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It may have been a high security alert day but it didn't keep away the Gaiety patrons. There was quite a crowd looking for some holiday cheer and to enjoy the Lounge bedecked in lights and hung with snowflakes. Well, ok, maybe it was just the hung dancers that brought them in. There was lots of beef being served today, so you muscle lovers should be happy. Once again, not much in the twink department


One patron sitting dead center even played Santa, handing out toys to all the good big boys. Of course cash is always appreciated too. Don't forget this is the time of year to open up your hearts and your wallets. Spread a little dough to those hard working security guards who keep us safe from...um... probably each other, and the DJs who keep that music spinning. They work hard for you too.


And the lineup is:


1. Michael, the Brooklyn beauty with the swimmer's build.

2. Trevor, everyone's favorite body builder from Canada/NY looking huge.

3. Danick, the gorgeous, beefy, enormously hung Canadian now living in LA.

4. Ray, the big Brazilian/NY dancer who prefers the natural look and scent of a man.

5. Jared, handsome, muscular friend of Trevor's who lives in NY.

6. Zack, the beefy, exotic looking LA hunk.

7. Sandro, the Brazilian/lA well built, mature looking dancer freind of Zack.


The Gaiety will be open Christmas Eve until the 3rd show and then is closed for the rest of the evening. It will be closed all day Christmas so plan acccordingly. Have a happy holiday everyone.

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VDN in the City


Security alert be damned! Today was a WONDERFUL day to be in the big, red, succulent, luscious, decadent apple. The weather was mild, the crowds were dense yet people’s temperament was very amicable.


The day started at the train station. Five vivacious blondes were attempting to board the train to go to the city to maybe find more hair coloring or a clue. One of the blondes was on the other side of the platform and had no idea how to get on the main platform. People were pointing trying to help her, her friends were laughing at her and she just looked so damned clueless. Her friends were also mystified by the automated Metro-North ticket machines. I think they thought they were getting passports. I was laughing at them with a stranger next to me. Stranger said they were very young. I said they were very blonde. We also agreed that reading is a lifelong project for some people. The lost blonde made it through the maze to the platform and all of the “Heathers” made it aboard just in time.


I made it to the Gaiety and it was a sauna. Denise put on the AC. Denise’s cat was so happy as s/he received Christmas (I am assuming the pussy is a Christian) vittles from a G patron. For you non-animal lovers this may be hard to understand that someone would give a Christmas gift to a cat in a male burlesque theater. My dog has her own Christmas stocking. It is an animal lover non-bestiality thing.


Before the 1:30 show began I had the honor of meeting board member Foxy. Foxy was a true delight to talk to. Cooper was also on deck. Foxy, Cooper and I decided my contribution to “GAIETY LINEUP FOR THE WEEK OF 12.22.03” would be in the form of a Reader’s Digest Supplement as I am reviewing the dancers de jour and the day’s events.



Though he is from Brooklyn I detect some type of accent. I don’t know if it is forced, just me or my medication. He dances quite well and uses every part of the stage. His short, straight Dutch Boy-like haircut gives him a Boy Scout-like charm to him. He has a nice, average sized upper body and petite lower legs. For some reason I am drawing a blank when it comes to his cock. I have no idea why. I guess it didn’t leave an impression. Was he not wearing his naval ring or does he just have a funny naval?



I saw the movie “The Hulk” last night for the first time. How appropriate I did so. The Hulk is green and Trevor is not. That is the only difference between the two. Trevor is huge! He is passionately pursuing bodybuilding. He is being toted as this week’s featured dancer. He should be toted as this week’s featured wall. MASSIVE. And, unlike most muscle bound super heroes, he still has a dick. And it is proportioned with his body. It is also nice to see he actually dances now. The last time I saw him he was doing the tin man from the Wizard of Oz.



Danik is the artist formally known as Vinnie. I forgot to ask Danik if he is paying double occupancy at his hotel for himself and his penis. I really don’t know what anyone would do with all of that (unless they wanted anal rupturing). Ron Jeremy and a Red Oak Tree must be somewhere in his gene pool. Danik is not too tall and very muscular and compact.



