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any Taboo updates/news?

Guest TwinkLoverr
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Guest TwinkLoverr

Just wondering about any recent updates regarding Taboo. I seem to remember talk of a re-opening the first week of December?? Anyone know if that is the case still?


Also, am I correct that Pierre and Damien of Taboo are at Campus afternoons now? They are certainly my favorites! I'm sure Marc Anthony can jump in on this thread! lol... Twink lovers unite! ;)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>Just wondering about any recent updates regarding Taboo. I

>seem to remember talk of a re-opening the first week of

>December?? Anyone know if that is the case still?


>Also, am I correct that Pierre and Damien of Taboo are at

>Campus afternoons now? They are certainly my favorites! I'm

>sure Marc Anthony can jump in on this thread! lol... Twink

>lovers unite! ;)



As of the first of Nov. Pierre was working at Campus afternoons and Damien was at Adonis weekend nights with his BF Roberto. However, I hear from Marc and others that those two are in the current issue of Fugues as Taboo poster boys so I expect they will be back at taboo when it opens. BTW Pierre-Luc tells me that the opening is set for Monday the 8th of Dec. He also says, second hand via Francis, that he renovations are complete and the club looks fantastic and quite different. We shall see soon enough. :)

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Pierre is at Campus afternoons and will probably stay there even when Taboo reopens. Damien and Roberto who dance a L'Adonis are planning to go back to Taboo, and as TY reports were the poster boys for the "New Taboo" in Fugues... so that seems a certainty. Per Damien, opening day is Monday, Dec. 8, which agrees with TY's info from Pierre-Luc.


It sounds like all systems are a go for the opening, but no one seems to know the actual verdict or outcome of the trial. I am the first to admit that I don't understand Canadian law, but I would think even there the judgement would have some impact on the status of the club!


The last I was there, I was told by the dancers that the trial was Nov. 26 which was yesterday... but as of today, none of them seem to know anything about it. Go figure.

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Good chatter. Things appear positive, although that 11/26 would seem to be important. I've got my fingers crossed and, really, am anxious and looking forward to seeing the new layout.


Thanks, everybody, for keeping Taboo fans current. In fact, I get a little hard just thinking about the place again. :)

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Guest TwinkLoverr

Wouldn't ya know it?!?! It seems Taboo is destined for re-opening on Dec 8 th. And when is my last day in Montreal of that weekend?? Dec 8th! gggggrrrr!! x( Timing is everything.... *sighs*


Well it looks like I will have to find my share of twinks at Campus and Stock during the weekend. I have never been a real fan of Adonis, but perhaps it is much better now with the likes of Damien there.


Is there still a lot of flip-flopping going on up there with regards the the private rooms. i.e., doors or no doors? etc etc... It seems to me they change their minds as much as the wind changes direction.


I think theres a couple of M4M'rs up there this weekend. I hope we get full reports!!!

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>Wouldn't ya know it?!?! It seems Taboo is destined for

>re-opening on Dec 8 th. And when is my last day in Montreal

>of that weekend?? Dec 8th! gggggrrrr!! x( Timing is

>everything.... *sighs*


>Well it looks like I will have to find my share of twinks at

>Campus and Stock during the weekend. I have never been a real

>fan of Adonis, but perhaps it is much better now with the

>likes of Damien there.



Twink Loverr... may I once again suggest that you find a way to extend your trip! Just heard from the very cute couple (Damien and Roberto), and apparently they are both taking next week OFF completely from work at Adonis to get ready for the big re-opening of Taboo on Dec. 8.


Now we all know that twinks are known to be fickle, and they still may be at Adonis while you are there, but the current plan as of today 11/29/03 is that they will NOT be!

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>Wouldn't ya know it?!?! It seems Taboo is destined for

>re-opening on Dec 8 th. And when is my last day in Montreal

>of that weekend?? Dec 8th! gggggrrrr!! x( Timing is

>everything.... *sighs*


>Well it looks like I will have to find my share of twinks at

>Campus and Stock during the weekend. I have never been a real

>fan of Adonis, but perhaps it is much better now with the

>likes of Damien there.



