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Software Upgrade

Boston Guy
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The new upgrade looks good.


I encourage others to experiment with the "classic view" and "DCF view" settings. I find the "classic view" preferable for me.


I also noticed that images seem to be very crisp and that performance is very good. Of course, that may simply be because nobody's online right now.:)




ps: The bug with the first smiley still exists in this version. My guess is that there's a missing image file on the server.

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Guys, I've tried out every mode (even tried going to 800x600) and haven't been able to reproduce this one. So, let's ask some basic questions.


1) What O/S and Version?

2) What browser/version are you using?

3) What's your screen resolution?

4) Are you in "Classic View" or "DCF View"?

5) Are you in "Threaded Mode" or "Linear Mode"?

6) Are you in "Expanded Topics" or "Collapse Topics"?

7) How are you sorting your topics?

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>Does anybody have a magnifying glass so I can read the new



Not to worry Lucky... it gets easier as you get younger. :+

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Well, I was one of the ones who thought the font was way too small after the last upgrade. This time, it seems perfect. And I'm not having any scrolling problems.


One suggestion others might consider: if you're on Windows and you're running your system in one of the lower screen resolutions (I'm at 1280 x 1024), you might want to experiment with increasing the resolution to at least 1024 x 768. That might eliminate the scrolling issues.



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>Guys, I've tried out every mode (even tried going to 800x600)

>and haven't been able to reproduce this one. So, let's ask

>some basic questions.


>1) What O/S and Version?

Win XP


>2) What browser/version are you using?

IE 6.0


>3) What's your screen resolution?

1024 x 768


>4) Are you in "Classic View" or "DCF View"?

I am in DCF view


>5) Are you in "Threaded Mode" or "Linear Mode"?

I'm using the threaded view though I need to note I'm having the browser-over-run issue before I even open a thread.


>6) Are you in "Expanded Topics" or "Collapse Topics"?

Whatever the default is ... I believe it is expanded..


>7) How are you sorting your topics?

I believe by date or newest post, again whatever the default is as I haven't changed this setting.


Daddy it appears that the "topic" columni is too wide in comparisson to the other columns. There seems to be about an inch of "extra" space and that seems to be about the same size of the browser-over-run left to right.


Oh I just recevied a inbox message and yes that pretty fag oops I mean flag is back :) Thanks!

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OK I feel as if I'm on acid again :). And I don't recall taking any in years :). Now everything is working properly. No more left to right scrolling.


Not sure why it changed from the time of my post above to now yet just wanted to keep you updated Daddy.

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I've made NO setting changes ... just using whatever defaults you gave.


It runs off the screen. The font is a bit small but I can put on the OTHER glasses.


The inbox flag was cool. I can turn off the email notification now that I've re-read every inbox message since February.




Rock on Daddy, it's looking great!

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Daddy, I really don't use drugs so don't flip as I tell you that the scrolling left to right is back :( . I haven't changed anything since my previous messages ... so all the same info applies.

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Guest ncm2169

1) What O/S and Version?


Windows XP professional


2) What browser/version are you using?


Both AOL's built in IE version, and IE 6.0


3) What's your screen resolution?


No clue


4) Are you in "Classic View" or "DCF View"?


No clue


5) Are you in "Threaded Mode" or "Linear Mode"?


No clue


6) Are you in "Expanded Topics" or "Collapse Topics"?


I think I recall expanded


7) How are you sorting your topics?


Jesus Christ, man!!


Look, I'm a viewer, not a fuckin programmer!!


The type size has been reduced to about 1/3 its previous size before the "upgrade." REALLY BAD!


I have to scroll right to view the entire site window.


The thread histories stop and start...maybe that's intended, but I find it annoying.


Sorry about the outburst, but seriously, what do you expect of us? If this site can only be used by tech savvy people, forget it!!

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Guest ncm2169

< I encourage others to experiment with the "classic view" and "DCF view" settings. I find the "classic view" preferable for me. >


With all due respect, how many sites do we visit where this kind of bullshit is necessary? I'm sorry, but that kind of tinkering is NOT user-friendly.

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I apologize.


It was my decision to buy this software.


Daddy spends HOURS of volunteer time trying to make it work.


Apparently, I did not make the right choice, so I am going to another vendor.


That means EVERYTHING written here will be erased when I switch over, so if you have posts you like, copy/paste them now.


