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Montreal Stripper

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IF, and this is a big IF,it is the fella I think it is then he could be hot or not depending on what was in his system at the time-I had a REALLY intense backroom session with him one night at the Adonis-the next night he sat next to me and did not remember me at all!

I don't know what club he is working at now-maybe the WestSide-that seems to be the club of last resort!

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I wouldn't swear on the following in a court of law, BUT: I'm fairly sure the picture is of a dancer who used to go by the name of Nicholas when Stock Bar was in it's old location on Rue St. Andre. He would juggle chairs and do a very acrobatic dance routine. He also played a lot of pool. He would also give a "great" lap dance in the back and did privates.

The "bad" news? He enjoyed booze, a lot, and I suspect other stuff as well---I know he enjoyed weed and he hinted to me that he did other things.

I saw him at L'Adonis about six months ago and he was no longer dancing there---not sure what happend---but I slipped him $10 on the way out---although he had done nothing---he just looked "lost."

I was in Montreal two weeks ago and I saw him on the street in front of the Bourbon Hotel on Ste Catherine--he was with three or four others---girls and guys who seemed to be just "hanging out" in front of the hote---I'll make no speculation about what they were doing there---those who know Montreal, know what goes on in that area.

Nicholas has/had a beautiful body and gorgeous eyes---he' not as tall as he appears in the photo--probably 5'10" at most and if he works out, is nicely muscled. That is a very flattering photo of him and was obviously taken by a professional. I wonder when it was taken--since it's a Florida location.

If you are thinking of hooking up with him, drop me a private e-mail.

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Thank Samai-Nicholas that was his name!And as usual,the stock bar website has out of date photos of performers who no longer work there-while some of the new hot dancers have no photos at all.

Like I said,He could be hot- or not.The photos of him in the link provided are pretty hot-I wonder if he has moved to SOBE?

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I think you have confused two different people. The original picture is of Yvan Courneyer(sp) Playgirl model, aspiring actor, physique model for several hot catalogs. The picture of Nicholas from Stock, to me is of a completely different guy. His website, which is referenced from the original picture says he's based in Vancouver since 1999. Now he's originally from Quebec so he may well have spent some time in Montreal and with a bod like his could have danced anywhere, but the timings referenced don't seem to jive.

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You could be right. At first examination, I thought "Yvan" was the Nicholas from Stock---perhaps because of the question on the thread. The more I look at the two photos---the original one and the one posted later, the more I tend to think they are two different people.

Sorry about that---but there are remarkable similarities between these two fine looking young men.

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I'm confirming that Ted IS correct...the first pic is NOT Nicholas , but the 2nd one is. I've met Nicholas a few times...originally at the Old Stock. The last time I saw him...back in March, he was dancing at L'Adonis...looking strung out. This guy is ALWAYS high and he's a big hustler. Guys, study the 2nd photo...if you run into him in Montreal, DON'T even think about doing a private with him.

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Thanks for the warning about Nicolas. I always thought he was hot when he was at the old Stock but I never approached him (thank God).


Here are more photos of Stock's Nicholas in case there's ever any doubt:





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I am still not 100% that these two are not one in the same.I am leaning towards them NOT being the same.However,I remember Nicholas telling me about a layout he did for Playgirl,and I never belive anything the bios on a photo site tell us about a model-it is usually BS.(witness all the gay porn stars who have posed under different names in Playgirl-and sometimes in Gay Rags also.

The photos on the stock site are reallllllly old.I never remember him looking that good.

And the photos on the site I posted are a bit of a mish-mosh.If they are all of the same guy-boy is he a chameleon!

I have known a few models/actors/porno boys who can pull it together for a few months,take some hot photos( or make some vid's)and a few months later they are up to their bad habits.Lance(rip)John Davenport(is it true he is selling cars in S.D. these days-guess prison will do that to you)Richie Fine,Eric Manchester, and Billy Brandt are a few that pop into my mind that I have personally witnessed go from Beauty to Bum and back again.

That said-y'all may be right-I am not so certain.

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The photos you posted are all of the same Nicholas from Stock---he looked liked that when I first ran into him about 18 months, two years ago. He's gone downhill since---although he is young and remarkably resilient physically. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in Montreal looking fit and buff---if....... and GRoca has it right, he enjoys the "stuff."

I agree with you about the "Playgirl" bios----recently, Christopher from Stock was featured in Playgirl, and the bio was laughable---when I talked to Christopher about it, we both laughed.

I'd love to see some photos of the guy from SouthBeach :))

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I saw Nicholas a year ago or so at the old Stock as he did his chair routine; he looked like the photos Stock is using now. I saw him early this year 2003 at Stock and had a private, which was pretty bad. He was very strung out on drugs, insolent, unpleasant, and did nothing. He mumbled to himself much of the time. In June I saw him at Adonis trying to do his chair thing. He was heavily under drugs and staggered a good deal. I was sitting with another dancer, and he leaned over to me and whispered that Nicholas is always on drugs and the other dancers don't like him and stay away from him. As he slides down, he may be hustling in front of Bourbon Street. Only hustlers gather there, and Nicholas can probably no longer get a dancing job. Sorry case.

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Hi Karl


Just to confirm what you just wrote: As I had mentioned, I last saw

Nicholas dancing at L'Adonis back in March. I was with 2 Stock/Gaiety

dancers who were taking me out for my Birthday. These 2 dancers told

me the same thing... about Nicholas ALWAYS being on drugs and that NO ONE likes him. Last summer, I was told by a different dancer that Nicholas punched out a patron and was fired. He keeps getting fired and re-hired, so don't be surprised if he pops up again. Stay clear of

this loser!

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