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Cheating at the Stock-bar

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Well,I decided to take Cooper's advice at start this new topic. There were couple of messages in forums about Stock dancers adding couple of songs to the account. I already share the names and details in one of the previous messages. Well, guys, would you like to share your experiance? have you been cheated by the dancers? What do you think about it? How do you think you have to act in such a cases?

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Perhaps I am a bit crazy, but I always count out loud for each song at all the bars but Taboo. After the first song, I say "thats 1" and I keep going until I am finished. That saves both me and the dancer trouble. I have never been told by anyone that I was being rude as I am very friendly and talkative during the dance. But, at the end of a song, I always make clear what number song we are on.


I don't do that at Taboo as I think the boys know me so well and I would never be screwed over there. The only 2 bars that I have been overcharged at were Campus and Stock. Both were not when I was getting a dance but when I sent a younger boy traveling with me to the back. Each time the boy got ripped off and I made my disappointment known to the dancer and the manager and I leave the bar.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Yes, I have been ripped off at Stock. I dont recall the dancer's name unfortunately. I brought a friend to Montreal and treated him to $40 worth of dances. He was new to the scene but young and hot so I thought the dancer would treat him well. After four songs worh of conversation in a fully curtained booth (supposedly $20 dances) he finally started to dance. I ended up paying $90 and chalking it up to my fault in this situation. the dancer belligerent over another $10 owed and I told him to take a hike. On my following trip he had the balls to try to chat me up for a dance. Wish I knew his name. Swimmer type shortish brown hair and a thin beard, tight derfined bod with a tatto on the lower back maybe 5'10". A rip-off artist.


Also Yan at Campus. Hot guy, that I used to think was straight but definitely not -- maybe bi. Gave me a pretty good dance last year, seven of them actually. demanded $100 for the 'quality' . Recently ripped off a friend charging for 6 dances instead of four. This after giving my friend fair counts over several preceding weeks. My friend learned how to count early on in life... lol. I have known others to get fair counts from Yan so it seems to depend. On what I dont know. Too bad. He is a hottie but not on my dance card anymore.

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An Asian dancer at Campus was pretty much all talk so I told him to get hard or get going. He kept talking! He would get hard at my hotel, he said. Well, that would be too late!

Generally I don't worry about being overcharged a little bit since I am more interested in the fun. But only once did I really doubt a dancer's count, and then I thought it was worth it, so I paid!

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Guest TwinkLoverr

I agree that there is some degree of "song cheating" at Stock. In this particular experience of mine, I had a very - and I mean VERY nice - private with a certain dancer. At the end of a wonderful private in which I thought that I had clearly counted the songs at four, the dancer then declared that it was six songs. I somewhat balked at it, but eventually gave in to him because it was such a good dance. Basically though, if a dancer is honest and gives a good dance, I will generally give him a bonus or tip. In this case, I obviously didn't - he basically scammed a tip out of me. The unfortunate thing though is that I will probably STILL see him on a private again - just because he put in such a good effort, even though he cheated in the end. I will just pay much closer attention to the counts in Stock in the future.

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I too have had similar experiences at both Stock and Campus, with the dancer counting more than I thought had gone by. But it is sometimes hard to tell for a variety of reasons, and especially at Campus, and so I wasn't sure and just paid according to the dancer's count. But it has happened several times and I'm sure I wasn't off count that often.


But there are also other ways of being scammed, too, as TY has pointed out. One time I took a Stock dancer who is well-known on this board to the back (the first time with him), and he spent the entire first dance gyrating fully clothed and more than 2 feet... (oops, sorry, that was in Canada) more than 65cm away from me. I was about to end it as the first song came to a close, when, no dummy he, he took off his shirt and inched... (damn! hard to remember!) two-and-a-half-centimetered a little closer and made suggestive moves indicating that more clothes might come off later, so I decided to stick it out a little longer. During the second song the rest of the clothes did eventually come off, but, although centimetering closer, he still remained an unusually large distance away for that kind of activity (no, I didn't have b.o. and none of the other dancers I was with that night did that). At the end of two I had had enough and called a halt, and I haven't taken him to the back since. He thought he would stretch things out and weasel a few extra bucks out of me that time, but he was the big loser in the end, since all that happened is that I cut the dance short and since by now he would have made a lot more from me on other occasions.


I have not been scammed at L'Adonis but I don't usually go to L'Adonis. Or, rather, I go but don't usually stay long enough to have a dance. I keep going in and hoping there will be some reason to stay, but I keep being disappointed and am back out the door in no time flat. So I can't say if it happens there as well.


But I have *never* had that happen at Taboo. The boys there seem to be amazingly honest, in addition to their other qualities. In fact, I once had the opposite situation happen there! I'm usually pretty sure how many dances went by, but I always ask the dancer "how many?" rather than just pay him what I have counted, and I go by his count unless it is outrageously high (which hasn't happened to me, even at Campus or Stock). There was only one time I can remember when the dancer's count was different from mine at Taboo, and on that occasion he counted one *fewer* than I did (!). I paid him on my count anyway, with what looked like a larger tip, and I don't know which one of us was right.

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yes, it happens as well - the guys taking off their clothes after two dances :) well, you did right thing - just stopped it:)

What i cannot understand - WHY they doing it??? isn't it obvious that they are loosing clients? Well, some will invite the guy whe ripped them again - but not me, and i'm pretty sure that 90% of guys here agree with me. Let US decide what tip will we give to you, and you'll not be dissapionted!!!;-) just give me what i want.

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I don't think I have ever been ripped off because, like Oz, I periodically mention to the dancer my song count (not on every one like Oz, but every couple or so). Since they want me to keep them back there, they don't argue at that point, as they might if you tried to give them a total at the end.


However, I NEVER do this at Taboo. There is absolutely no need to. The boys there are completely honest... and have never ever given me any reason to doubt their honesty. I have even had some say things like... "I lost count. Just give me whatever you want." lol


That is why I have been smiling every minute since December 8!

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If doing several dances I will always ask "How many was that" after 2 dances. Then I will ask again every few dances. I have had guys to loose count and leave it up to me, but these have been when I've had long dances and we get carried away.:+


I learned very quick on first trip to Montreal a few years ago, that some guys miscount. I still avoid several Campus guys that miscounted on me 2 years ago.

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As usual, my feelings are similar to those of KY TOP. Although Sean is very attractive and great sex, I won't go for dances with him again, but I certainly will repeat long sessions with both Mickey and Ricardo if they are there. I loved the experiences with Sean but have grown resentful of his assumption that I could be scammed. Obviously I could be, but as another poster pointed out, he has lost substantial repeat business.

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I've worked for years in restaurants and have been aware for a long time that Canadians are renowned for being very bad tippers - never more than 10%, and then with big smiles like they think they're doing a remarkable thing! So, maybe the miscounting is a survival mechanism for the guys up there to compensate for bad tippers? Just a thought.

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What you've posted matches what Ricardo said. As he thought I had miscounted twenties, he handed some back. When I assured him that they were intended for him, he replied, "We don't get many tips." Yes, surprised was this old man, who found Ricardo absolutely amazing.

Nevertheless, I will not hire Sean for lap dances again, although I would have paid more than he earned in Stock for an hour back in my hotel room.

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