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Stella's Stings?

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>Given the xenophobia of the current administration under the

>Homeland Security Act, perhaps they're looking for illegal

>aliens? From some of the comments posted here, I understand

>that the Brazilian boys are often packing wmds.


Didn't you mean "Weapons of ASS Destruction"?


Yours in clarity...



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I was at Stella's last night and asked bartenders, dancers/hustlers, and a few regular patrons if they heard anything about a "FBI Sting" at Stella's. No one did and questioned where I heard this from. Since Big Guy is keeping quiet about his source, I too question his source of information.


About 2 months ago, Big Guy had posted that a popular Gaiety dancer was "booed" and called a "whore" while on stage. This also turned out to be untrue... Hey Big, does "melicious gossip" ring a bell?


I'm debating right now as to whether or not I should delete this entire thread. It doesn't live up to the "honesty in reporting" goal of M4M.

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Cooper,I have nothing to gain or lose with the items I post regarding the NYC scene.

The Gaity scenerio was related to me by two guys who were in the audience when it happned.I have no reason to doubt the veracity of their reports.

The Stellas incident came to me via a long time customer of this bar-via a long(can you say ancient)time employee of this establishment.This was further backed up by a posting on Datalounge(that in itself would not be reason for posting this-but since it was in conjunction with the long time customers report-it gained some credence)

I enjoy your post regarding the NY scene(although I have nothing but distain for the Gaity-nothing personal,I just miss the old days.

If this post is deleted,then you are no longer acting as moderator-but censor.As these post were posed as questions-seeking further evidence of these events happening,and seeking the reasons,if they did happen,why.I hope you will use your good judgement.

And my email link is active-you should have sent me a query rather than accuse me publicly of posting malicious gossip.

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BIG, You had all week to respond to questions from members regarding your story. Why did it take my suspicions to get your attention?


First off, doesn't it sound strange that the FBI would be doing a "sting" at Stella's? Why the FBI? I could understand NYC police if City/State laws were being broken, or the INS if it were an immigration problem, but the FBI?


Second, stories like this don't get buried in NYC. FBI stings draw a lot of attention, the news media would have been all over this story and workers/patrons at Stella's would be talking about it... Recently, an obscure strip club in NY was raided by local police and it was covered on TV, radio news, and in the newspapers. It was also factually reported on this message board with links to the newspapers that covered it.


Third, I checked out this story and couldn't find one person who could collaborate your allegations. I'm at Stella's at least 3x's a week and the place is still open for business... FBI stings close down establishments and remove contents for investigations. Nothing like that has happened.


So, until proven wrong, I'm sticking with calling this story and the one on the Gaiety dancer as "melicious gossip".


Deleting your thread won't be censorship, it would be avoiding a slander suit. Think of how you would feel if you owned Stella's and saw the title of your thread.


Btw, my inbox also works. Pehaps you should have used it after reading reply #1.

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Cooper,I am sure the fellas,both the dancers and the patrons,of the Taboo in Montreal would have appriciated a "heads up"before the big bust came down.There were citations-police walk-thru's etc..but little if anything about these was posted here.So just because you don't always hear about theese thing before it's too late does not mean they don't happen.

You and I both know why the F.B.I.might be interested in the goings on of many a gay bar in NYC-some things don't change over the decades.

If the fed's tail a patron after observing his actions at stellas-and then question/harrass him Isn't it possible that it might not make the nightly news.

And I know the source of the reports regarding the big blonde at the gaity very well-and belive their reports to be beyond reproach.

So none of the guys at the Gaity are ever heckled?No disgruntled ripped off john has piped up during a less than honest "performer"s "dance"number.Nothing but real Gentleman in the place right?No dancer has given less than a stellar performance,or got fed up by the lack of tips or the negative pervy energy from the audience?

Well if that is all true it is unlike any strip club/theatre I have ever been in.

If anything should happen at either the G or stella's I am sure you will give us the full unbiased report-and we thank you for that.

