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Mr. Gaiety 2003

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>I have been viewing these boards for about a year. I have

>made a few reviews, but this is my first posting. I have been

>a regular Gaiety patron since 1995, and I decided to cast my

>vote for my fav dancer of 2003.


Well, how nice you "came out" of lurking and posted! I think this is a record year for M4M in so many lurkers have come out! WELCOME FISHER!


And thanks for giving me the excuse to be the 100th reply in this thread.





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Guest JohnPela

>And thanks for giving me the excuse to be the 100th reply in

>this thread. VDN


Well, when I get up in the morning I guess Cooper will have been up at 3:00 a.m.(midnight Pacific time or is that 5 am. and midnight Hawaii time?)in order to post the winner. And I get to be the 101th replier- sounds like there could be a movie in there some where.

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Guest JohnPela

Mr. Cooper,


Who is the winner of Mr. Gaiety 2003 votes? OK, Cooper time to get up. We want to know the name of the sexy, beautiful and talented guy who won. ;-)


Happy New Year to everyone.


A special note to Shy: Happy New Year and I sincerely apologize for overeacting to your comic posts on this site. I took your remarks the wrong way. I guess I am just too sensitive based on remarks that have been directed towards me on the muscle site. This contest was for fun and some of us, like me!! forgot that.

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RE: And the title goes to....


The waiting is over, the voters have spoken, and the results are in:


1. Ben Versace..... 9



2. Antonio......... 5

2. Jeffrey......... 5


4. Dominic......... 3



5. Luc............. 2

5. Dave (pilot).... 2

5. Trevor.......... 2

5. GQ.............. 2

5. TJ.............. 2



10. Scott/Clark..... 1

10. Louie........... 1

10. Victor.......... 1

10. Dave (angel).... 1

10. Tommy (Fl)...... 1

10. Zack............ 1

10. AJ.............. 1

10. Giovanni (Gio).. 1

10. Danny........... 1


Numbers of members voting = 41

Number of dancers nominated = 18


The winner of the "M4M Mr. Gaiety 2003" contest goes to: BEN VERSACE.


When I think of BEN, I think of a dancer who gives 100% of his energy and creativity to entertaining an appreciative audience. He's not just the dancer "next on stage", but the reason why many of us enjoy going to the Gaiety. He sets a standard of perfection that others should aim to acheive. He would serve as a great instructor for new/old dancers. I wish him the best in all his endeavors... Foxy and I will proudly refer to BEN VERSACE in all our reviews as "Mr. Gaiety 2003". Congratulations BEN VERSACE, you're a good man and you've earned this title.


Honorable mention goes out to all the Gaiety dancers. Your appearance on the G stage has delighted so many of us and we look forward to seeing you back in '04. Your hard work is most appreciated and for this I say, THANK YOU! Keep up your great work.

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RE: And the title goes to....


>The winner of the "M4M Mr. Gaiety 2003" contest goes to: BEN


>Foxy and I will proudly

>refer to BEN VERSACE in all our reviews as "Mr. Gaiety 2003".


Besides that lucrative prize what else does he get!?! If anything, you AND Foxy should give HIM a free private (or at least a gift certificate).




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RE: And the title goes to....


In addition to thanking the dancers, I would like to acknowledge all the board members who took part in our contest. Thanks for making it such a success.


Now the challenge goes out to all our "new posters". You've joined the "group" and now you have a wonderful opportunity to converse with board members who enjoy "talking" about the Gaiety and it's dancers. The Mr. G contest was fun, but contributing to the MC on a weekly basis is what we would really like to see.


I would like to nominate Valley Dweller North aka VDN as "Mr. Hospitality" to new board members. You were so kind to thank them for participating in our forum and helping them take the first steps out of the "lurking closet". Also, your 1st task will be to select the appropriate gift for BEN VERSACE, "M4M's Mr. Gaiety 2003". I understand he likes chocolate. :9 Also, John Pela might like to add some suggestions!


