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I have been to a number of strip clubs, from the Nob Hill down, many bars with dancers that went down to g-strings and towels as well as all the way (South Florida and New Orleans).


I have never paid to see this type of thing but I am always of the opinion that one should experience the interesting things which life has to offer.


So, is the Gaiety really worth the fuss? I do not have a subscription to Men's Workout and my idea of good dancing is a little more akin to Cirque du Soleil.


I am honestly not being pretension. I have a few friends in New York who want to do a night on the town and frankly I do not want to do a dance club where everyone will be sipping waters, taking recreational drugs and dancing with their shirts off. I can see that in Los Angeles whenever I feel up for it, which is never.


So, honest feedback. Is it worth the $20 - $30 buck cover for the experience if you are not into muscle worship and see all the nudity you want already?

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>So, honest feedback. Is it worth the $20 - $30 buck cover for

>the experience if you are not into muscle worship and see all

>the nudity you want already?


Well, it *might* be worth going just for the "experience" if you

are a true connoisseur of the exquisitely tacky but, otherwise,

if you aren't particularly interested in the goods on show, it

really isn't worth it.

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Franco, Your question: "Is the Gaiety really worth the fuss?" A. If you have time read some of the recent weekly Gaiety reviews and then decide. A lot has been posted on the G-threads, and there is also a FAQ in the strip club forum with all the pertinent information. Personally, I think you'll enjoy the weekend show along with it's 12+ dancers, for the admission price of $17.00... If you have any specific questions, just ask. FYI, the Gaiety has been around for over 40 years, they must be doing something right. Coop

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Part of the fun for me was meeting the other M4Mers from the board. I developed friends that will never be far away. I enjoyed watching the beef parade and dissing those who deserved it. I agree that your perspective would be different since you are seeing beef all the time. But I will have the memories of my visit to the G and the time I spent with Cooper, Lucky, Foxy, NYO,Luso, dicknyc (who only lurked behind me but we've since "met" via mail..ha) hiJinx and also my private time With Luc for as long as I live.

Besides, you can afford the few pitiful $$$ and a few hours of time. You will probably enjoy it.




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What does that title mean?

Anyway...can a man be gay and find looking at beautiful naked men dancing with hard-ons boring? If that ever happens to me, I hope one of my friends will shoot me. Really the biggest criticism of the Gaiety is that the private shows of the mostly "straight" dancers leaves something to be desired. However as a show it is a major bargain. If you compare it to the price of any live performance in NY or anywhere else you can't go wrong. To come to NY and miss the Gaiety is a shame. It's the only place like it in NY and I think we're lucky to have it. I hope it continues for another 40 years. Is it really that old??? I know I've been going for over 20 years. Yikes!!!

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A Tree By Any Other Name


>What does that title mean?


That I realize my post may be dumb?


I often read NYObserver's reviews and found them fascinating, when I first came on the site. After a while, I stopped, but I can see the appeal.


I do not question the monetary value as much as the time value. To go out with my friends on a weekend means giving up clients that night. It is not so much an "opportunity lost" type expense either, as my friends will still, none the less, drag me out elsewhere.


By the way, I love "tacky" and I enjoy experiences just for the sheer sensation of it. I can see naked beefy men every day at my gym and, at least, I know these men are gay. The costumes, how they handle themselves, how well or how ackwardly they dance, what songs they pick and, most importantly, according to you all, what they wear on their feet - this is the type of stuff we will be looking at.


Thanks for the comments and feedback.

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RE: A Tree By Any Other Name


Exquisitely tacky, eh? :)

Well, it's not a fancy place, but I don't think it's quite as tacky as most people envision it. Many folks have entered the realm of the Gaiety after coaching from various members here and come away feeling it wasn't that scary an experience.


Over a year ago, a journalist contacted me about the possibility of doing an article for a national magazine. We spoke on the phone and he journeyed to The Gaiety. When I caught up with him later on, he told me the place wasn't nearly tacky enough to warrant his article. So, as is the case with the men on stage, we all have different perceptions.


Franco, hope you have a great time in the city, whatever you end up doing. Glad you found my reviews interesting.

This week's show has some very good dancers/performers in it. I think you'll enjoy it. I've accompanied quite a few visiting 'scorts to The Gaiety and I think that all of them have at least pretended to enjoy it. In fact, several have returned multiple times, sometimes on their own. Wait until Friday night or Saturday night and you'll probably enjoy a later show rather than an earlier one, perhaps the 9:15 show on Saturday? Let us know what you think. I'll bet you'll be impressed with dancers like Angel, Giovanni and Antonio.

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RE: A Tree By Any Other Name


>By the way, I love "tacky" and I enjoy experiences just for

>the sheer sensation of it. I can see naked beefy men every

>day at my gym and, at least, I know these men are gay. The

>costumes, how they handle themselves, how well or how

>ackwardly they dance, what songs they pick and, most

>importantly, according to you all, what they wear on their

>feet - this is the type of stuff we will be looking at.



Well, try and arrive just before the show starts - that way

you will get a chance to see the tinsel fringed curtains and

the amazingly out of focus porno video that looks almost as

if it was an 8mm film loop from the 1970's ...

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RE: A Seat By Any Other Name


But if you want to sit in the first row, arrive four hours early! There is a group of guys that own that row and I hear one of them gets there awfully early to hold the whole row for his friends.

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RE: A Tree By Any Other Name


>Well, it's not a fancy place, but I don't think it's

>quite as tacky as most people envision it. Many folks

>have entered the realm of the Gaiety after coaching

>from various members here and come away feeling it

>wasn't that scary an experience.


