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Spotted at the Gaiety

Guest bigbed
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Well they're at it again. Rex Brant and Reece Rothmeier were spotted last night at the Gaiety Theatre -- In the audience -- not dancing. Rex was tipping generously to the boys who offered him a view of their butt. Rex and Reece were gigling and laughing and whispering to each other like to kids in a candy shop. Having been a client of both Rex and Reece (both individually and together), I approached them after the show in the lounge. All the dancing boys were surrounding them and chatting them up. When they recognized me, they motioned for me to join them in their celebration of Rex's birthday. They offered me a ride home in the limo Reece hired for their evening. I felt like such a star. One of the go-go boys even begged to cum along (I guess he was going to trade services). I was dropped off first, and now I can only imagine what happened to that lucky go-go boy.


P.S. - I asked permission to post this message. They were both flattered and Reece even said that he got a kick out of the Midnight Mass posting.

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>Rex and Reece were gigling

>and laughing and whispering to each other like to kids in a

>candy shop.


This is the most nauseating thing I've read on here in a while.


>They offered me a ride home in the limo Reece hired for their

>evening. I felt like such a star. One of the go-go boys even

>begged to cum along


OOPS - Spoke too soon.

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I just want to say Thank you, I have read here and there about Reece and Rex but never did any investigations. I think I have found the escort that I am going to hire in NYC when I come. Reese looks hot and seems like a hot top..


I never wanted to be a go-go boy before reading this post :-)

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I'm glad the post made you nauseous, you should spend more time over the toilet rather than maligning the character of two of the nicest and HOTTEST men that NYC has!

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It's true that Reece does not do vanilla, but once you taste the flavor of Reece, plain old vanilla just won't do anymore and once you have submitted to Rex you have done the ultimate submission.

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>This is the most nauseating thing I've read on here in a



Don't blame my post for making me nauseous, it was probably the two pound box of chocolate, the bucket of KFC, and a large bag of chips that you polished off while polishing your knob.

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>Reece is a hot BDSM top, but in my experience does not want

>to do plain vanilla topping with clients.


I guess I am new but he is very hot looking! And seems like a very hot time.. I guess I should read his reviews to see if he is for me. Is he just into hardcore to the max? I don't mind and would like a little on the wild side.. But not over the top?



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Guest Reece Rothmeier

It's true, my good buddy Rex and I were out for a night on the town on an otherwise cold winter night in Manhattan on Tuesday evening in celebration of a his birthday. I had no idea one night out would up set the apple cart in the Big Apple. For the record… it was steaks at the Knickerbocker Restaurant, wine, good cigars, and a trip up to the Gaiety. Rex and I haven't been there in a good six years or so, and we certainly weren't disappointed with the dancers in the show. I think it was obvious to others in the audience we were there for fun and to enjoy the eye candy.


We did in fact run into a client of ours later, which I have now discovered is BigBed on this site; I'll keep his true name private for discretion. We were in the lounge area and did have the opportunity to have BigBed join us in some lighthearted conversation. He made a comment about reading a thread on HooBoy about seeing Rex and Reece together at mass on Christmas Eve, which I happily replied, "Yeah, it was us." I even made a comment that I got a "kick" out of the threads that were posted about it. We did have a mystery guest join us, but he wasn't one of the Gaiety dancers, more of a personal gift I got for Rex for his birthday, that I arranged to have meet us at the Gaiety before we departed. For privacy and discretion, he remains nameless. So all in all, it was a great evening; yeah we both like to have fun!


It's what you don't say that sometimes has the most impact, which is why more often than not, I choose not to join in the threads posted in the message center. I may not be vanilla, but remain true to who I am and what I do best. I've learned through experience to smile, enjoy life, and always say something good about others whenever possible. It's certainly not my style to "sling mud" to make myself feel better. I can only assume there might be a very select few on this site who feel otherwise… too bad, no one likes bitter apples even if they are coated in vanilla.


Reece Rothmeier


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Hey Reece,


I for one wasn't and I don't think anyone else was making a derogatory comment about you not being Vanilla! To the contrary, I think that was a good thing in this thread. At least it was for me, however, I think they were just warning me knowing I am a newbie! :-)

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Guest Pulsator

I'm the one who made the comment about Reece not into vanilla stuff with clients. I've had two very hot sessions with Reece, both of which I enjoyed very much. At the end of the second, I remarked to him that as much as I enjoyed our time together, I'd love to just get into bed with him for some hot sex without the bondage and SM -- and he said he doesn't do that with clients.

I posted in response to a previous post, just as an informational thing. If you want a hot time with a great bondage/SM top, Reece is definitely your man.

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