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Review Format Suggestions (Retired)

Guy Fawkes
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Thank you for your comments, I'm grateful for them. Do understand that I will be incorporating a lot of the changes as I have time.


The important thing is that I don't have the luxury of the time to respond to each of your comments in any other forum but this thread.  This is the only place that I will respond and/or consider these type of comments.  Doing it elsewhere, will be ignored and/or deleted.


I will track this thread, and will use it as a supplemental To-Do list.  As such, I will delete and/or edit messages so that I can use it that way.


[font color="Purple"

]How can you help?


[li]Make Short Specific Suggestions. One suggestion per message Make sure that the subject line reflects the suggestion.[/li]

[li]Don't flood the Thread. If something you like is already up, then leave it alone. I don't need or want a hundred comments of "I agree".[/li]

[li]Don't flame. If you don't agree, then put up your own suggestion.[/li]

[li]Don't Distract. Lose the barbs, Lose the humor, Take it somewhere else.[/li]

[li]Don't Amplify.  If I ask a question,  assume that it's for the author, unless I ask for more input.[/li]

[li]Don't Whine. If it's still on the thread, it's because I'm tracking it and only a crystal ball will useful for when it gets implemented.  If it goes away, it's probably not going to happen.[/li]



In general, yes I know that it's currently ugly.  That was the point of the entire project.  I'm architecting a database version that will be secure, flexible, and much easier to use.  Since this is a lengthy process, it has to be done in such a way that Hooboy can continue business as usual while the database development happens. As such, I'd rather put the development time on the database version than the nit-picks on the email based system.


The T-Shirt that I'm wearing today says:

"I can only please

one person each day.

[font color="red"


Tommorrow doesn't look good either."

Thank-you for your patience and understanding.

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Guest random

Layout Suggestion (P2)




Photos should be at top left of review and the Name / City / Contact Info / Stats stacked to the right of the picture.


Recently, HooBoy has been verifying escort stats. I don't think they need to be restated in every review.


If someone notices a huge change from verified stats then he can mention that in his editorial comments.


[font color="Blue"

]Escort information will be seperate from review information. Escorts will be able to update their information, but not review information.[/font]

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Guest ncm2169

Hair color (p4)


Regarding hair color. Include something that allows for highlights. For example, I just submitted a Review for an escort who has brown hair with blond highlights. Lots of guys these days have highlights in their hair.


[font color="Blue"

]Hard to implement, and I want this to be one of fields used for searching. I'd rather to limit choices to a fewer selections to that end.[/font]

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Guest ncm2169

Provide upload cability (p3)


Specific suggestion: Provide instructions for how to include the escort's pic with the review.


When I submitted my newest review yesterday, I couldn't find any mention of this on the Review form, so I sent it in a separate email to HB. If it's in the FAQ's, I apologize, but it would be more user-friendly if it were somewhere on the Review form.


[font color="blue"

]ncm: Love the comments, but PLEASE set the subject on your suggestions. An upload function is planned for the database version. Current system simply doesn't have the approriate security.[/font]

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Guest ncm2169

Add upload verbage as a bridge(p3)


I think there should be instructions about submitting pics (separate email using the site's email form or whatever).

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Escorts can control their own information (p2)


Tried to post down below but got error message repeatedly. <shrug>



>Recently, HooBoy has been verifying escort stats. I don't

>think they need to be restated in every review.


>If someone notices a huge change from verified stats then he

>can mention that in his editorial comments.


Stats are probably the most important aspect of a review or as important as services and performance.

Verified stats are not 'verified' by sight but through phone/email --thus not really verified but presented by the escort for his purposes, which may be honest and accurate or not.

Stats ought to be proactively provided by each reviewer. Provides for common format, location in review, and any number of other reasons.

I think is proposal is a nonstarter for the great many who read reviews. well, that's my opinion.



[font color="blue"

]But that's the point, I want the Escorts to be in control of their information. If there's a decrepency...It'll rapidly show up in the reviews, because people are prompted by the two specific quesions, and will put their thoughts in the "Experience" portion of the review. The concept is that the Escort updates if he wants, Hooboy approves the changes, and it goes up. Obviously, the Work Flow analysis needs to be done, and it'll have to be fine tuned (i.e. Not all escorts are on the internet).[/blue]

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Preview Capability before submit (P2)


Every time I submit I wish I had the option of previewing the review before submittal. On a couple of occasions I would have caught some screw ups. The submittal form is hard to scan for bugs.. for me anyway. :o


[font color="Blue"

]Agreed. This is major reason that we want to go the DB version. It gives us the ability in secure manner have the Escorts be able to update their information, The reviewers to update their Information and/or to update reviews that they've submitted. All would of course be subject to review by Hooboy before being published.


I'm considering a simplified version for the current email system. But I'm loath to put the work on it, as the plans are for the email version to go away.[/font]

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RE: Preview Capability... Please


Related Suggestion: For those of us that are registered on the Message Center, would it be possible to allow us to save a review in our inbox there prior to actually submitting the review so that we can edit it later before submitting? I often get interupted when writing a review and have to start over (and I don't want to leave reviews in Word files or something on my computer).


[font color="blue"

]The problem is that the Message Center is another authors package and very well suited for its purpose. The DB system that I'm developing is much more of a CMS (Content Management System) that has different goals.


I'm still considering if we "Want" to have a unified login. The message center provides a greater degree of privacy by its nature and I'm not convinced that we want to mix the two sides of the fence.


The suggestion of working on reviews over a period of time, fits in with the DB version of the system and I like the idea. Basically you'd just work on it, and once you liked it, queue it up for release. That concept fits very nicely with future (at least in Daddy's mind) paths that I'd like to see us go. [/font]

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Guest Tampa Yankee

Rating Reviews (P3)


In line with a recent thread I initiated regarding reviews with little information content...


The capability to rate a review would be very welcome as would placing this quality indicator at the very top of the review.


Another 'nice-to-have' capability would be a 'skip-to-next-review' button to bypass poorly rated reviews.


[font color="Blue"

]I am considering something simular. I have enough information to create a "Objective" score for an escort instead "Subjective" rating that the Message Center uses.


My initial thoughts are "Positive" reviews from last year raise the rating. "Negative" reviews from the last 6 months lower the rating.

I think that biasing the time periods allows the occassional "We didn't click" reviews to factor out. This also creates an incentive (assuming that it's important to the escort) for Escorts to have a chance to respond/improve their performance.


By limiting the time period, we get a better view of their current performance and escorts that have dropped out of sight, tend to silently go away. Comments from all welcome on this one. This one requires a lot of thought to be fair and unbiased.


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