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I have never heard anybody heckled at the Gaiety and found your post about that difficult to believe.

Furthermore, if there were FBI action going on at Stella's of sufficient magnitude that you have heard it at the Spotlight, don't you think that some word of it would have been heard here? And just what are the guys at Stella's expected to do about your "heads up?" It is based on second or third hand information.

As much as I don't think a moderator should censor a post, second-hand information that cannot be verified is really just gossip. If there is malice to it, then it should be deleted. (BTW, it is spelled malicious. not melicious)

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<<I enjoy your post regarding the NY scene(although I have nothing but distain for the Gaity-nothing personal,I just miss the old days.



the use of the word "distain" used in the sentence including the phrase "i just miss the old days" made me look up the meaning of disdain in the dictionary. quote from webster's new collegiate dictionary: a feeling of contempt for what is beneath one. seems like an odd sentiment to express when, based on what i have ever read about the "old days", things were quite sleasy compared to now. in addition, in the last few days i have been perusing the "street hustlers forum", and some of your postings there make your expressed feeling about the gaiety seem strange. perhaps just a poor choice of word on your part; but wondered if you'd care to clarify your like or dislike of the gaiety. nothing personal, just curious.

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BIG: First off, I have never heard any Gaiety dancer, while on stage, being called a "whore" or being "booed", especially the one who you mentioned. Also, when you 1st brought up this topic, I checked it out the next day and posted my findings. I spoke with the security guard, the dj, and other dancers. No one heard anything. So, your "reliable sources" don't have much credibility with me.


Now, you bring up the topic of "FBI stings at Stella's", other than you, no one has heard of any. You claim that some old time reliable insider at the bar gave you this information, but, the "FBI sting" hasn't happened yet??? In other words, you're giving us a "heads up warning" of a sting operation that might happen in the near future, and, you relate it to "the raid on Taboo in Canada"... Oh, that's really believable.


Btw BIG, if there were a "sting"/"raid" at Stella's or the Gaiety, I'd be the first to post it. Just read my thread on Adam's Wood being raided. So, your implication that I'd keep quiet on this topic is ridiculous, just like this thread.


Finally, if the rules of the message center are being followed, then there is no need to delete a thread. There is already an "alert" to the moderators of this Forum regarding this topic.


BIG, you can keep this charade going, but as for me, I'm heading out to enjoy the holidays. Hope you can do the same.

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I agree with Lucky - these forums should not be about gossip. If someone knows hard facts about a club, bar or escort they should post, but gossip here causes damage to many people - the club owner, the 'working' guys and the patrons who now feel anxiety about going to these places.

If something like Big Guy mentioned actually happened then many of us would have heard about it either from the employees at the clubs, other patrons or in the news. The news outlets love these stories. When the club on LI was busted a few weeks ago it was on the radio and in the first few pages of the Post the next day. They would especially love to report a bust in the Disney-fied Times Square area, that would make for some good reading.

So, before anyone wants to post a rumor on these boards they should first think about the implecations for all involved, there is more at stake than making a funny joke.

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"Furthermore, if there were FBI action going on at Stella's of sufficient magnitude that you have heard it at the Spotlight, don't you think that some word of it would have been heard here? "

Lucky,I am sure you have friends/aquaintinces on the west coast,as I have friends and aquaintinces on the east coast.

And we both have friends who travel between the coasts.

Shy,perhaps disinterested would have been a better choice of word than disdain,or perhaps not.

And so that you can see that I am not the only person posting about this please go over to datalounge,go to gossip,search under stellas.You will have to take me at my word that I did not start that post.I always post there under the same handle as I post here.

I apologize if my post stepped on any toes.I was posting it(and the post about the revered big blond)as an actual querie.Not looking to stir up the pot.

It is nice to see so many posters come to the defense of such venerable institutions as the Gaity and Stellas.They are few and far between-dying breeds,and I am thankful that they are still around.

Now!Let us please call it a truce,thank you in advance

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