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Here we go again: A reliable source tells me that Stella's has come under the watchful eyes of the NYPD vice squad. Last week, an undercover agent arrested a dancer for giving a patron a hand job. This took place in the lower level stage area. Police spoke with the owner about cleaning up the action and now the dancers have to follow new restrictions. Employees are roaming the area making certain that the dancers keep their hands off of the patrons and vice versa. A word of caution, when speaking with a hustler or dancer about hooking up, use discretion.

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>Here we go again: A reliable source tells me that Stella's

>has come under the watchful eyes of the NYPD vice squad. Last

>week, an undercover agent arrested a dancer for giving a

>patron a hand job.


GOOD LORD!!!!! GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!! Give a guy a break and let people get hand jobs! Don't they have BETTER things to look out for!?!?! Leave Stella's alone! Leave us alone! HAND JOBS ACROSS AMERICA! It is our right to have hand jobs. It hurts no one. It doesn't stop traffic. It doesn't raise taxes. It doesn't cause cancer. It doesn't raise MTA fares. It makes people HAPPY!!!!! The vice squad need to patrol their own ranks. Times Square can be over run with pan flute soloists BUT when we get a solo for our flutes the PIGS get in a fury. HAND JOBS ACROSS AMERICA!


Thanks for news tip Cooper. However, I am coming down to the city for aa long weekend soon and I plan to have hand jobs everywhere.



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How to Give the Perfect Hand Job


The following is taken from the following site:





One of the secrets of great manual sex is varying your hand motions. Here are a few indispensable techniques:




Use both hands, alternating back and forth in a pattern you develop to offer him the most arousal. He will notice the difference. Don't get into a routine where the strokes are dull, and noncommittal. Give it to him good. Get him to the point where he's singing out, "I second that hand motion!"




How about going double or nothing! Bring both well-lubricated hands down on his shaft. Some cocks are so big they require both hands. If your partner's doesn't, then use the other hand to caress and lightly flutter his balls, or tighten around the base of his shaft. If both hands fit along the length of the shaft, move then together, up and down, in the typical pumping motion. Pretend you're holding a baseball bat and are about to score a grand slam. You can also vary the directions of your hands, one up, one down at the same time. There's no doubt that two hands are better than one.




Bring one hand down, letting it stroke the penis from the top all the way to the bottom. When it hits the bottom, release it. Meanwhile you're bringing your corresponding hand down to the top of the shaft, creating an alternating beating motion, hence the name "anvil stroke." Think of those blacksmith duos who keep up a double beat pounding motion as they beat that rod of iron on a piping-hot anvil.




Not many people have heard of the "shuttle cock," but it's one of the best. Take the penis in both hands, fingers lightly touching the sides of the shaft. In order to visualize the position, think of yourself holding a clarinet. Now flick the penis back and forth between your two hands by holding on to the loose skin of the shaft. Shuttling it back and forth in this manner may not seem incredibly thrilling to him at first, but pretty soon, as it builds up momentum, it will drive him out of his mind. Orgasms encountered via this method are sometimes messy, but always memorable.




Place both of your hands side by side against his shaft like a pair of bookends. Now push hard against his penis. Then lift your hands up and down. Continue in this manner for a while. The constant tugging of the skin around the balls and the mons pubis will do the trick.




Place your hands down on either side, your fingers pointing away from the cock. Pretend you're a campfire girl and start spinning his pecker like a stick of wood. This way you'll keep the home fires burning for a long time to come.




Tighten your thumb and forefinger around the base of the shaft, pressing down on the balls. This will cut off the blood (acting as an impromptu cock ring) and help you steady the shaft in your hand. If the skin on it is slick and immutable, you can stroke the penis with more friction, thereby enhancing the excruciating experience.




As you are stroking him, lightly pull on the wispy strands of pubic hair sprouting from his testicles. Don't pull so hard that you remove them, but tease them gently, lovingly. This will make him holler with delight and awe at your inventiveness.




Tickle his balls with one hand while the other jerks him up and down.




Use the hand that is currently unemployed to firmly but lovingly pat his inner thighs.




Place your fist against his perineum as you're stroking him. He'll probably start opening his legs a little wider, giving you more space to press against. Guaranteed to drive him wild.

