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Guest JohnPela

RE: Weekend Lineup


>>No need to go to Montreal this weekend, the Gaiety has some of

>Canada's finest...


Cooper, Thanksgiving night Hugo was my favorite but Friday night Louie definitely took first place in my standings. He is easy to talk to in the lounge (even for shy guys like me). Also Louie is a real cutie with some muscular definition and the fact that he is gay and his privates are very interactive just add to the twink appeal.


I even rushed back to the Gaiety for second time (after Stellas and a separate research project) just in time for midnight finale by the dancers. I was hoping to get together with Louie but his #6 place would make it a very tight schedule. Oh well, maybe next time.



>12. Marlone: always a real treat. Good stage show, and he

>still amazes the patrons with his self-sucking move.

Yes, Friday night Marlone was back in form and putting on a good show.

>Next week's featured dancer is: JASON ADONIS :9


>Spotted at the G were 2 popular Gaiety contributors, Valley

>Dweller North and John Pela. It was great comparing notes with



Cooper it was good seeing you and VDN again this weekend. I have to admit you had more energy in that theatre then any three dancers combined. You moved like a flash rotating from your seat to the right wall near stage and then to the lounge to talk with the dancers and back again. One time during 9pm finale I got in between you and the stage when you were giving a nice tip to a dancer and I almost got trampled by you. I'll be more carefull next time ! :-)

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RE: Weekend Lineup


First off, Marco, Welcome to the message center. I'm looking forward to hearing your take on the show. Happy to have a muscle lover on board.


Mr. Pela, always a pleasure seeing you at the G, however, where was Ben? He's usually your incentive for coming to NYC... Happy you had a good time.


Change in plans:

Raphael will only be in for the weekend. He said he'll be back in January.

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Rumors for Week 12/1

Jason Adonis


Michael (from Brooklyn)


John (not sure this one is reliable rumor)



I do not believe Raphael will be working 10 days this time around, just a hunch.


Week of 12/8, TJ and Dominic return

Week of 12/15, Tod Parker, Tommy


NYO favorites this week: Danny, Louis, Jared

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RE: Weekend Lineup


Sorry I had not contacted Mr.C and the other NY guys during my Gaiety visit this last week. I caught Wed first two shows and was really impressed with Danny, Louie & Hugo. Since I did not have M4M board access I had to email Jackhammer to see if there was any negative feedback on these guys. Feedback was fine but privates were expensive since Danny had a menu with the $200 -$300 range. My time was very limited so didn`t have time to negotiate however he is a real hottie and the others were equally fine and friendly in the lounge. Giovanni was also in a negotiating frame of mind but he was a little too muscular for my taste. All of the guys in the lounge were very friendly so first timers like myself should have no fear in approaching them or vice versa.

I think I`ll be back in NY on 12/18 so will check it out again.

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NY Observer:


Someone pointed you out to me last night at the Gaiety Theatre. I wanted to go over and say hello. I am a bit shy, and you seemed preoccupied in conversation with others both in the lounge and theatre. Perhaps next time I will have the courage. You seemed like a really nice and friendly person.

Btw, the two guys sitting in front of you last night at the theatre who seemed to be having a fun time entertaining themselves (and those sitting around them). Do you recall them? Are those two the people who I was told they are? One being the

(in)famous owner of numerous gay websites and the other being the internationally acclaimed film and TV star who is adored by the gay community?



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VDN in the City


First, a reflection and then some rambling.


Happy Holidays! Every time I visit the city I feel like Sarah Jessica Parker in that I am compelled to write about it. After reading the posts already here I decided I wasn’t going to. Then I changed my mind. I change my mind as often as I change my underpants. That’s usually 3 to 4 times a day (I live an exciting life). On a serious note, and I know it has been said many times and many ways, this board has evolved into a real on-line community. It reminds me of the carefree days of Prodigy Classic (anyone here remember Prodigy?). This current thread is the most insightful and wonderful collage of thoughts, helpful information and great FYIs.


First of all, we all benefit from Cooper’s investigative reporting. I forgot how “probing” he could be. At Stella’s on Saturday night I thought I was in the presence of the lovechild of Barbra Walters and Geraldo Rivera. He really knows how to “drill” someone and get the scoop. He does this, first and foremost, for all of us and we benefit. And this also gave me an excuse to use drill and probing in a printed thought and not have it refer to my Thanksgiving.


Secondly, though there is no longer the Monday morning wrap-up it is great to have NYO’s information still coming to us. NYO has great scoops and observations as well and it truly enhances the board for all readers, both new to the board and veteran.