Tall. Brazilian. Tattooed. Hung. Next.



The other Jared spells it (or is told to spell it) with 2 R’s. Jared is very nice to talk to and quite masculine. If you take away his long, black hair I think he looks like Prince William. He also resembles the farm hand in all the movies that nails the farmer’s wife (or the farmer) in the stables. I found him appealing because he seemed a little uncomfortable on stage. Yet he still makes great eye contact. He gets an A for effort. I don’t know if he had a tattoo removed off his ass cheek or he had some medical procedure done where the scar left would be a proportioned addition sign. Jared is tall and muscular and he also proves a performer can still be very appealing without a hard-on.



I could go on and on about him so I will keep it as brief as possible. Sometime ago someone gave me his website to look at. http://www.trophystud.com And, for some time, I have been going back to his website. The pictures change regularly so you get to see many good pictures of him. Because he was on a “hiatus” from the Gaiety indefinitely (yeah, there is a story there but who cares …. he is back) I didn’t think I would ever see him in person. After a few e-mails and phone calls we talked about meeting when he would be in NYC. If you see his calendar on his site you will see he is a globetrotter for sure. However, we were never able to meet. Then I heard through the M4M grapevine he was performing. Seeing him today was like meeting a celebrity you have only seen on the screen for years. It was a bit surreal and cool. He was in the lounge on his cell so we didn’t get to chat. Then he was announced and he received some sort of special introduction but I missed it because my attention span was that of a 7 year old waiting to see Barney. This EXTREMELY hot Israeli-Polish mix came on stage. He is simply phenomenal head to toe. The last time I saw someone dance with this much energy was when Jonathon from Montreal was down here doing his back flips into the audience. Zack was high energy from the beginning to the end of his first number. He wore blue trainers and a blue t-shirt. He had on an ear-lobe earring (is there another name for this?) on his right ear that made him look quite handsome. Not too many G dancers have earrings so it was a nice touch. He masculine jaw and his beard/goatee make him look a bit intimidating in that I wanted to say to him “I want you to be my master and yes I will lick your boots”. His spiky, jet-back hair was also very attractive. He game out for his second number wearing these cool black and white socks. His entire body is proportioned. His is not a muscle slave but his is no slouch at all. His body is extremely toned and buff. His legs are magnificent. His calves look as if they were sculpted and you could live on his thighs. He was, without a doubt, worth the wait. And there was a patron sitting across from me somewhat emotionless the whole show. He would leave a tip here and there but could not be bothered. He cracked a smile when Zack came out and left a nice tip, as many of the other patrons did for Zack. Zack came out with a nice hard-on without the use of cock bungee.

Please note: if you go to his web site you will be prompted to enter a password, etc. Just hit cancel and you will go right in. I think it is some type of site glitch. I will attempt a picture link here.




Sandro is Zack’s friend and he appears on Zack’s website. Sandro is a delicious Brazilian that has a cool way of dancing. Like Zack, Sandro also came out with a nicely engorged cock with no bungee. I will attempt a picture link here. http://www.trophystud.com/nando%20naked%20baCK.jpg



Your mail courier, your doorman, your newspaper deliverer … these are all people you may think of tipping for the holiday season. Well, did you think about SECURITY MAN at the Gaiety? The thought never crossed my mind. People were tipping security man today for the holiday season (and a few people were tipping DJ as well). Hanukkah, Ramadan, Kwanza, Christmas or Porum … it doesn’t matter … TIP SECURITY MAN for the holiday season.



DJ Kenny sells them and they are wonderful! I listened to them on the way home on the train. They were great in blocking out the conversation about a YEAST INFECTION this woman was having on her cell phone. NASTY! Seriously, the two CDs I purchased are call “Spell Bound” and “Global Warming”. They have all the Gaiety jams on them! I don’t know if he has other titles. He mixes and makes all the CDs. They make a perfect gift for you or that special someone who has a really bad CD collection that could use some sprucing up!



