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Nicholas at Stock

Boston Guy
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Hi Guys,


Those of you who have been around here long enough will know that I don't normally post online recommendations for specific guys, for a variety of reasons.


However, I was at Stock last night and my experience prompted this post. There were quite a few dancers who were unfamiliar to me last night; in fact, there were hardly any I recognized, except long-dicked Nick.


I eventually had a series of dances (I think 12) with a dancer named Nicholas, who said he danced only one week or so per month but had been coming to Stock for a couple of years. I hadn't seen him before but decided to give him a try.


I was blown away. They were the best private dances I have ever had in any bar in any city at any time.


So, if you're at Stock and you find Nicholas (not Nick) is there, you might want to give him a try. :)


Have fun,



ps: If you are tempted to look him up on Stock's website, don't bother: he isn't listed there, at least as far as I could see.

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>Is it this Nicholas?



>If it is, you need to be careful. If not, I hope you are

>having great fun in Montreal.




It may be him but, if so, those pics are old. He had a hat on last night for virtually the entire night but his hair is blond and short.


I'm not entirely sure the pics are him, either. The body is similar but the face is only somewhat. It may be that he's matured or it may be a different guy with a somewhat similar look. Sorry I can't be more certain.


Either way, the time in the back room was fun. Also, evidently, he travels with some clients on vacation. But that's all that I know about him.


I had a great time while here, as always -- thanks! Unfortunately, the real world beckons and it's back to the USA and work.


Nice to hear from you.



ps: If you are aware of other qualifying info regarding Nicholas, feel free to post it in this thread if you want. I don't know anything at all about him except that he gave one hell of a great private dance last night.

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The pictures are of the Nicholas I know, and he does have blond hair. He often does an act tossing chairs around. If this is the one you met, you were lucky. He has been discussed on this board before. That Nicholas was heavily into drugs, left or was fird from Stock, worked at Adonis for a while, but was so obnoxious and abrasive with the other dancers (two of them told me), that he was fired. Maybe he has cleaned up, or maybe it is another Nicholas. If you had 12 dances with him at the $20 rate, he would have been very accommodating to you and allowed almost anything. He needed cash to support his habits. For shorter lap dances he was not accommodating but rather abusive and offensive to customers. It would be very hepful if someone who knew the old Nicholas would check to see if this is the same one or someone different, or asked one of the long-time dancers about the situation.

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It may be the same person. He did mention that he had worked at Adonis at one time while we were talking prior to going in the back.


If he has had problems in the past, I saw no indication of that last night. He appeared sober, clean, clean-cut, friendly and bright.


He had no idea how many dances we would do -- that hadn't been discussed when I suggested we go back "for a dance". But he was enthusiastic and active from the first moment after he closed the curtain until the end of our time together.


He said that he worked out both before coming to Stock and also on his way home. Evidently, it helps to break up his drive. That doesn't sound like someone dealing with serious drug issues and I'll repeat that over the course of a couple of hours he seemed normal, polite, friendly and not at all pushy. He made no attempt at all to try to push me toward the back room while we were talking or to extend our time there. He was completely willing to follow my lead and really was quite charming.


So if he's had problems in the past, perhaps he's put them behind him. If so, good for him. He wouldn't be the first young guy to get into trouble or the first one to get his life back on track again, either.


Regards to you all,


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Hi Guys


I can clear the confusion on the Nicholas. There are TWO Nicholas....a nice Nicholas and a total LOSER Nicholas. I had met the loser Nicholas ( the one whose pics are on that link) about 2 years ago and he tried to scam me. Then, in March of last year I was celebrating my Birthday with the NICE Nicholas and his best friend, Sebastien. We stopped by L'Adonis...there there was LOSER, Nicholas on stage and looking VERY high!! He even had the nerve to sit with us...then, left his nasty cigarette on our table. None of us smoke, so we wre annoyed.


I am POSITIVE that Boston Guy is talking about my friend, Nicholas, who is a bit short, toned, with high spikey highlights. His pics are not on the site. I ran into him at The Stock in November and he works there once in a while. I was told that the LOSER Nicholas is no longer allowed to work at the Stock, anymore. So, go and enjoy your privates with this nice Nicholas.

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Hi Paul Revere


You're welcome for the clarification. I am hearing alot of stories about that LOSER Nicholas. I'm sure you have a good one, too. About 2 years ago, some of the dancers from L'Adonis told me that LOSER Nicholas punched out a patron and was fired...but, somehow they re-hired him a few months, later!! Last I heard, he was hustling on the street for like $20!!

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I have seen the nasty Nicholas from time to time over the last 3-4 years in Montreal - back in the day of the old Stock he was (IMO) one of the most gorgeous guys there; I even had him back to my hotel for some serious fun. He told me he was being considered to be a model for Calvin Klein - I was sure he was BSing me but he certainly looked good enough!


In the last few years he has REALLY been in a downward spiral. I have seen him dancing at Adonis and hustling at Stock (where he is no longer welcome as a dancer). The last several years of drugs and the rough life have certainly taken their toll - he's not looking nearly as good and his temperment is much worse.

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Hi NY Observer


Yes, you are correct....the "Good" Nicholas likes to wear those big, clunky shoes and he is a regular at The Gaiety. I just wanted to confirm that's him.


And Yes, LustinGuy... I agree with you that the "Bad" Nicholas was once a HOT looking guy.


ServeUncutUncle...I heard the exact same thing as you did because a friend of mine passed him by and gave him $10.

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