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Taboo in Montreal - May 28-June 1

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Seven undercover agents entered early in the evening on the 9th and all hired dancers for the back room just before 10:00 p.m. There they observed three customers sucking or stroking dancers' cocks. At 10:00 twenty more police entered and announced the raid. The three observed customers in back were held, but the others released. From 10 to 1:00 a.m. the police arrested and wrote up 23 dancers, 7 employees, and the three customers. Apparently in Canada, the police do not have to inform you of your rights. They brought with them sheets of questions for dancers to fill out: how many hours a week do you work, how much money do you make per week, etc. Only one of the dancers apparently knew that you are required only to give your name and address. And that is all he gave. The rest may have additional charges filed based on their own admissions.


One dancer spent six nights in jail. The underage dancer was 17 and had three fake IDs in his locker. When checking IDs they found that another of the dancers had a warrant out on him from another province for prostitution.


None of the employees can be in the bar until after June 12. The strict new rules for private dances are: if the dancer is nude, no touching at all; if a dancer wears boxer shorts, a customer may touch from the waist up or below the shorts.


What was happening this week? Bad. Many customers have been scared away; many are married Montrealers who had a safe discreet place. They do not want to be listed in the newspaper. Almost everyone is afraid of going in the back room, or is no longer interested since there is no touching. Many, many dancers have quit; some have moved to other bars. Wednesday night there were seven dancers and perhaps seven customers. Carlos was so angry that he quit at 10:00; he had made no money at all in tips. At 11:00 another of the dancers quit. On Thursday night there were 16 dancers, almost all new. The crowd was fair, but almost no one took private dances. The best of the dancers could make only $100 for the night. Friday night there were 10 dancers and three more quit at midnight because they could make no tips. I found six Taboo dancers (including two of the best) dancing at Adonis; one was dancing at Stock, and one at Campus. Saturday night there were 18 dancers, but at 11:00 one of the dancers told me he had made $10 and another said he had not made a single dollar. Almost all are talking of leaving; they need to pay rent and bills and there just are no tips at Taboo. A few of the best are apparently trying to stay, but economics may win out. Even Ghislain, Guillaume, Anthony, and Pierre Luc were finding it very difficult to make any tips.


The information about the two types of licenses is apparently true; I heard the same. Although it is not clear why Taboo does not the $10 license.


On Saturday night there was a new, young DJ (who may have previously been a dancer), who was good, upbeat, talkative, and kept asking cutomers to applaud and hoot and holler. Many of the young new dancers made extra efforts to be friendly and sociable and mingled continuously and chatted. But very, very few customers went into the back room for private dances.


As someone mentioned, Stock is trying to start an afternoon show, but it is not taking off yet. Each afternoon this week there were three dancers and one customer. They have done no advertising. New dancers must take two afternoon shifts and are then also given two evening shifts.

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Additional. Re erections on stage. From one of the dancers with the biggest erections: you may not have a FULL erection on stage, but a partial is OK. Dancers have been practicing (and Ben does a wonderful job) with a halfway erection. Or else start with an erection under underwear, and then as it begins to wane, take off the underwear.


Re: the nice boys at Taboo. I agree; I like the boys. I like to talk to them; I have liked to touch them; I wish them well. But we also need to be realistic. While many/most claim they are students or going to go back or finish up, it simply is not true. They are saying what they know customers like to hear, which is what successful entertainers do.


Re: the nice boys at Taboo. Dancers at Taboo have told me for the several years that I have been visiting, that many of the dancers use their tips not on rent/food/tuition, but on drugs. It is sad, but unfortunately probably true. They look like angels, but.


Re: taking dancers back to your hotel. It really is pretty easy. Just ask. If the dancer knows you (you have done several private dances), he will probably agree. But be careful; do not have unrealistic expectations. These dancers are not escorts; they do not think of themselves as primarily giving services or taking action. What this means is, if what you want is a chance to touch them all over and suck them, you will be fine. But if you are hoping/expecting some reciprocity also, you probably will be disappointed. Almost none will do anal activities, regardless.

It is difficult to separate our (customer) fantasies from realities, but they are different. Also be aware that the asking price first suggested by a boy is like the first asking price of a Moroccan at his market. Some negotiation is expected; you are foolish to simply agree to the first number suggested, which will be high for what is going to be done.

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Karl: Thanks for the update. Much of what you say verifies what people have posted here over the past month.


