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Windows XP

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I have fucked with my computer so much I think it's time to reinstall windows xp. I have the original disk, the plan is to rename my win.doc file, then put in the disk and let it reinstall.


Will I need to delete the previous windows xp version when I am finished? Is there anything I should know before doing the reinstall / other than I will lose all my documents?


Obviously any assisantace is welcomed and probably needed.

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You likely can get some more XP appropriate responses but from my experience with helping some friends clean up their own computers (which will speed up your hard drive and generally make life easier for you), I would suggest you back up any data you wish to save. You also should delete any unneeded and unnecessary files, especially duplicate system files, should you decide to reinstall the software.


Microsoft should be able and willing to provide some support, perhaps only via an e-mail response, or provide some additionally information, in the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) portion of their web site.


Good luck!

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>I have fucked with my computer so much I think it's time to

>reinstall windows xp. I have the original disk, the plan is to

>rename my win.doc file, then put in the disk and let it



>Will I need to delete the previous windows xp version when I

>am finished? Is there anything I should know before doing the

>reinstall / other than I will lose all my documents?


>Obviously any assisantace is welcomed and probably needed.


Rename the win.doc file? I'm pretty knowledgable in computers, including Windows XP installs, and I'm not sure what file you refer to. Do you perhaps mean the Windows directory? (Or perhaps this is a brand-specific special Windows version such as Dell, Compaq, etc.?)


If you do in fact mean renaming the Windows directory, it won't let you do that within Windows (since it's in use), but that's okay. You should be able to reinstall anyhow. (There are ways to get around this if you're familiar with DOS, and if you did, yes you could delete the directory after the new install as it would just be old information).


Actually, if you simply REINSTALL XP over your current install, you will NOT lose all your documents. You may, however, lose functionality of your installed programs and have to reinstall them. It's still always a good idea to back up EVERYTHING you'd rather not lose no matter what you try just in case.


I can tell you personally I don't like doing reinstalls of operating systems over an "old" install. I much prefer backing up my needed files, totally wiping the drive, and starting from scratch. Makes for a much cleaner install in my opinion, BUT I would NOT recommend this to someone who isn't used to working on computers and doing this type of thing.


Ideally, I'd recommend you either have a professional or a very computer-savvy friend help you do this process in person, but I wouldn't attempt it myself unless you're sure of your abilities.


If that isn't an option for you, instead of deleting files, try the Windows Restore option someone else mentioned - it could fix you up without the need for any further reinstallation.


It is possible to insert the disc within Windows XP itself and just have it reinstall itself (or possibly repair itself?) from there I believe. You shouldn't have to delete or rename ANYTHING for this to work. It's not the most elegant solution, but it should work in a pinch.


Note that if you reinstall (or do a fresh install for that matter), you'll need your XP product key (a number code) or it won't install. It could be on the back of the disc case or on a separate certificate you got with the disc, but it's necessary to do the install, so make sure you have it.


Also, depending on how you go about things, you may need to reinstall the device drivers for your hardware (such as video card, sound card, etc.). You should have discs for all this stuff, but the Internet is the best place to get this stuff since the drivers will likely be newer.


I hope I haven't gone into too much detail or anything, but hopefully this'll help. I'd be glad to help you any way I can, but nothing beats having someone there who can help you in person. Good luck!

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>I can tell you personally I don't like doing reinstalls of

>operating systems over an "old" install. I much prefer

>backing up my needed files, totally wiping the drive, and

>starting from scratch. Makes for a much cleaner install in my

>opinion, BUT I would NOT recommend this to someone who isn't

>used to working on computers and doing this type of thing.


This is very good and very sound advice, all the way around.


Reinstalls tend to preserve the flotsam and jetsam in the registry that you're trying to get rid of in the first place, not to mention all the crap in the system directory that really needs to be eradicated. You end up with all the pitfalls of a new install with all the instabilities of the old system.


Best advice: get someone who knows this stuff cold to walk you through it. Buy them dinner. Pay them.


A reinstall may get you up and running again to the point where you CAN do a backup and then wipe it all clean for a restart. That's when you call the good friend.

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I bought a Toshiba laptop from a friend for the RIO trip. He had never used it, so it was virtually new. Aside from installing the Nikon software to use with the camera, and the software to load pics to a website (for the journal), I have changed nothing. It came with WindowsXP pro suite. A week ago, it started shutting itself down a minute after booting with a message about some ordered shutdown. It then counts down 60 seconds before it shuts itself off. i can't get it to stay on long enough to try to find any problem and fix it, much less, reinstall, or even go to the microsoft website to find a possible patch. My friend says this sounds like the MS worm that everyone talked about recently.

To those of you who have replied to the OP, does this sound like I am going to have to take it in somewhere and have the Hard drive wiped and start over? Ugh! All of my pics and journal logs. I can't even get in to back those up. UGH!



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Does the laptop have a floppy drive?


You can always use a boot floppy, then run the blaster removal tool you've been pointed to. Lacking anything else, once you've booted from a floppy you can backup your files (shame on you for not doing that already!) and go from there.

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