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Changes in Montreal Strip Clubs

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Honey, it's you who have it wrong. Police entering a licensed premises to arrest someone or check for infractions is not a raid. A raid is when they make mass arrests such as at Taboo, arresting everyone in sight. As I repeat, there has not been a RAID at a Montreal sauna for years. If you care to check it out with the gay organizations here in Montreal they will tell you. I am old enough to remember friends being arrested in the infamous Barracks raid in Toronto in the early eighties. Now that was a RAID. Over 200 arrested , doors of sauna cabins smashed with axes, paddy wagons hauling hundreds off to jail. now that was a RAID. Get your terminology straight, dear.

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Boys Boys settle down-geeeeez some folks get pushed to the edge so easily!

If I were in a Montreal Bath house doing a "scene"with a rentboy or four(as I have done in the past-in the shower area) and the police walked in on me on my knees being"used by the swim team"I would be VERY upset that the management did not alert the patrons of this visit.

On the other hand,the police in Montreal are MUCH cooler(and better looking)than the cops here in LA,so it might be hot if they wanted to join in also!OOOOOO-now there is a fantasy!

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You may have done your scene a la quatre in the shower area of a Montreal sauna but you were asking for trouble, even in liberated Montreal. What you were doing is outside the law and had there been an undercover poiice on the premises your sorry ass would have been hauled off to jail. Just because there is a liberal attitude towards sex here does not mean you can just flout the law with gay abandon. In the criminal code, gay sex between TWO consenting adults is permitted, in private. The moment you take it to three AND made it public, you have stepped way over the line. Sure, people get away with it every day, but when something goes amiss, don't go crying about how the "cops are cracking down". It just ain't so.

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I have just returned from a weekend in Montreal and have experienced the new rules, first-hand. I have just posted a long rant on MuscleService, so I am kind of ranted out.


The rules have been mandated by the police, so all of the clubs are changing all at the same time. I am old and I don't adapt well to change. I loved Campus and Stock as they were, and I hate the new policies. Maybe over time I will become accustomed to them, but for now it ruined my weekend (OK not entirely, I still had my hotel room ,and regular visitors..)


The new policy is $10 for an old-style lap dance in and old-style type cubicle, open on one side. Those no-touching the genitals rules are still supposedly in place. (Many dancers flaunted and ignored those rules in the old days, and it was still $10 per dance). In Stock, some cubicle remain open, and some have black curtains. Once the dancer closes the curtain, bingo, your dance goes to $20 per song. It isn't necessarily a better lap dance, but it is more expensive. All clients should beware of the new policy.


At Campus, they had not finished consturction of all of the doors for the new "cabins". Campus dancers told me that no-genital-touching dances could still be had for $10, but once you were in the booth with the door closed, it was at least $20, and the dancer could charge you anything he wants, depending on what you want to do. I can see some nasty disputes developing.


Most of the dancers do not like the new policy, but those who do more, think that they can now make more money, and they don't have to waste time going back to hotel rooms.


For me the new policy doesn't work at all. If a lap dance is going weel, I often continue for five or six songs. A long and interactive lap dance can be worth $50 or $60 Canadian, but it sure as hell is not worth $100 or $120 Canadian. If I am going to spend that kind of money, the dancer is going to come to my hotel room, where I have a comfortable bed, my lube, condems, towels and a hot shower. I am not looking for sex in a buddy booth.


I will post more later on my adventures this weekend, but I am not happy about the changes.

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Actually, Mr. Paul Revere... your experience this weekend, and your take on the subject, is EXACTLY the fear I had (see above). It was also the concern of Tampa Yankee.


I did not, and still do not, see it as a positive change. But seeing as I can't do anything about it, to me it just means that I will be much more selective about who I take in the back. The days of just trying someone out for size may be over... because in just a few songs, you are running into 3 figure fees. And like you, if I am going to fork out 3 figure fees, I expect one of two things. Either 1) the dancer has spent a lot of time at my table with companionship, conversation, and discreet clothed contact before the back room dance (which apparently is vanishing with the new rules as well), or 2) the dancer is in my hotel room.