Twink Loverr... may I once again suggest that you find a way to extend your trip! Just heard from the very cute couple (Damien and Roberto), and apparently they are both taking next week OFF completely from work at Adonis to get ready for the big re-opening of Taboo on Dec. 8.


Now we all know that twinks are known to be fickle, and they still may be at Adonis while you are there, but the current plan as of today 11/29/03 is that they will NOT be!

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Guest TwinkLoverr

Marc your suggestion to extend my trip is well taken, but unfortunately I cannot. This darned job of mine always interferes with my "fun" - but how else can I fund my adventures?! hehe Although of course missing out on Taboo's grand re-opening is just another of MANY excuses to make a speedy return to Montreal! :)


And to BGP and the others that are up there, let's here how the weekend is going! :) Are you putting your aforementioned "big mouth" to good use?! hehe

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On Thursday of this past week, management from Taboo called former dancers and invited them to come to Taboo on Dec. 6 for a reception to see the renovations, experience the space, see the new back room, and discuss the new regulations and policies. Some of the dancers have already seen part of the renovations: the stage has been reduced in size, the dj's booth moved, the carpet removed from the floor for tiles, the partitions installed in the back room as well as a central partition, so that you will no longer be looking at everybody at the same time. It will reopen to the public, as others have said, on December 8 ( a religius holiday whose significance should not be lost here ). There will even be a new sign outside. As for the legal situtation, when they met with the judge on the 26th (it's a she), she was angry with the prosecution saying they did not have sufficient evidence for a case. She gave them one more chance, a date in February, or she will dismiss the case. The feeling is that unless the prosecution can come up with a number of specific legal infractions, which they probably cannot, the case will finally be dismissed. But this is not certain, and the bar and boys meanwhile are still dangling in the wind with the legal situation.


Campus in the afternoons is great; Stock is still trying, but they still have not developed any audience for afternoons. Campus' booths are superb. The four behind the pool table are absolutely the best. What you can do depends on what you discuss with the dancer. I had great fun with many dancers and all in the $10/dance category. A few of the dancers try to force you into the $20 minimum, but don't buy unless you wish. On the other hand, if you want something special from a particularly delicious dancer, that's the way to do it. Special recommendation for Tyler and Dave.


The booths at Adonis are not bad; you see only the booth across from you, and nobody can really see what is going on in your booth, especially if you are at the end, toward the back. Last Friday a new twink auditioned and was hired at Adonis, and he is the cutest they have - Simon, blond, just over 18, beautiful creamy body nicely developed, great smile, but so many are falling over him he is developing an attitude quickly. The new dj is Steven, dancer from Taboo.


Yes, Pierre and Sylvester have said they now enjoy Campus and will be staying there; almost everyone else from Taboo said they were going back. There were many of the dancers from Taboo at Campus in the afternoon and others at Stock in the evening. Even Antoine ! formerly of Taboo and more recently busboy at Stock, danced Sunday night in his quirky but sexy fashion. He now has some facial hair and a treasure trail, but otherwise he is as purely and smoothly twink as you can get.

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Thanks for the update on the legal situation, Karl. The dancers that I know had told me that they didn't need to go to the hearing on Nov. 26, and that sounded very funny to me. But now it all makes sense. The prosecution really should just drop the case... but life can't be that easy now, can it?

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I find it encouraging that the judge in the case is female. She is more than likely to be socially progressive in her views. (I say this in the context of Quebec society, this would not necessarily be the case in other Canadian provinces.) While the legalities will of course have to be respected, on balance, having such a judge on what is basically a morals case is helpful for the defence.

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>Thanks for the update on the legal situation, Karl. The

>dancers that I know had told me that they didn't need to go to

>the hearing on Nov. 26, and that sounded very funny to me.

