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Server Status

Guy Fawkes
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I'm still tuning the system, and as a result the message center will be up and down at odd times. Feel free to put complaints and such here. I'll read them, HOWEVER I may not respond as I'm concentrating on tuning.


<Techno Babble>

When we took the Message Center to a database driven system, we overloaded the server. I'm in the process of bringing up a dedicated box configured to be a heavy duty mysql server. Here's it's stats:


1 GHz Pentium III with 1G of memory, 60gig ATA100 disk, running OpenBSD 3.1 (Soon to be OpenBSD 3.2) and running mysql 3.23.49

</Techno Babble>



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Daddy thanks for what you and Hooboy did. I like the way most things work. I only have one bitch and someone told me how to take care of it so I am happy for now. I notice all things working much faster and I do mean much faster. Was on the check who is online and did'nt have to take a nap or go to the Bathroom. Also since yesterday I think most of the slow bugs are dying off. Thanks Again HUGS Chuck

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I feeding bugs back to the author in real time, and getting fixes in a few hours. He is being overloaded as I am, but I'm doing some of

the debugging to help him out.


I'll report the inbox problem, but be warned it may be a few days before that's fixed, and imported. The messages are still there, just haven't made it into the Database yet. He has some higher priority items that he fixing and wants to get a poinr release out.


We're now on version 1.01 and it looks like we'll have version 1.02 in a few days. There are about three customers that are driving the bugs through, as we're taking the time to debug the problems, and give him detailed information and/or fixes. As soon as he vets the change, he puts it out.


My roommate thinks I'm crazy to be working this hard on my Birthday, but who knows maybe one of the young gentlemen will show up, crawl under the desk, and help the development process along! :9

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Daddy is going to bed now...But a an update on the server. Yesterday the 15 minute load averages were running between 5.00 to 20.00 through out the day.


We've been up on the new server(s) for about 2 hours. The 15 minute load average is 0.55 for the web server, and 0.09 for the Database server.


You should find that there has been a dramatic improvement from your point of view. Our people in New York (The other side of the country) have reported that its consistantly fast now.


Of course, we'll have to monitor through out the day, and see what happens at peak times. ~5-7am (PST) and 5-8pm (PST).

If click the "Check who's online" up above, you'll get an idea of how many of your are wandering around the halls.


Night, Night :+

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Guest ncm2169

Hey Daddy! Good job on the transition. All the bugs from my "user end" (that I've enountered so far) are gone, EXCEPT FOR ONE. Is the email/private message system still fucked up? I've sent both to one Hooboy member several times all week, and I get "Email could not be delivered" return messages in my email box. This occurs whether it's an email or a private message to the member. BOTH bounce back. Any advice?

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Guest ncm2169

Hey, I don't know if or when you're getting this, but the chronology of the posts in ALL the rooms is fucked! I'm only replying here cuz I'm tired of waiting for the "emale" box to open so I can reply that way. Sorry, not bein critical here...just tryin to be helpful.


Mark in Mpls

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