Foxy and Arik - GREAT GREAT GREAT pic links! Thank you so much! They added so much to the thread …. AND my hard drive.


Now … for the rambling. I came into city on the rainy, boggy Friday on the 1:50PM train from my valley up north. There was such a buzz in the train. People were ready to shop and shop. I was prepared for the crowd BUT DAMN - it was really crowded. Technically, I think I had two privates on the street! It was sad to see, in front of the Virgin Mega Store, two parents, EACH with a stroller and a child, ARGUING about who hit who! This is NOT what Jesus had in mind for the holiday season. Speaking of the savior, do you feel he needs a makeover? In this day and age of makeovers go to http://www.jesusdressup.com/index.html and see if you can make an improvement (though he does have killers abs already).


The Gaiety Friday 6:15 show was great! I will keep my thoughts short as it has all been said here before.


Hugo - yummy


Jared - if eating Subway Sandwiches really does that then count me in!


Felipe - he looked good but he also looked bored - he also slapped his member and something wet hit me


Danny - Boy Scouts now earn a badge for dancing nude?


Giovanni - he has a big body and lots of hair - he looks like those men on the covers of the sex novels women read


Louie - wow wow wow - oh me oh my - he is now my number 2 all time G fav EVER


Eduardo - he is a real REAR Admiral - he came out in a naval costume - A+ for effort


Danick - yawn


Raphael - there are SO MANY things I can say but I won’t - I want to show people I can control myself - I just hope he feels better


Alex - I still can’t place what celebrity he looks like - he looks so familiar and I don’t know why


Ray - yawn


Marlone - no Harry Potter capes, Liberace hats or Cher boots - just nice, casual beach ware and, of course, AUTO FELLATIO


The lounge was fun and it was great to see so many G friends. Stella’s was a hoot. It was fun to hang with some board members. We had a lively debate on the word “hooker”, discussed Jehovah’s Witnesses who “work” at Stella’s and learned a new handshake that made me feel creepy. I was also felt-up by a drunk man in the bathroom.




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RE: VDN in the City


VDN: Your "tell all" reports on VDN's adventures in NYC always puts a smile on my face. You are such a gifted and talented writer.


I was so pleased to find you at the G Friday night and grateful to see that you've shared your night with all. You really know how to make the Gaiety and Stella's sound like fun places.


I hope you'll be back to the City to celebrate the holidays and, of course, share your moments with the group!


Btw, Dannick a "yawn"! I'd give him a pleasureable groan.:9

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RE: VDN in the City


Mr. Cooper,


>I was so pleased to find you at the G Friday night and

>grateful to see that you've shared your night with all. You


I was pleased just to find a seat as I expected full capacity. It was actually fun sitting next to my Nemesis. After all, he does have a lovely pocketbook.


>really know how to make the Gaiety and Stella's sound like fun



They are ... regardless of what the FBI says.


>Btw, Dannick a "yawn"! I'd give him a pleasureable groan.:9


He would give you more than a pleasurable groan. He would rupture your anus and cause bleeding. There is a very large tree missing from the Canadian National Forest and he has it.



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You should have said hello. I like to chat with others about the show. Don't be so shy next time.


As for the celebs, yes, they were causing quite the commotion. I think people were paying as much attention to them as they were to some of the dancers.


Were you the hottie who I kept looking at? (I am hoping not, as I'd be really upset you didn't say hi)


Anyhow, hope you enjoyed the show.


Thanks for the kind words VDN, sorry I missed you on Friday.

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I hope you "twink lovers" had your fun with Huey, Douie, and Louie. I think those high school kids had to return to Canada and go back to school.


If Monday's lineup is correct, my favorite Jesse is scheduled. He's the dancer I compare all others to. The guy got just enough muscles so he doesn't look like over kill. His face is gorgeous and he's all man.


I can't wait to see him. :+

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RE: VDN in the City


<<Secondly, though there is no longer the Monday morning wrap-up it is great to have NYO’s information still coming to us. NYO has great scoops and observations as well and it truly enhances the board for all readers, both new to the board and veteran.>>


not to mention his great memory. he is a great archivist for gaiety dancers; in addition to being a very friendly, helpful person.



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RE: Weekend Lineup


>Alex? whom do you mean - this one?


>I don't remember any tall blond Alex from Campus actually, but

>from the other side i cannot tell that I'm visiting Campus


>as for Guillaume - is he this one?



No, that's a different Alex.


And that's not Danny. He used the name Guillaume when he was dancing at Taboo but he dances under the name Danny at Le Stock, like at the Gaiety. He probably had to change it because there is another dancer at Stock named Guillaume (the one whose picture you linked to above).

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