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There are good Gaiety shows and then there are shows like this weeks :-( It's going to take a lot of stretching to make this week's briefs sound "exciting"!


The lineup for the week of 03-03-03 included:



2. NEO

3. RAY






Ray, Angel, and Lucas, of the past week's lineup, were already reviewed.


Not much action at the "G" today, as few in the lineup could be called "dancers". Most were into body worship and few had any stage personality. In fact, zero personality would describe some. On a positive note, it was great seeing Jordan back on stage.




1. TONY: His stage show consists of pacing up and down the stage, that's it! He has good eye contact and likes to smile. Tony has a tight muscular build, he's slender and on the short side. He has dark short hair and dark eyes, great abs, and a really tight looking butt. I'd guess he's Spanish.


2. NEO: P/T DJ with the heavy accent. He's a very handsome Hungarian with brown spiked and messy hair, and blue eyes. Neo did a lot of his "dancing"/flexing at the rear of the stage. He has well defined back muscles and pecs. As he walks around the stage presenting this tough guy image, he'll quickly flex his muscles and stroke his solid chest. When Neo enters for his second number, not only do you see a rock hard cock (average size), but very well developed leg muscles, a smooth shaven body with a big fat butt. It's obvious that he's been spending a lot of time at the gym...Neo still has that just rolled out of bed look, and wears the same prison vest. If Tony's stage show didn't put you to sleep, this one will.


3. RAY: (A weekend hold over.) He's the tall Brazilian with incredibly ripped abs, stunning face, and a defined muscular worked out body. His stage show doesn't require much talent. He simply walks back and forth, smiling at the patrons and saying "hi". He chose to wear his knit cap in both numbers, covering up those recent blond highlights. Ray likes to give us a preview of his large cock during the first number. He strips down to his briefs and let's the head of his erect cock peek out. Ray had problems getting his sweat pants off over his sneakers. He finally sat down on stage and pulled.


4. ANGEL: Announced as the "sexy blond", he's also in this weekend. He has blond hair and blue eyes, and puts on a lively stage show. He's a good dancer and knows how to swing those arms and legs. He's a pleasure to watch. Angel has a smooth lean muscular body with solid legs. He's a handsome Pol.


5. RYAN: another p/t dj at the Gaiety. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and good looks. Ryan has a ripped chest with thin arms and legs. His stage show is casual dancing, and he avoids eye contact with the patrons. He looks good in his second number and has an average size dick and low hanging balls. Now, if he would only work on improving his personality.


6. JORDAN: He's been mia for about a year. He's 22yo, 6'2", 180lbs. and sports many tattoos. He resides in NYC and has been traveling around the US. He has short brown hair and brown eyes, with a medium build. He puts on an average show.


7. LUCAS: (also in this past weekend.) He's new to the "G" and is from Brazil. He's covered with tattoos and has no facial expression. He's tall, muscular, and well defined. He still doesn't look comfortable on stage and seems to struggling with his performance. Today, he was very late for his 2nd # and only had time to enter and pick up his tips... I don't know why the "G" can't come up with a way of letting the dancers know when it's time for their 2nd number. This past weekend, three dancers were late for their 2nd number.

Hopefully, this weekend will bring in some motivating reinforcements. Also, no Canadians in this lineup, (unless Tony is from up North). Coop

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Antonio told me to my ear that he will be here with Tino for ten days starting Friday. He also said that Tino had been working out, unlike his last visit!

I guess I will kinda start to think about possibly, I mean maybe, taking in a show when they are here. All things considered....

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>>Or maybe hiJinx will come into town and finally get up

>>onstage where he belongs.


>Only if the audience all gets naked with me. Especially




Ok hiJinX "the stud", Since I'm hearing such wonderful things about you, perhaps I can make you an offer you can't refuse. If you dance, I'll personally ask the NY-Observer to come out of retirement and write a review of your stage show! You can't do better than that...

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>Ok hiJinX "the stud", Since I'm hearing such wonderful things

>about you, perhaps I can make you an offer you can't refuse.

>If you dance, I'll personally ask the NY-Observer to come out

>of retirement and write a review of your stage show! You can't

>do better than that...


Not a chance. The reports of my studliness have been greatly exaggerated.


JACK: You are setting these guys up for a GRAVE disappointment.;(

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I hear that Giovanni should be back around March

>10 Hes a Gaiety favorite and one who I never get tired of



Jay, Speaking of favorites, I'm waiting for St. Patrick's Day when I'll really be green with envy! The Italian stallion and hunk DOMINICK will be in the lineup, along with his buddy and Playboy cover boy TJ... If JESSE is your cup of tea, he too will be taking the plunge that week... GIOVANNI is a super performer, I love the way he straddles the patrons' seats. Has he ever straddled you? :-)

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>Thank you for sacrificing your time and energy to endure this

>boring show. It sounds like the Gaiety really needs some red

>blood cells.

>Or maybe Geritol?


I think what the G really needs (especially when we have a line-up that Cooper described) is an AMATEUR NIGHT! I mentioned it to Denise and she looked as if she was going to vomit or have a convulsion.


