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Things have started to settle down in the Big Apple now that the holidays are over and the hoards of tourists have gone home. Winter has set in with freezing cold temps and snow flakes fell softly on the city. Todays show was not a blockbuster event. It had a few highlights of course and Cooper and I will try to point them out later with a few details in the review.


Meanwhile here's the lineup:


1. Sebastian: Handsome Stock Bar dancer looking in great shape.


2. Giovanni: Electrifying NY dancer with a lean hard body.


4. Mico Valentine: Chicago dancer with medium muscular build.


3. Josh Dempsey: Boston porn star with a mature looking, sort of out of shape build.


5. Rene: Very cute Stock Bar dancer with swimmer's build and big dick.


6. Mason: Good looking Montreal dancer with medium muscular build.


7. Victor: Very muscular Brazillian/NY dancer with enormous dick.


8. Tyson: Lithe Chicago dancer, first time audition at the Gaiety.


Look for more info later on this evening.

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OK, here are a few details


SEBASTIAN: Dances at Stock Bar in Montreal (I didn't find any pictures) and has danced at the Gaiety for a while now. Seeing the changes that these guys go through is pretty interesting. Sebastian is really looking his best and he somehow managed to get through the holdays packing on muscle instead of fat. We should all be so lucky. He has a beautifully proportioned body, muscular without being over done, Clean defined lines and well etched muscle. He has a handsome face set off by dark spikey hair. What is it with G dancers and this hairdo? Sebastian dances very nicely covering the entire stage with his moves. The highlight of his show is the second act where he comes out with a wonderful erection pointing straight to the sky. It's a big one too, at least a two fister. His dick never goes down since he works it constantly with one hand or the other. He spends some time looking down on it enjoying the view as much as we do. A boy and his dick...a nice start to the show.


JOSH DEMPSEY: This Boston porn star may be new to some but Cooper and I remembered him from 8 years ago when he last danced at the G. How time flies! Some of his porn films have played at the theater but I never bother looking at them so I can't tell you any titles. Sadly time hasn't stood still for Josh. He looks older of course, still early 30's is hardly old. His body has gotten doughy both in color and tone. Some fat is obscuring remnents of what was a pretty musclar guy. Too many Christmas cookies for this guy I'm afraid. His dancing is pretty awkward and after he took off his tank top, he never let go of it. Maybe it's his security blanket. He must thinking waving it around like a scarf looks sexy. It didn't. It was the kind of thing a female stripper would do. At least I think so...I'm not sure I've seen one. Anyway, a little time in the sun, a few months at the gym and a few dance lessons from Giovanni and maybe he'll get back some of his lost luster.


RENE: Ah Rene http://www.stockbar.ca/stock/html/galleryrene.htm

what a cute guy. Nice to talk to in the Lounge with that sexy French Canadian accent. You just want to run off with him to some little candle lit bistro and have him recite love poems to you in French. On the other hand you might want to drag him to some hotel room, rip off his clothes and ravish his hard and lean young body (while he recites love poems to you in French). Not much of a dancer but who the hell cares? It's very nice watching him during the first half of his show with his hand down his shorts getting that dick hard for you. He just seems to be having so much fun doing it too. In the second half of the show we get to see the results and they are impressive. The guy has got one huge schlong. In any other lineup it probably would have been the biggest. That comes later. So with his cute face and smile, cute swimmers build and horse sized dick, Rene will bring a smile to your face and warmth to your loins.


VICTOR: Brazillian. Need I say more? Yes, think two Brazillians rolled into one. This NY dancer should be as famous as the Empire State Building. His dick is almost as big! If you're a size queen, look no further. Victor looks scary. Usually he has this very serious look on his face and you might find your self backing away a bit. He's loaded with muscle, big chest with some hair, big arms, tree truck thighs. You can almost feel the stage quake as he prowls and glares around the room. Sadly he looked pretty bored today and seemed like he left the stage a little early. When he comes out for that second number be prepared for a shock. As many times as I've seen that enormous cock (someimes quite close up) it still makes me gasp. I can only wonder if anyone lets him put it inside them? I'd pay good money to see someone try to get more than the head of his dick in their mouth. Gosh, this is a dirty review! Anyway, when Victor smiles all the scary parts disappear and you realize he's just a big pussy cat with the dick of Godzilla. A nice combo.


