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Signals That Are No No's to me in meeting Street People

Guest bam
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I always wonder how I decide what to do and who to be wary of. Over the years I have heightened my internal antenna and developed some rules for my actions. Would like to know any of yours.


The following signals/actions make me walk away and say no to guys I meet (that I would normally go with)(i.e. they set off warning bells for me):

Have music headphones on

Wearing gloves

Carrying a skateboard

Wearing a backpack

Too much drugged up (I check their pupils for dilation)

Tell me they have no place to live (I always ask, oh were do you live?)

Volunteer that they have no id

Talk too much/too little

Body Orders

Poor Eye Contact

Never Alone – Always with their friends

Bad Breath


Talks about money a lot

Tells me all their problems

Tells me it is their birthday (that day or soon)

Tells me their grandmother is sick and they need to get home

Tells me they are leaving town tomorrow

Talks a lot about themselves and never ask about me (I used to drop girlfriends for this also) – I mean I really don’t like to talk about myself - but a little asking goes a long way

Coughs a lot

Cold sores on their face

Recent Knife wounds or needle tracks

Open sores of any kind

Is having surgery soon


I guess much of my list is common sense. However I never tell anyone I never want to go with him – just not that day. Self esteem being what it is – It is not a good idea to reject anyone who is down.

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RE: Signals That Are No No's to me in meeting Street Pe...


A great list, mostly dead on, but a couple things in the first few I disagree with...


Wearing a backpack... my best luck so far has been with somebody carrying a backpack, he had all the supplies we needed in it (condoms, lube, plus his music and other stuff he wanted with him).


Listing to headphones... I also took this as a no-no, until a guy wearing headphones made great eye contact with me, I picked him up, and had a great time. Some people really love music, and it's pretty boring out there anyway.


Clean clothes and not too dirty looking are two additional things I look for.


I wish more got that being in a group or constantly talking on a cell phone (or worse, payphone) looses them business.


Eye contact is the key, so sunglasses are a big no-no, though if they lift them up and make eye contact it works pretty well to emphasize their interest. Still, prefer no sunglasses.

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Bam, your list is a hoot! How do you ever get laid, being so picky?

"Recent knife wounds" would not bother me... fresh ones might cause me pause, if they're still oozing something.

"Always talking about money(lack thereof)" and "claim it's their birthday"... I think these two ploys are fairly common, i've certainly heard them. If it's someone I'm expecting to pay for services rendered, it doesn't bother me much. But in a bar setting, it's definitely a no-no.

I have no hard and fast rules about what might cause me concern. Despite what some may think on this board, I'm an extremely cautious cruiser and don't really let my guard down until the date is over and "he" is safely out the door. This is true even of non-paid dates, frequently.

One trick I always attempt is to hug/feel up a man before I actually have him into my abode. This gives me a chance to discreetly "frisk" him to make sure there are no concealed weapons.

In situations where I find myself chatting up some mysterious stranger, I let them know I'm gay right away, but don't propose anything immediately. More often than not, shortly afterward he'll make the first move, if sex for pay is part of his repertoire. I find that guys that proposition me are more likely to be on the level than guys I have to make an improper suggestion to.

Fortunately, I've never had to deal with a truly bad-slash-dangerous experience, so I guess I've been lucky.

La Trix

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RE: Signals That Are No No's to me in meeting Street Pe...


even with my list (or because of it) i get laid regularily and as often as i want


great suggestions!!!


it is really subtle but guys are usually are much better when they make the proposition first

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