Again. I apologize.

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LOL... do you remember the outcry when you first switched to the DCF software (how many years ago was that???)?


Everything was lost in the original board and people went nuts. :)


With all due respect to those posting above, I think this latest version of the software is a big improvement. It's faster, cleaner and a lot crisper. Images display better and also faster.


At the time of the last upgrade, I was one of the people lobbying for a larger font. I find the font now is exactly the same size as it was before this latest upgrade and that's fine. It's highly legible for these getting-older eyes.


I'm going to start a thread in the Lounge to point out a couple of things with the new version. I have a feeling that a lot of people just don't come down to this forum and would benefit from some having some things pointed out up there.



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How many sites do you visit that offer the kinds of features and functions -- and flexibility -- that are offered here?


The DCF software that powers this site is some of the best bulletin-board software around. But HB and Daddy would be remiss if they didn't upgrade it periodically. It's simply not a good idea to let commercial software get way out of date.


Finally, most of the questions that Daddy asked are answerable just by looking at the options in front of you. I'm going to start a thread in the Lounge to point out some of them and perhaps that will help you.


But you have to realize that people approach the Web from a lot of different technical perspectives: different operating systems on their computers; lots of different browsers, each of which comes in different versions -- each of which offers a different set of capabilities; and the DCF software offers a lot of user options.


When a technical support department -- which is what Daddy is trying to operate as here -- gets a question from a user, one of the things that sooner or later is going to have to be known is the user's operating environment. This is true for any software and the questions that he asked were trying to establish the parameters that are going into delivering M4M on your screen in front of you.


It's not that the software can only be used by technically-savvy people. We both know that it's remarkably easy to use for all of the power and flexibility it offers.


I'm sorry if this sounds like a lecture, but Daddy was trying to help you and the others who have reported the scrolling problem. The questions he asked were the same ones I would have asked -- or any tech support person would have had to ask -- in trying to figure out what might be causing this.


The fact that he was trying to help so much and so quickly is something to be thankful for. Try getting that level of tech support on most Web sites, much less free Web sites.



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>Apparently, I did not make the right choice, so I am going to

>another vendor.


HooBoy, you have nothing to apologize for & I don't think you should change a thing. The majority here are perfectly happy with the software. Why should you scrap 3-4 years worth of material & hard work because one loudmouth complains? You did the right thing & the software is great. ncm2169 will just have to deal with it.

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>Guys, I've tried out every mode (even tried going to 800x600)

>and haven't been able to reproduce this one. So, let's ask

>some basic questions.


>1) What O/S and Version?

>2) What browser/version are you using?

>3) What's your screen resolution?

>4) Are you in "Classic View" or "DCF View"?

>5) Are you in "Threaded Mode" or "Linear Mode"?

>6) Are you in "Expanded Topics" or "Collapse Topics"?

>7) How are you sorting your topics?



As is my wont, I'm going to point out a different bug.


Now please, I LIKE THIS SOFTWARE AND WOULD MUCH RATHER KEEP IT AND THE ATTENDANT HISTORY, even with the occasional bug or (50)so. ;-)


For yucks, I looked at this entire post in "Printer Friendly" mode and it listed all the modification times as December 31st 1969.


(1+2)I'm look at this (geek alert) on a 4.4 FreeBSD machine running X, but the browser is Mozilla 1.0.1, running under linux 8.0.


(3) screen resolution is 1280x1028

(4) Using DCF view

(5) in Threaded mode

(6) with Topics expanded and

(7) sorted by date.

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LOL big-time... :)


It's not your environment. It says the same thing for me, running on XP Pro with IE 6.


Probably not a critical bug. ;) However, DCF does actually get to these things eventually and if Daddy reports it, they'll fix it sooner or later.



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I've had a day that was easy and so had a chance to play around with the new version a bit. I am now convinced more than ever that the new upgrade is quite a bit faster than the previous version.


Anyone else out there who is finding this thing faster?



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The only thing that doesn't work for me is that Netscape 6.2.1 has trouble with the "Jump to another forum" selection box at the bottom of the page. It just displays an empty selection box with the text for the selections alongside it ....


However, this appears to be just yet another Netscape bug - it works OK in IE and even works with older 4.x versions of Netscape.


(actually, if anything the latest version of the software seems to work *better* with old versions of Netscape than the previous version did)

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