TYSON: This was an audition for him today but he may wind up in the lineup during the week. He said he'd be dancing next weekend for sure. Well, saying "for sure" when it comes to dancer's schedules at the G is a little dicey. How Denise keeps these guys working in an orderly fashion is amazing. Let's all hear it for Denise. Yay! So anyway, Tyson is this very nice guy from Chicago who dances at Madrigal's http://www.madrigalsclub.com so some in the windy city might know him. He's new to NY so make him feel welcome. Tyson and a smooth, lithe, muscular body. His dancing was a little too hootchie-kootchie for me. Kinda like one of those dancers in one of those old movies where everyone is sitting around some marble palace, laying on couches eating grapes and drinking wine out of big gold goblets. Then the little band starts to play some exotic dance music with flutes and drums and out jumps the scantily clad dancer to writhe in front of the drooling emperor. That's sort of what Tyson's dance number reminded me of...fun, in a sort of MGM way. Still he might want to butch it up a tad. He didn't get hard for his second number. Too bad. An audition is where you should flaunt your stuff to the little lady in the DJ booth. Good luck Tyson!


So....Cooper will be telling you about the other dancers. I can't wait to read his reviews. They're the best and I know thousands of you readers out there agree.

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Dave Angelo of Gaiety on Radio



htttp://www.siriusoutq.com DAVE WILL BE TALKING ABOUT HIS MOVIES


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>I've seen that enormous cock (someimes quite close up) it

>still makes me gasp. I can only wonder if anyone lets him put

>it inside them? I'd pay good money to see someone try to get

>more than the head of his dick in their mouth.


How much? Put your money where my mouth is.}(

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RE: Dave Angelo of Gaiety on Radio


This would appear to be harder than you imply. I just checked out the site and it appears you need to be a subscriber to hear any particular show. They have some free preview material but it appears to be excerpts of canned shows. Any suggestions?

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Thanks Foxy for a very interesting and informative review on this week's show. You don't miss much when it comes to details. Sounds like you had FUN!


The following 3 dancers are very familiar to the G-regulars. They all have great looks and put on a lively shows.


Who's Who in the even group...


1. GIOVANNI (aka Gio Solo on Rentboy)... When Giovanni hits the stage I recommend you just sit back and enjoy his amazing performance. At Monday's show, Giovanni enters wearing his winter coat, an Eskimo type hat, and fly away overalls. All of which are quickly removed to reveal a tight smooth slender muscular body adorned with a few tattoos. Giovanni is a very sexy looking Latino who wins you over with his dark features and a stage presence that few can match. His show is powerful, artistic, dramatic, and sensual. Every move is well orchestrated to the beat of the music. There is no need to sit stageside with Giovanni, he'll find you. On Monday, he gracefully walked/crawled over 4 rows of seats to sexually arouse a patron. No one can straddle you better than Giovanni and no one is as smooth at doing it. Btw, bring tissues for the ending is very dramatic. :o


2. MICO VALENTINE (aka Ricardo on Rentboy, Mico at Madrigals, and Giovanni's half brother). Mico enters wearing a dress shirt, jeans, a heavy silver chain, and sunglasses. Usually dancers remove their glasses to seduce us with that look, but not Mico. He' very good looking, has dark hair, a ripped silky smooth muscular body (not as beefy as he once was), a goatee, and sports an arm band tattoo. He's a good dancer that makes the stage floor vibrate when he does some heavy dance steps. He's an intense dancer who performs with little expression. He makes great eye contact and gives those stageside patrons a lot of seductive attention.


3. MASON: he wasn't scheduled for this week, but received a 911 call from Denise asking to help out. I doubt if he'll be in the lineup after Monday... *Attention Fl. readers, Mason told me he's heading to Miami to work there during the winter months*... Not only is Mason a popular G-dancer, but a very friendly and personable guy... As for his show, Mason enters stage wearing his "DIESEL" t-shirt, jeans, and a couple of dog tags around his neck. He has masculine good looks, brown hair with a few blond highlights, hazel eyes, and a great full body tan. He has a tight medium build with solid arms and broad shoulders. Mason is very relaxed/comfortable on stage, his style of dance is a pace-n-skip with lots of arm movements and a few spins.


For those of you who attend the G on a regular basis, this lineup should be very familiar to you. All are very handsome and masculine looking guys.