The only HAPPY news I got this weekend is that I found out from two of my favorites from Taboo (Damien and Jordan) that they are working at the new club Blue for now, along with a few of the other Taboo boys. It is good to know that there will be a place to where there will be cute familiar faces, a nice place to hang out, and no fear of being bamboozled in the back room!

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>Mark< What and where is the "new club Blue?"


Blue is on St. Catherine's where Nirvana used to be. I have not been there yet, obviously, but I did go to Nirvana when it was open. It was a friendly club, but I thought it was awkward for the dancers because they had to walk naked to the stage which was in the center of the floor, surrounded by all the customers. Don't know how they have it set up now, but if Damien and Jordan are both there, that is a pretty damn good start to me!




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Yes the new rules are a great disappointment. I know that you are more a habitue of Club Taboo rather than Campus or Stock, but the rules will be same at all clubs. Dancers told me that Taboo is scheduled to re-open in a couple of months with new owners (and probably new cabins).


I used to like to do a lap dance as a test drive. When I first started going to Montreal a C$10 lap dance was about $6.50 U.S.; but now a C$20 lap dancew would be about $15.00 U.S. That gets to be an expensive test drive. If lap dance costs are going to get up to three figures, then its back to the room for me. I think it will be bad for business in the long run, but maybe others will spend more for more interactive and more private lap dances.


The other wierd thing about the new rules is that dancers are prohibited from touching patrons in the main part of the club. I still got the double cheeck kisses, but the dancers are not allowed to put their arms around you, pat you on the ass or do anything more than shake hands. That is so wierd.

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>The other wierd thing about the new rules is that dancers are

>prohibited from touching patrons in the main part of the club.

> I still got the double cheeck kisses, but the dancers are not

>allowed to put their arms around you, pat you on the ass or do

>anything more than shake hands. That is so wierd.


It is not only weird, it is distressing! If you noted by earlier comments, this to me is the greatest disappointment of all regarding the new rules. For me, a cute boy can be had in any city, in any state, in any country. You can pay for them and bring them back to the room for lots of fun.


The unique thing about Montreal was that these clubs were open all night. They had lots of gorgeous boys walking around and flirting with you. They say at your table and chatted and played. The whole atmosphere was unique, and you could literally spend all night there for an entire week without getting bored. If now you can only look, then take them back behind a closed curtain for "whatever may happen between 2 consenting adults" at a rate of $20/per 3 minutes...


To me, part of the magic of Montreal died on the weekend of 9/20/03.

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I am still on plaining on going to Montreal the week of Oct 9, One thing I plain to do to is to tell the dancer ahead of time exactly what I want. Since I am only into muscle worship I do not plain to go

near any of the booths that have a door or curtin thankfuly they still

have the 10.00 lap dances, What I am bascily trying to say is that we

should NOT let the dancers try to get one over on us the paying client, and belive me Some will try. For those that want more then the 20.00 lap dances will be your thing , for me if I want more I rather not rack up the big $$ but bring the dancer back to my hotel

room and even then the fee would be agreed upon befor hand.

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from the other hand, it can work for those of you guys who prefer to take dancers for private to your hotel room - at least at the beginning, until we will be not used to the new prices. guys will definitely has less clients for lap dancing and of course less income. so, they can agree to go to your hotel much easier and for cheeper price:)

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Guest TwinkLoverr

>You may have done your scene a la quatre in the shower area


OOHHH!! "A la quatre"?? I could have sworn that sexy little French-Canadian waiter had said "a la carte"! Had I known I would definitely have chosen the former! }(

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Guest TwinkLoverr

It seems to me that we may still have our relatively cheaper $10 CAD privates available for our "test drives". However, as has been alluded to here, there are many dancers that will have that curtain/cabin door closed in a flash - and - KACHING! Can you now say $20 CAD?!?!


I also have to mourn what seems to be the end of the casual embracing and similar activities that were possible in the public areas. How can you beat having a few drinks with a cute young guy (or two or three cute young guys!!) with his arm around you?? It seems to me thought that the public embracing (or whatever) is harmless. I haven't quite figured out the whole rationale here. They seem to be allowing a virtual "anything goes" policy in the new $20 curtains/cubicles/cabins.... but god forbid you put your arm around one of the guys at the bar!! *GASP* I also wonder how strongly this public area rule will be enforced, if at all?


