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Last evening, while at Stella's, I heard that a new club would be opening on 41st & 9th, or somewhere in that area. Has anyone heard about this? It's supposed to be called "Hombre" or "Los Hombres" or something like that. Sounds like hot Latin dick in abundance. If you know aomething, spill the beans!


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There is a bar on 41st Street off of Ninth Avenue that used to be, I am told, a hustler bar with Latin guys. I tried to go there once, around 1998, but it just looked a little too sleazy so I didn't go in. The bar is still there, clearly catering to a straight crowd now.

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The new club opened Friday night. It is being run my "La Bomba" formerly of Cats and the Olimpic Lounge and John LaFleur who is a former drag entertainer that used to have his own club and also managed the shows at Stella's when it first opened. There's no sign on it now or lights outside, just a small window in the door that you can look into and see it's opened. I got there rather late Saturday night after the show was already finished, so I can't really comment on it. I did see several fine looking young hispanic men, part of La Bomba's usual entourage plus a couple new faces. If you like young hispanic men you won't be disappointed. La Bomba has a talent for bringing them in. The bar is the old Hombre space with a new addition: a showroom in back. It looked nice and clean, newly painted and decorated and, I think, a welcome new addition to this city. It's nice to see a new club open rather than another one being shut down. I encourage everyone to support them and celebrate another adult entertainment venue in the "Big Apple" For those of you who were never at the old Hombres, it's just off 9th Ave. on 41st street, accross the street from the Port Authority, the first door on the north side of the street walking from 9th ave.

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I don't know the hours of this new club, but when I walked by on Monday it was closed... The number above the door is 355 and, written in lipstick on the window, is the name "La Fleur's, featuring La Bom Ba". There's a sign above that reads "Tobacco Road". It's at the corner of 9th and 41st walking towards 8th. If anyone should find out the hours, please post.

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I guess it's going to take some time to catch on. It just opened this last Friday, so I guess we should be a little patient. I expect the weekends will be best. I don't think it will ever be a serious threat to either Stella's or the Gaiety; it will be more in the line of Cats - a low-key, off the beaten path place for guys who like kind of "regular" neighborhood newyorican and dominican guys - not the "larger than life" showguys of the Gaiety and Stellas.

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I'm thrilled to hear about this new club. I've heard stories about Cats and can only hope this place turns out to be just as exciting. Please come by and encourage your fellow Hoo-ees to have a drink and plop down a few tips. I know a number of dancers from Stella's will be dancing at this new place. I thought they would only have shows on weekends...if week nights are also active, I'm there!


Getting hungry already :9

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  • 2 weeks later...



La Fleur has announced that it will have an all-night grand opening party on New Year's Eve.

Now if we could just get a report on what theplace is like...

Each tme I have been by there were no customers of notice, so I did not go in. I'm shy, you know!

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>>I did not go in. I'm shy, you know!




You gotta "suck it up" and just walk right on in as if you were a regular there! Do it for us fans of the former "Cats". I was hoping that when I get back to NYC next, this place would be up and running and well reviewed here. Just keep telling yourself that you're doing it for a good cause. :D

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<<Each tme I have been by there were no customers of notice, so I did not go in. I'm shy, you know!>>


i'm happy to report, before going to bed, for my much needed rest, that my first evening this w/e in nyc has been a success. in addition to seeing dominic and tj,(not to mention the other mostly beautiful 10 dancers at the gaiety, i accompanied cooper and a friend of his to stellas. there i was lucky enough to get introduced to the famous "lucky", well known on these boards. you know, that shy guy! together with cooper we were able to coax him to the new bar he had been afraid to try; a good time was had by all, since, fortunately, we didn't stay more than a half hour. not quite my cup of tea, but it could have potential with more customers and dancers. as it was, it was about 4 dancers in the back performing lapdances on about 6 customers laps at our tables, for one dollar (or whatever amount) tips. fun for a few minutes, but all i could think of was them being reverse atm's; with me putting money in instead of taking out. there was supposed to be dances on stage also, but we didn't see much of that; think one or two dancers might have gotten up on stage but didn't seem to dance very long. people were friendly and welcomed us. if you like the latino type, this place might be right up your alley (no pun intended). i must say, cooper seemed to get quite the thrill from a couple of those guys riding his leg. :+

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Cooper did seem to be enjoying himself...