I had the pleasure of meeting Lucky, avid poster on M4M and all around Chairman of the Board! Foxy, Cooper and I went to consume libations after the G show and we met up with Lucky and his VERY adorable better half. I also discovered that one of my long time Stella’s favs is out of the big house (I kid you not) and we can resume having fun again. Yes, I like my men with a conviction record, thank you. It adds character. Cooper distributed holiday goodies to all attending the board meeting and the Stella’s staff provided us with delicious baskets of goodies. Chairman Lucky adjourned the meeting and Copper, friend of Cooper and I re-adjourned at Southside Café.




Southside Café is a delicious little restaurant run by very hot looking Latinos. Their “Prix Fixe Dinner” is very reasonable with a very nice variety. Their Mussels Luccianna was orgasmic (and so was the waiter). Nice, small, tasty and reasonable. So is the restaurant.


RECORD RUNNER and the village


After a delicious dinner Cooper’s friend helped me traverse the subway system so I could get to this Mecca of vintage and hard to find music related items. I was able to pick up some great, rare CDs. Check them out on-line as you can order from them from anywhere. I also went into an adult store in the village. I guess it was a ma and pa shop as the ma ran up to me and asked if I need help. I told her in more ways then one. She assumed I was a full-blown breeder and told me to touch a dainty, powder blue vibrator. I told her if I brought that home the “Mrs.” wouldn’t be too happy. I told the ma that pleasing the “Mrs.” was my job and no machine would replace me. We had a straight person’s laugh and then I left as I felt violated.


Overall, it was a grand day in the city. PLEASE add your reviews and comments to this week’s lineup, as variety is the spice of life.




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OK, here are some details. I'm the odd guy this week and Cooper will handle the evens. Well, I don't think he really "handled" any of them. Maybe he will this weekend if some twinks enter the lineup.


MICHAEL: The Brooklyn boy with the beautiful body, smooth, broad shoulders tapering down to a narrow waist and hips, Michael is only 18 (he'll turn 19 in April). He's a very good dancer moving nicely about the stage in a very sexy confident way. Michael obviously knows how good he looks and seems to enjoy showing off that perfect build and handsome face. In his second number he comes out with a nice size erection standing straight up with a mushroom head. He didn't stay hard all that long but even soft it would be a good mouthful. Michael also has a beautiful pair of balls to complete the package. His butt was looking a bit hairy but I thought a nice contrast to the silky smoothness of the rest of his body. Oddly enough Michael was the only dancer who didn't seem to be getting any action in the Lounge this afternoon and sat mostly by himself. He's only at the Gaiety till Wednesday I hear so if you want to see him go soon.


DANIK: (or Danick). Everyone seems confused by this name choice of his. I think most wish he'd go back to Vinny. Whatever, he still is an amazingly handsome guy. If you judged him by his face alone he'd be a star. His face is masculine and beautiful, gorgeous eyes, perfect features set off by a rugged military buzz cut. He's both pretty and butch at the same time. What is it in Canada that produces such magnificent looking men? Danik has a solid muscular build that looks like it was developed playing sports rather than gym created. I hear he's quite the jock in California where he's going to school. So perfect face, great body, what else? How about a huge 10 inch very thick uncut dick. The guy is HUNG! HUNG! HUNG! Really it just isn't fair how this guy lucked out in the gene pool. I can't really comment on how he dances. Who cares? He's such an astounding looking specimen of manhood he really doesn't have to do anything except just stand there. I'm sorry to say he may not be at the Gaiety very long this week. You might want to call the box office and check. Hopefully he'll keep coming back to earn that tuition money.


JARED: This is a different Jared from the one who was dancing recently. This Jared is a friend of Trevor's. He lives in NY, the other Jared is from NJ. We may need to number them. Somebody find out where Trevor found this guy and tell him "Thanks". This is one good looking hunk of a boy. A strong but youthfull looking face set off by a shiny head of black hair sits on a very sturdy muscular body. Jared has great pecs with large nipples that would be so much fun to chew on. He has pale, smooth skin, and good strong legs that moved him erotically around the stage. Sadly, Jared didn't get hard for his second number. I understand this was the case on his last visit. Hopefully he'll rise to the occassion as the week progresses. Somebody give this boy a Viagra and let me know so I can be there to enjoy it.