For twink fans out there, not this week, but Hugo, Louie, and Danny are all scheduled for the 1st weeek of Feb. and Raphael is starting on 1/23. :9

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Gosh, Cooper, it took you awhile to recover from seeing Giovanni up close and personal, huh?:)


As always, I am grateful to you and the foxy one for covering the Gaiety artists and reporting in such turgid detail.

Keep it up!

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http://www.lucky.com.... Don't forget, "all good things come to those who wait"! Seriously, Foxy and I planned on this delayed reporting. We wanted to see how long John Pela could go without sleep!:+ Sorry JP... Btw Lucky, you were right, Giovanni can use his legs like most people use their arms... Shy, All good bubble butts in this week's lineup! .... hiJINX thanks for offering up your butt to science, ouch! Foxy will be in touch...

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Guest JohnPela



>>Cooper said: http://www.lucky.com.... Don't forget, "all good things come >to those who wait"! Seriously, Foxy and I planned on this delayed

>reporting. We wanted to see how long John Pela could go

>without sleep!:+ Sorry JP...

>Shy, All good bubble butts in this week's lineup!


Thanks Cooper and Foxy for your detailed reviews. I have been lurking but not posting on this site for the last week. I have to admit I did get up at 2:30 this morning and was aghast to find out that Cooper hadn't posted his dancer reviews. Must have been a long indepth research project last night!


Well this weekend at the gaiety looks like it will be a good one for me to watch. I'll be there Friday night most likely. For this southern boy its going to be cold in NYC- I guess I'll need to get warmed up at the gaiety or stellas or somewhere.

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... hiJINX

>thanks for offering up your butt to science, ouch! Foxy will

>be in touch...


I was only offering up my mouth. What do you take me for? Some kind of degenerate? Oh wait.

Ass is negotiable but it would have to be a hell of an offer...covering medical expenses and all.}(

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Scheduled for this weekend is the lively dancer VITO. He's a good looking youthful guy who has a tight athletic build with amazing wash board abs. His signature move is his cartwheel down center stage during his 1st number and entering stage dripping with precum during his 2nd. He'll be dancing Fri. and Sat. nights, and will be in town till Sun. A really nice guy.:9

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Hey Guys!!

We can now also enjoy "Vito" as "TONY MICELLI" in at least 4 porno movies.

He appears in Bedtime Stories III, A Body to Die For 3, The Seeker and Trucker.

I had the chance of "reviewing" "The Seeker" and he is absolutely GREAT.

Check him out...

Luso :-)

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Who would have thought that our boy Vito had an accomplished porn career? He cuts a clean-cut figure at the Gaeity, but I'm sure he

must steam up the screen in his films with his muscular bod. Thanks for the heads-up !


On a seperate note, does anyone have contact info for Ryan...the extremely cute tall, young hunk?

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LOL... isn't "Tony Micelli" the name of Tony Danza's character on "Who's the Boss?" I wouldn't mind seeing Tony Danza on the stage of the G sometime either!


I'll definitely have to check out Tony Micelli the porn star's videos. I always enjoy Vito's tight muscular body and him waving that big monster around on the stage.

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>We can now also enjoy "Vito" as "TONY MICELLI" in at least 4

>porno movies.

>He appears in Bedtime Stories III, A Body to Die For 3, The

>Seeker and Trucker.

>I had the chance of "reviewing" "The Seeker" and he is

>absolutely GREAT.






When you return to a message center after a long hiatus you certainly return with a vengeance!!!!! Thanks for the great info you little saucy movie reviewer! To be honest, I am shocked with the news. Of all the G performers he would be the last one I would expect shooting his load for a camera. Now, do tell ... does he top, bottom, take it like a man or a sorority slut. From what someone told me he was trying to make a go of it in a career path that would REALLY frown on porn. Gee Louise!





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Hey VDN!

In "The Seeker", Vito tops. But not only does he top, he also french kisses with the other two guys on that particular scene.

VERY HOT!!!!!!



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Thanks for the video names, Luso (so nice to see you're still here)

I knew Vito had been in several videos (didn't know the names) and that he's appeared in quite a few men's magazines (some of which have been mentioned on this website earlier; I remember Torso, but know I've seen him in several others).

At first it surprised me. But now, as I see him in more and more media, I realize that he's taking advantage of his popularity and great looks. Hey, why not :)

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