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>Thats is correct robert who is Rex at rentboy and so many

>orther names need to get back in shape and I see and was with

>this REx guy a few times and he not worth it at all this is my

>view I call them as i see them/


Master... You mentioned that you've been with Robert/Rex a "few times". I guess you must have liked him, otherwise, why see him more than once, esp. if he's "not worth" it??? I'd like to hear Robert/Rex's side of this story, for I also "call them as I see them" and your account smells way too fishy for me... x(

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Guest master12361

Well I was with him 3 times the first was a fast session he had to run becouse of gaiety need ed him. the 2nd he wasnt feeling so good so I said to my selfi would give him a try again I am fair and if I like tyhe guy i will try to se if it is just me. But the 3rd time he didnt do much and for the money its not worth posing and touching im sorry but you can ask all you want what would a escort say yes i was that bad thats up to you. have a great day cooper}(

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Robert/Rex has left the lineup and was replaced by Matt from Phoenix. Matt is a very handsome and youthful looking dancer with dark hair and blue eyes. I think this is his 3rd time back to the G. Also, Derrick, the one with the very large endowment, was another replacement.

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>Gosh, this is just like the musical "42nd Street". I wonder

>which of these understudies will go on to be the star and the

>toast of Broadway. Is Ruby Keeler still alive?


Foxy, lol, the G-lineup does read like a Wed. matinee Broadway show... The part of Chad Conners is being played by veteran performer Derrik, and the young and talented Matt will play the part of Robert... However, the other G-show on Broadway, Gypsy, had no "understudies". Ms. Peters was fabulous, as was the entire cast. Great show. Tickets are available at TKTS for 1/2 price.


Now for Mr. Lucky, 1st off, put out that cigarette and stop worrying about Isabel... Jeffrey is still in the lineup and was wearing a black linen designers shirt (a gift from a generous patron), tight butt fitting jeans, yummie, and going commando! For his second #, this very handsome and tanned man was sporting a killer smile, with green seductive eyes, very spiked dark hair, a good muscular build, an delicious looking erect cock, and a big-n-beautiful bubble butt! :9 This guy is having a great week, and no wonder, he's a super nice guy! He aims to please.:9

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Update on Wednesday lineup:


I think the moderator flew the coop before the end of the show so he missed the performance of Maximus, the 8th dancer in the lineup.


I believe that Matt was only filling in for one day. He was announced as a newcomer, but those of us in the know realize he has been there several times, including at least one full week.


Not sure if Derek is there for the rest of the week.


Comment on Robert, since he seems to be the target of several here: I have always found him to be a great guy, one of my (many) favorites. I have not spoken to him much since his return after a pretty long break, but I have to say I'm surprised at all the negativity (to focus on a pimple when some of these guys backs are so riddled with zits/bumps from steroids seems unfair to me...I didn't see Robert this week, but one zit/pimple wouldn't mar a nice looking body). Of course, we all interact differently with the guys. There are so many factors that go into the interaction that the equation for success is impossible to solve.


Gum chewing while onstage was definitely "in" at the show. It's one of my pet peeves (even worse than those stupid clunky shoes). It distracts from the face so much, perhaps the guys don't realize.

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Matt, a very handsome young dancer and friendly guy, was in SF when Denise called and asked if he could join the lineup. I doubt if she'd ask him to travel that far for 1 day... It's also nice to see that the show will go on with or without it's featured dancer Chad Conners. I hope things work out for him, for with all the advanced publicity he did, I'm certain he had all good intentions of showing up... Finally, today is newbie G-dancer Gary's birthday, "gather those rose buds".

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I just re-read the replies on this thread and don't see Robert as being the "target" of several. Only one, but he repeats himself several times, not only on this MC, but also on muscleservice. Plus, he's been pedaling this story for such a long time that one can only imagine what his true motivation is... IMO, I don't think "master" has ever been with Robert, for like NYO, I too, find him to be very friendly and kind. Certainly not the type depicted by "master".


Well! If you haven't noticed, ;) Ben Versace and Marlone are scheduled to be in this weekend's lineup. I'm certain, board member "John Pela" would like to hear from us on how they do. :p

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For those of you keeping score with this week's lineup, cross off "Maximus" from today's (Thurs.) lineup. However, he'll be back for the weekend.


Let's see what we have left:










Weekend (scheduled) additions:

Ben Versace




P.S. Attention Foxy, you need to do an updated review! :+

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Guest JohnPela

Ben & Marlone Weekend Addons


>Well! If you haven't noticed, ;) Ben Versace and Marlone are

>scheduled to be in this weekend's lineup. I'm certain, board

>member "John Pela" would like to hear from us on how they do.



