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Posting In Color

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You can use any color displayable by a browser. Here are just a few of the colors you can use:


font color="indianred"

font color="darksalmon"

font color="lightcoral"

font color="salmon"

font color="orangered"

font color="red"

font color="crimson"

font color="firebrick"

font color="darkred"

font color="mediumvioletred"

font color="pink"

font color="lightpink"

font color="hotpink"

font color="deeppink"

font color="palevioletred"

font color="darkkhaki"

font color="khaki"

font color="palegoldenrod"

font color="lightgoldenrodyellow"

font color="lightyellow"

font color="lemonchiffon"

font color="yellow"

font color="gold"

font color="papayawhip"

font color="moccasin"

font color="peachpuff"

font color="cyan"

font color="aqua"

font color="aquamarine"

font color="turquoise"

font color="mediumturquoise"

font color="darkturquoise"

font color="cadetblue"

font color="slategray"

font color="lightcyan"

font color="paleturquoise"

font color="powderblue"

font color="lightsteelblue"

font color="steelblue"

font color="lightblue"

font color="skyblue"

font color="lightskyblue"

font color="deepskyblue"

font color="cornflowerblue"

font color="royalblue"

font color="mediumslateblue"

font color="dodgerblue"

font color="blue"

font color="mediumblue"

font color="darkblue"

font color="navy"

font color="midnightblue"

font color="lightsalmon"

font color="orange"

font color="darkorange"

font color="coral"

font color="tomato"

font color="orangered"

font color="aquamarine"

font color="mediumspringgreen"

font color="springgreen"

font color="palegreen"

font color="greenyellow"

font color="chartreuse"

font color="lawngreen"

font color="lime"

font color="lightgreen"

font color="yellowgreen"

font color="limegreen"

font color="mediumseagreen"

font color="darkseagreen"

font color="forestgreen"

font color="seagreen"

font color="green"

font color="olivedrab"

font color="olive"

font color="darkolivegreen"

font color="darkgreen"

font color="mediumaquamarine"

font color="turquoise"

font color="lightseagreen"

font color="darkcyan"

font color="teal"

font color="lavender"

font color="thistle"

font color="plum"

font color="violet"

font color="fuchsia"

font color="magenta"

font color="orchid"

font color="mediumorchid"

font color="darkorchid"

font color="blueviolet"

font color="darkviolet"

font color="mediumpurple"

font color="slateblue"

font color="purple"

font color="darkmagenta"

font color="darkslateblue"

font color="indigo"

font color="antiquewhite"

font color="gainsboro"

font color="lightgrey"

font color="silver"

font color="darkgray"

font color="gray"

font color="dimgray"

font color="darkslategray"

font color="lightslategray"

font color="slategray"

font color="cornsilk"

font color="blanchedalmond"

font color="bisque"

font color="navajowhite"

font color="wheat"

font color="sandybrown"

font color="goldenrod"

font color="darkgoldenrod"

font color="peru"

font color="chocolate"

font color="maroon"

font color="saddlebrown"

font color="brown"

font color="sienna"

font color="darkred"

font color="burlywood"

font color="tan"

font color="rosybrown"

font color="black"



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Also note it's safest to stick to the primary colors.


Not all browsers render HTML (and all its vagaries) the same, and not all monitors/video cards can show all those variations. The browser *should* substitute appropriately if the requested color isn't possible (or understood) but sometimes you may end up with an unreadable blob.

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