I wasn't by any means trying to suggest that it was *scary*

- the Tearoom in San Francisco is *SCARY* - the Gaiety was just, well, a *little* bit tacky.


By the time I first went to the Gaiety a few years ago I had probably been going to male strip clubs on and off for the best part of 20 years - I had certainly been to lots of them in both North America and Europe. After all of the things that I had heard about the Gaiety I have to say that I was a little disappointed when I finally got there.


The biggest problem is that (for me anyway) the place scores a big fat zero for atmosphere - there are plenty of other strip clubs where I can go to relax and watch the scenery but at the Gaiety I just can't see any point in being there unless you are either buying or doing some pretty serious window shopping.


I like my strip clubs to be a little sleazy and a little decadent. The Gaiety with no alcohol and New York's strict "no contact with the dancers" policy just doesn't do it for me.

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I always enjoy the gaiety. Even if you don't go home with a dancer--which I end up doing every trip--you will certainly enjoy hot male dancers taking it all off for you. My favorite part, however, is spending some time in the lounge area where you can talk to the dancers. I was a scrawny kid in highschool, and these guys are the type of guys I would have loved to openly checked out and have them smile back at me when I was younger. Bottom line--hot guys flirting with YOU! My self-esteem skyrockets and I can at least go home with my memories of flirting with an extremely attractive man--the kind that would never give me the time of day in the past.


The privates are what you set up with an individual dancer. I've never had a "bad" experience once I knew the ground rules for the dancer.

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I think the Gaiety isn't worth it at all if you've already been to those other places. It's not that the Nob or Campus in SF are that great (they've gone down, though Nob can still sometimes be hot), but if you've been to those places or especially Adam's Woods Lounge (hot hot hot), Taboo, or some of the others, Gaiety is a total let-down. It's like getting accustomed to a hot fudge sundae, and then getting just a dish of whipped cream with nothing else to dig into.


The guys aren't even allowed to jack, they come on stage first and take off their clothes, then go backstage to jack, then come back on stage erect. You can talk to them and go home with them for a price of course (and if you're into twinks or just-above-twinks forget it), but as a show it's a total bore. I heard it used to be hot some years back with all kinds of things going on backstage with customers, but compared to those other places, it's just not that thrilling or exciting. But if you're in NY city and don't have the time to get to Long Island to Adam's Woods, and you want to see some beautiful guys without hope of action unless you pay loads to go with them after the show, and a magazine isn't good enough, then I suppose the Gaiety is there for you.

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Guest DevonSFescort

RE: A Tree By Any Other Name


>I've accompanied quite a few

>visiting 'scorts to The Gaiety and I think that all of them

>have at least pretended to enjoy it.


In my case there was no pretending. The best seat in the house is the one next to the notorious N.Y.O.! }( Seriously, his commentary, insights and sense of humor make the show fun. And all the dancers make a point of saying hi to him, which is a nice little perk.


>In fact, several have

>returned multiple times, sometimes on their own.


Ahem. :7


>Wait until Friday night or Saturday night and you'll probably enjoy a

>later show rather than an earlier one, perhaps the 9:15 show

>on Saturday?


The crowd can definitely make a show a lot more fun and memorable. It's not as fun during the week when the theater's mostly empty and people aren't being loud and raucous with their appreciation. And I think a lot of the dancers feed on that too.


One suggestion I'd make: if you decide to go, then throw yourself into it; check your skepticism at the door and try to go in there feeling psyched to see some hot boys. And spend some money while you're there. It's good hooker karma and a lot more fun (at least, I think it is) if you can sit by the stage and lay down tips and see how the different dancers work it in response. Some are clueless (the ones who just grab all the money at the end of their number inside of giving extra attention to the guys that tipped them), but others put on an extra little show for you (especially if you've dropped one of the larger bills on the stage) that is not only fun but interesting to observe from a fellow sex worker's perspective. Whenever I watch a Gaiety show, I always find myself trying to think about things from the dancer's perspective (I really don't know how they do it).

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Working Boy Union Rule Number 543


Always tips bus boys (especially Puerto Ricans in New York City), waiters and strippers very well. Client money makes the most good when it gets spread around, and with some of us, it literally does get spread....



>One suggestion I'd make: if you decide to go, then throw

>yourself into it; check your skepticism at the door and try to

>go in there feeling psyched to see some hot boys. And spend

>some money while you're there. It's good hooker karma and a

>lot more fun (at least, I think it is) if you can sit by the

>stage and lay down tips and see how the different dancers work

>it in response. Some are clueless (the ones who just grab all

>the money at the end of their number inside of giving extra

>attention to the guys that tipped them), but others put on an

>extra little show for you (especially if you've dropped one of

>the larger bills on the stage) that is not only fun but

>interesting to observe from a fellow sex worker's perspective.

> Whenever I watch a Gaiety show, I always find myself trying

>to think about things from the dancer's perspective (I really

>don't know how they do it).



Trying to please the easily offended

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest JackLA

DevonSFescort writes:


<< One suggestion I'd make: if you decide to go, then throw

yourself into it; check your skepticism at the door and try

to go in there feeling psyched to see some hot boys. >>


Would definitely agree with that. There can be some really hot guys, but the Gaiety isn't for everyone, so if you're going to go try and have a good time. I went a few times and had an OK time, but did think the place was pretty tacky and certainly sleazy. Not my cup of tea, although the regulars seem to love it. No judgments here, just not my taste.


I have had a much better time at strip clubs in DC, New Orleans and Montreal which seem to be a few notches up and certainly a little cleaner.

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