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Changes in Montreal Strip Clubs

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I heard from another board that they are changeing things in the

Montreal Strip clubs in the Village, which really upsets me. I heard that the clubs are putting up curtins that will seperate the dancers

from the patron. This is something that I would hate to see for if one

cannot touch then why bother going to Montreal, Does anyone know anything more about this? is is important that someone get the facts

so that the readers of this board know what is true from what is false.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Is the Sky Really Falling?


This seems to be an odd rumor. If the city fathers wanted to kill back room dances they'd just pass an ordinance and rescind the licenses leaving stage dancing only. How many of you guys are going to pay $10 per to see a dancer behind a curtain? Probably more than I would imagine but I'm NOT. (No-touch dances WERE $6 and then there was no curtain.) I'll wait this one out before slitting my wrists. :D


UP SIDE: If it comes to pass then fewer back room dances will probably increase the likelyhood of more off-premises performances.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Is the Sky Really Falling?


How about this... maybe they are putting up curtains to afford the customer and dancer MORE privacy. Ever the optimist!! :7

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RE: Is the Sky Really Falling?


Well, Tampa, I will have to agree with you. I don't think that would be something that the authorities would do. But, in Montreal, you never know. Well, actually, I spoke to a dancer tonight and he said the rumor was about as true as the tooth fairy. But, again, when we get up there for Black and Blue, if the curtains are there, we will just have to take the party elsewhere. Tampa, didn't you say you had a room big enough to fit a soccer team? :)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Is the Sky Really Falling?


Dammit Oz, you've got the soccer team and I have the Taboo Chorale and Dancers in My Suite. Let's see, we've got two adjoining suites. That's four rooms not counting bath/showers, 4 queen beds and two pullouts, I've got a 5 gal bucket of elbow grease. You're bringing the toys, right?? Beer, chips and dip (FOOD KIND) and were set. wait, there are those two dancers that only drik sourpusses and Tequila shots... better have something for them too. Anything else? :+

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Is the Sky Really Falling?


Oh Oz, one more thing... I know this isn't necessary but.about the adjoining suite... you did get suite xxyy at the Hilton, right??

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My sources in Montreal tell me that Adonis and Stock have created several curtained private dance booths. The purpose being to give the dancer and customer more privacy, not to separate them. The down side being that these "ultra-private" lap dances are $20/song. But then again, with the right dancer, a behind the curtain lap dance could get very interesting.

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Well children, don't fret!! I have been on the case and can provide an accurate update on what is happening to the strip clubs. Two nights ago I was at Stock and had a dance with a guy named Snoopy, who told me that the police had met with the club managers the previous day and informed them that they would have to put up enclosed cabins in the back room if they were to avoid problems in the future.


The clubs have decided, since all were visited by the police) to do this and offer $10 and $20 dances. The former will be what was supposed to be before, touching but no sex. The latter, hold on to your hats, will permit full touching and, yes, oral contact!


Well, nothing was going on at Stock that night since the partitions had not yet been installed. But last night I went to Campus and the partitions are half constructed. Three cabins are completed, and I invited two of my favorite dancers to try them out. Well, several hundred dollars poorer, I left hugely satisfied!!


I also found out from these dancers that if they shoot a load for a client, the client will have to pay $200. This is to compensate all the other dancers, so I am told, who will have to take the place of the poor dancer who will not be able to get it up for his stage dances!! (Trust me, this is what I was told by at least two dancers),


However, another dancer I spoke to was not happy with this change, since I assume he prefers not to have any oral contact with his clients and thinks his business will decline (he sure won't get mine!).


All in all, I was pleased with the changes at Campus, as there is no longer any furtiveness about having more than the usual lap dance without getting caught! And some of the boys are VERY obliging, let me say.


Oh, BTW, a new club has opened at the former site of Nirvana. Haven't had the chance to visit it but it promises sexy dancers and servers!

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Thanks Luv2play for the update. Your reports, insights and opinions are always helpful and hugely valued.


I definitely think this new turn of events is a double edge sword. As you alluded, this will be a very expensive proposition -- especially as the boys try to stretch out these encounters anyway. And IMO anyone who pays 200 for ejaculation or expects to get paid that is out of his mind. I expect an HOUR in my hotel room WITH ejaculation for that fee. I know many if not most guys can recover in 30 min for round #2 -- #3 may take a bit longer. Will this give rise to guys selling shots?? Or pushing shots... purposely trying to cum and then presenting a stiff bill for the soup du jour? I think so in a number of cases.


