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Foxy, a wonderful review! Thanks for providing us with the early edition of the "G" lineup... From Calvin to Victor, what a contrast. If anyone should do a private with Calvin, you'll find out real fast where he sports another pierced part... Totally agree on Shane Rollins, he puts on an excellent stage show. Love the way he moves those legs and arms. He's been seen letting his cock reach out and touch you during his second number... Too bad about Francois having a bad start. Perhaps if he provided more services he would be more interesting...


Thanks again "Foxy News" for this very enjoyable review.

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Your review was not hard to read at all! I loved it. You did a great job!

I saw Calvin last week and loved his Matt Dillon look and killer smile. Victor has never appealed to me, he apparently plays very straight and (I actually censored myself here.).

The Keanu Reeves look also appeals to me. It is nice to know that a new dancer is trying to make an impression. Some of these guys are actually very good dancers.

At the Black party last Saturday, one of the patrons was doing super excellent and supersexy dancing. His friends told me that he is a dancer for J-Lo. I sure wish he'd get up on the Gaiety stage. (Yes, he was Latin.)

Hope you enjoyed writing the review enough to do another one soon.

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Great job Foxy!

I enjoyed reading your reviews.

On the dancers, I think Shane puts on an extremely sexy show both 1st and 2nd numbers.

Calvin is my favorite. He has a winning smile and a great personality.

I'll check out this GQ guy and will give you my input. He sounds interesting.

Thanks for filing in for Coop and thanks for your great reviews.

Well done.

Luso :)

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Guest JohnPela



Thanks Foxy for the excellent review! These reviews are much appreciated by those of us who only get to visit the Gaiety several times a year.


Does anyone know if Calvin will be dancing next week?


Cooper, It still looks like I'll be arriving in NYC on April 3rd. I'll also be checking out Cody either that afternoon or Friday evening. Anyone have any review info/comments of experiences of a private with Cody?

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>Does anyone know if Calvin will be dancing next week?


Sorry JP, but Calvin's run ends on the 30th. Too bad, he's a lot of fun!


>Cooper, It still looks like I'll be arriving in NYC on April



Keep in touch.

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>> I'd luv to see Victor after what you wrote about him!!


>minus head, bodyhair shaven and cock soft, here he is courtesy

>of rentboy.com:



>the "kama sutra in 17 minutes" sounds fun yet disappointing at

>the same time.





Thanks for alerting me! ...much appreciated, for involvement and $$$'s are important...

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RE: Foxy news anchor


I finally got a chance to go to the Gaiety the other day after 6 years (this was my second time there). It wasn't as seedy as I remembered it. In fact, the layout was quite decent for viewing.


I have been reading NYObserver, VDN, and Cooper's "Review of the Gaiety" for quite some time. It's interesting to finally put it into "perspective", although it really was a "guest reviewer". Before I forget, nice review!


Would one of the old-time reviewers care to elaborate more? It would be fun to see if you guys agreed with me. Come on, NYO, come out of retirement!!


Anyway... this is how I saw it...


1) Jason: This guy is my physical type... smaller, compact, dark brunette All-American type. Kinda looked like he still had some baby fat. Very cuddly. But yes, he did walk up and down constantly. His bubble butt did make up for his lack of Vegas acrobatics!


2) Francois: Is he a Canadian? Looks like a Campus or Stock dancer to me. Definitely straight. Doesn't smile alot, but very good looking blonde. He does need to liven it up a bit, but he's got a very nice package. He's got a very good toned swimmer's build.


3) Joey Jordan: For a steroid muscle boy, he sure jumps around alot like a hooker going through crack withdrawl. It was actually quite amusing to see him bounce up and down with his smile. I had to cover my face from laughing. It was actually quite cute. Those big str8 boys do try at times! LOL. But get rid of those white sneakers... dead giveaway that he's not "family". I give him an "A" for effort, but he's just too big for me.


