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Some new developments at Taboo

marc anthony
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I tell you Tampa, the two of you are driving me crazy with jealousy. Marc does that naturally when we speak but I think he has turned you into an evil man. :) jk


I am so glad you guys are having a blast up there. I love the updates and it does make me want to be there so much. :) Hopefully, it won't be too long until my next trip up there. :)

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>What do we get to do in the backroom these days at Taboo?


>PS--Really want badly to meet up with Travis! He is



The rules are the same post-raid rules. If underpants are on, you can touch/kiss etc. anywhere except the genitals and buttocks. With them off, you are supposed to limit yourself to below the knees and above the waist... though if the chemistry is right, you and the dancer can do a lot more touching "in transition."


Overall it is fun enough for me (especially at the $6 rate), and the mood at Taboo has been fairly upbeat.


As for Travis, I can't tell you what a keeper this guy is. And apparently, I don't need to!



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>I tell you Tampa, the two of you are driving me crazy with

>jealousy. Marc does that naturally when we speak but I think

>he has turned you into an evil man. :) jk


>I am so glad you guys are having a blast up there. I love the

>updates and it does make me want to be there so much. :)

>Hopefully, it won't be too long until my next trip up there.





Your not in the Boat by yourself with your comments on this one Oz. I don't return until October and that seems like an eternity right now.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Sometimes you gotta have fun...


>Well, good for you. Just because my ego is shattered....:)


>I just saw the movie Seabisuit, so my analogy here is: I guess

>I shoulda stuck with that horse all along!


Ummm... with what I've read about your dashing looks and suave demeanor your ego should be the last thing shattered. :) You might want to avoid picking the horses though. :+


I'm sure its just youthful indecision.... either that you maybe a bird already in the other hand? ;-)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Sometimes you gotta have fun...


>I'm sure its just youthful indecision.... either that you

>maybe a bird already in the other hand? ;-)


I'm sure its just youthful indecision.... either that or you

maybe you already had a bird [stike]already[/strike] in the other hand? ;-)


(Ummm.... pardon me but I think my long sleepless weekend was showing. :7 )

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>I tell you Tampa, the two of you are driving me crazy with



Sorry OZ, but the best remedy is a little 'hair of the dog' (that is biting us)... or a lot. }(


Marc does that naturally when we speak but I think

>he has turned you into an evil man. :) jk



Yes he deserves a lot of credit for my fallen path... but there has been a second partner in this crime -- just as much fun!!... urrr... ummm.... I mean just as bad an influence. ;)


>I am so glad you guys are having a blast up there. I love the

>updates and it does make me want to be there so much. :)


Simple words (and some discretion) fail to convey fully the experience... but you know. One of the highlites of last weekend was sharing a very nice quiet dinner in old Montreal with Marc and two of the hottest and nicest guys on this planet -- good company, good food, good wine in a warm friendly ambience... a nice counterpoint to the hustle and bustle of the club scene.


>Hopefully, it won't be too long until my next trip up there.


It better not!!! Several of the dancers were asking about you guys. If you can make it to our next bash we will have to reserve the entire club, what with contingents from ATL., DCA , BOS, HAW (?). We are counting on you to show the NYC colors. Factor in at least five Taboo dancers consistently at our tables this last weekend (also a dancer from another club joined us); so you see we'll need lots of space (Mailibu, Sambuca and blow jobs too). }(


A cute aside... one of the dancers we met this weekend asked me if it was ok to wait for an open chair so he could join us... almost like asking for a number. Cute and polite too... :)

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Sometimes you gotta have fun...


>(Ummm.... pardon me but I think my long sleepless weekend was

>showing. :7 )


Still is it seems. Delete one of those 'already's... :+

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Hey Marc, Another Question


I envy how much fun you always seem to be having!!


So if you're allowed to kiss anywhere, do many of the guys let you french-kiss them? Or is it more like little pecks? I've only been to Taboo once, and it seemed like anything and everything goes, but maybe it's different now since the raid? I love kissing more than anything else, and there was something really exciting about that backroom and the things that went on there!!


How's Travis? You always get to go with the guy I have my eyes on, it seems!


How many boys from Taboo do you bring back to your hotel with you to enjoy in addition to Travis? Has he been enjoying any of them?


You are my mentor!!!!!



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RE: Hey Marc, Another Question



>So if you're allowed to kiss anywhere, do many of the guys let

>you french-kiss them? Or is it more like little pecks? I've

>only been to Taboo once, and it seemed like anything and

>everything goes, but maybe it's different now since the raid?


It is definitely different since the raid, but kissing still happens. All out French kissing is not that common, but possible, with the right dancer and the right amount of songs. Things heat up the longer you keep them back there. Almost all like do a lot of ear and neck action (both giving and receiving). I love that... it is highly sensual.




>How's Travis? You always get to go with the guy I have my

>eyes on, it seems!



Put is this way.... Travis is going on day #5 with me here in MOntreal (scheduled for 2, but neither of us wanted to see him go).

After all that time, I only love him MORE. That says a lot!




>How many boys from Taboo do you bring back to your hotel with

>you to enjoy in addition to Travis? Has he been enjoying any

>of them?




Hehe... not saying, but it is a number more than zero!



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MOnday at Taboo was pretty good for a Monday. I saw Nick again... the muscular blue collar cute boy (he really is a blue collar worker in real life, btw). What a body, what a smile, what a personality!


Speaking of that combination... guess who was back at Taboo!!!!!!!!!!!! CRISS!


I was so happy... I really couldn't contain myself. He said he left Stock because dancing there was more like work, whereas being at Taboo was getting paid to have fun.


I guess in the final analysis, that is why I enjoy Taboo so much more than the other clubs. Even after the back room restrictions post-raid, there still is a sense that the dancers are actually happy to be there. And for the 3rd night in a row, there were actually dancers in the audience who were off for the night, but just came to hang out.


But back to Criss... the ultimate Taboo boy. Cutest smile... fucking great body (that gets better all the time... he says it is from his hockey league)... and what a sparkling personality!


Tonight... going to stop at Stock because the rumor mill has it that Jimmy will be dancing there in the afternoon. Then more Taboo, and more Travis.


What more could there be to life???





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>Hey Marc,


>More info on Nick. I must have missed anything you said



Nick is a cute muscular guy with a gorgeous smile. He is dances on the side to a regular "specialized construction" type day job. Has a Taboo face and personality, but not your typical Taboo body. I really like him a lot, though he may not be long for Taboo as he says he is moving up the ladder in his work, and may have more extended jobs to do.




>Glad you are having a great time. We'll definitely meet on

>your next trip. By the way when is that?



Hey! This trip is not over yet! hehe LOL

But I will probably be back again in October. See you there!

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