> None of the employees can be in the bar until after June

>12. The strict new rules for private dances are: if the

>dancer is nude, no touching at all; if a dancer wears boxer

>shorts, a customer may touch from the waist up or below the



This is new information. So if a dancer is in shorts, you can hug/touch/kiss? Or no? I had heard that if they were naked, you could touch below the knees only.


> What was happening this week? Bad. Many customers have

>been scared away; many are married Montrealers who had a safe

>discreet place. They do not want to be listed in the

>newspaper. Almost everyone is afraid of going in the back

>room, or is no longer interested since there is no touching.

>Many, many dancers have quit; some have moved to other bars.

>Wednesday night there were seven dancers and perhaps seven

>customers. Carlos was so angry that he quit at 10:00; he had

>made no money at all in tips. At 11:00 another of the dancers

>quit. On Thursday night there were 16 dancers, almost all



This is too bad. I had hoped that things would get better, but I feel bad for all the dancers, and I know they have to make money.

And how do the new dancers stack up to the old ones? Are they as cute and friendly?


> The information about the two types of licenses is

>apparently true; I heard the same. Although it is not clear

>why Taboo does not the $10 license.


Best you could tell, is it possible that the June 12 court date will simply force Taboo to change its type of license and then operate in a similar manner to Stock and Campus. Or is the word on the grapevine that the place may be doomed?




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Yesterday,while enjoying a beverage at the lovely SPOTLIGHT in Hollywood,I was talking with an older gent who was quite upset with the current state of affairs regarding the Taboo.He says that if the situation does not improve he sees no reason to return to Montreal.He only likes twink boys and does not want any mixing of twinks and older(22-35)guys-like they have know at the Campus and the Stock during the day,And he never wants to spend any time in a place with "Muscle Marys=roided out freaks"

While sitting with him and another Montreal frequent visitor we received comunication that the new DJ is truly annoying-playing the music way to loud and shouting on the mike trying to liven things up-and the older clients hare it.

Also got word that the number of dancers on the roster has dropped from 54 to below 30 and that a lot of the faves(Mickey and Guillame come to mind(have moved to other clubs.

IMO,the management(owners)of the Taboo best rethink their club from the inside out,i.e.restructure the private area,remodel the stage,spruce the place up,be more friendly towards their non Quebecquois visitors,and slip some dough-re-mi to the boys to help them out till this slump is over=we do not go their for the over priced drinks or the filthy club.

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> Additional. Re erections on stage. From one of the dancers

> with the biggest erections: you may not have a FULL erection

> on stage, but a partial is OK.


So if a dancer is accused of having an apparently "full" erection while on stage he could presumably defend himself by demonstrating that he can actually get it up much bigger and harder if he really tries.


Or perhaps the cops will start measuring the angle it is standing up at.


How very Canadian.

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This post is very misleading. Is it a new one what is the date it says the 9th does it mean the 29th. It almost sounds to me of what happened before. NOt really clear can you clear it up for us. Thanks and HUGS in advance Chuck:P :p :P

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>This post is very misleading. Is it a new one what is the

>date it says the 9th does it mean the 29th. It almost sounds

>to me of what happened before. NOt really clear can you clear

>it up for us. Thanks and HUGS in advance Chuck:P :p :P


Chuck: Karl was just reiterating the events of MAY 9... the date of the bust, and all that has happened since that time. There has been no new raid.

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I do not think kissing and hugging are permitted; certainly dancers may not sit on a customer's lap even if they have shorts on. I saw one dancer, wearing plaid boxers, sit on his little platform with his back to the customer who was rubbing his shoulders and back. I think that is as far as it goes.


Everyone is waiting for the bar trial on June 12 to see what happens.


Wild guesses about possible results. Two people told me that Taboo was going to be given a very high monetary fine, and the owners were going to refuse to pay. In which case the bar would be closed or sold. Others said they expected there to be a fine and a period of rebuilding, then back to normal. But no one seems to have a clear idea.


The bar is not providing attorneys for the dancers. Remember the bar pays the dancers nothing; they live on their tips only. One dancer told me he had hired a lawyer; several others told me they were waiting to see what happened on June 12 and would then decide. The boys don't have money to hire lawyers. (I think the poster on another line was mistaken in saying the government would provide lawyers.) One of the very bad results of the raid was that the real names of the boys were published in the paper and many parents found out for the first time what their sons were doing in the evening. Three boys told me they had had very bad meetings/calls with their parents, who were embarrassed and outraged.


