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Alert the media! Chad Conners was a NO SHOW for the 1:30pm show. Denise was not amused. Hopefully he will appear at some point, but if your reason for going to the Gaiety this week is to see him you might want to phone first and so if he arrived. These porn stars.... Sheesh!


The Lineup:


1. Alex

2. Trevor

3. Jeffrey

4. Gary

5. Martino

6. Robert


ALEX: The Hung-garian. He's got a nice muscular build, smooth all over. He moves very well onstage dancing and doing some muscle man poses at the same time. A nice routine. He smiles a lot and that's always a good thing. He seems to enjoy putting on a show. For his second number he comes out with a very generous erection that he's quite proud of showing off. Some audience members looked a bit stunned at how close he came to them. Happily stunned, I might add. He also does this pose where he turns his back to the audience, bends over and pushes his very hard dick between his butt cheeks. This may offend some people as being way too erotic. Those people should never be allowed back in the Gaiety.


TREVOR: Or should I say the "Legendary Trevor". If you don't know who he is, you must have just arrived on planet HooBoy. Trevor is a gorgeous, professional body builder with a beautiful face and a very big dick. Other than that...he's ok. Trevor was not in competition form today which I personnaly prefer. None of that exploding out of the body muscles and veins look. He also has let his chest, leg, pubes and best of all, butt hair fill in a bit. He also moves well on stage and if you're lucky he'll flash you one of his rare smiles. I was with the lucky group.


JEFFREY: My favorite and the favorite of several others I believe. Handsome, great body with wonderful smooth skin. Best of all he is very friendly, fun to talk to and very affectionate in the Lounge. Other places also, I hear. He looks great onstage with a cute spikey hairdo and a little shamrock tattoo just above and to the left of his great looking dick. This guy is delicious!


I'll have to get back to you on the last 3 dancers. Something just came up. I think it was talking about Jeffrey that did it.

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>JEFFREY: My favorite and the favorite of several others I

>believe. Handsome, great body with wonderful smooth skin. Best

>of all he is very friendly, fun to talk to and very

>affectionate in the Lounge. Other places also, I hear. He

>looks great onstage with a cute spikey hairdo and a little

>shamrock tattoo just above and to the left of his great

>looking dick. This guy is delicious!


>I'll have to get back to you on the last 3 dancers. Something

>just came up. I think it was talking about Jeffrey that did



This 25 year old from Quebec is to die for folks!

He walked out on stage Friday and as soon as he showed half his ass you could here people gasping, then the "Yeah's" started. Jeffrey finished with rousing applause and many dates I'm sure ;)! He has a constant smile, no attitude, full eye contact and will converse with you about anything.

Get to the 'G' before this lad leaves!!

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Guest JohnPela



It sounds like Cooper was missing in action this afternoon at the G-spot. No review from him so can one assume that Cooper's dedication to "research" has led him into some deep exotic locale or "project"? Inquiring minds would like to hear about it!

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Guest JohnPela



Sorry I didn't have a chance to meet you while you were in NYC and at the Gaiety. Sounds like Jeffrey is delicious. Especially sorry he will be gone before I arrive back there on Sept 26th.

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I hope all is well, foxy! After Jeffrey, there wasn't much to write about anyway! He is so cute.

Gary has a cute face but his gym membership apparently expired the same day his razor broke! Although admittedly, a lot of guys would like that rat's nest of hair on his head and the little forest in the small of his back leading into his furry tunnel...:)

Hopefully you did not stop your review because you were at a loss for words about Robert...I anxiously await the conclusion of your review!

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Dear readers.

Sorry about that interruption in service.

We have now resumed broadcasting.




OK, the big news is that Chad Conners has "retired" from show biz. WHAT? Yep, it's true. His wife (you know, like a GIRL) has decided he should no longer spend his time entertaining us boys. No doubt he has returned to his original profession which is, um...rocket scientist (?) um... brain surgeon (?), well, who knows, who cares...he's just gone. No real loss I'm sure but makes you wonder about the conversation he's having at home right now. "But honey, I can get my dick sucked for a lot of money and don't have to do nuthin!". Crash of dishes in the background. Chad in tears on floor, cut to commercial.


So, where was I?....