Actually, yes I would like to hear about how Ben and Marlone do and the type of costume/dance they perform this weekend. You know! What a surprise, I didn't know they were going to be performing- thanks for the heads up on this. LOL !


It would be nice though for more Gaiety regulars and patrons to post their views and reviews of all, any of the dancers they liked or didn't like. It would add more to the viewing of this sight.


Kudos as always for Cooper, Foxy, NYObserver and Lucky for their entertaining Gaiety reviews, comments and frequent replys. Its a pleasure to read and its mandatory bed-time reading in my home! Last weekend I reread several of the reviews by NYO form 1-2 years ago. Still a pleasure to read.


I wish I could have been up there this week to see Jeffrey perform- sounds like he was quite a hit.


I'll post my own review after I come back home after spending next weekend in NYC and seeing several Gaiety performances.

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RE: Ben & Marlone Weekend Addons


Ok, an updated review (sort of)


For today's 1:30pm show the lineup was the same except for Matt who danced in 6th place. There was no 7th dancer. Hmmmmm, I'm not sure I got my $20 worth.




MATT: This guy is very cute. A dark haired twink with some muscle that would look right at home in a Bel Ami video for those who like that kind of boy. I assume that's everybody. Matt came out in jeans, t-shirt, wind breaker (we are having lots of left over wind from Isabel) and baseball cap. He walked to the front of the stage, opened his fly to reveal plaid boxer shorts and then pulled out his dick. Then he put it back in and started dancing. An interesting beginning I thought. For his second number he came out in the same shorts, danced a bit, took them off and revealed a pretty, hard. big dick and a nice pair of balls. A nice black bush of pubic hair for fans of that. (Me) He was chewing gum quite vigourisly, but for some reason I didn't mind. I thought him very sexy. He last danced in May but for some reason I don't remember seeing him. Where was I? At the end of his routine he put his boxers back on, walked to the front of the stage, picked up 2 tips and left all the others. The audience was mystified. I caught up with him in the Lounge and asked why he left most of his tips. He said it was so they would have more money to tip him later. He said it with a straight face. I thought it was a very funny answer. Strange, but funny. I would have run away with him right then and there but realized another patron already had him booked. I think he's a good addition to the show. He's a little spacey but very cute. He said he was from Arizona and South Carolina. Who knows? Who cares? as long as he's here.


For all of Jeffrey's fans out there (me) you should know this boy is heavily booked and will no doubt buy his own plane to fly home in. So, some people (me) only got to spend time in the Lounge with him while others (who I won't mention) got to spend quality time with him on more than one occassion, I ask you, is that fair??? Guess some of us (me) will be looking forward to November 7th when he returns. By the way, Jeffrey is appearing in a Mr. Personality Contest up in Canada next week. He's one of 3 finalists. No doubt he will win. I have his 2 phone numbers and I'm not giving them to anybody. Get them yourself. So there!

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RE: Weekend Lineup:


Foxy, Should I be reading anything into your Jeffrey remarks? Btw, Jeffrey will be in town till Tues.


Friday night's lineup:


1. Alex

2. Trevor

3. Jeffrey

4. Gary

5. Martino

6. Matt


Weekend additions:


7. Felipe: in for just the weekend. Good looking Latino twink, from Columbia. He was in the weekday lineup 2 weeks ago.


8. AJ for LA. Very handsome, good build with amazing pecs. Puts on a very interactive show. Suggestion, sit ringside for this one.


9. Ben Versace: he was the waiter tonight, serving "drinks" to lucky patrons, and putting on an excellent stage show. Dr. Ben's performance defines the reason why I go to the G., simply watching him makes me feel so good. :9


10. Douglas: from Brazil, making his G-debut. Let's give him some time to find himself on stage.


11. Marlone: a welcomed addition to the lineup. He amazes the patrons and other dancers when he pulls off his signature move of self-sucking. Great show!


12. Maximus: from Argentina, body builder type, 5'8", 205 lbs of solid muscle. Also, very handsome and friendly.


13. Jamie: time ran out for his debut performance, a good looking twink from Brazil (cousin of Douglas) who showed up at the finale.


For those of you attending the 9:15pm show, there was a change. Maximus was gone and Anthony, a big bodybuilder with leg tattoos was substituted... Also, joining the show were 12 young "ladies" celebrating a bachelorette party. I understand they were quite vocal. :-(


Scheduled for the week of 9/22:


Jason Adonis (said with fingers crossed)

Ben Versace



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Guest JohnPela

RE: Weekend Lineup:



Thanks for the late night (early Saturday morning)update on the Friday night lineup. Sounds like a good show. Who was your favorite dancer last night, as if I didn't know? LOL


I heard that you have a good throwing arm and can toss a folded up dollar bill quite a ways from the stage landing so that it hits/gets to a dancer.

