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Montreal Strip Clubs... tidbits of info

marc anthony
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So it's been a while (3 months) since I have been back. Thanks to all of the regulars and locals, I have kept up with most of the ongoings by reading this board.


In no particular order, here are impressions and/or pieces of information that I got from last night... my first night back.


1) Damien is getting cuter with age.

2) Met firecat last night. Great guy.

3) Jordan (ex-Taboo dancer) met up with us. He is gorgeous. A sorry day for dancing when he retired.

4) It is still way fun to travel Montreal with Tampa Yankee.

5) The door/curtain issue is still unresolved. Campus took the doors down, and only charges $10 dances. L'Adonis and Stock still have curtains, but I only got charged $10/dance for all my dances there. But I do know someone who paid $20, and got what he wanted. (I had WAY fun too, btw).

6) Jared of Toronto (the boy I brought with me) is SPECTACULAR as a travelling companion.

7) The Taboo trial has been continued until 11/26. All the dancers need to fight the charge and not plea bargain (per one dancer) as it is being held in criminal court. A guilty plea or verdict would affect border crossing for all of them for 5 years.

8) I miss Taboo a lot, but even without it (temporarily I hope), there is still no better place in the world for strip clubs, if you like that scene.

9) Met two local escorts last night who advertise in Fugues (Louis and Hugo). They are VERY hot!!!!! Didn't get a chance to hire as I have Jared with me, but they definitely go on my list.

10) They now have a no-smoking section in Le Club Sandwich. Though this is standard in the US, it was pretty traumatic for the Montreal Gay Village. Lots of confused looks and comments last night as people tried to figure out what was going on! LOL. Though I am a non-smoker and love non-smoking sections, I can't help but think that this move (in combination with all the other ongoings about doors, public touching, etc.) is a bad sign with regard to the influence of PC thinking (and no I do not mean internet) to the gay strip club scene in Montreal!


Oh well... I think 10 comments is enough for now. It is still a wonderful place, and off I go to enjoy it more!

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"Though I am a non-smoker and love non-smoking sections, I can't help but think that this move (in combination with all the other ongoings about doors, public touching, etc.) is a bad sign with regard to the influence of PC thinking "


God forbid we could go to see strippers without getting asphyxiated!:)

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Hi Oz,


Tampa saw Rene last night and I think you'll have to fight him next week to get an appointment(only kidding).


You'll love Louie and Hugo that he mentioned. Louie used to dance at Taboo.


We'll be trrying a new restaurant tonite in Old Montreal and then Rene will be spending the night with me and the boys will be off to Adonis and Stock.


Hope to see you next week.

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A few comments about some of the boys I saw today and tonight:


1) At L'Adonis... the cutest boy is Damien, IMHO. But does that surprise anyone that I think that?


2) The closing of Taboo has affected dancers at all clubs. Today Stock had a twink boy who really looked YOUNG. His name is Bobby, and he said he is 19... but I have to say he did not look like your prototype Stock dancer.


3) Saw two gorgeous boys at Stock... Jimmy who has always been my favorite there has grown his beautiful blond hair longer and looks fantastic and refreshed after a two month vacation. It was WAY fun to have him in the back. Also met Dylan, who has beautiful eyes, a very nice body, and an interactive back room.


4) Ex-taboo dancers Criss, Guillaume, Ghislaine, Diego, and Anthony were all at Stock. I took Criss in the back, and he is unbelievably awesome whether he is at Stock or Taboo.


5) Campus days had some cuties. Pierre from Taboo works there now, and he was lots of fun to be with. Also had lots of fun with Roberto, Frank, and Phil... all of whom were cute and interactive in the back. Frank and Phil are both brand new... but they are obviously fast learners!


6) Firecat introduced me to Renee... and he is indeed about as gorgeous as they come. I will leave it at that.


Once again, I can only say that Montreal never ceases to please and amaze!

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Guest Tampa Yankee

More tidbits in no particular order:


Halloween is big fun in Montreal if you are into people watching. Lots of hot guys in all kinds of dress and drag. Club Sandwiich was a feast for the eyes from 3AM until...


The bartender at stock was HOT HOT HOT !!! On Halloween night he was Mr. GQ in animal skins (tiny animal skins). }(


Jimmy/Stock is nice and HOT and a great dinner companion and he knows red wine too. Also fun in back when he gets to know you and has confidence that you will respect his limtis.


Overall, IMO the waiters (and that Tarzan bartender) are the class hotties at Stock.


Campus daytimes is the place to be. :7 ( Too bad daytime doesn't last all night. :( ) Followed by Stock then Adonis with Blu hovering on the south side of pathetic. We do get excellent treatment at Blu as we are nearly the only customers. Drinks were unblievable cheap one night this week after being unbelievabley expensive during Black and Blue. It seems they are running some 2 for 1 nights now. Had two ok back room dances there. Secret is to find someone that interests you but that is nearly impossible. However, Roberto of Campus days was moonlighting there last night but better to see him at Campus IMO. Campus nights is a nonstarter for me.


