me to go with him...he was on the right track)

He then kissed me, I told him I would possibly see him later. I spoke to the owner and he said that this guy(sorry I don't remember his name) is gay, and is very good in bed and is versitle. So for any of you that might see him at the gaiety that's the 411 on him!

I might add the the Brazilian Sauna boys to a man, all kiss well, most will top or bttm and perform mutual oral. From what I have heard, a bit more then the usual Gaiety dancers do. So it might be worth a shot to try him. I asked him, "in NYC do you get more money then here in Rio" He says "oh Yeah"!! in the Rio sauna he is U.S. $17.00 an hour. Don't look for that bargain in NYC, he knows the going rate is $200.

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Guest msclonly

RE: Brazilian Sauna Boy coming to the Gaiety


Now that you explained who this Jabba is, I have known of him for over 35 years and our paths crossed a number of times at competitions. Few of the best bodies in the game have been able to resist his charm$! I am sure the guy with him, that you described was a 20 on a 1 to 10 scale!


Funny, it didn't click who this 'sponsor' is, when I was in Rio.

But does Max Factor $$ sound like enough to get you what you want, many times over. He was close friends with Serge Nubrete along with many other BBers in the 1970's and since.

What I find amazing is the guy was free-lancing at the sauna. He must like the action! Was the 'kid' local?



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