Foxy and I look forward to starting our 2nd year in writing the weekday reviews. Monday's have been a blast and hopefully we'll get our "Chairman of the Board", Lucky, back in the G on Monday's. Seeing a show with his is a true "NYC Experience". :-)


Happy New Year!

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RE: And the title goes to....


>I would like to nominate Valley Dweller North aka VDN as "Mr.

>Hospitality" to new board members. You were so kind to thank


Well thank you. I think I will stay right here in Male Strip Clubs and be the happy door greeter as I AM NOT making friends and feeling loved over at the Politics forum.


>first steps out of the "lurking closet". Also, your 1st task

>will be to select the appropriate gift for BEN VERSACE, "M4M's

>Mr. Gaiety 2003". I understand he likes chocolate. :9 Also,

>John Pela might like to add some suggestions!


Well, I do remember that someone stole Ben's purple body thong (seriously) so maybe we can get him that. I am too attached to my purple body thong so I am not giving it up.




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Guest JohnPela

VDN, Cooper, Lucky & Ben- Oh My!


Lucky wrote:

>Congratulations to Ben and thanks for Cooper for managing the poll.


Let me add my thanks to the fab Mr. Cooper for managing the poll and minimizing the potential blood sheet between the avid approximately 50 board members who voted.


JP reply: Also Cooper I couldn't have wrote it better about Ben's talents and hard efforts on the Gaiety stage. Ben puts a lot of thought and effort into his performances as should "Mr Entertainment" do.


Cooper wrote:

>I would like to acknowledge all the board members who took part in >our contest. Thanks for making it such a success.

>Now the challenge goes out to all our "new posters". You've

>joined the "group" and now you have a wonderful opportunity to

>converse with board members who enjoy "talking" about the

>Gaiety and it's dancers.


JP reply: For next year's poll I hope that more M4M members will register their vote instead of just "lurking" and viewing the website.


Cooper wrote:

>I would like to nominate Valley Dweller North aka VDN as "Mr.

>Hospitality" Also, your 1st task will be to select the appropriate gift for BEN VERSACE, "M4M's Mr. Gaiety 2003". I understand he likes chocolate. :9 Also, John Pela might like to add some suggestions!


JP reply: Cooper and VDN, I think you were kidding about a gift for Ben but if you weren't The purple thong replacement would be nice or his favorite red g-string was stolen in Chicago this past August. You of course would have to take him to a curtained off changing room to measure him and have him try on the thong or g-string. :9 Ben loves 212 cologne for men- either the regular fragrance or the new fragrance (hint/hint GRoca and Crazy4U)- thats why he smells so good even when he is performing strenously. :9 Irregardless, I plan on buying him a congratulatory gift but I will not be up there (in NYC)for a couple more weeks (probably).


Cooper wrote:

>hopefully we'll get our "Chairman of the Board", Lucky, back in the G on Monday's. Seeing a show with him is a true "NYC Experience".


JP reply: I have already asked Lucky to give me advance notice if he ever plans to strip at LeFleur, Stellas or the Gaiety. :9


Also Happy New Year and may all your Gaiety fantasies come true! For some of you your fantasies will be cumming true when Louie returns to the G-spot. Of course for others Little Anthony was a real fantasy and you didn't have to risk serving hard time. :-)

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RE: And the title goes to....


cooper, thanks for the poll, moderating and managing things. congrats to the winner, along with all the dancers receiving votes. thanks too for foxy and all the help he gives. keep in mind we're all also winners in showing our support and appreciation to all the great dancers at the gaiety.


last but not least, valley dweller north, don't ever stop making us laugh! maybe you should spend more time in the politics and religious forum to give it a little different flavor.

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Guest Fisher

You are quite welcome VDN ... I actually talked to you at Stellas a month or two ago, its nice to talk to you again. Congrats on 100.

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RE: VDN, Cooper, Lucky & Ben- Oh My!




The poll was alot of fun. I found myself lurking everyday to see who was in the lead. Thanks for conducting it.