As always, it is the psychological impact of what you are doing that makes the sex so satisfying. Let your mind escape into the uncharted wilderness of fantasy. As a sexual pioneer, it is your manifest destiny to explore the outer limits of your sensuality.





Opposite of the Anvil - Hands alternate 'milking' up the penis, starting at the base and working all the way up past the tip.




Like the Anvil, but rather than just grabbing the penis at the top, let his penis 'penetrate' into your fist on each stroke. Before the head of his penis pops out of your hand, bring the other hand up for the next penetration. This way it seems to him like he is penetrating deeper and deeper into an infinite vagina. Make sure you keep the penetration continuous for best results. Try faster or slower to taste.




Use your open palm to swirl around the head, the way your tongue would lick an ice cream cone. This sensitizes the head, and will make it get larger and turn (even more) red. Try reversing direction for a surprise.




As in "The Palm Swirl", use your open palm on his glans, but stop at each "hour of the clock", and make circular motions with your open palm. This will make this part of the head EXTREMELY sensitive, so move to the next hour after a few circles.




Make a ring with your thumb and forefinger, and pump up and down with this ring. When you get to the top, close the ring, then make him squeeze his way in as you slide back down to the bottom.




Turn the head of his penis like a you're trying to open a door knob coated with grease. It won't turn, but he may flip. Now try turning the other way. Repeat.




Stroke only his shaft, ignoring the head. You will notice it swelling and turning red. When it's bright red and rock hard, use the Door Knob, the Palm Swirl, or the Perpetual Penetration.




Lightly and slowly run a finger up the under side of his cock. Ask him to tell you where the most sensitive spot is. Pinch it, squeeze it, nibble it, tease it. This is a good spot to pinch to turn a soft cock rock solid.

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RE: Hand Jobs Across America


VDN: Horace Mann, the father of American Education, defined education as "learning by doing". I think you've provided us with enough materials to keep all of us busy for awhile. Perhaps a survey is now in order... As for Stella's, it's getting a bit of a face lift, with a new entrance and changes in the lower level. By Sept., the downstairs will become a dance floor for patrons... As for the "hand job" arrest, it's hard to see something like that taking place in such an open enviroment. There isn't any real privacy downstairs, no wonder he got caught.

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The recent vice squad visits are just the start of the trouble for Stellas. With the new apartment building across the street, the complaints about the hustlers on the corner and the drug dealing will finally get the police to do something about that place. Red didn't survive the police visits, and Stellas may not either.

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RE: Stellas


Gosh, Bill, aren't you Mr. Sunshine today?:)

I have never seen any sexual activity at Stella's and don't think I ever will. As far as I can tell, they run a pretty clean place. If your idea of a bar is a place to whip your dick out, then this bar isn't for you.

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RE: Stellas


Lucky, I have seen plenty going on at Stella's. Not as much recently as in years past. But, within the last 2 months, I took a friend there (very cute) and one of the dancers took him to the bathroom for a bj. So, things do happen. Perhaps they are more discreet than before.


The downstairs is a different story. It is quite dark and fun if it is crowded. I have stories of there from years gone by. But, don't travel to the basement much anymore. I think I will go this weekend just to see what is happening now.


Thanks for the heads up. Stella's is a great bar and I would hate to see it go. The owner has always run a tight ship and I like that and respect that. I always have a good time there.


It has survived through many tough years and I know the owner is in for the long haul. She is a tough cookie herself.

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RE: A Job at Stellas


Geez, I never seen nothing. It shouldn't surprise me though, but I just never wanted a hand/blow job in Stella's bathroom! So I guess I am not looking for it, either. Those stalls are pretty small. The basement has a lot of lap-style dancing, but it seems like it would be really awkward to try to clean up in a crowded space like that!

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>Leave us alone!

>HAND JOBS ACROSS AMERICA! It is our right to have hand jobs.

>It hurts no one.


Well why would anyone pay for a hand job??? Unless you are born without them or have lost them somehow, can't you use your own hand?

Haven't you ever heard of carpal syndrome? If you gave 20 hand jobs a day, you might easily develop that affliction so there is danger of hurting someone.


>It makes people HAPPY!!!!!


So do drugs which are also illegal. :)


>BUT when we get a solo for our flutes the PIGS get in

>a fury.


