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MONTREAL July 17th -20th

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Popular client Lucky will be gracing the clubs of Montreal this weekend and is available for companionship to the right guy. Lucky is a very compliant and agreeable client, a little bit on the cheap side!! In calls only. Partner available. See my reviews under the "Escorts Only section"!

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>Popular client Lucky will be gracing the clubs of Montreal

>this weekend and is available for companionship to the right

>guy. Lucky is a very compliant and agreeable client, a little

>bit on the cheap side!! In calls only. Partner available. See

>my reviews under the "Escorts Only section"!




Damn... you leave before I get there. But I know where you'll be hanging out. Campus afternoons, looking for Lucas (I didn't miss your previous comment, and I am impressed as to how fast your dick drags your body places, LOL).


Don't miss out of Stock... and some of the hot boys like Jimmy, Gabriel (I think you will love him), Anthony, Criss, and Guillaume from Taboo who goes by a different name now that he is at Stock.


And even though I know it's not your style, you have to spend a little time at Taboo. If Damien's face doesn't melt your heart, then you must be str8!




Have a great time.

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RobPA pretty much hit it on the head, although I thought it was very easy to get a drink at Stock. They only had 14 dancers last night, which was a surprise. Thursday night was much better.

Taboo has changed its name to Tatoo, or at least it should given the preponderance of them on the dancers. I agree with Rob that it was pretty dead. I thought Damien was introduced as Daniel on Thursday night and Damien last night. At any rate, I did like him and had a lap dance. I also liked Pierre, except for the many tatoos, and Marco.

Lucas had a flaccidity issue for our lap dance, the only one I encountered. Se la vie. My absolute favorite was at Stock where the guys were the best looking, to me. I think his name was JaFelipe, but I am not sure. I am so glad I asked for the lap dance with him because I never saw him after Thursday night.

We went to see a show called Aeros, which features numerous Romanian gymnasts in a new age dance/gymnastic spectacular. It was a pretty amazing show, sort of like the Bel Ami guys doing gymnastics. Grace and beauty is always a favorite combo with men.

The Gouverneurs couldn't have been more accomodating on a room change, a late check-out, an extra pillow. But the food at breakfast is just horrible.

And, I will never fly Delta/Comair again. I felt like I was a sardine. Also, could someone tell me why you have to walk forever from the plane to customs?

All in all, it was a fun and festive trip!

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Also, could someone tell me why you have to walk

>forever from the plane to customs?

>All in all, it was a fun and festive trip!



The reason for the long walk is that you now arrive at the "new" airport in Montreal while the moving walkways are not yet installed. The new airport opened this Spring and if you notice, long streches of the walk are not completed and have bare metal beams exposed. One long corridor you must pass has only bare concrete. All that will change by the end of this year. If you remember, for the last five years, we had to pay an "exit improvement tax" each time we departed from Montreal. Those "fees" helped finance the new airport in Montreal. That tax is no longer collected at departure. It is, however, included in the price at the time you purchase your ticket.

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I agree with

>Rob that it was pretty dead. I thought Damien was introduced

>as Daniel on Thursday night and Damien last night. At any

>rate, I did like him and had a lap dance. I also liked Pierre,



Like I told RobPA in his thread, it makes me said that Taboo was dead. It really used to be the best in the town... and showed some glimmer of recovery on the July 4th weekend. Oh well, patience, I guess. Will have to wait until after the trial.


Also, at least I know you are not str8, as you did find Damien attractive! Any gay man (even if he does like the buffed Gaiety muscles) has to find that gem adorable! LOL



>All in all, it was a fun and festive trip!


Glad you liked it, Lucky. I knew you would like Stock the best (see my original post in this thread), but I encourage you to return to Taboo if and when a successful outcome to the trial allows it to return to the Taboo of old!

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>The dancer at Stock is JeanPhillipe. His pics are on the

>website for Stock, but I think his tummy is much more toned


>Did I mention that the cigarette smoke at Stock is



And most of it comes from the Dancers who spend all day making the outside of their bodies look great then all night ruining the inside of their bodies with Casket Nails. Much as I adore Rene, I have yet to see him without a cigarette in his mouth. I have something far more appealing for his mouth.


