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Genre Mag Gaiety Article in July Issue

Guest JohnPela
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Guest JohnPela

The "Genre Magazine" July issue is now out at the newstands. This issue has an article about the Gaiety Theatre entitled "The Most Famous Strippers in America". It's a very interesting article about the history of the Gaiety and has a good description of what goes on in the backstage changing room (as if we never visualized and dreamed of spending some time in that room helping to fluff the dancers). Also mentions some of the famous people who have visited the Gaiety over the years. Sorry, Cooper and NYO, the article doesn't mention ya'll but they (Denise, Ray and the writer) should have mentioned your considerable PR benefits to the Gaiety along with this M4M Message Center site.


This is a reprint of the same article that was in the March 2003 issue of the Australian gay magazine: "DNA". There are pictures of five Gaiety dancers, two of which I recognize who are very popular G-spot performers (both favorites of mine). I'll leave you in suspense as to who they are-check it out for yourself. The pictures of the dancers were taken during a photo shoot in early December 2002.


All in all a very interesting read for any fan of the Gaiety Theatre and its dancers.

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Thank you for the great follow-up information from NYO's original post about the article. I purchased the May and June issues not knowing if the article may have been in those issues. I couldn't flip through the mags because my local porn shop is "up-scale" so everything is in sealed plastic.


Here is the website for Genre:




They have not updated it with the July content. They do put some articles on the website but not all .... keep a look out for the next few days.





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Guest JohnPela



Thanks for the info about the Genre website also about Marco and Dick clothing. I had remembered reading about the Gaiety article on this site and couldn't remember where exactly I had seen the scoop. The pictures are not as good as the original Australian DNA article.

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Hello John,


>seen the scoop. The pictures are not as good as the original

>Australian DNA article.


Speaking of magazines, the Gaiety and Australia (yes, I am going somewhere with this), there is an Australian magazine called "Blue" I believe. Zack (see this fellow now with his face exposed at http://www.trophystud.com ), who use to dance at the G, was interviewed in this magazine. In his interview he said some things about Denise and/or the Gaiety. These comments made Denise throw him, and his thong, out on the street never to dance again. I would love to know what he said. Any idea what these comments were John ... anyone? I spoke to Zack recently while he was in NY and it seems he will be taking a some brakes and returning to "university".






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AJP: Although the Genre article on the Gaiety has only been out for a few days, it's all ready stirring up some controversy. As you had mentioned, this is the same article that appeared in the Australian mag., and was not intended for a NY publication. The "word" at the G-spot is that Denise is quite "upset" with this publication that makes the Gaiety sound like a "house of prostitution". She wasn't looking for this type of publicity. Also, one local dancer, who's pix appears in the article, hasn't told his family about his extracurricular activities. There's a concern that someone might discover his "secret" and tell "MOM".


However, this is all "RUMOR". When I attend the G this week and ask Denise to autograph my copy, I'll get a better feel for her reaction.


AJP, thanks for the thorough/informative reporting... VDN, good reading your posts again, you'll have to "teach" me how to post pix without putting the "http" address. :)

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Guest JohnPela



A friend brought the Australian magazine/Gaiety article for me to read when I was in Orlando last month. As you may recall, the last time I was at the Gaiety (June 7th) I almost got hit over the head (by a dancer) with a water bottle (jokingly) because I asked Denise in the DJ booth if she had a copy of this magazine that I could look at.


Once I read it in Orlando, I realized that this article would not be the best PR for the G-spot if it was published in the USA. The two dancers I talked to about it in late April (who posed for it among others)had thought that it would never be published in the US. As they say: Be carefull what you pose for or allow pics to be made- there's no guarantees.


I thought this weekend that this article would make waves because of its discussion of the dancer "privates" as their main source of income.

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Guest JohnPela



P.S.: I wish I could be there when you ask Denise to autograph your Genre. Your asking for Trouble with a capital "T".

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Since I'm semi connected to the Gaiety article, thought I should prob clear a few things up before rumor takes over truth.


The Australian writer, Lewis, (who I know well and spoke with on the phone last night about this) spoke with Denise a few times after its publication in DNA and asked for her permission to publish it in GENRE. She had seen the DNA piece and was totally fine about it going in GENRE.


It's GENRE and the photographer's responsibilty to obtain permission with the guys to use their pics, but Lewis seemed to think they had permission and also said that on the day of the shoot the dancers were talking together with him and were telling him to get it distributed in the states, that they thought it was a great idea, well they did at the time!


The article states very clearly that the Gaiety has absolutley nothing to do with prostitution - but that most of the guys escort on the side to make money. Amongst gay readers of these mags, this would come as little surprise. When I first read the article in DNA, I told Lewis that he had shown a lot of restraint with the escorting side of the story, since I knew many of the tales the guys had told him and as you can imagine, there were some pretty full on tales to tell!!


Lewis has often since spoken very highly of both Denise and Ray to me and I think this is pretty clear in the piece. It's an affectionate, realistic portrayal of a place that I, and countless other lucky guys, have had the pleasure of visiting over the years. Far from bad publicity, everyone I know who has read the article (gay and straight) has expressed an interest in visiting the Gaiety after reading it. So there you have it. I say, Long live the Gaiety!!!

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Pylonguy, Thanks for sharing that information. When I attended the G on Monday, I asked what "management" thought about the re-print of the DNA article in Genre. I was told that management was well aware of it's publication and was "pleased" that it was coming out in the July issue. Perhaps it could help promote summer "tourism" to the G. As a result of this article, the G has received several calls requesting information. I was told that the G has only received positive feed-back to the article. Btw, the local Times Square magazine shops are sold out of the July issue of Genre.

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>It's GENRE and the photographer's responsibilty to obtain

>permission with the guys to use their pics, but Lewis seemed

>to think they had permission and also said that on the day of

>the shoot the dancers were talking together with him and were

>telling him to get it distributed in the states, that they

>thought it was a great idea, well they did at the time!


If it is the legal responsibility of Genre and the photographer to "obtain permission" to use their pictures, than someone wasn't doing their job.:-(


I just got off the phone with one of the dancers who's picture appeared in the GENRE article. When he did the photo shoot it was for an Australian magazine (DNA) only and nothing was ever mentioned about using it for an American mag. He first learned of this article today and said he would never have given permission for it to be released in the States.


Something that Genre and the photographer failed to comprehend is that many of the Gaiety dancers do not do escort work outside of the G. Many have said their families are unaware of this "side jobs". Imagine how they would feel if an employee at their 9-5 job discovered their little secret.

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