I also know a few guys -- nice guys and some not so -- who wont be into that scene and it will hurt their business. Some will adapt and others wont. Just hate to see the sexy nice guys (ok with hands) drop by the wayside because of the extra pressure. :(


I will also miss the friendly contact at the tables. A big part of the enjoyment for some of us.


In the end though I expect customers to flock to the cabins and pay the fare for short but intense rounds and some to get stuck with horrendous charges for 'accidents'. :o

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Thanks so much for your report.


From my own perspective, I essentially agree with virtually everything that TY wrote.


The best news, I feel, is the opening of the new club in the location of Nirvana. The timing of this move is INTERESTING if not COINCIDENTAL if not FORTUITIOUS (corresponding with the closure of Taboo). Oh well... it's all good. Hopefully at least some of the dancers will have a new home and have income... and very importantly, I hope the new club takes on the flavor the old Taboo...with friendly boys, party atmosphere, and fun had by all. I will definitely take a visit on my trip in October, and I am going to contact the dancers I know to see which Taboo boys have gone there (I know a couple were invited to go to Campus).


As for the curtains and the $20 dancers with the $200 bonus... boo. I hope I am wrong...I really do. But I really don't see nearly as much upside to this development as I do downside. My reasoning is clearly articulated by Tampa Yankee above, so I see no need to reiterate it...except to say, only time will tell, I guess.


Finally... no touching at all in the public areas. Sorry, but for me this is a HUGE negative development. Guess I am a hopeless romantic. I really did have of having a cute boy sit at your table for an hour or two... flirting, pecking, caressing, hugging... before going into the back for more explicit fun. Now it is just hello, how are you, how about a face full of cum, and that will be $200 please. Thank you very much!



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Guest Tampa Yankee

>This should read... "I really did have FUN having a cute




Marc, I see that just the thought got you all twitterpated... or is it twinkerpated. :+

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That is interesting. Sounds like they're basically catching up to Remington's with partitioned booths and $20 a song. Of course at Remingtons some boys will let you do pretty much anything you want for that money and other will let you do considerably less...and last time I was there the official price was still $10 a song I think, but the boys asked for more. It seemed to be always changing for some time. Hopefully my trip next week will be fruitful.

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I just talked to a dancer friend of mine who said that the new rules

which will affect all the strip clubs will help the clients in the long run cause now they can touch more, thats just great but for yours

truly who loves to just touch arms , and chest ( which is my thing )

I cannot see haveing to pay 20.00 for the good news is I will still pay 10.00 for plain old muscle worship.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Are they Crazy!! ?


Some idle thoughts on the turn of events...


The Clubs, that is... are they crazy? Implementing this two tiered dance pricing system is open statement that they are sanctioning and operating a 'bawdy house'. As far as I know, Canadian law has not changed. The law is enforced by the local police authorities and they may choose to turn a blind eye for now. But what about tomorrow? Things change, adminstrations change. Also, it gives the authorities the opporutnity for selective enforcement when and on whom they wish to exercise it. A 'Taboo experience' can happen anytime they want to set one up. Not to mention the grist this supplies to the righteous activist mills (if there are any) in Quebec.


If this two tiered system actually takes hold then I predict it is transitional until there is again a single price of $20 per for whatever goes on in the back. Having two prices based on 'level of service' is just too 'loaded' to last long. Hope I'm wrong.


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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Are they Crazy!! ?




I see nothing for the clubs to gain from this except significantly added risk. This solely advantages the dancers... some dancers anyway. Why the management would embrace this boggles my mind unless it is only transitional and I'd think higher prices wouldn not be advantageous to the club either. :(

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RE: Are they Crazy!! ?


My understanding is that the police have sanctioned this new policy of closed cabins for private dances. If you like they do appear to be turning a "blind eye" to what may be going on behind the door but as long as it stays behind the door they will not intrude. The courts, as I recall, seem to be saying that where three or more individuals are involved, then any sexual activity is contrary to the law, but where two persons of whatever sex are together and hidden from view, then sex is OK.