Vladimir/Campus is stll big fun and better than ever:9


Roberto/Campus is still a MAJOR hottie and here is a hint. TO maixmize your fun show him a Grant or Benjamin if you are so inclined and then negotiate. He has an insatiable desire for US $ and can be very agreeable.


Philiip/Campus twink hottie very nice guy, amazingly similar in appearance to Lucky who worked there last year.


More campus cuties to interview today and a few need follow-up interviews. ;)


Kevin, new to escorting advertising in Fuges. Hatian, 6'2", 175, 8 uc, very thick, NICE ass, very smooth torso and ass light fur on legs. Friendly with a nice attitude.Versatile top so to speak. If your type he is big fun, said he'd bottom but is really a top. Well maybe... he did go into orbit when penetrated. }( One of the more passionate guys I have encountered great kisser and oral and seemed in heaven with his rocket exhaust plugged. Give me more tops like this one. :D $100 CN

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Even more tidbits


Sometime Friday night, Adonis removed the curtains in the back room by order of the police. The old dances are definitely back at Adonis. On another note, after an excellent Black and Blue week with several hot guys and good club energy, Adonis has slid back into the doldrums of last year. Except for Damien and Roberto and maybe one other varying with the particular night, Adonis is once again a bore and a snore. Not recommended unless you are in desparate need of sleep or you are seeing the former Taboo guys.


Last info is that Stock still has the curtains up and a Stock dancer told me that Stock is taking the police to court over the curtains. Don't know how accurate this is but it is what I heard.


Campus has instituted a zero tolerance for back room infringements. Saturday one dancer was suspended for a couple of days for allowing inappropriate touching and another was either suspended or fired depending on whom one asked.


Restaurant Recommendation:


Restaurant le d'Youville

201 Place D'Youville (Old Montreal)



(across from Gibby's)


Really great and elegant food at very reasonable prices. Menu changes daily. Sort if a blend of American and French cuisine, to my taste. Tried twice with a group of friends that sampled across the menu. Thanks to Firecat for the recommendation.


Further thanks to Firecat for his hospitality and comraderie that added measurable to the fun of this trip.

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RE: Even more tidbits


Hey TY thanks for the info. I'm going back up to Montreal end of November so any info that would help me enjoy my trip }( is greatly apprciated. It was mentioned earlier that Hotboys was a good escort service up there, do you have any experience with them. Have Fun :-)

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RE: Even more tidbits


Thanks for the update TY, always want to know what is going on in one of my favorite cities. By the time I get back to Montreal they will have probably changed the rules again and hopefully have the Taboo issue resolved.


With no more $20 dances (except at Stock I assume with the curtains still up) what do the Dancers think about less money?

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Does anyone know why Campus took down the doors of the booths ? someone told me that on one of the ladies nites a women was raped in

one of the booths and that is why the police made them take down the

doors of the booths Does anyone know if this is the reason or Not?

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The reason for taking down the doors was discussed in another thread here. The poice relized that the doors then de facto were creating a "bawdy house" which is against Quebec law.


It is a very screwy situation.


And Jay, I can't believe that you would spread or even believe the studid rumor you just posted. Grow up.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

I heard the rape story too, second hand from a dancer. Also heard that they were caught screwing in the booth. I think Marc A. has some info on this.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Even more tidbits


> By the time I get back to

>Montreal they will have probably changed the rules again and

>hopefully have the Taboo issue resolved.



Word on the street ( taboo dancers :) ) is: 2 out of 3 that Dec 1 is reopening date with 1 out of three for Dec 7. ONe ofthe dancers said that Dec 1 was the date that Taboo manager Claude was still citing.


>With no more $20 dances (except at Stock I assume with the

>curtains still up) what do the Dancers think about less money?



Well... a few dancers at Campus were still trying to peddle $20 dances for 'touching', but this was before the two dancers got disciplined. Not sure how that will dampen the $20 rip off artists. I had some very good $10 dances, but again before the zero tolerance actions that were taken.


I also had one dancer tell me that he didn't make any more money with $20 dances. He made it faster on fewer dances but had fewer dances over all therefore a wash.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Even more tidbits


>Hey TY thanks for the info. I'm going back up to Montreal

>end of November so any info that would help me enjoy my trip

>}( is greatly apprciated.


My advice would be to wait until the first weekend that Taboo opens -- Dec 5-6 or a week later. If November is a hard date then Campus days and Stock nights.