4) Shane Rollins: Hmmmmmm... very interesting. When I first saw him and that BIG tattoo on his back, I thought he was a typical skater punk or something... NOT my type at all. Then he came closer and then you start noticing his toned body (instead of a twink skinny skater). As he dances, you start noticing his enthusiasm and efforts... "wow, this guy is really getting into this". If you look at his face, he actually addresses the crowd with his seductive eyes. The whole time, I kept thinking... hmmmmm, I kinda like this guy now. When he finished his first performance, I was actually exhausted for him. Great energy! His second number was even better. Great package... and he did NOT need a cock ring! I also loved the way he picked up his tips (he did it the best). More on him later...


5) GQ: Very good looking in an almost feminine way. He's got facial hair (goatee), but it's trimmed so perfectly (including the eyebrows), that it almost looked girlish to me. Did anyone else get this impression? That Matrix costume was kinda funny... how much did he invest in that? The thong and all the bobbling up and down wasn't a turn-on to me, but most of the patrons liked it. He is very sexy. He's got killer dance moves. Very enjoyable show. He also picks up his tips very seductively and gives you your money's worth.


6) Calvin: Cute, a bit thin to me. Very boyish next door type. Tall and lanky is how I would describe him. He seemed very friendly in the lounge. Nice show. If you're into young cute twinks, he's probably a very good choice.


7) Victor: Yikes... that dick is too big! That was truly a beer can dick (if not a two-liter bottle). He's big and appears to be very str8. But Brazilian men have a very passionate side, so I can't tell you how fun he would be in a private.


OK, those were the 7 dancers the night I went.


I wandered around looking for something to drink when I encountered the LOUNGE. LOL... so much for the free refreshments. There were NONE, and a can of soda is $1.50. No biggie. I played pinball waiting for the next show to start (I had missed about an hour of the previous show), so I wanted to see all the dancers. While playing, I got a chance to chit chat with GQ and Shane very briefly.


GW is from Milwaukee and says he's a pretty wholesome midwest boy. He's very charming... and a killer smile. I have a feeling that he's on the up and up and not a scammer.


Shane Rollins is from SF and has just started doing some porn. He's got a website... http://www.shanerollins.com. Not very much to the site, but it has a couple pics. I think he dances at the Nob Hill on occasion, too. We were talking about the Gaiety and he mentionned why the dancers hung out in the Lounge. I wasn't looking for a private, but I listened. He has definite limitations, but he tells you upfront what you get for $200. He's an honest guy... very friendly and just easy to talk to...


Shane is staying at the Comfort Inn just like most of the guys. He's got his own room. How do I know? Well, my dinner with friends ended early... LOL.


BTW... what he told me were his limitations went OUT the window. I think he just tells people that, but if he's into it, he'll do quite alot. Not going into detail, but Shane ROCKED!


NYObserver... interested in comparing notes? I'd like to know who wins what awards!!!

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RE: Foxy news anchor


Very nice reviews guys. I like it when I don't have the time to get to the show to know who is there and what people think about them. I think I enjoy watching people react to the performers almost as much as actually watching the guys on stage.


I'll make a few random comments, but don't want to get back into review mode just yet.


1. Jason, good looking, great butt, openly gay. I think that the attitude he appears to have on stage is more shyness than arrogance.


2. Francois, yes, Canadian. Don't know him very well. Looks cute, has a nice smile, but doesn't show it much.


3. Joey Jordan, reportedly gay, so analysis was a bit off there. I don't think he's much of a dancer, someone said he looks like he has two left feet when he is out there, but at least he tries to put on a good show. I haven't seen the sneaks yet, usually wears dark shoes, as I recall. Nice personality.


4. Shane Rollins, definitely interesting. When I saw him Saturday, I asked him how are you? He replied, "I'm fabulous." When he spread his legs and let me admire his dick and ass, I agreed completely.


5. GQ, have not seen yet, no comments.


6. Calvin, definitely not the muscular type, but one of my favorites, very genuine kid, always smiling, good natured, definitely not the hustler type at all.


7. Victor, very hot body, great dick and he is quite interactive on stage. Looks intimidating, but is a very friendly guy.


Weekend reinforcements rumored:


Tommy (Montreal one, I think?)



Feel free to email me at NYObsrvr@aol.com.