Mark, BTW, James was there Saturday night with his bf. He was wearing culottes and rubber thongs and had a new short haircut and lots of very short curls on his head. He was greeting all sorts of friends, although he was not dancing. His smile is as dazzling as ever.

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>Mark, BTW, James was there Saturday night with his bf. He was

>wearing culottes and rubber thongs and had a new short haircut

>and lots of very short curls on his head. He was greeting all

>sorts of friends, although he was not dancing. His smile is

>as dazzling as ever.


James.... :-)

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US readers should be aware that Canada has a system of legal aid in all the provinces, including Quebec. It is taxpayer funded and provides legal aid (lawyers) who are paid according to a tariff schedule for handling criminal cases. The charges in the Taboo case are criminal in nature. There is a means test for claiming legal aid. I would suspect most, if not all, the dancers would qualify (maybe the police were asking the boys how much they made to disqualify them from legal aid). If dancers are giving out the story that they need $$$ for their legal defence, I would say, beware, it may be a scam to feed their drug habits, which, unfortunately, many have.x(

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With a trip scheduled to Montreal and Taboo, et al, I have been shocked by this news.


Second, yesterday I scanned Montreal's English newspaper, The Galacy, or something like that: there wasn't a vowel I could find on Taboo's situation. That means, as usual, we have to stick together.


This entire situation illuminates the excellence and productivity of this site, of HooBoy.


I'll certainly contribute my observations upon my return. I go forewarned thanks to you all. The ambience of these places for me, at least, was both stunningly enjoyable. I hope some of the ambience of these places remains.


I'm really counting on someone reporting on Taboo following June 12. And, not to be silly, but the last two trips last summer I spent quality time at the Taboo bar with a shirtless dancer who enjoyed my feeling his bare chest, nibbling his ear or cheek, and had me hold his cock inside his pants from time to time. All the while we were talking and his friends would stop over to visit with us. Now, how much affection is permitted? :-(

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Guest Tampa Yankee

As of last night, June 7th is was alive and kicking if not with the same high kicks of old. 17 dancers, most new, most older guys are gone.


The ambience of these places

>for me, at least, was both stunningly enjoyable. I hope some

>of the ambience of these places remains.



It aint the same in the back... frustrating for the dancers and customers alike. Some hands on permitted but.... The dancers seem to be making up for the back room limits by seeing how close they can come to your face... so if you are myopic :) The monitor was fairly laid back but on duty. A new mirror has been installed now providing visibility to the corner on the immediate right of the entrance. More affection goes on in the front room.

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>As of last night, June 7th is was alive and kicking if not

>with the same high kicks of old. 17 dancers, most new, most

>older guys are gone.



It is good news that the place seems to be adapting, and there is still fun to be had at "post-raid" taboo.


For me, it was always the spirit of the place, and the friendliness of the boys that made it my favorite club. If that persists, even with the new restrictions in the back, it would still be my favorite.


That, and I heard through the very LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG grapevine that some of my favorites ... like Damien, Pierre, Thomas, Yannick and Pierre-Luc all still work there! And that some of the new boys are HOT!



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Has anybody ever used the Hotel next door for anything? Is this a resource in some way? Still, being at the bar, talking with everybody, going to the back room . . . all made for an affectionate and wonderful evenings. :(

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Guest CTguy

I was up in Montreal Memorial Day weekend and spent a lot of time at Taboo. I have found that its fun getting to Taboo early in the evening, like around 8:00 pm when the dancers are starting. I spend time playing pool with them and just hanging out and its a lot of fun. Mark your favorites are still there, Pierre, Damien and Thomas. Thomas was my favorite for the weekend as we spent a couple of nights together and went out clubbing one night. He is a really sweet guy and very friendly }( As far as the post raid situation I thought the crowds all 3 nights were still very good, probably just as busy as the other strip clubs in the village if not busier. The dances in the back are not as exciting as before, there were a good number of people in the back room but not as busy as in the past. Although you can't touch its still pretty erotic and fun IMHO and you can get to know the guys better. I mostly gave the guys $20 CND for a couple of songs and they seemed happy with that, however they are definitely not making as much money as in the past and there are a few guys that are starting to dance at other clubs. We will have to see how this court thing turns out but in my opinion based on what people at the club have told me and what I've read on this Message Center I think its pretty much up to what the owners and management of the club want to do going forward. I expect they will have to pay a fine and they will have to decide what type of license they want to operate under. $6 or $10 dances. If they don't want to pay the extra money for $10 dance license I'm not too sure if the club will survive in the future. I think it will be hard for the dancers to make money and they will probably dance elsewhere. I'm not sure what the economics of this is but I would imagine based on all the times I've been up to Montreal Taboo must be making a good profit. They probably get the most consistent crowds of any of the strip clubs in Montreal. We will just have to see what happens.