GARY: The new guy in town has a mop of dark curly hair above a pretty face. He made the mistake of chewing gum during his routine that was rather distracting. Note to dancers....NO gum chewing! He has a swimmers build for you twink lovers out there. Not a great dancer but he's new at this and may need some instruction. I hear he learns quickly so he should be a real pro by the end of the week. Came out for his second number wearing funny looking socks that were also a bit of a distraction. Can't say he really held my interest but I was still thinking about Jeffrey.


MARTINO: This guy is a 3 ring circus! He throws himself on stage doing handstands, somersaults, flips...you name it. He dances all over the place and had me pretty exhausted just watching him. He has dark Latin looks with a nice build. He trys really, really, really hard to entertain you.


ROBERT: aka Rex http://rentbou.com/location/getrb.asp?rentboy=1246 Hope I got that right. After Martino I needed a rest. Tall, smooth, slow moving, kind of sleepy Robert. I'm glad you can see his picture because I just can't think of much to say about him. He's tall, smooth...yep, that's all I can think of.


So be nice to Denise next time you see her and don't say anything like "I can't wait to see Chad Conners". You may make her cry.

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Guest msclonly

Take the HIGH road and be kind to Chad


It is time to take tha HIGH road and be kind to Chad without ANY judgements! Sometimes things are out of our control and this is one of them. Don't ask questions and don't make up your own answers for them as to what is happening! There are times in life, when we should carry on our own lives and give the benefit of the doubt to another person.


You will be a bigger person for it!


:-) :-)

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Foxy, Thanks so much for filling us in on the G show. The lineup was good, but with Chad it would have been a lot better. Too bad he didn't call Denise to explain... As for Chad Conners, he did a lot of self promotion on this site and others. He even was running ads in Next and HX about his visit. The professional thing would have been to post that he had cancelled, not to turn off his cell phone.


Jeffrey was a big hit with many patrons. He's got a very likable look and personality. Also, one of my favorites. He's around all week and said he'll return 11/7 for 10 days... As for Gary, the 24 yo model with amazing good looks, I didn't even notice his socks. It was his seductive blue eyes that captivated me. He's new to the world of escorting and is trying very hard to please. As for his curly head of hair, think of it as a halo around an angel. He does workout and has a tight slender build. He's very friendly and caring. A fine addition to balance the G-lineup.


Today at the G, I almost didn't recognize the very debonair Mr. Lucky. It looked like he just stepped out of Brooks Brothers dressed to the nines. He was wearing an Italian silk taylor made designers suit and had 2 very hot dancers at his side. Good going Mr. Lucky!... As for our distinguished reviewer, Mr. Foxy, he was sporting some very "tasteful" tattoos. Regardless of age, tats do make the man. The "snake" emerging from his CK's was very provocative.:9 He's going to be a big hit in the locker room shower.


A good review, very thorough and to the point.

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"He was wearing an Italian silk taylor made designers suit"


Thanks for the compliment, Cooper. When taylor offered to make me that suit, I just couldn't resist at least doing the fitting. So I went down to Kentucky and the young lad took my measurements...and, well, you know the rest!


Incidentally, it looked like you had a halo of your own yesterday. You must have done a good deed for some choirboy!:)

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Guest master12361

Well Robert cock has gotton smaller. And there a scare on his chest small but noticeable. Amd his Back side when he was dancing had a zit or pimple on it he not the same yes he is REx from rent boy I seen reviews on him and there not so good. He needs to do more for what he chargers. Now Alex is hung and great. Trvor I been with him before, But Robert I would not go with again my taste and for what he does and dont do its not good at all. he was away for a long time and he not the same. He very shy and is handsome but looks dont do it all beware of him RObert before you decide.

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maybe he does live in town...He's listed over on rentboy.com and was recently "Boy of the Day" so I was mindful of his presence.

Havent seen him at Gaiety in quite some time.


My post was more of an idle recommendation/speculation type thing. Not any knowledge of how the missing headlining pornstar slot will be filled.

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Guest master12361

Thats is correct robert who is Rex at rentboy and so many orther names need to get back in shape and I see and was with this REx guy a few times and he not worth it at all this is my view I call them as i see them/

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