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RE: Weekend Lineup:


First off, Jack Pela or is it "Ben Versace"! :) I think you've posted information on Ben's G-appearance on every web-site that reports on the Gaiety. I wonder how he thanks you! :9


Second, I did observe a "former baseball pitcher" tossing folded up bills onto the stage, and yes, he did have great aim, but that wasn't me.


Finally, this was a week of favorites. The lineup truly had something for everyone. From the very big (Alex, Trevor, Anthony, Maximus) to the very small (Gary, Jamie, Felipe,), to the very talented (Ben, Marlone, Martino, Matt), to the very handsome and friendly, (Jeffrey, AJ), and finally to the very new (Douglas, Jamie, Gary). Thanks to Denise who did a wonderful job in arranging this stellar lineup, (and it didn't come easy)... Btw, patrons were still asking questions about Chad Conners, who disappointed a lot of devoted fans with his no show and no call featured appearance.


As for next weeks lineup, I saw Michael of Brooklyn 2 weeks ago. He mentioned he was scheduled to dance the week of 9/22. Does anyone know if this is still true?

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Guest JohnPela

Cooper's Questions


>First off, Jack Pela or is it "Ben Versace"! :) I think

>you've posted information on Ben's G-appearance on every

>web-site that reports on the Gaiety. I wonder how he thanks

>you! :9


Cooper, LOL. You know I do believe that several posters on muscleservice site do think that I am Ben Versace. I've tried to tell them that I am just a fan of his performances and want to get the word out. I guess the only way to prove that I'm not him is to dance at the Gaiety. That could start a new trend of receiving tips to PUT MY CLOTHES BACK ON! ... or it could be used as a test fire drill to see how fast the patrons could evacuate the premises once they see me on stage!


I wonder how he thanks you! :9


Cooper, Imagine hearing me say the answer in my best Don Adams old Agent 86 "Get Smart" comedy series voice: "Would you believe ... he thanks me via just saying thanks?" I can already tell that you are not believing me.


>Second, I did observe a "former baseball pitcher" tossing

>folded up bills onto the stage, and yes, he did have great

>aim, but that wasn't me.


Cooper, I apologize: my informant who told me this last night got you confused with the pitcher of the folded $ bills. I guess my "informant" must have gotten confused when he saw you as he was serving you that wonderful G-spot punch while he was performing his waiter duties.


>Finally, this was a week of favorites. The lineup truly had

>something for everyone. Thanks to Denise who did a

>wonderful job in arranging this stellar lineup.


Cooper, Thanks for the weekend update. It was really a good week and weekend to visit the Gaiety. I hope next weekend when I'm there is a good lineup of dancers. I have a feeling that next weekend I will be one of Denise's best customers based on # of my paid admissions. See ya and the boys next week.

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Mr. Cooper,

I know you have tried to include pictures any time they are available and those of us here on the left coast, and I imagine anywhere outside NYC, are grateful. I have resisted for months asking this question, because I didn't want to appear stupid...gee, too late for that I guess.. Anyway, it's hard to weigh in on this Ben/John Pela mystery since I have only heard of Ben and never seen a pic of him, and have only read John Pela, and never met him. So I guess what I am saying is... Does anyone have a pic of him? ( Ben I mean) Is he listed somewhere....I know I am supposed to know this guy 'cause everyone talks about him, but I am afraid I need some assistance.

Thanks in advance....

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RE: Saturday's Lineup


Saturday night, modified lineup from Friday.


1. Alex

2. Trevor..to answer another question, I think onstage that Trevor is as comfortable with his sexuality as ever. He seems more and more friendly on stage. I can't vouch (nor would I even if I could) for what goes on elsewhere, but he's always been exceptionally friendly to me.

3. Jeffrey

4. Gary

5. Martino

6. Felipe

7. Ben

8. Douglas

9. Marlone

10. AJ

11. Kevin, wow, great debut, very good looking boy.

12. Paolo


My favorites (lots of them): Jeffrey, AJ, Trevor, Gary and Kevin


Rumors for next week:

Not sure about Michael, though I heard those rumors as well.




Jason (the one from Montreal)

Jason Adonis

a "relative" newcomer, not sure what name he will use on stage, perhaps Chris (first time appearance)


Think John returns for the weekend?

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Trevor: Less than rigid Private


NYO: don't get me wrong. Trevor is very friendly and does not erect any barriers to friendship with gay clients. But he does not erect anything else with me either. I like all muscles firm and developed for a private.

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