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Saddam Hussein spotted at Gaiety

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While the military wonders whether the Iraqi dictator is alive or dead, it is possible that he was right under our nose at the Gaiety tonight. Spotted in the second row was a gentleman about Saddam's size making a concerted effort not to be recognized. He wore a large knit cap, huge sunglasses, a bulky jacket with the collar pulled up, and, to make sure, he kept his hand over his face for hours. (He didn't get up to pee either.)

Now given how hot it was in the club tonight, I figured this guy must be used to the desert heat or he woulda had that coat off long ago. So who could it be besides Saddam? The sunglasses disguise was a burden though, as he frequently tried to peek at the show from underneath them.

Given the mediocre show tonight, the crowd was sometimes more interesting than what was on stage. One thing noticeable in the finale, there wasn't a body hair among the dancers except for a little pubic hair where it is needed most. Smooth sailing.

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Lucky - I MISS EVERYTHING! I was planning on coming but things just got nutty this afternoon. Was he kind of bossy in the lounge after the show?




>While the military wonders whether the Iraqi dictator is

>alive or dead, it is possible that he was right under our nose

>at the Gaiety tonight


PS - I know I will get slammed for these so what the hell.


Saddam Questions and Answers


Q. What's Arabic for "George Bush -- leader of the free world"?

A. "George Bush -- mother of all presidents!"


Q. What do Miss Muffet and Saddam Hussein have in common?

A. They both have Kurds in their Whey.


Q: What does Saddam want for Thanksgiving?

A: Turkey.


Q: What's the fastest way to break up a bingo game in Baghdad?

A: You shout out, "B-52"


Q: Why doesn't Saddam go out drinking?

A: Why should he when he can get bombed at home?


Q: What's the new Royal Iraqi Air Force exercise program?

A: Each morning you raise your hands above your head and leave them there.


Q: What should Iraq get for its air defense system?

A: A refund.


Q: Who is an Iraqi Hero?

A: He's the one that waited thirty seconds before he surrendered.


Q: What did Saddam Hussein have in common with his father?

A: Neither knew when to pull out!


Q: What will be Saddam Hussein's last words?

A: "Mother was never good in battles, anyway."


Q: How many Iraqi's does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: Four. One to screw in the light bulb. One to claim that they've actually screwed in 300 light bulbs. One to claim that they've unscrewed 150 American light bulbs. And one to claim that they're screwing and unscrewing light bulbs for the Palestinians.



Good news: Saddam Hussein is living on borrowed time.

Bad news: It was borrowed from a failed savings and loan.


Good news: Saddam Hussein will face war crimes trial.

Bad news is, the trial will be held before the Senate Ethics Committee.

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Reliable sources confirm that Saddam (or his body double) was still seated in 2nd row center orchestra for the 9:15 show. Film at 11:00


VDN: thanks for the laugh! Now we know what you do all day at work. :-) Luso and I missed you tonight.

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