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Taboo, Campus, Stock: Thursday, August 29

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You'd think I'd get used to it, but last night was another wonderful memorable evening for me in Montreal.


Compared to my last trip in late June, Taboo is noticeably emerging toward its original gracious hospitable hotly sensuous self. Damien and Jamie heated up their private performances with as close as closeness can get. They get you hard fast.


Stock gets more interesting everytime I go there.


Campus, however, wins the Blue Ribbon. Over the last year and a half, and especially this season with their young slendor smooth 3-9pm twink themes, it has something for everybody attracted to that type of male build. Their private dance areas are hotly intimate. The guys are active around the bar and are easy to get to and talk with. And, by 6 o'clock I had completed an hour visit in my hotel with a stunning 6', smooth, slendor, hung, campanion: Campus is the place to see and do. They are a one stop all-you-could-wish-for place.


Once Taboo has been cleared, they've got to intimately personalize their private dance section. Secondly, the lock on their guys from going out, meeting a client in his hotel, until 2AM is really unrealistic. It antagonizes the clients and restricts their dancers' resources for income which can be substantial (like $250 American)that would attract more and the best guys to the place (like Campus has). And, I find Campus's 3pm opening very attractive compared to Taboo's 7pm. At least last night I was a happy camper by early evening -- Taboo starts late and is not competitive with avaibility of models as Campus is.


I did not go into Adonis this trip.


Montreal is a mecca of brotherly love and fraternal bonding that enriches one's live. Amazing place.




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>You'd think I'd get used to it, but last night was another

>wonderful memorable evening for me in Montreal.


>Compared to my last trip in late June, Taboo is noticeably

>emerging toward its original gracious hospitable hotly

>sensuous self. Damien and Jamie heated up their private

>performances with as close as closeness can get. They get you

>hard fast.



Hi Jack:


Thanks for the update. You know I am a Taboo fan... so just some questions since it's been almost a month since I've been there.


Damien I know very well... but which one is Jamie? Description please?


Did you get to see Jordan? And are there any hot new dancers?


Finally, one of the dancers I was chatting with online mentioned that a lot of the old dancers who had left are starting to return... have you seen amy of them?


Thanks... keep the updates coming. I won't be back there for yet another month. Hope the Labor Day crowd keeps the boys well paid and us well informed!

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Guest Tampa Yankee

> It antagonizes the clients

>and restricts their dancers' resources for income which can be

>substantial (like $250 American)...


Whew!!! If that is for an hour then it's almost twice the going rate!!

Shop wisely. ;)

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>and restricts their dancers' resources for income which can be

>substantial (like $250 American)


Jack: I have been going to Montreal for six years and have on many ocassion enlisted the services of various dancers. Even considering inflation, I have never been asked for "$250.00 American" which converts to approximately $350.00 Canadian! Even the most popular dancers have not asked for anything near that price. I suspect that your finger hit the wrong number key on your computer when you wrote your posting.

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Marc, Taboo for me has been a fabulous almost surreal place for me as you know. Thursday was more enjoyable there for me than the June trip -- so its going in the right direction along the line you reported in mid season.


Jamie, or James?, is taller, slightly older, than Damien, very slender, and when he dropped his pants, there it was: a wonderful mouthful of soft cock with low hanging eggs significantly different from Damien's lovely though less plump package (as you can guess they are both superb for whom and what they are). Jamie, like Damien is very personable, always with a nice smile. He said he had been at Taboo about three weeks, and he was concerned about leaving for Paris and Switzerland this Monday (for a month he said, but that seems to me like a very long first trip adgenda). He stayed with me at the bar always within hands reach, as it were. Lovely, Stunning time.


There was general conversation that old (previous) dancers were coming back and that there were some new guys on board. Without getting specific, it appeared to be true.


Once again, the bartender was terrific, good chit chat, saving my place while I was "out back". And, regarding money that appears elsewhere, I did buy several guys drinks, and for Damien and Jamie, they each danced one long song ($10 rate) for which I gave them both $20 American because they both were so sensual, gracious, and giving in their performance and because I want to support the pleasure for me of their being there. . . you know the routine.


Nonethless, Marc, as I have suggested, in my opinion, Taboo really has several things it needs to do to be more user friendly as is Campus now. Here's the funny thing, though I enjoy more the uniqueness that is Taboo, Campus actually did a better job from soup to nuts. Much easier place to get thing done for the reasons I stated. I need good private lap dance accommodations for have a normal private lap and I like to invite a person from time to time back to my hotel room where we can relax and be natural together. Taboo makes those two thing difficult. Campus makes them easy. Plus, Campus is open for business with an upbeat crowd of people by mid afternoon. That blond 6' smooth hung kid finished his dance routine, had two and a half hours before his next number, asked his boss if he could go with me, he said yes, have a good time, and he was back in time -- that's even after I showed him how nice it was to get kissed with his own cum .. .That beats that 2am deal. :) I say these things because I think you can at least bring them up -- since I love the place why change it, huh. Only, I spent more money at Campus. Next.

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Tampa and Imrthr: on money. You both bring up good basic economic opinions and suggestions. Here's my take. When I see a guy with "that look", that's it. I don't need a private with him or even see him naked, because, he has "that look" and I am confident in what "that look" includes. The only other thing is to have a normal conversation with him. By him a drink, talk, touch.


When I ask if he'd like to visit me elsewhere and he says yes, I ask him what the price would be. Thursday, he said, between 150 to 200. I said 200 would be fine, when can he leave. And, afterward, after giving him the 200, I said here's a 50 tip, you were wonderful. In fact, I said, did you have a good time, and he said, "couldn't you tell". So tender, so thoughful, so giving.


For this situation, for the guy with "that look" that your lucky to spot when you do, I know any young guy would love to hear the 200, with no quibble, or quibbling about this or that, just a straight away eye ball to eye ball deal that's done in three seconds -- with the right kid, its the best way to start. (Plus, compared to NYC escorts, I saved 100 last night). See what I mean :9

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Guest Tampa Yankee

The thing I don't understand the most is that Canadian currency it the legal tender. The figures you mention end up being paid in US$... the escort asks for $150 CN and ends up effectively with $350 CN. You could have had two dates plus a nice dinner with this irresistable guy (or a second) but settled for one. Guess I'm greedy. :p

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>Nonethless, Marc, as I have suggested, in my opinion, Taboo

>really has several things it needs to do to be more user

>friendly as is Campus now. Here's the funny thing, though I

>enjoy more the uniqueness that is Taboo, Campus actually did a

>better job from soup to nuts.


Depends on what one is looking for... if I want hot back room action I go to campus but I would never spend an more than an hour there, two at most. I find the front scene boring overall. In contrast I can spend all night at taboo without blinking an eye. The club, its employees and boys have a friendly interactive atmosphere -- partylike. It is not all business as campus is (tho I have 2 or 3 campus guys how are not all business too). The taboo back room is secondary for me though I am familiar with the wall paper. :+

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