SANDRO: This man from Brazil arrives thanks to Zack. He has a mature face, not bad looking but not what you'd call pretty. He dances to this middle eastern sounding music that made me feel like I should have been sitting in a tent smoking a hookah. Sandro has a nice build, but nothing unique in any way. He never got hard for his second number either so some kind soul might want to bring along a supply of Viagra and hand them out as tips.


Since Christmas is on Thursday the lineup could change quite a bit. I hope we'll get some updates from you guys that see the show. I'm looking forward to the weekend and hope Santa will bring somebody special in his sleigh.


Let's all pray for some peace on earth...please.

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Great meeting VDN this afternoon and I really enjoyed reading his very entertaining review of the day and the Gaiety show. It's fun seeing how different eyes see different aspects to the show. Some see hard-ons and some don't. I have to stop hitting the egg nog so early in the day! So now I'm thinking Cooper may be saving himself for the weekend review since VDN did such a splendid job.

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hehehe...chairman of the board! It was nice meeting up with foxy and Cooper again, but aren't they a little worried that I knew exactly which minute they would be approaching the door of Stella's? As for Valley Dweller, the funniest poster in Hooville, what can I say? It was great finally meeting you. Maybe we can talk more when I get out of jail!

Good reviews guys. You deserve a Christmas tip.

(I am not telling my better half that he is VERY adorable!):)

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>It's fun seeing how different eyes see different aspects to

>the show. Some see hard-ons and some don't. I have to stop

>hitting the egg nog so early in the day!


I think I was the one who overdosed on NOG! CUM to think of it I believe Sandro was flaccid. Your recall of erections is rivaled by none. I guess I was confused as Zack was on stage before Sandro and I was trying to regain normal respiratory functions.


Again, a true pleasure meeting you.






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>Maybe we can talk more when I get out of jail!


You wouldn't last 2 minutes in the big house without becoming someone's bitch. You are too pretty. You would be better off requesting a lesbian correctional facility.


>Good reviews guys. You deserve a Christmas tip.

>(I am not telling my better half that he is VERY adorable!):)


Well, while you are in the big house he can stay with me. I will keep him safe and vacuum sucked, I mean sealed, for you.


Again, it was nice to meet the chairman.





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Jared's stage performance is much improved. He has an impressive body, with great shoulders, chest, and legs, but could use some crunches for his abs. He is very intelligent and was discussing literature and history in the lounge. Unfortunately, it is hard to discuss books when he is on stage, and the erection problems continue. I suggested he use Trevor's magazine cover for inspiration next time.

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The Incredible Bulk and friends


It was a dark and stormy night..well not really, but thats how all my stories start because I'm in them. Anyone bemoaning the lack of twinks this week missed out on the 10:30 show on Monday night. Perched in the first seat stageside (opposite where NYO would sit)I was surprised to be joined by 3 rows of the cutest gayest bois ever. They were so sweet and excited and chipper. Not once did I feel the need to tell them to shut up. I suppose I got swept up in their enthusiasm...or maybe I thought of them as appetizers? yeah, the latter. For a moment I could delude myself into thinking I was the rooster in the henhouse and really comfortable with that at the moment. :-)

Sidenote, I was distracted briefly by someone in the row in front of the stage (the first full row, which put them directly behind me) who kept holding onto the back of my chair putting himself in direct contact with my shoulder while I was sitting. Having had a bad experience involving the unwelcome licking of boots at the Gaiety, I'm a bit sensitive about my personal space. I got over it, but hoped that it was just someone who needed help sitting up and getting a good view of the boys on stage.




