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The Gaiety, Stella’s and Hustlers Abusing my Mini-Bar

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My reaction to the 2003 Blackout was dramatic as I fled the city as soon as the juice was back on. If I stayed maybe I would have had a great time with hustlers, hotels and the Big Apple. However, I left. I am a simple country boy who gets spooked easily.


With flashlights and candles in tow I went into the city this past Saturday for, what I was hoping, a night of salacious debauchery. All I ended up with was a nice salad, expensive orange juice and having my mini-bar violated.


I decided to stay at the very nice Marriot Marquis in Times Square. I am familiar with their lobby level lounge (FABULOUS martinis) but I never stayed in a room. From the moment I arrived and pulled into the hotel I knew I was in for a treat. The car attendant who took my car, the wonderful women who were placed every 15 feet to direct people and the nice woman at the reservation counter were so damn pleasant. A 5 star hotel equals 5 star services. I suggest everyone treats himself to this experience once in a while in your life - WE ALL DESERVE THIS.


Now, what was ODD was that there was some anime - Lord of the Rings - Dungeons and Dragons convention going on so I saw people DRESSED UP like this


or like this



It was all somewhat disturbing to see 7 people sitting on the floor, in a circle, dressed like evil elves. I also saw this man walking around dressed in black carrying a full size cross wrapped in white cloth tied up with black cord. The hotel was hopping with hobbits, wizards, witches and, after my arrival, hustlers. I went into my room and it was fabulous. I felt like a cheesy tourist, as I wanted to take pictures of my room (especially before I whored it up).


I went to Deli Plus on 46th Street. If you sit in there before the 3:30 Saturday show you will probably see the first three Gaiety guys walk past from their temporary domiciles. I saw Dave and Tyler. Tyler stopped into the deli. He looked at me with lust. I continued to eat my delicious salad. (fine - he looked at me but it wasn’t with lust - it was more like the look you have when you are shopping for groceries).


I went back to the hotel to powder my nose and I saw more creatures from the 3rd realm of hell. Then I went to Stella’s to see if I could get some creatures into my realm. At this point it was pouring rain but I didn’t care because the power was on.


I love the afternoon drink specials. A Stella’s a patron who I know introduced me to “Eric” (that is what we will call him to protect the identity of the MENTALLY ILL). Patron friend told me Eric was wonderful from A to Z and I would love it if I spent some time with him. What patron friend neglected to tell me was that Eric was, uhm … CRAZY!


Eric spoke a nice game, pushed all the right valley buttons. I was ready to go. He is a very handsome Puerto Rican with very chiseled facial features. Strong, masculine and overall nice looking - yet he was travel size! He also had a vicious case of the hiccups. I asked bartender man to put some bitters on a lemon so Eric could suck it. It works every time. He didn’t suck it - HE ATE IT quite quickly. I was aroused and we had to leave. Though his action gave me a hint he was a Girl Interrupted I still didn’t care (or I was in sexual starvation denial).


The moment we left Stella’s I realized he was nutsy coo-coo. We walked through the Edison and he stopped at EVERY mirror, still hiccupping, and loudly exclaiming, “WOW - LOOK AT THESE MIRRORS”. He then spent about 5 minutes in EACH mirror. He was hungry so we went to Ho Jo’s. He ordered food to go and was VERY persistent with the waitress that he needed extra-cheese on his food. He was borderline angry-insistent. I just thought he was borderline period. He then told this 50 something woman how hot she was. She was creaming her pants to hear such things from my little crazy handsome man. He then went out to try to find some Rolaids because his hiccups were now mini-seizures. He came back in, his food was ready and we left.


We went across the street to the Marriott and the wizards and warlords were out in force. I didn’t know Eric was afraid of heights. It took me 10 minutes to get him into the glass elevators. I was about to call the show off when he decided he was going to go in. He GRASPED on to me for dear life. Now, this may have been cute if he wasn’t dry heaving. No, I kid you not. AND people were looking at me like I was the issue.


We get into the room and he goes hyper … and gassy. He started to fart and pretend they were ducks. He laughed at this. He was then scared at the window so I closed the shades. I went into the bathroom and, 16 hours later when I received my bill, I realized he rated my mini-bar! The mini-bar is all computerized and when you take something it registers on your bill. HE LOVES LITTLE BOTTLES OF VODKA. All of my money was in the safe but I should have used the combination code feature on the mini-bar but WHO KNEW? I bet one of the unicorn princesses in the hotel knew. However, Eric was polite when he asked for beer from the mini-bar. I guess a few of his many personalities are nice. We then got into bed, he made a Dutch Oven (so nasty!), we talked a lot and then we did some slap and tickle. I basically could have gotten some of this via the rough trade I see at my local 7-11. However, he was a great kisser.


