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My Montreal Trip

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I just returned from 4 ½ days in Montreal, for my money the best travel destination for gay males in the world. I thought I’d pass along some of my thoughts and impressions of the clubs there. These are strictly my opinion so your mileage may vary.

Campus was exceptionally good this week. The shift that works from 3-9pm had a large number of very attractive younger guys, many of them twink types. There were a lot of new faces from my previous trips. I can usually find one or two guys at Campus that I would like to do a private dance with, but this time there were at least a dozen that got my adrenalin running. I can especially recommend Hugo, Kevin, Alex and several others whose names I can’t remember. There were a large number of dancers each of the four days I visited. On Saturday there looked to be 25 or more. One of the dancers told me that there were so many guys working Saturday that many of them ended up only doing a single stage dance during their six hour shift. On previous trips I have often found the Campus guys fairly pushy when trying to solicit privates, this time things seemed a bit more relaxed and I didn’t have anyone try the hard sell on me. Most of the guys are fairly generous in their private dances and can be a lot of fun.

I stopped briefly at Adonis. I’ve always found this club to be a bit dark, dank and a little scary with less attractive dancers. This trip was the same.

I’m a big Taboo fan and I found the current state of affairs truly sad. On both Wednesday and Thursday nights there were only 8-10 dancers and very few customers. There are some truly beautiful dancers at Taboo (I have to agree with Marc Anthony re: Damian – a very beautiful young man). Unfortunately for me, because of personal preferences, I found many of the current dancers too slight and effete. I left early on Wednesday and Thursday so perhaps things picked up later in the night. Friday night I counted 12 dancers at 9:00 (that number dropped to 11 at 9:30 when one of the dancers left). There were at least 30 or so customers. While sitting there I tried figuring out why things just didn’t feel “right”, then it dawned on me. If they had turned the music off there would have been absolute silence. There was no laughing, no conversations, just a bunch of guys sitting around staring straight ahead at the stage. For me part of the joy of Taboo was always the energy and sense of fun that permeated the place. I didn’t sense that at all this time. The dancers mostly hung out together near the bar talking amongst themselves and there was no excitement at all, even the dance routines seemed very subdued. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d ever use the word “boring” to describe Taboo, but that night I was bored. I saw very few guys go to the back for a private. A gentleman seated next to me told me that he had gone back earlier with one of the dancers and had a miserable time. By the second song he was so tired of the doorman yelling and gesturing to people that he cut his session short. Apparently the rules for private dances change on a daily basis and that night the “no touching at all” rule was in effect. I left about 10:30 so, again, I can only hope things picked up later. Ever the optimist and refusing to believe that Taboo could have gone down so far, I returned Saturday night at midnight. I only counted 9 (!!!) dancers. I couldn’t believe it. I have to believe the other 10 or 15 were all on break behind the stage or something, somewhere…there’s no way there could be only 9! If someone had ever told me there were only 9 dancers at Taboo on a Saturday night I would not have believed them. The crowd was fairly good, there were still plenty of empty seats (unusual for a Saturday night) but the best crowd I saw in 4 nights. I only stayed a few minutes. I can only hope that the new owners make some changes and find a way to rejuvenate the club into what was the best club in Montreal.

The highlight of the trip was discovering the Stock Bar for the first time. Somehow I had gotten it into my head a long time ago that all the dancers there were huge muscle guys so I had never checked it out. I was wrong. While there are certainly some big guys there I would say that easily more than half could be described as twink types to college swimmer/baseball player types. What struck me immediately was dancer after dancer, every one I saw, were some of most attractive people I’ve ever seen in one place. There were a large number of dancers each night, I would guesstimate 25 or so. I ran into several ex-Taboo dancers; Antonio, Billy, Micky. (Micky, the very, umm…blessed dancer, who gives the crème-de-le-creme of lap dances as far as I’m concerned). The Club itself is the largest in Montreal and I think the most attractive. Great stage which is even equipped with a shower, great lighting, great sound system…even video screens along the walls broadcasting the stage show up close. Best of all is that the atmosphere is electric. They get huge, boisterous, fun crowds that make the place come alive with people having a great time. The dancers seem to feed off of that energy and I saw some of the most energetic dance routines I’ve ever seen. The backroom area is the most comfortable I’ve experienced. Each booth is dimly lit and very private. Unlike the other clubs the only other private dance you can see is the one directly across from you, all the others are blocked from your view. Makes for a much more private and intimate feeling and as a result the dancers seem to be much more comfortable and can be very generous. Most every dancer will at some point approach you and ask for a private, but I never felt pressured. Generally once you politely say no thank you they’ll shake your hand or give you a kiss on the cheek and wish you a good time. The dancers appeared to be doing very well; every time I went in the back it was difficult to find an open booth out of the 20 or so available. The only negatives I saw were that sometimes it gets so crowded with every seat filled and dozens and dozens standing that it can be a bit overbearing and getting a drink can some times be an exercise in patience; even with two bars and numerous waiters they seem to get overwhelmed at times. All in all, a great place and I can’t wait to go back.

Well, like I said these are my impressions and someone else may have had different experiences, especially if they were at the Clubs at different times than I was. I would encourage anyone to go to Montreal and check out all 4 clubs – there’s no doubt that one of them will be exactly to your liking.

For any of you who are interested, I also checked out the rent-boy situation and will be writing about that in the hustler section if you want to check that out.

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Rob: I agree that Montreal is one of the best travel destinations in the world!


I am sorry that you did not have a good time at Taboo. I was there during the July 4th weekend, and it was really fun. There were 20 dancers, and the place was hopping. It was also nice that the monitors weren't watching the back that closely that weekend either.


I also agree with your comments about Stock. It is actually a fun place... and I enjoy it very much. It still does not compare with the Taboo of old though, only because a much smaller percentage of the dancers there are gay, and so somehow (though the boys are friendly enough and quite gorgeous) the chemistry is not the same.


I am returning there at the end of this month, again. I know a bunch of my fellow M4M'rs are also. We all love Taboo, and I think we have one goal. Support the place so that it survives this crisis, and then after the trial and (hopefully) new beginning, it can return to its old glory.

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I agree Marc...as great as Stock was nothing compares to the Taboo of old. Let's all hope they find a way to return to that.

I don't remember if it was my February or my April trip, but there was one weekend where you and I were both at the club at the same time, I regret that I was too shy to introduce myself. That weekend is the way I prefer to remember Taboo - lots of boys, lots of energy, lots of fun!

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>I don't remember if it was my February or my April trip, but

>there was one weekend where you and I were both at the club at

>the same time, I regret that I was too shy to introduce

>myself. That weekend is the way I prefer to remember Taboo -

>lots of boys, lots of energy, lots of fun!


Please don't be shy! I have met some great people (M4M'rs) in that club... and would love to meet you!


In fact... jump on plane the last weekend in July (7/31-8/3). I know that a whole bunch of us will be there. Let's show them how to throw a real party at Taboo!



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Guest TwinkLoverr

> For any of you who are interested, I also checked out the

>rent-boy situation and will be writing about that in the

>hustler section if you want to check that out.



Hey RobPA, thanks for your great info. Are you still going to post an update about the rent-boy/street hustler scene? Curious minds want to know! hehe

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