Damn somebody beat me to the Trevor/Hulk comparison. I wholeheartedly agree. Trevor is immense. Clearly in the bulking up and less defined yet still yummy phase of becoming HUGE. Too little of the fuzzy butt though. :-( He's the Hulk but less green and with a beautiful face. Right down to the proportions) Hottest moment with Trevor was when he came out for his second dance and approached a lucky ringside patron (sadly not me) and hocked a luggie on his own erect cock and stroked it momentarily. Made me want to yell "Me too!". I became consumed with thoughts of if I could still fit my mouth over various enlarged portions of Trevor's body. The thoughts linger with me still. Perhaps someday I will find the answer to my question.


Sidenote 2: With the proliferation of cameraphones, security is going to have to be more vigilant watching patrons. I noticed the signage forbidding use of cell phones in the theater area. I'm fairly certain that the aforementioned twink bois in front of me got a few shots of performers. Either that or they had been elsewhere that night with some really well endowed friends.


JARED. He's a dead ringer for Michael Ontkean (Sheriff Harry S Truman from "Twin Peaks",also one of the stars of "Making Love", one of the earliest movies to spark my gay stirrings and given that I was barely pubescent at the time, that says something). Especially with the longish curly locks.



MICHEAL. I know he's supposedly from Brooklyn, but there is something about him that says to me that he is foreign. I can imagine him thinking in a different language than English.


Overall a topheaby show, started out big and petered out as the lineup went on. Kind of hard to beat the Trevor/Danik one-two punch.


Oh yeah.

RAY. What else can you say? Funky bush.

DANIK. Plays baseball and carried his bat in his pants. Another one who I wonder what he is like in private. Crossed his path in New Orleans once and almost ended up competing against him dancing on a bar. Whew dodged a bullet there.


All in all, I would see it again this week and probably will.

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RE: VDN in the City



>Trevor must have read your review. Tonight before the 6:15 he

>was walking around the lounge with a big, green rubber Hulk

>mask on. I kid you not!!!




I always wanted to make an impact on fashion BUT this is not what I had envisioned ... THIS IS BETTER. I love masks on hot people - VERY erotic.


Was it a scary Hulk mask or a happy Hulk mask. The Hulk has been known to smile.


Were you scared Sparky? I know it would have startled me as I am an easy ..... scare.




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Mr. Lucky aka "the Chairman of the Board"...


Thanks to Foxy, VDN, and hiJinx, it's not necessary for me to post a review. They all did a great job. Afterall, what more can be said about Trevor (competitive shape), Ray (au natural), and Zack (see rentboy ad).


VDN: As always, your adventures in the City are over the top. You have so much DRAMA in your life!:+ I'm happy to be a part of your story. Just wait till I take you to LeFleur!


Now, where is John Pela? He was supposed to join the "Hanging with Mr. Cooper" group on Monday. Did he get distracted by a very popular G dancer???


Always good seeing Mr. Lucky and his better half.

Thanks guys for giving me a week off. :) Happy Holidays!

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RE: The Incredible Bulk and friends


Greetings hiJINX!!


>It was a dark and stormy night..well not really, but thats

>how all my stories start because I'm in them.


You sure know how to give good story!


>Sidenote, I was distracted briefly by someone in the row in

>front of the stage (the first full row, which put them

>directly behind me) who kept holding onto the back of my chair

>putting himself in direct contact with my shoulder while I was

>sitting. Having had a bad experience involving the unwelcome

>licking of boots at the Gaiety, I'm a bit sensitive about my

>personal space. I got over it, but hoped that it was just

>someone who needed help sitting up and getting a good view of

>the boys on stage.


It sounds like the 10:30 was a grand time, especially with the pseudo-model boys you described. However, you are a better patron than I as the personal space thing would have made me green and angry ... and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. ;-)




>Damn somebody beat me to the Trevor/Hulk comparison.


I watched the Hulk again today. Were you at all attracted to how the Hulk's pants were very tight? Mutant loving ... nuttin wrong with dat!


By the way, I just discovered why my pics in my post and your pics didn't come through. I went to the lounge and found this in a thread:


>>>>>Hoover42 said:


"URL addresses pointing to photos (.jpg files, for example) used to be expanded in-place so that the photo was visible with the rest of the posting. Now, only the URL address is displayed. Les' recent Belami posting demostrates this new behavior (at least from my machine). It looks like the default message board behaviour has been changed in the last day or two."