He then asked to use my grooming products before he left and I said sure. He went to use WET in is hair. I am sure all of you know WET is a lubricant to use in the act of bang bang (or other happy touch time). I screamed and told him what is was. He was somewhat shocked. I showed him where my spray hair gel was and he seemed NOT to be phased he was going to put sexual lubricant in his hair instead of gel. Crack is a dangerous drug. He was about to leave when he decided his hiccups, gas (and aberrant behavior) was due to the fact he may need to take a dump. He did and he didn’t flush. NASTY. He then wanted to take my mattress and he also claimed I didn’t give him all of his currency due. He laughed loudly and left. I tried to find the hidden camera in my room but there wasn’t one. This was real. I am also surprised hotel security did not show up because he spoke as if we were in a stadium and I was at the opposite end HIS ENTIRE VISIT. He was very loud, boisterous, sensual, insane and startling. I needed a hug and an injection.


I showered, did some chanting, and went to the G. I loved JJ, Shane and Filipe. However, Eduardo was SO nice and a hot addition to the G roster. I guess you can get jaded after a while because though the others were nice you get used to them after seeing them from time to time. I also notice the performers are having more say in the music they want when they are on stage as most of them were in the DJ booth previewing music for the DJ to use for their numbers. Saturday night was crowded with many handsome patrons. It’s also nice to see Gio give attention to the older men who love that attention. To me, he is, and always will be, the classiest person to perform at the G. You can still work there, do what you need to do outside of the theatre and still treat people like humans. Other performers should emulate how he treats others.


I went back to Stella’s and there was no sign of Mr. Gas. I saw some Stella’s regulars and it is always nice to chat with them. The waiters are also hot and friendly. Fellow board member jaynnj joined me and we shared many laughs and enjoyed the hustler handing out safe sex packs with lollipops. There were condoms and literature in the packet with lube in a condiment sized packet. I have never seen something so convenient like that before. There were MANY handsome fellows at Stella’s including Jhonny (I think that is the unique way he spells it) who is Eduardo’s brother from the Gaiety. What a VERY handsome, South American family.


I then met Anthony who was very handsome who also reeked of being very thuggy. No, he didn’t smell bad but it was easy to “smell” this was a bad boy trying to play it cool. I like rough necks. I like Billy-bad assess. He had on a baseball cap, a white t-shirt with NYC on it and low hanging jeans and Timberlands. He was honest. He wanted to know if I was going to rescue him from Stella’s because his rent was due. I love romance. We left.


He was not gassy or scared of heights or, at least to me, didn’t appear be hearing voices or having issues with oxygen or gravity. We rented some lesbian porn in my hotel room. My hotel bill looked as if Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson stayed the night. He had on Halloween boxers. SO hot … I didn’t care if he was not a seasonal choice. His private was limited, his price was outrageous and he is a classic hustler in that he talks a good game. It was the quintessential example on what not to do before you leave with your “dude” from Stella’s or G. It was a mistake but I didn’t care because he was wonderful to look at and, overall, what he did was ok. However, once again, I could have gone to the local 7-11 and added a Slushy to the deal.


It was a pleasure to sleep in that comfortable bed. Sunday was a weather day from heaven. The city kissed me goodbye. I also said goodbye to the goblins and warlocks. Summer is done - the fall is coming - seasons change …. the winds of change are around the corner. I hope you all enjoy what is left of the Labor Day weekend. I bid you a farewell until the Autumnal Equinox.

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RE: The Gaiety, Stella’s and Hustlers Abusing my Mini-B...


Whoa! That was some post. I LOVED it!!!

I was in the city Saturday night to have dinner with friends and was in the Gaiety area. Had no idea why all those people were dressed so funny. Thanks for the explanation. You really need to write a book and I want to buy an autographed copy! I think we need you on the Gaiety review board.

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RE: The Gaiety, Stella’s and Hustlers Abusing my Mini-B...




>I was in the city Saturday night to have dinner with friends

>and was in the Gaiety area. Had no idea why all those people

>were dressed so funny. Thanks for the explanation. You really


It was startling to see some of these people because most of them were not mere armatures. Their make-up and get-ups were quite realistic! I avoided direct eye contact for fear of an incantation.


>need to write a book and I want to buy an autographed copy!