Once you are finished having the "lap" dances, there is nothing else to do or see at this bar. So shy is right, they need more dancers and more customers. The dancers they have are muscular guys along the lines of the dancers seen at the bar Cats, now closed thanks to Rudy.

I saw an ad in the rags for yet another new bar at 40th and Ninth Avenue called Dorothy's. They seem to be going for the theater folks as SAG and Equity cards were welcomed and brought discounts.

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Mr. Lucky and Mr. Shy, Why was I the only one enjoying myself? :)


The bar, Le Fleur, will have it's grand opening on New Year's Eve. So, like any Broadway show in previews, it needs time to get it's act together. The bar opens at noon and closes at 3am. As Shy mentioned, the management is very friendly. When we entered, we were greeted not only by the manager, but 2 very hot looking Latino dancers. One was wearing a towel, the other a thong. It didn't take long before we were shown the back stage area for some up close lap-dance entertainment... There is no cover charge, drinks range from $3.00-$7.00. Lap dancers are available from Thurs.-Sat.

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<<Mr. Lucky and Mr. Shy, Why was I the only one enjoying myself? >>


i don't know about lucky, but i was in a panic trying to think how i was going to stop the "revolving door" of dancers coming around sitting on my lap expecting tips. they must have seen the pained look on my face and mercifully stopped, probably thinking "there's only so much blood you can squeeze out of that turnip".

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When there are not many customers, the dancer returns repeatedly to the ones there are. This is true at Stella's as well. Unfortunately, once we have gotten up close and personal there is not much reason to do that repeatedly. But the dancer doesn't want to be seen just standing around, so he makes the rounds. If you tip every time, you could start to feel like a reverse ATM machine as shy describes.

Cooper is a very generous tipper and seems to really enjoy the dancers. Consequently, it appears that he may be having more fun. But didn't we already know that? Every week hundreds of guys live vicariously off of Cooper's fun at the Gaiety! And, he was the pied piper that led us to the new bar. So guys, give Cooper a tip, even if it is just your hat!:)

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>>Cooper is a very generous tipper and seems to really enjoy the



Having met Cooper at the Gaiety last month, I can say that not only is he a generous tipper, but he is also generous with his time, volenteering to meet with us Hoovillians from out of town to give us the "Grand Tour" of the Gaiety and Stellas!!

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"tipping my hat"


I can't say I've had the pleasure of meeting the "Fabulous Mr. C", but I can agree on him being very generous with his time. I often email him with questions about the dancers, he replies immediately with detailed information. He's a great asset to this board.

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Guest JohnPela



>Thanks for appreciating something I very much enjoy doing.


I have to second the appreciation and the advise and time provided by the "Fab Cooper" not only on this site but in person. Cooper is the undisputed official M4M Hooville ambassador to the Gaiety and Stellas for us out-of-state visitors to these NYC Mid-Town attractions.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Let me be another out-of-towner to sing the praises of the fab Mr. Cooper. As everyone before mentioned, he is a most excellent host, patient with new-comers to the Big Apple, and a very friendly guy. He is a great asset to Hoo-ville, and I hope to see him again on my next trip up north.



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La Fleur had four dancers last night, all hunky men of color. At one point three were on the stage and one in a patron's face. Otherwise all four were dancing up close and personal. Management says he expects up to 12 dancers for the gala New Year's Eve Grand Opening along with female impersonators.

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DT, thanks for the kind words. I look forward to seeing you on your next NYC experience.


Last night, Lucky, his partner, Foxy, and I took another look at LeFleur. There were a few more patrons and the Latino lap dancers were eager to please. The music was loud and the light show was interesting... As for the stage show, Mr. Lucky is being very modest. He delighted the patrons by taking the stage and showing what a good sport he really is. I think this is a great place for Mr. Lucky to get his start before hitting the G arena.


LeFleur has a lot of potential. Hopefully, the word will get out and more guys will give it a shot.

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