>>>>> and HooBoy said:


"Sorry, I disabled the feature whereby the links to pictures would show up as pictures here. I felt it was abused one too many times. I may reinstall it later when the cauldron of hatred simmers."


>JARED. He's a dead ringer for Michael Ontkean (Sheriff Harry

>S Truman from "Twin Peaks",also one of the stars of "Making


YES YES YES - good call. Here is a link that works for that pic:





>MICHEAL. I know he's supposedly from Brooklyn, but there is

>something about him that says to me that he is foreign. I can

>imagine him thinking in a different language than English.


Me too but everyone makes fun of me when I say this. He is from Brooklyn BUT via somewhere in Eastern Europe (or Secaucus).


>RAY. What else can you say? Funky bush.




Happy Holidays hiJINX! Oh, when will we ever meet?



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Hello Cooper!


> and hiJinx, it's not necessary for me to

>post a review. They all did a great job.


Remember Mr. Cooper that reviews (much like men, coffee and flavored condoms) come in all flavors! People like your reviews because they get right to the heart of the matter. Don't resist ... give in. Relax, loosen that palmaris longus (that is a muscle in the wrist but doesn't it sound hot!?) and give us a little sumtin sumtin!


>VDN: Just wait till I take you to LeFleur!


AND no matter what happens to me in there I AM NOT writing about it as I don't what that place to encounter the same fate REDs did after I posted my sex log. I know the mayor read my post and had the place raided.




Again, it was grand day! Thanks Cooper!


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<<>VDN: Just wait till I take you to LeFleur!


AND no matter what happens to me in there I AM NOT writing about it as I don't what that place to encounter the same fate REDs did after I posted my sex log.>>


too bad you're adopting the las vegas motto what happens in lefleur stays in lefleur. i hope you hurry back to nyc and let cooper take you there. i know for you it would be an adventure and make for a great read here for the rest of us.

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RE: VDN in the City



>I would have to say that it was a scary Hulk mask, but green

>never looked so sexy! Too bad he didn't wear it on stage.

>Maybe if he reads this thread he will wear it during his act

>on Friday night!!!


Hey Sparky,


Only in NYC .... a male stripper,bodybuilder with a Hulk mask near Christmas!


I think he wouldn't be allowed to wear it on stage. Sometime ago Victor danced with an ax and scared half the audience. Denise is a conservative male burlesque theater operator ... she likes her men naked but not kitschy. BUT he would get a grand tip from me if he did it!



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Hello Shy,


>too bad you're adopting the las vegas motto what happens in

>lefleur stays in lefleur. i hope you hurry back to nyc and

>let cooper take you there. i know for you it would be an

>adventure and make for a great read here for the rest of us.


Well, I can type it in a secret language. I will have to think of code words for things like "forced oral sex while getting a lap dance", etc. Hmmm ... maybe we can call that "making fajitas"?


My eyes are now set on my next assignment.




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RE: Jared


Another great set of reviews everyone! I was in town for the 1:30 show on Monday and agree with the observations set forth here. Trevor is absolutely HUGE! He is bulking up for a contest later in 2004. He told me he has gained 20 pounds since his appearance back in Nov. He introduced me to his friend Jared. Wow, what a gorgeous man! He has an incredible physique as well, nice mass and good definition! He and Trevor are workout partners, what an image! He told me he was a little uncomfortable on stage being so new.

Foxy, Cooper, and VDN, I believe I saw the 3 of you talking in the Lounge before the show. Not sure though. And I didn't want to interrupt your conversation.

Keep writing the great reviews! I enjoy reading them each week!

Happy Holidays!


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RE: Jared




>Foxy, Cooper, and VDN, I believe I saw the 3 of you talking in

>the Lounge before the show. Not sure though. And I didn't

>want to interrupt your conversation.


In the future PLEASE DO. Meeting fellow M4Ms is always fun.


You are right about that .... that would be an image seeing those two work out with one another. I bet the rest of the gym sort of pauses when that happens (well, at least the guys with the minivans will pause and watch).



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