Thanks for adding your comments, always a lot of fun to hear other peoples thoughts/experiences.

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Guest newguy3

RE: Foxy anchor


This "Victor" sounds just like "Ray" who danced about 2 weeks ago -- are they the same person?

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>Somehow I don't think we will have to wait long for Cooper to

>chime in here with a mini-review. Well, actually, I bet he is

>at the Gaiety right now....:)


LOL, "I bet he's at the G right now", hmmm, are you stalking me? Keep it up and I'll post a picture of you... No need for me to write my "briefs", excellent and thorough job done by the others... As for the Wed. 8:30pm show, some comments: I really like this new guy "GQ". He introduced himself as Giovanni, and handed me a business card with a semi-nude shot of himself, also said he dances in Chicago. GQ likes to KISS, I got 3 kisses and one stroke of the privates from him just in the lounge, (and that's before I told him I was NYO!). His stage show was HOT. That "matrix" look worked for me. I guess I was one of those patrons who couldn't keep my eyes off his bouncing balls while he danced around in that loose fitting white thong... JASON might not have a good stage show, nor the best looks, or body, but he has beautiful seductive eyes and YES, an amazing bubble butt, by far, the best in the lineup... FRANCOIS is Canadian and very handsome. Nice tight muscular build, and well defined abs. He's not a great dancer, but I'll never tell... JOEY JORDAN, he's your muscle guy. He likes to flex/pose and make some attempts at "dancing". He looked odd during his 2nd number walking (banging) heel and toe towards the end of the stage. I think he's flat-footed... SHANE ROLLINS seems to affect most patrons the same way. His looks might not arouse you, but when he hits that stage and those arms and legs start flying, he's on fire! This guy is ready to shine at another Broadway location. During his second number his body is in your face, and if I had moved my head one inch forward, his cock would have been in my mouth. This was his second appearance at the G, and he's winning over a lot of the regular patrons... CALVIN, a post-twink cuttie, he's been dancing at the G for a few years. He's very playful, enjoys playing puppet with his dick and, when he's in the mood, likes to lay on his back and put his legs behind his head. He told me he was born this way! After the show, Calvin gave me a private tour of his hotel room. He did a great job!


LOL, didn't I start out by saying I wasn't going to post my "briefs". OK, who's turn is it next to comment on the lineup? VDN and LUSO, you've been very quite...

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Le Sacre du Printemps.


It was a gorgeous spring day in the city. How did I make use of this abundant sunshine we've all been waiting for after this snow-filled winter? I headed for the dark recesses of the Gaiety Theater. Cooper asked if I'd fill in for him this afternoon and with some trepidation I agreed. How to follow in the footsteps of Cooper and NY Observer? I decided I wouldn't even try. Too tough an act to follow so bear with me.


1. Jason

2. Francois

3. Joey Jordan

4. Shane Rollins

5. GQ

6. Calvin

7. Victor


I got there early and the afternoon started off very nicely. Had an extended conversation with Cody who said he danced this weekend. He was only there in case Victor didn't show up. He is appearing next week and was wondering what he was going to do with himself this week if he wasn't dancing. I had a few ideas. He's a very good looking, tall, blond guy from "up north". I told him about all the fun things to do on a beautiful day in NY and encourged him to spend the afternoon in Central Park if he wasn't dancing. He didn't, by the way. Victor did show up. I think if I hadn't agreed to doing this review I would have happily joined him in an afternoon of play in the city. But duty called. What we do for love. I would certainly encourage you to go see Cody when he appears next week. He was very charming.

On to the show....


!. JASON. A very boring show. He walks back and forth looking totally bored. Very nice body and if he smiled a little he'd be quite good looking. Very nice body, good dick and an amazing bubble butt. I'm not sure he knows it. Someone must have told him. I could imagine spending a happy hour or two with this one body part. Too bad he doesn't show much personality. I think some of these guys don't realize if they don't appear interesting on stage they don't seem like they'd be very interesting off-stage. Smile guys! It won't kil you and you may get some business.


2. FRANCOIS. Very cute guy with a swimmers build, but dull, dull, dull. Rumour has it he isn't getting much business and I can see why. Liven up guy! He's got to be more interesting than his show...I hope.