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Guest YFSC

>Second, yesterday I scanned Montreal's English newspaper, The

>Galacy, or something like that: there wasn't a vowel I could

>find on Taboo's situation. That means, as usual, we have to

>stick together.


Jack, the raid was on May 9, so there wouldn't likely be anything in yesterday's paper. The post at the top of this thread was just providing more information about a raid which took place earlier and had already been reported here in another thread (look farther down on the page for Taboo Strip Club Raided By Police).



>I'm really counting on someone reporting on Taboo following

>June 12.


Me too. I hope some of the Montrealers or visitors next week will keep us informed.

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Guest YFSC

>As of last night, June 7th is was alive and kicking if not

>with the same high kicks of old. 17 dancers, most new, most

>older guys are gone.


TY, thanks for the info. Glad to hear it.


When you said >most older guys are gone did you mean older in age or the dancers from before?


Will you still be there on June 12?

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Guest YFSC

>Has anybody ever used the Hotel next door for anything? Is

>this a resource in some way? Still, being at the bar, talking

>with everybody, going to the back room . . . all made for an

>affectionate and wonderful evenings. :(


Some members of this board and other visitors to Taboo report having stayed there. It's not luxurious, but they were satisfied with it. And it's cheap. They also have some rooms there for short-term rental.

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While pensively awaiting June 12th results prior to my first trip of the season to Montreal toward the end of the month, and, bemoaning the possible disappearance of, perhaps, the most hospitable, gracious, engaging youthful environment (like where else could I return to a Reserved sign for me at my place at the bar after a Lap Dance, with a kid who wants me to caress him while we talk), I have discovered too levels of reflection.


One is the emotional describe above.


The other is the business end of business when you consider if you owned and ran a nitch business like Taboo with international fame, international cutomer loyalty, in a city with an international reputation (that Taboo obviously contributes to) for being mature and adult about mature adults and the maze of attractions in their lives, why would you not protect the efficacy of the business by having the best and most encompassing licenses the city required a buiness like yours to have. To not have them (no matter what the costs, or the pass on costs which is not arbitrary since you are out of business without them while the other similiar business in your business survive) is simply stupid. Perhaps there are other business reasons, and there can be numerous other reasons, that Taboo was raided and placed as it seems to be in suspension.


So, I await with you June 12th, and, in fact, I don't know exactly what we are waiting for, what kind of decision for which we hope. In any event, I hope things will continue improving, and, as I think Marc suggested, management should post haste fix up the back room so that it is back rooms and touch up the bar area, though I'm an easy happy camper.



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why would you not

>protect the efficacy of the business by having the best and

>most encompassing licenses the city required a buiness like

>yours to have. To not have them (no matter what the costs, or

>the pass on costs which is not arbitrary since you are out of

>business without them while the other similiar business in

>your business survive) is simply stupid. Perhaps there are

>other business reasons,


Jack, I don't know the reason(s), but there could be lots, both by their choice (didn't want to pay for the more expensive license, or didn't want it for some other reason) and not by their choice (zoning, politics, paying off the right people, etc).


>and there can be numerous other reasons, that Taboo was

>raided and placed as it seems to be in suspension.


I don't know what prompted the raid either, but there are lots of possibilities for that too.

-underage: Taboo's profile invites closer scrutiny in that area.

-a tip: One of the dancers was underage, and *he* was the one whose picture appeared in Taboo's print ad the week before. Someone who knew him might have recognized him and blown the whistle.

-activities: The activities that were alleged to be going on that night would not have been permitted under the "contact dance" license either.

-malice: A competitor or someone after their licnese may have provided a tip to the police.

or other possible reasons.

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Guest Tampa Yankee


>When you said >most older guys are gone did you mean older in

>age or the dancers from before?


I meant the familiar dancers prior to the raid. It is interesting to note that ALL English Canadian dancers (new or old) were MIA -- an interesting statistic.


>Will you still be there on June 12?


No. My amicus brief was rejected!! :+

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