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Review Format Suggestions (Retired)

Guy Fawkes
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Guest random

RE: Rating Reviews (P3)


daddy, I feel the best way to base a objective rating for each escort is as follows:


- the score should be reflective a a rolling 12 month period. older reviews need not be taken into consideration. people change for the worse AND the better.


- the score should be based on specific aspects of the review *including* the reviewers credibility.


- the score should also be built based on how many reviews each reviewer within the rolling 12 month period has done. example: an escort with 10 reviews 9 done by first time reviewers would have a lower rating than an escort with 10 reviews with 7 done by first time reviewers and 3 done by reviewers with more than one review.


[font color="Blue"

]I like the idea...But it may be difficult to implement the reviewer bias...Will think about it.[/font]

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Linking to other reviewer's reviews (p3)


At the end of a review, the reviewer is asked to indicate which other escorts he has written a review for. In the old format, those escorts' names were linked to their reviews that made it very easy for people to look them up. However, the new format so far does not seem to have this feature.


[font color="Blue"

]Actually that's a Hooboy function right now. For the DB version, it's apart of the plan.[/font]

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Font Colors (P4)


Daddy a way to assist in highlighting the different sections might be font colors.


I suggest using one color for the question (i.e. Location) and another color for the answer.


[font color="Blue"

]What your currently seeing in the reviews is the email version, and I don't have control over the font colors. In the DB version the format will be much easier to read, and your suggestion will be an important part of the look.[/font]

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Guest trescho75

Phone Number Formats (p3)


It is tough for non US residents to post a phone number with the US format.


[font color="Blue"

]The problem is that there is no universal format for phone numbers so the current validator is a compromise. It allows an optional "+" at the front, digits, spaces, dashs, and parens. i.e.


(555) 555-5555 or



This is a tricky problem and we'll need to revisit it. I am very open to specific examples of how to clue people in. Comments (expecially people outside the USA/Canada) are welcome. [/font]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Prompt for "Review Date" (p4)




The newest review form expects a date in the format "03/2003" (for example) but it doesn't tell you that until you try to submit.


Can you add some form of onscreen hint, as you've done with so many other fields?


Dates will be particularly problematic because 1) you're not really asking for a date -- just month/year, and 2) anyone outside the US will likely expect to input the year first.


An onscreen prompt would help a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Tampa Yankee

RE: Rating Reviews (P3)


>- the score should be reflective a a rolling 12 month period.

>older reviews need not be taken into consideration. people

>change for the worse AND the better.


I think the 12 month time frame is too short -- 18 months would b e better. If I see an escort inactive for longer I view him as no longer in the business and wouldn't miss their reviews.


>- the score should also be built based on how many reviews

>each reviewer within the rolling 12 month period has done.

>example: an escort with 10 reviews 9 done by first time

>reviewers would have a lower rating than an escort with 10

>reviews with 7 done by first time reviewers and 3 done by

>reviewers with more than one review.


Don't think reviewer should be subjected to 12 month or any period for that matter. A 5 time reviewer that hasn't contributed for a year would not be considered. An activity period makes since for escorts since they are passive components to the reviews and it likely reflects they are no longer active in the community. Review submittals are proactive so the reviewer is, prima facie, active in the community. I don't think a period between reviews indicates that he needs to be 'vetted' again..

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RE: Rating Reviews (P3)


>By limiting the time period, we get a better view of their

>current performance and escorts that have dropped out of

>sight, tend to silently go away. Comments from all welcome on

>this one. This one requires a lot of thought to be fair and



What about those of us who have a zillion reviews, and no one submits a new one because they feel like it's all been said before? When, out of curiosity, I've asked guys who've hired me a few times why they never wrote a review, they usually say something like "because it would be the same as review #13, #22, #38...".

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ncm2169

Age Ranges (p1)


Daddy, I recently started a thread in the Lounge over the issue of the new age range by decade. From the reply posts, NO ONE likes it.


The best suggestion seems to be (a) giving the escort's stated age and (b) the reviewer giving his impression of the escort's age.


What's being done on this? Is there any hope of ending up with something besides the age-by-decade deal? If not, please tell us why.


[font color="Blue"

]The problem is that if you give people a free-form age field, you get the most amazing answers. A large percentage of which are not useful in the database (i.e. "about 25-27" or "I don't have the slightest idea"). I want to be able to use "age" as a search field so we need well defined ages.


Using a drop down forces a reasonable answer, even if its "Unknown". Then we have to balance being reasonable versus being easy to use. Putting 32 ages in the drop down won't fit in most people browsers, and scrolling them can become tedious.


Rearranging the ranges is fairly easy, and I've just finished an analysis of the existing reviews. Hoo and I are thrashing out the details so currently its the "Current Suggestion".


Age Range















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Guest bottomboykk

RE: Age Ranges (P1)


The simplest solution is to use an open field, but use form validation to prevent answers that screw things up. With validation, somebody can enter 25, but not 25-27, nor any words at all.


[font color="Blue"

]Unfortunately a significant portion of the reviewers want to put in something along the lines of "about 25-27". Which indicates that they're unsure of the answer.


Restricting to integers is not a compelling answer for me. Also not all browser support scripting (or people have turned it off for security reasons). Dropdowns are almost always supported.


Current suggestion for ranges is:
















I actually like this one because as the review ages, the age value is still logically correct for the escort in most cases.


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