>But now it all makes sense. The prosecution really should

>just drop the case... but life can't be that easy now, can




If I'm not misremembering, Nov 26 was the date for the continuance of the club trial, not the dancers' trial. So the dancers wouldn't have had to go to that (and might even have been advised not to go).


But also, as I said in another place, a dancer told me that he does not have to appear in court again and his lawyer will handle it for him. That's strange from the point of view of the US justice system, since the defendant would not be appearing in person, but apparently in at least some kinds of cases it can be done in the Quebec system.

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>If I'm not misremembering, Nov 26 was the date for the

>continuance of the club trial, not the dancers' trial. So the

>dancers wouldn't have had to go to that (and might even have

>been advised not to go).


>But also, as I said in another place, a dancer told me that he

>does not have to appear in court again and his lawyer will

>handle it for him. That's strange from the point of view of

>the US justice system, since the defendant would not be

>appearing in person, but apparently in at least some kinds of

>cases it can be done in the Quebec system.


Hey YFSC! Glad to see you could make it back to Montreal. Yes, Nov. 26 was the continuance of the club trial, but several of the dancers told me that at the dancers preliminary hearing, the judge continued all of their cases because not all of them had lawyers. She also instructed them to all appear on Nov. 26, stating that both hearings would be held together. That made no sense to me since if the club is found not guilty, not sure how the dancers could be found guilty of being in there!


Anyway... much of what has happened with this case has puzzled me from the perspective of the American justice system... but who knows? Maybe they have a better system. If Taboo is found not guilty, the dancers allowed to dance, and business is back as it was in the glory days of Taboo, then I say the Canadian justice system beats ours anyday! LOL



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Guest Tampa Yankee

>I will be in Montreal December 12th through the 14th. I sure

>hope its open by then.


>Anyone going the be visting besides myself?


I'll be in Montreal that weekend. :)

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Guest Stu1977



Thanks for the fantastic update! I've visited Montreal many times (from England) over the past year or so and have come to know some of the dancers well. I was actually arrested in the backroom at Taboo back on 9 May too - which was an unforgettable experience! I was last there during Pride at the beginning of August.


Is the new DJ at l'Adonis Steeve/Steeven, the Germanic looking (and sounding) ex-Taboo dancer - short blonde hair and blue eyes? The Steeve I'm referring to has a star-burst tattoo on his upper back, a Chinese symbol (lucky) on his neck, mushrooms on his chest and a girl sucking a carrot(?!) on his arm. Steeve isn't actually German incidentally.


Steeve is one of my favourite ex-Taboo dancers - along with Criss (now at Stock) - so I'd really love to know. Strange, though that he'd choose to DJ rather than dance (unless he's doing both) as he's a great dancer and is very popular with customers (and earns a good living).





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Guest Stu1977

As an afterthought - another of my favourite ex-Taboo dancers is Joey (Dakota on Montreal Boys Live). I know that he worked briefly at Bleu and then moved to l'Adonis. He no longer seems to appear on Montreal Boys Live(?).


Anyone seen anything of Joey recently? Joey has short, dark hair is quite short (in stature) and has a large tattoo of a native American on his back. He's a bit of a hip-hop kid too and dances (on stage) brilliantly.

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Yes, that is the Steven. He djs, I believe, three times a week at Adonis, and currently dances four nights a week at Stock, although he will return to Taboo when it reopens, continuing his part-time dj activities at Adonis.


I did not see Joey dance anyplace, but he was in Stock for a while one night, baseball cap ajar on his head as usual. I don't know if he was hustling or just looking around. I asked other people around me, but no one knew if he was a regular dancer any more or not. Did you see him on Montreal Boys the night he came 7 times in two hours in response to a challenge from a viewer, who rewarded him well? Impressive, although he told me he was somewhat sore for several days afterwards and couldn't come.


Criss has been dancing at Stock, looks better than ever, although more mature than boyish now, and will return to Taboo.

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