Thanks to Luv2play and Paul Revere for your updates! The various updates along the way by a whole host of visitors to the clubs helps us all. Ultimately we will all form our own opinions by an in-person visit, but in the meantime, the updates are key!! Thanks again.

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I decided to give Stock a visit last night as Campus had Ladies Night (I wonder what the real girls think of the closed booths!). Anyway, I got there after mid-night and it was fairly quiet, with about 8 dancers or so and only a dozen patrons. Nevertheless, there were a few studs there and some fun to be had.}(


I tried out a couple and opted for the curtained booths. These are quite separate from the other cabins as they are along the back aisle, further from the cabins at the front of the backroom which are without curtains. I liked that arrangement as it provides more privacy for what was to follow!


My first dancer "date" was a real hotie who had given me to believe in the bar area that he was fully in agreement with the new rules. This turned out to be an understatement as by the end of the first song I had his stiff prick in my mouth. Some might complain that the seduction aspect is somewhat lacking and I could only agree; that being said, it only got better and better, and ended in a shattering...(this post is getting too long and I'm getting all hot and bothered}( ).

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>My first dancer "date" was a real hotie who had given me to

>believe in the bar area that he was fully in agreement with

>the new rules. This turned out to be an understatement as by

>the end of the first song I had his stiff prick in my mouth.

>Some might complain that the seduction aspect is somewhat

>lacking and I could only agree; that being said, it only got

>better and better, and ended in a shattering...(this post is

>getting too long and I'm getting all hot and bothered}( ).




As my daddy would have said " looks like you've died and gone to 'hog heaven' " -- pun intended. :p No free advertising for your hottie? ;-) Every one is on his edge of the keyboard waiting.... :+


BTW, there was a Cuban by the name of Ricardo or Roberto that worked afternoons Pride week -- VERY HOT. Hope he is still there.


I can see now that your entertainment expenditures are going to take a big jump. :D

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Wow. Going to Montreal after Christmas and not sure I like this new policy. Was disappointed at Remington's because it was more expensive and didn't really get much more action from the dancers than I would at Campus or Stock. But I am curious........


On a slightly off-topic question, what are accommodation recommendations? Have stayed at the Hotel Gouverneur and found it quite acceptable several times but it appears their rates are a little higher (not much) but it prompted me to ask about other places. Any recommendations?


Hotel St. Andre? Lori-Berri?

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Hi Beetleman,The Apartments at the crown plaza(called La Presidence)are quite nice and a one bedroom suite is going for around $160 CAD.

I have bid through priceline for my last few stays in Montreal and have been quite pleased with the results.Although only one of the hotels(the crown plaza)that will accept a PL bid is near the village-all of them are a very short train/cab ride away-and you will get a much nicer hotel for your money.

If you want some PL tips please email me-enjoy your stay!

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>Tampa,there is still a boy from cuba named roberto at

>campus-he is a sweetheart-and loves to be payed wit US



Would love to pay him in US$ at my hotel }( But fortunately, my bed is already full for B&B and my superman days are behind me ;( He is a hottie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>There is also a french/canadian latino named ricardo-he is

>also very sweet.


Look forward to making an introuduction



Thanks for the info Big Guy/ :)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Stayed at the Les Manoir des Alpes, next to the St Andre. Barebones... nice queen bed, small rooms, bring your own towels, lol... no problem with guests. Convenient. I prefer Priceline. GOt the 3* Delta on President Kennedy (nice) last Thanksgiving for $35 US per... village 2-4 subway stops a way depending on which end is you preference. Beaudry dumps you right in the middle of the village -- spitting distance to Campus and Stock and BLue just another block or so. Beats walking the villlage in the winter wind and blowing snow... lol.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

I'll see Roberto later in the month when I return to hold Marc's hand. LOL. Mark his big fun and I never miss his appearances. -- even if it damn near requires me to apply for the Canadian equilvalent of a green card. :D

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