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Taboo in Montreal - May 28-June 1

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Taboo Update June 7-8


More to report...


Good news? Though I reported above that on Saturday, the 7th, the backroom was somewhat 'stilted' as I perceived, on Sunday things were much better. Touching seemed to be allowed everywhere but the ass, front and hip area. Above or below was OK. NO sitting on the customer (tho some did briefly), no kissing, tho some did briefly. The monitor this night was pretty laid back even though he was watching like a hawk and did instruct a dancer or two on occasion. At least two new mirrors have been installed and there are no blind spots in the room now. Everwhere can be viewed from line of sight or aound a corner... and he does watch like a hawk and sends others in on occasion too. Even so, with the latest observed rules things were much better if a little frustrating for both customer and dancer.


The front seemed almost as much fun as old except for the missing dancers. Most of the guys before the raid have left: Tommy, Francis and others @ Adonis, Mickey, Guillame, and others at Stock, Sylvester started Sunday @ Campus and there are others there I don't recall at the moment. The guys all seem happy with the move and money. I get the impression that some , at least, would like to return to Taboo depending...


Rumors abound about the future of the club... I'm sure the decision on the 12th will narrow them down. Most remaining 'old dancers' are waiting for the court ruling before they make the decision to stay or move.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Taboo Update June 7-8


>... Mickey, Guillame, and others at Stock, ...


I think that Guillame may be at Campus now that I reflect on it.

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I may be completely off-base here but sometimes you have to wonder. The other day I met one of the co-owners of Taboo, at an off-site location. I discovered that he is American, as is his partner in the enterprise. He is not a resident of Canada, I gathered, but spends time here in Montreal tending to his business when he is not in New York, his hometown. My understanding is that the other strip clubs are owned by Canadians, but there may be American interests (minority?) in some. It has been rumoured that some clubs in the Village have biker interests. Who knows? One is left to wonder what kind of politics may be at work here. I don't have a clue, but maybe some others have some insights here.

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>The other day I met one of the co-owners of Taboo, at

>an off-site location. I discovered that he is American, as is

>his partner in the enterprise.


This has been rumored for a long time, and I thought it was generally known, so I didn't say anything about it before. Here's the way I heard it several years ago, back around the time when it was happening. I don't know how much was accurate and how much was urban legend, though. I don't remember exactly when it was -- it's probably at least 5 years or more -- but several years back there was a rumor that Taboo was going to close. Luv2play, since you live in Montreal maybe you remember that.


The story was that Taboo (and the hotel above it in the same building) had been owned by a gentleman who passed on. His widow tried to keep it running for a while (a year or two maybe), but either it was too much for her, or she didn't like the idea of a place like Taboo, or something. So she was going to close Taboo, or sell the whole building, or something, and Taboo would probably not survive the change of ownership. But then Taboo didn't close, and nothing seemed to change, except that the hotel upstairs got some remodeling. And the word at the time was that it had been bought or "saved" by some Americans who were going to keep it as it was. I recall hearing that there were 3 of them, but it could be that there were only 2, or that by now one of them has sold out to the others.


>He is not a resident of Canada,

>I gathered, but spends time here in Montreal tending to his business


That was my understanding too, that they were not residents.


>My understanding is that the other strip clubs are owned by

>Canadians, but there may be American interests (minority?) in



I don't know about the other clubs, except that the owner (or maybe just principal owner?) of one of them is indeed a Canadian.


>It has been rumoured that some clubs in the Village have

>biker interests. Who knows? One is left to wonder what kind of

>politics may be at work here. I don't have a clue, but maybe

>some others have some insights here.


Anything is possible, but I tend to doubt that the foreign ownership was the motivating factor, at least not for the police. It's all speculation, but the American ownership has apparently been in place for several years and is old news, so why would a raid come up now, if that is the motivating factor. But I suppose it's possible that it might have been the or a motivating factor on the part of some tipster or complainer who might have started making noises that the police couldn't ignore, if indeed there was such a tipster or complainer. But I can also think of several other motivating factors for a tipster, if there was one.


I tend to regard a few other things as being more likely motivations for the raid:


-- that whatever may or may not have been going on in the back room at Taboo (far be it from me to post anything that might be construed as supporting the charges, especially before the trial) was pretty much out in public, as opposed to the other clubs where the back room is more private -- some more than others, but all more than Taboo;


and, possibly even more importantly,


--the age profile of Taboo and the rumors that some of the dancers might be underage. There is a *lot* of attention now to molestation or sexual activity with children -- involving individuals as well as entities such as the Catholic Church and some other denominations -- in Canada as well as in the US. And remember that it was less than a year ago that 2 priests from Boston were caught in a hotel room *in Montreal* with an underage boy. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that had something to do with keeping a closer eye on Taboo (and it wouldn't really apply to the other clubs, except maybe Adonis), as part of an effort to show that the police and/or the city authorities don't tolerate activities with minors. And of course once they are there, they see what they see, all out in the open, and one boy did indeed turn out to be under age, although several more look like they might be.

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Well, if they did, in fact, advertise using the picture of an underaged guy, that's the type arrogrance and hubris that can bring governments down as well as Taboo. I love twinkie twinks, believe me, but I do not want to be involved in anything underaged, and I rely on the management of a place like Taboo to protect me. That picture, alone, would require the cops to raid, get in there, to see what was going on. I hope today everything has been acknowledged and is back on track.

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