As for the boys, some will agree to doing more for $20 per dance and others less, I think it will very much depend on the dancer and you cannot assume $20 entitles you to a carte blanche. That being said quite a few will let you suck them for that price (based on my own informal sampling in the last few days)! (I could carry out a more extensive survey if readers would care to send me cash donations!}( .)


Also, earlier I had reported that if a dancer shot a load, the client would have to pay $200. Well. I have now debunked that proposition and can report that this is very much a matter for negotiation (the closer you are to rent day (or car payment day) may influence prices considerably!!) Just don't talk about it with the other dancers or you will cause problems for the "shooter".


Finally, last night at Campus there was still a lot of caressing going on between clients and dancers (damn, it's hard to keep your hands off buff bodies) because it seems some of the dancers were not aware of the new policy re touching in public spaces. This could take some time to enforce and is going to be difficult in my view.

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Just read the news on today's post that LA City Council has voted to ban lap dances in stripper clubs! Now that's a bummer! What is it with California these days? Have they lost their minds? I remember thirty years ago they seemed to be the most liberated place in the world to this gay Canadian who was just emerging from the closet. The US has gone backwards since then on matters of sexual freedom and Canada has gone ahead. What a difference! What a pity!

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Privacy? what are you talking about!!! Montreal police are making raids to saunas checking how many people are in the room - does not matter if the door is opened or closed!!! if stock staff really decided to increase the prices to $20 - they will lost a lot of clients. most of the people will just watch in the bar and will not go to a backroom. I'm absolutely sure that the guys will let you do under the curtains same things that they do now - sometimes they let you do a lot, sometimes not. as for shooting load thing - i beleive it was just a joke. $200 for the portion of cum - sorry, baby, i have a cum of my own!!! :)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Are they Crazy!! ?




Thanks for the clalificatioin of the law as interpreted by the courts. Do you know off-hand if this court ruling applies to Quebec only or does it apply Canada-wide?


So this potentially opens the activity in the cabins up to anything between two consenting adults -- assuming there is suffcient space?


>As for the boys, some will agree to doing more for $20 per

>dance and others less, I think it will very much depend on the

>dancer and you cannot assume $20 entitles you to a carte



That was also true for the $10 dances which varied from very little to as much as $200 will get you on the new menu -- albeit after several dances. All depends on the guy, the time of month, etc.


That being said quite a few will let you suck them

>for that price (based on my own informal sampling in the last

>few days)!


I suspect more now than before, definitely. Do you know how the offer for $10 dances (old rules) is being greeted now? ... for those customers who may not wish to take the taste test.


>(I could carry out a more extensive survey if

>readers would care to send me cash donations!}( .)



You've earned it from us IMO, but logistics being what it is, well...

The last time I sent money to Canada the bank sat on it for month waiting for it to hatch. It would have been instantly (almost anyway) honored in any bank in the states. :(


>Finally, last night at Campus there was still a lot of

>caressing going on between clients and dancers (damn, it's

>hard to keep your hands off buff bodies) because it seems some

>of the dancers were not aware of the new policy re touching in

>public spaces. This could take some time to enforce and is

>going to be difficult in my view.



Mark will be happy to hear this. :D

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Guest Tampa Yankee

So, what's up with the Montreal police? Do they have a new Southern Baptist Police Chief? Are they concerned that tourist families visting the strip clubs and saunas will be incensed? Has this been ongoing since May when Taboo was raided? Or is this a recent thing as the Taboo trial approaches?

... curiouser and curiouser...



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I don't know where you are getting your information but it is WRONG! The Montreal police have not raided any saunas in YEARS and what they did raid earlier this summer was Taboo, which you could have read all about on this message center. It was that raid which prompted the new rules at all the stripper bars which are now being implemented.


And for those who want to have them, the old $10 dances are still available, so don't get your knickers all twisted! The new $20 dances are for those desiring a little (or a lot) more :p

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honey, i've got my information MYSELF - two weeks ago, saturday night(actually, sunday morning) when i was is Oasis and police ( two policemen) entered at about 6.30 in the morning not exactly a years, huh? i have o idea how it finished, because i left, but i heard them walking around while i was changing in my room. My friend who is a Centre-ville permanent client told me that police is rather usual "visitor" of it, and he also insists that they were checking the rooms and had arrested somebody in there.

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