Thanks, however, I don't think the public is ready for a book about me. It I had to give it a title it would be "Genetic Splicing: I am Evidence It Could Work" or "Lovechild: Touches, Screams and Party Drugs". Either way I would sign your copy with love and affection.




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RE: The Gaiety, Stella’s and Hustlers Abusing my Mini-B...


Thank you for your story about your excursion through the canyons of NYC.


Too bad you fled the City during the blackout, it would have been nice to meet you. This Southern Boy stayed and survived it with the help of Rick and Derek, Lucky and Cooper, plus a real cute guy named Jacob.


I found Stella's to be real wild. With all the bars and strip clubs I've been to I've never seen such a Hustler Bar. Even though I had a full dance card and did not partack of the offerings there. I realized real quick that with any eye contact made, I was instantly like fresh meat for Piranha. Especially the night I was there with TotallyOZ and Ryan. It made no difference Ryan was with me, I was just Fresh meat and still approached. The hustlers had the patrons out numbered 4 to 1. Got to be the easiest place to in the world to pick up someone.

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RE: The Gaiety, Stella’s and Hustlers Abusing my Mini-B...


Hello KY_TOP!


>Too bad you fled the City during the blackout, it would have

>been nice to meet you. This Southern Boy stayed and survived

>it with the help of Rick and Derek, Lucky and Cooper, plus a

>real cute guy named Jacob.


GOOD FOR YOU FOR STAYING! I should have. In the future I will if the power goes out again because now I am prepared with flashlights and survival stuff. I was scared sleeping and peeing in the dark.


>I found Stella's to be real wild. With all the bars and strip

>clubs I've been to I've never seen such a Hustler Bar.


It is a "busy' place for sure. Cooper, me and some of the other board members like to play a game when we are their together. It is called "Hustler or Patron". I usually win the game. I don't want to give away all of my secrets but the shoes always give it away.




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RE: The Gaiety, Stella’s and Hustlers Abusing my Mini-B...


VDN: WOW! what a story. Seems that there's never a dull moment in your NYC adventures. Thanks for sharing. Btw, our game "hustler or patron", no fair, you use your face!:+ As for your tricks at Stella's, don't feel so bad, I went with "Speedy-Jhonny-Gonazeles"! I could have used a translator, he said "yes" to all my pre-private questions, and "no" to everything once at the "hotel". :-(

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RE: The Gaiety, Stella’s and Hustlers Abusing my Mini-B...


Hello Cooper!


>game "hustler or patron", no fair, you use your face!:+ As for

>your tricks at Stella's, don't feel so bad, I went with

>"Speedy-Jhonny-Gonazeles"! I could have used a translator, he

>said "yes" to all my pre-private questions, and "no" to

>everything once at the "hotel". :-(


Oh my. I knew language was an issue with him because I asked him if he would like a drink and he said, "Yes, it is hot in Miami". Maybe we need to use those universal charts like the ones they in restaurants for helping a choking victim. We should make a chart with pictures of all the desired sex acts with a grand total at the bottom. Vulgar, but practical.





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RE: The Gaiety, Stella’s and Hustlers Abusing my Mini-B...


VDN, you have pepped-up my evening! This is no TrixieTale here, I can see the whole evening happening, quite graphically actually.

Thank you for sharing such a 'wonderful' experience with us.

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The APPLE bites VDN



What a great way to start my week. I laughed so hard. You should post more of your adventures, you have a real flair. My trip to NYC pales in comparison (although I did see Bono at the Marriott and boners at the G in the same night).

Please post some more. it brought back some great memories.




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Hello Hijinx,


>Things I have learned from this post:


>1- The whole "crazy people are better in the sack" thing is

>either a myth or comes at a *really* high price for those who

>choose to partake


Well, crazy gas man was a great kisser but all of his other sexual maneuvers confused me. At one point, I had pulled the sheet up to my eyes and I looked like a scared girl who thought there was a monster under her bed.




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Hello CEO,


>makes your story a lot more poingant. I haven't seen many of

>your posts lately, (maybe I'm reading the wrong threads) so

>welcome back. ;)


Thank you for your kindness. I have been preoccupied with family matters since April. It has been fun to come back and post again. The people here are truly wonderful and caring.





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RE: The APPLE bites VDN


Hello JackHammer,


>My trip to NYC pales in comparison (although I did see Bono at

>the Marriott and boners at the G in the same night).


Our paths never seem to cross. Maybe I need to hang out with you as I would have LOVED to have seen Bono instead of Lord of the Gas. The city seems to always treat you well. I hope to meet you soon.



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