Unc - My Montreal Boy no longer smokes:)

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Yes,the smoking thing is an unfortunate trait of most of the dancers.

And yet,I feel we are partially to blame.I have 3 dear dear friends who do not smoke,and yet put up with it from the boys!To the point of letting the ones that"room"with them-these guys always put up in swank digs-always suites,so a few favorites are allowed to share the accomadations-chain smoke.HUGE turnoff for me.I feel that if we let our displeasure of this nasty habit be known than the boys may give it up-at least during "working hours"

I fell so lucky that my favorite does not smoke-and his kisses and body taste soooooo good and fresh!

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RE:Blowing Smoke


I'm sorry, but the customers were the onesw smoking up a storm. Only one dancer smoked while talking to me and that was even after I had let him know I didn't like it.

But at Stock, billowing smoke was coming from all sides to the point where we had to stand near the exit just to breathe. My partner's hair still smelled of cigarette smoke the next morning!

So, as you can tell, I definitely favor a smoking ban in bars and restaurants. They have one in tobacco country, Raleigh, N.C. Their restaurants are quite crowded anyway!

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Well, if anyone can't stand the dancer/escort smoking then find one that doesn't which you were fortunate to do. That should be easy enough, yes? No, then if you want to smoke the dancer's butt then I guess you'll just have to deal with him smoking his butts! :)


If you can't deal with it, then no one is forcing you to go to the clubs, are they? I'm sure they can survive without your business, and I'm sure Montreal can survive without a minority of Americans exporting their overbearing, overreactive, judgemental attitudes north of the border. Montreal is a unique place with a lot to offer in all regards and doesn't need to be yet another sanitized ala Disney city like some American cities have become. :(

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VaHawk - Relax on the smoking thing.


I love Montreal and I visit often, and the only thing that I would change about the city is the amount of smoking everywhere. I am not sure if they will ever catch up with us on banning smoking (Boston, NYC, California) indoors, but I can only hope.


I usually do choose dancers who do not smoke, and many of the dancers are very health conscious. But the other patrons at clubs in Montreal are walking smokestacks. Yes, no one forces me into the clubs in Montreal, but without the smoke, they would be perfect.


And although many restraunts in Montreal have "no smoking" sections, their idea of a "no smoking" section is that you don't smoke until dessert and coffee. One encouraging piece of news is that the last time I was in Montreal, the Cora's on Ste Catherine had remodeled, and now it is 3/4 non-smoking. It used to be only about 1/3 non-smoking. So maybe they are catching on.


In places with smoking bans like NYC, Boston and California, they all have proven that business in bars and restraunts increases dramatically after the smoking ban, unlike the predictions of doom from the smokers, who were forced elsewhere with their foul habit. After all non-smokers make up about 75%-80% of the U.S. population.


I just hope that Canada catches on in my lifetime.

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Guest fukamarine

>I just hope that Canada catches on in my lifetime.


Don't judge all of Canada by Montreal. On the left coast smoking in public places is a total no-no.



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From what I've seen most of the airlines are flying smaller regional jets (called CRJ's) into Montreal. So you may "feel like a sardine" on airlines other than Delta/Comair. The bottom line ..as with men..one should check the "equipment" before making a purchase. And thanks to all of you for the great info on this site.}(

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>From what I've seen most of the airlines are flying smaller

>regional jets (called CRJ's) into Montreal. So you may "feel

>like a sardine" on airlines other than Delta/Comair. The

>bottom line ..as with men..one should check the "equipment"

>before making a purchase. And thanks to all of you for the

>great info on this site.}(



Delta/Comair, US Airways Express and Continental and most of NorthWest are now all 50 seater CRJ, I suspect American will also switch when their F100's go into the desert later this year.



I find the walk from the new gates exhilerating after a flight, and now of corse it means the baggage is on the belt as soon as you have cleared Immigration.Provided you avoid 4pm to 6pm when most of the large Trans Atlantic Jets arrive.



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>Delta/Comair, US Airways Express and Continental and most of

>NorthWest are now all 50 seater CRJ, I suspect American will

>also switch when their F100's go into the desert later this





Please do not forget about United Express which flys only CRJs into and out of Montreal from Chicago and/or Washington, DC

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