3. JOEY JORDAN. Why is it when a guy uses two names I expect more? He was an improvement over the last two and actually did some dancing. It was a little strange, like the top half of jumping jacks but he tried. He has a nice masculine looking somewhat hairy chest that appealed to me and several tats that didn't look too offensive. I liked him.


4. SHANE ROLLINS. It's SHOWIME!!!! He is the perfect example of a guy I would usually not be attracted to but he won me over in the first few seconds of his show. The guy is a great dancer. Sort of hip-hop but also very balletic. He dances like he's weightless and could easily go pro as a back-up dancer to some singer. Hello Madonna...hire this guy. He has a big tattoo on his back that I couldn't figure out. I really should start wearing those distance glasses. He came out for his second number with a very big hard-on and got very close to the patrons who were ringside. I had a friend who used to say the way a guy moves on stage is a good clue how he'll move in the bedroom. If you think that's true this guy could be a ton of fun. Someone please do a review.


5. GQ. A new guy. He exploded onto the stage wearing this Keanue Reeves "Matrix" coat. Black leather chaps, black briefs with some kind of silver buckles and a t-shirt wth similar hardware. Very costumey. Kind of silly but the guy gets a lot of credit for really trying to put on a show. And he did. As the layers came off a hot bod emerged and then down to a white thong, one of those loose ones that lets the dick move around a lot. He shook it for all it was worth and I have to say I found it pleasantly obscene. This guy just oozes porn star. Chi Chi, you fat drag queen, put this guy to work! He was very cute, good body, nice dick with cock ring that he spit on to lube himself up. This is one hot number. I felt like I was watching a show in Tijuanna. All he needed was a donkey.


6. CALVIN. A very attractive, slim boyish guy with a pierced nipple and shaved pubes. Rumour has it he's pretty good in a private. I say, if you like his looks, take him home.


7. VICTOR. What is it about Brazilians? They are like a whole seperate species. This guy is about as opposite to Calvin as you can get. Very muscular, shaved head with a very exotic face. Almost Asian in a way. I could easily see him as a model for some ancient statue. I think he could seem very intimadating but the guy is really quite sweet. Notice how he engages the patrons ringside. He's got this very hairy body that he keeps trimmed. I'd love to see it all grown out. I'm in my hairy phase, I guess. Now, the dick. Probably the biggest I've ever seen at the Gaiety except for the late Andre. That's too sad to go into. Anyway, if you like big dicks, this is your man. He gives a very lively, very interactive, very speedy private. The Kama Sutra in 17 minutes! It will leave you breathless for all sorts of reasons. It would be nice to give him a try when he isn't at warp speed in between shows.


That's it. I'm exhausted! How NY Observer and now Cooper do this on a regular basis is amazing to me. Give those guys a big tip next time you see them. They deserve it. I put spaces between all this but for some reason it didn't take. It may be hard to read, sorry.

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NYO is correct about Joey Jordan, (and LAShowbiz was mistaken), Joey Jordan is as gay as an Easter Bonnet. You only have to talk to him for about 10 seconds to figure that out. He is a big Muscle Bottom, but alas, not for clients, only for his BF.


Joey is a really nice guy, and does a good private, but he talks way too much. It is hard to get him to shut up. If you can keep his mouth otherwise occupied, he is more fun.

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Joining the crew tonight were Marlone, Ricky, Tommy, Jay, Michael and I forget the other one.:)

Michael is hot. Ricky has a nice fat dick and seems very friendly. Tommy was boring, and Marlone is Marlone. Jay gets the award for sweatiest dancer ever. GQ gives a great show, but I didn't like the trenchcoat. Victor continues to be the most obnoxious ever. He was kissing his girl friend (?) and playing touch-feely, giggly giggly in the corner.

Besides the regular, Elvira, sevral women were there. When I left it was like Chippendale's for all the women coming in. I don't like it when these gay guys bring a woman in and they get so embarassed and giggly to see a naked guy.

And I won't say who, but one dancer was doing some awfully deep snorting in that bathroom stall...


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