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difficulty posting

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Hello All,


Had a chat last night with a guy who says he is a member of the message center but has not been able to use any of the functions of the site. Well except for chat I guess. He tries to post or send private messages on the site and it does nothing but throw him back to the lobby.


While I have had NO problem at all, is there a contact email for Daddy or whoever can sort this guys difficulty out? He tried HooBoy apparently and for whatever reason HB's answer wasn't responsive to the problem.


Thanks for helping out this guy,



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Guest chaz49wm

Daddy can you give me a straight ansrwer or a gay one will work. Will we ever be able to change the posting problem. I was told before it would get rectified with the new update but didnt. I realize that the updates are not your doing. But If you can't ever fix then I feel the best way to make us all feel equal is to get rid of the post # like you did on the ratings. That happened so quick can we either rectify or get rid of the postings or numbers of the same way. I thank you for all you do or can do. HUGS chuck:9

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Guest chaz49wm

Deej with all due respect I have been given many stories one by you and one by Hooboy and none by Daddy. My question was addressed to Daddy not you because you couldn't help before. Not because you wouldn't but it's his area or so you guys say. You can tell me all these things till "the cows come home." You get things changed how you want to. This has been a problem for a long time. My answer to this is if you can't fix it then take it away. You did that with the rating system but maybe you guys that have the 500 posts don't want to see yours go and me and the others that have 0 feel intimated. That's where I am coming from. I really feel you don't care and it won't be fixed but thats my feeling not necessarily the truth. The truth is in the Test or the Pudding. The rating thing went away because some of the favored ones were getting bad reviews and yes it was that time of the war with Ethan and all. Anyhow let's be truthful and if we can't or don't want to fix it or it's to much bother or beyoung our capabiluty then let's for the good of the whole board get rid of it. Doesn't that make sense? We can figure out who sent this message and that message but can't figure out how to handle this problem? Then the 10 inch dicks will be the same as the 5 inch ones. LOL Hugs Chuck:P


I Don't think I am the only one who feels this way but maybe the only one to say it. I has been addressed by others before I know Adam for one has addressed it and the last time I looked he doesnt have 0.

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[h3]Please stop sending me e-mail beseeching me to change something I cannot change.[/h3]


This forum runs software not developed here. You are asking the equivalent of asking someone to make a change in Microsoft Word. It can't be done, unless you know someone inside Microsoft.


And the bottom line is that this isn't a life-or-death situation or it would have been fixed already. As a software engineer myself, I can understand why a post counter would fall below lost posts on the priority scale.


If it annoys you (and it clearly does) I'm sorry. I apologize on behalf of the developers.




OK? It'll be fixed when they get 'round to it.


At this point, you're just whining.

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So let me get this straight (your wording) ....


You'd calm down if Daddy chimed in and said he had nothing to add to what's already been said? He's not allowed to see that what needs to be said has been said and then move on? He's required to repeat it?


The rating thing went away because it was a checkbox on a configuration screen and HooBoy could simply turn it off. The post counter is *not* a checkmark on a configuration screen. It is intrinsic to the software.


Since you've sussed that it's easy to turn off, perhaps you should volunteer your time and software engineering experience to solve the problem rather than whining about it? Daddy's e-mail address is daddy@male4malescorts.com.


We're not ignoring you. We're actively doing nothing while we wait for the guys that wrote this software to fix a problem we can't do anything about.

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Guest chaz49wm

Deej Thanks for your quick answer but no help. You may not be able to change the software but you failed to answer what I was addressing. If you can't fix it then get rid of it. Do we really need to know that you have posted 1034 or whatever number of posts? If I can't be recognized why should you? Am I whinning,you might think so but,I am not sure? I think I am trying to hold this MC accountable. The email I sent you was not just my messages but many. So once again don't think it is just me. I am not out to get you or this site cause I truly love it and what it does for us all. But you happen to answer here as your task as Moderator, so yes you must take it all. Let's don't just blame it on the software guys. Let's fix it or get rid of it. I am not asking you to do the impossible. I am asking you to do something that if you can't then, you and all in house have the power to do, and that is get rid of all the post numbers. If you can't give proper recognition to the rest of us I feel it's only proper to do away with the system. If you think I am "whinning" then I am sorry you feel that way. But some one has to hold the system accountable. And Yes my Friend, and I do hope that some day, you will be my friend, you have to be held accountable cause you are the system or the establishment so to speak. HUGS Chuck:P

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Guest chaz49wm

Thank You


Deej thank you for taking the time to give me the whole story that's all I was looking for. I have been told so many little different things over the months even with a promise that it would be updated in the last revision. I also want to apologize for ranting and raving at you. It just is so frustrating some times to see some changes made and not others. I guess in the overall importance factor looking at what has happened in the world especially on this the 6month anniv of 9/11 this is very in significant. Any how thats for putting up with me and as I said explaining it to me. And for all you do as a moderator both you and the others that give of your time so that we can have this nice place to agree or disagree or both. Many thanks and once again sorry for flying off the handle guess I shouldn't have been up that late as it was HUGS CHuck:-)

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