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So why is Daddy being a recluse?

Guy Fawkes
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Here's what's happening: One of my other clients is having me bring up a cluster for their site. They've given me the leeway to research what the fastest, and best solution is for them. The best part of it, is that their system is very similar to what we run. The only difference is the content <Chuckle>. So I'm in the process of bringing up a five computer cluster, doing benchmarks, and stressing their system to find the fastest, most stable configuration. We'll benefit from the knowledge gained (with their blessing).


I have kernel upgrades, Database Upgrades, and Message Center upgrades that will be phased in over the next week or so. I literally have seven computers sitting on my desk that I'm keeping an eye on including the M4M database. I'm hopping around like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.


Please remember that most of my work on the site is completely voluntary (much to the dismay of my business partner). You have a master watchmaker working on your watch for free. If you jog his elbow too much we'll have a LOT of small pieces to pick up.


Right now I have LOTS of spare time and very little money. In 2-3 weeks I HAVE to start other contracts as my money reserves are exhausted. Once that happens, I'll have lots of money but NO spare time. Please give me the chance to use the extra spare time to our advantage.


The bottom line is that I read your messages several times a day, I put them on the TODO list at the appropriate priority. If you see a new problem, post it! If it's already there, ASSUME that I got it. If you have more information, add it to the thread. "Me Too's" and multiple threads on the same problem WILL NOT speed up the solution but will drive me slowly but surely crazy.


If someone is stirring the pot in the message center for heaven's sake IGNORE THEM, don't respond to them, don't escalate, don't even get annoyed by them. It's a major drain on my time when I have to monitor a thread closely.


If someone crosses the line, use the alert system to report it. Their's only one Daddy but there are FIVE moderators. Trust them to do the right thing, they really are very good at what they do. It is involves reviews, talk to Hooboy, he's the ONLY one that can do anything about it. Please remember that it's the Holidays, and that we have a life too!


If I sound gloomy, don't take it that way. I'm having a lot fun right now, doing what I enjoy doing the most! I'm playing with shinny, new toys both hardware and software wise. <Leer> The only thing I need right now is a cute elf to camp out under my desk, any volunteers?


My best regards to all of you, I wish you a Joyful, Happy, and Safe holiday season.

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Guest bottomboykk

Thanks for all you do, Daddy! I'd love to be that elf under the desk! :9


A very Merry Christmas to you and a wonderful New Year!

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