I have this wonderful hunter-in-the-deep-woods theme that I would love to do on stage. It involves spears, vines, a wild animal and lots of hedonistic moisture. Unfortunately, I feel if I danced I would become hunted for all the wrong reasons. Cooper, Luso, NYO, Lucky, Spida, JackHammer, hiJinX, Jaynnj and others .... what would your theme be if you performed?


My fantasy has always been to dance naked to Hot Stuff by Donna Summer. Then again, I always wanted to fly and see through objects as well.


I was in the city this past Saturday and I found the show very Zzzz. I also received a nice steam facial as Denise had the heat on 134. I was wet in all the wrong places. The fans were on at Stella's so it was nice and cool there.





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>I have this wonderful hunter-in-the-deep-woods theme that I

>would love to do on stage. It involves spears, vines, a wild

>animal and lots of hedonistic moisture.

>Cooper, Luso, NYO, Lucky, Spida, JackHammer, hiJinX, Jaynnj

>and others .... what would your theme be if you performed?


VDN, It would be great seeing you on stage as Tarzan, then I'd really have something "exciting" to write about... Unfortunately, dancing at the G for the 1st time can be quite a nerve racking experience. On Mon. there was an audition, and the poor kid was humiliated. When I saw him, after the show outside the "G", he told me if he ever did that again he would take a "drink" first. Makes me think twice about entering through those tinsel curtains.


As for my theme, it would probably be "urban cowboy", not because I plan to see the Broadway show this week, but because I'd love to do an "act" on a mechinacal bull. I find it sexy! Also, taking that cowboy hat and waving it around in my hand adds to the sensuality of the act. My music would be something out of the Roy Rogers collection. BTW, a second # for me is out of the question.


VDN, Lucky was also complaining about the heat in the G. Seems that HoJo's controls it, (Johnson's Controls!)... At the Mon. 1:30 show the problem was not the heat but a strong smell. One of the patrons reeked of dog crap and the security guard was constantly spraying the theatre. Never a dull moment at the G-spot.

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When you think of Gaiety dancers who actually put on a show with a good theme, the very talented Ben Versace comes to mind...Unfortunately, I hear he will no longer be dancing at the Gaiety. It has something to do with a restriction clause in his new acting contract. He will be greatly missed and I wish him all the best.

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After speaking with Denise and informing her of the desire for a different type of show, she has agreed to allow me to get up on stage at the 615 show ONLY this Friday. This is a one-time deal.

I will enter through the center of the tinsel while Antonio and Tino Lopez come out in leather master costumes. They will proceed to beat and strip me naked until Tino is sitting on my face as Antonio fucks me. Appropriate music is open to suggestions from you guys.

I do not advise sitting in the front row.

No Cameras allowed.

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Yes Cooper I have been straddled by Giovanni and

kissed him as well. God is he ever hot. Hes a great guy

and one who does a great private as well. I look forward

to seeing Giovann on around March 10 and at the end of March

I hear Dave with the wings ( and one I love to fly a way with should be on the lineup on March 21. along with Cameron

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Mr. Lucky,

You sure know how to hurt a guy!. I can't possibly get back to NYC that soon. Please allow Mr. Cooper to video the perfromance just for me. BTW, what was in that stuff they gave you before your root canal? I would need some of that to get up on the stage, but if I did, the theme would of course have something to do with rope, and the music of course would be either "wild thang" or "hit the road Jack" the audience would decide.

Memo to hiJinx....Yeah, yeah, yeah, greatly exagerrated..sure, sure. Those eyes, that build, those shoulders, that height, that smile...oh yeah, greatly overrated. hah!





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Guest Tampa Yankee



>Antonio told me to my ear that ....


What other parts of your body does Antonio talk to??


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>I do not advise sitting in the front row.


Perhaps we could make it like the comedian Gallagher's shows, where the first row gets a plastic sheet to hold up to shield ourselves from flying debris and such.


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>Unfortunately, dancing at the G for the 1st time can be quite

>a nerve racking experience. On Mon. there was an audition, and

>the poor kid was humiliated. When I saw him, after the show

>outside the "G", he told me if he ever did that again he would

>take a "drink" first. Makes me think twice about entering

>through those tinsel curtains.


I think we all take it for granted how hard it is to do what they do each week. I know these guys are not indentured servants and they choose to do this but it is still difficult. They really should have a mentoring program where a more experienced dancer helps a newer dancer. They should have staff development meetings. After all, it is all about better STAFF development.


>1:30 show the problem was not the heat but a strong smell. One

>of the patrons reeked of dog crap and the security guard was

>constantly spraying the theatre. Never a dull moment at the



There is about 90 things wrong with that! There is NO GOOD EXCUSE for bad smells.

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>When you think of Gaiety dancers who actually put on a show

>with a good theme, the very talented Ben Versace comes to

>mind...Unfortunately, I hear he will no longer be dancing at

>the Gaiety. It has something to do with a restriction clause

>in his new acting contract. He will be greatly missed and I

>wish him all the best.


What kind of acting will he be doing? TV, film, etc..?

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