Although Ben was not my pick, I can see why people voted for him. His shows are very interactive and he's a sexy looking guy. I like it when a dancer takes notice of the people around him.


Are his private shows as good as his stage?

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RE: And the title goes to....


Dearest Shy,


>last but not least, valley dweller north, don't ever stop

>making us laugh! maybe you should spend more time in the

>politics and religious forum to give it a little different



Apparently the flavor I recently added in the politics forum was that of SOUR ASS! I feel like Tina Brown in that I have to read 9 different publications just to have a chance in kicking Doug's ass.



I feel 2004 should be the year we all share our opinions BOLDLY, educated or otherwise.




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OK Gaiety goers, it's that time of the year to nominate your favorite G-man for the title of "MR. GAIETY of 2003".


Last year DOMINIC took the honors. This year there are many dancers who could easily earn this title. The only requirement necessary is that the dancer performed at the G this year.


My nominee is a dancer who returned to the G after a 1 year hiatus. He's extremely friendly and was the runner-up in a recent Mr. Personality contest. He's a model and December coverboy for NEXT magazine. He has a wide variety of interests; he's a pilot, a sky-divers, loves to travel, and enjoys the good life. I've reviewed him as having a "universal appeal". He's admired by twink lovers thru muscle worshipers. He has amazing good looks, a solid muscular body, seriously spiked hair, killer blue eyes, puts on a show that keeps you in your seat waiting for that 2nd number, and a truly nice guy. He will be dancing at the G starting 12/26. My choice for "Mr. Gaiety 2003" is JEFFREY. :p

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RE: And the title goes to....


<<I feel 2004 should be the year we all share our opinions BOLDLY, educated or otherwise.>>


with your permission, of course, i'll consider that for a new years resolution. i say consider, because ever since the year i made my resolution to work AND play harder worked out so well, i've never made another one; just keep trying to improve on that!

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RE: And the title goes to....


>years resolution. i say consider, because ever since the year

>i made my resolution to work AND play harder worked out so

>well, i've never made another one; just keep trying to improve

>on that!


Shy, if it isn't broken then don't fix it! It sounds as if you have a wonderful ying and yang!

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RE: And the title goes to....




BONNE ANNEE from Montreal!!! I was just checking in on the results of the Mr. G contest! YEAH, for Ben!!!! I suppose a few posters out there might have suspicions that John Pela and I might be one and the same, but , you would be able to testify that we are not.

Of course, I must say that John Pela has excellent taste. ( Thanks John Pela for your nice comment)


Here are my short comments on the clubs here:


CAMPUS: I went in the evening and I agree with the fellow posters here that it's a waste of time. I don't mind that the dancers are not THAT hot , but besides that...they had absolutely no personality/ no showmanship. Then, they have the nerve to try to hussle you for a lap dance!! They act so desperate!I was advised to check out Campus in the afternoons, so ,NEXT time I will.


STOCK BAR: I went here for New Year's even with my good friend, B and this place is STILL our favorite spot. The dancers and the waiters are the HOTTEST ,and we always have a blast here. Most of the dancers put on a great stage show with great eye contact such as Kirk, Frankie ( yes, he's back), Marvin, James, and my favorite, Nick ( who was not working this night, unfortunately).


We hope to check out L'Adonis, our 2nd favorite spot before I return, but if not...talk to you when I am back!!Hope everyone had a great New Year's!!!



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RE: And the title goes to....




>results of the Mr. G contest! YEAH, for Ben!!!! I suppose a

>few posters out there might have suspicions that John Pela and

>I might be one and the same, but , you would be able to

>testify that we are not.


Since I have had the honor and privilege of meeting the both of you in the flesh I can unequivocally say you two are different: one a sexy night and one a hot day.


>absolutely no personality/ no showmanship. Then, they have the

>nerve to try to hussle you for a lap dance!! They act so

>desperate!I was advised to check out Campus in the afternoons,

>so ,NEXT time I will.


DAMN! That sounds sad.




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