>It was mentioned earlier that

>Hotboys was a good escort service up there, do you have any

>experience with them. Have Fun :-)


I believe but dont know absolutely for sure that Hot Boys is either another front for Agence Be Homme or a spin off. Michele who sets up appointments for Hot Boys, dealt with me at Be Homme last year and I recognize some of the same boys. Maybe Michele set up his own opearation. Either way I had a good time with Jeremy/Bel Homme and Rene at Hot boys. Jeremy is now listed with HOT Boys so you do the math. My experience with these agencies: hot boys well trained in how to act and how to please and great prices $100/150 CN w/wo penetration. If you use an agency just be clear about what you want. they have to know your preferences for types and activities to fill your order to your satisifaction. Dont be bashful, be frank. Michele is an adult in an adult business, not a mind reader.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Even more tidbits




>... and great prices $100/150 CN w/wo penetration.


should have read:


$100/150 CN wo/w penetration.

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Here, in again no specific order, are my finally thoughts about Montreal after a prolonged time there.


1) I really did miss Taboo. Hope it reopens on time, and with a similar character.


2) The situation with the police and the law is really in flux. Campus took down all the doors (as mentioned above) for whatever reason. I heard many different stories, but the most common one I heard (from many different sources) was that there was intercourse in a closed booth during ladies night (not a rape, per most dancers). Whatever the reason, Campus is paranoid. I was there the day some dancers were unceremoniously dismissed for the day and/or their jobs for inappropriate back room behavior. The offending actions were "hands on the ass" and "hands on the dick." Dancers fired for letting customers touch their dick and ass? Big pendulum swing from the days of do whatever you want behind a locked door for $20.


3) L'Adonis took down their curtains, and have a guy standing there watching. Because of the smallness of the area back there, it is really worse than the open room at Taboo was before. It was MUCH better when the curtains were up.


4) Phil and Frank, new dancers at Campus days, were way fun. I really like Phil, who is a sweet kid. And Frank has the smoothest skin I have felt in a while!


5) Jimmy of Stock took our group to dinner at a small Mexican Restaurant one night. He is actually a pretty good wine connoiseur. It was interesting to see this 19 yo kid who carries this jock bravado around the stage really try hard to make it a nice and elegant evening for all of us. I have new found respect for this cutie!


6) Besides Jimmy, my favorite dancer at Stock was Dylan. Gorgeous, with a good personality.


7) Club Blue was pretty bad. I have nothing really nice to say about it, so I will move on.


8) Halloween in Montreal is way fun because the fucking cute guys come out of the woodwork! Sitting at Le Club Sandwich on Halloween night was a treat I won't soon forget. The people there were absolutely gorgeous! Forgive me for staring, but I haven't stopped yet!


9) I agree with TY about the restaurant he recommended (great food and reasonable price) and also for his thanks to Firecat for being a fun host.


10) Hot Boys escort agency is nice. Highly recommend Rene. And I do mean HIGHLY.


11) Damien and Roberto are the class of L'Adonis... and for me on this trip, the class of the Montreal strip clubs.


12) Overall, this wasn't my most memorable trip to Montreal, but I still can't think of a place I would rather spend my time. Part of it is being there with good friends (whether it be guys from this board like Oz, or TY, or firecat or dancers who love to join you for things outside of the club scene)... but the other part is just the fun party atmosphere in a single area with highest concentration of the "fucking hot" gene. There is just beauty everywhere you look... be it clubs, the streets, the restaurants, and the bars. I'll be back!

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>4) Phil and Frank, new dancers at Campus days, were way fun.

>I really like Phil, who is a sweet kid. And Frank has the

>smoothest skin I have felt in a while!



I have to reinforce Marc's comments about Phil and Frank. Phil, I mentioned above is a real cutie twink worthy of a Mr. Taboo crown. Great face, great smile, great personality. And Frank is another nice very very smooth skinned twink. If you are into twinks, either of these guys is a gem.

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RE: Even more tidbits


>> ?



>Well... a few dancers at Campus were still trying to peddle

>$20 dances for 'touching', but this was before the two dancers

>got disciplined. Not sure how that will dampen the $20 rip

>off artists. I had some very good $10 dances, but again before

>the zero tolerance actions that were taken.



But are the guys at Campus still able to step out for an hour in the afternoon to make a quick trip to one's hotel if it is nearby?

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Thanks for the report Marc. It will be interesting to see how things go there in the next few months. It is unbelievable how fast things change there. I usually don't travel to Montreal during the winter, hopefully some of the regulars can keep us updated.

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>Thanks for the report Marc. It will be interesting to see how

>things go there in the next few months. It is unbelievable how

>fast things change there. I usually don't travel to Montreal

>during the winter, hopefully some of the regulars can keep us




Well, I won't be back there in the winter either...


But I did get email addresses of dancers from every club whom I consider the most reliable for info. So hopefully can stay informed. Also there are the great regulars on this board, and Tampa Yankee is making noises about going back there when Taboo reopens!


Between all of that, I think we will stay informed!

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