And FAGS get in a huff! Get your solo in private and the PIGS won't make you squeal! Why do so many guys feel offended that the police bust them for having sex in public areas which is against the law

regardless of the gender or sexual orientation. Yeah, I want to step in your cum and slip and fall on the damn floor! UGH! Disgusting in all ways!


And the police are only doing their job by responding to complaints, so don't blame them if the place loses its licencse and has to close. Look in the mirror and put the blame where it belongs. And regardless of whether they have something more useful to do, they are required to respond to such complaints and failure to respond to such complaints would not go over well with those filing the complaints.


PIGS and FAGS - yet two more offensive 4 letter words. x(

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Oh dear. I am sorry. You must have a cold or some allergies that you could not smell the "tongue and cheek" nature of my post.


>Well why would anyone pay for a hand job??? Unless you are

>born without them or have lost them somehow, can't you use

>your own hand?


I am sure any former Boy Scout here can attest that it is just so much more fun to have someone else do it ... especially when there is a merit badge involved.


>So do drugs which are also illegal. :)


Listen hear Strom Thurmond! (oh wait he is dead) Listen hear Jesse Helms! (is he dead yet?) Hand jobs are not illegal! If they are done in the privacy of one's car, kitchen or utility shed then that is fine. AND if they are done in a public bathroom with the stall door closed then what is the big squeal all about? People have sex in elevators. People have corporate quickies at lunch break. Get a grip ... and give a hand job.


>And FAGS get in a huff! Get your solo in private and the PIGS

>won't make you squeal! Why do so many guys feel offended that

>the police bust them for having sex in public areas which is

>against the law

>regardless of the gender or sexual orientation.


I get offended because the very same vice officers are getting hand jobs in the locker rooms of their headquarters after they bust other people for doing it. Is that OK? OUR tax dollars are paying for on-duty hand jobs!!!!! More sex occurs in the police barracks then at Stella's or any other hotel room in Times Square. There are many pink guys that walk the blue line. Just smell their clubs.


>to step in your cum and slip and fall on the damn floor! UGH!

> Disgusting in all ways!


I agree with you there BUT any respectful person getting a handy out and about need to clean up after the party in their pants. Turn on the TV and you will see there is a wipe for EVERYTHING these days. CUM prepared and clean up.


>And the police are only doing their job by responding to

>complaints, so don't blame them if the place loses its

>licencse and has to close. Look in the mirror and put the


NO! I am blaming the complainer. The complainer was probably someone who didn't get a hand job SO they have to ruin it for others.


Well, VaHawk, this oral discourse with you was most fun. However, I will settle for hand job.


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RE: A Job at Stellas


Well, I was the last Tuesday night and it was slower than I'd ever seen it before. Cathy was out in front joking with about 4 cops, so she's obviously doing major damage control and pr. Anyone been there this week and notice anything different?

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  • 3 months later...

Police activity at Stella's


The debate about the FBI post reminded me of this post from the summer, also posted based on a reliable rumor about police activity at Stella's. Some of the escorts on the corner of 8th and 47th claim Cathy won't let them in Stella's because of recent police activity there involving drugs.

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RE: Police activity at Stella's


I've been at Stella's quite a few times in the past months and have noticed police cars numerous times sitting in front of the bar. I have also seen Kathy joking with the cops, which makes it a bit easier to stand outside and smoke, even though they have this new awning that is so bright you feel like there's a big sign with a big arrow saying "FAGS SMOKING".


A friend of mine, however, was asked to leave a few weeks ago and told he needed to speak to Kathy. When he spoke to her, she knew nothing of the incident and told him to come back. He returned and no one knew anything about it and proceeded to let him back in (for $5.00 of course).


The basement is unusual; you now have to stand around and it's impossible to get a "lap dance" while standing. Also, you have no place to put your drink. I no longer go on weekends because of this...no longer as fun as it was earlier this year.


The dancers are hot as always, most of the hustlers are nice too, just be careful at the end of the evening as one or two get drunk and obnoxious and somewhat dangerous if you refuse to partake in their offerings. Too bad too, it makes it unpleasant if you return. I had such an experience this week and wanted to report him right away but, at the same time, didn't feel it was fair to rob him ofhis livelihood...also I was afriad he might murder me if I had him banned...the nasty bald fuck!

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