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Action near Numbers on Santa Monica.

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Well, tried it again. Got it right this time, though the other side really helped...


Was bored again, went by the area, took a road further east into the area this time, past Highland. That made the difference! Poor area, but obvious hustlers on the street. Saw a very nicely built one, very tan, he was being completely obvious (a bit of a wave in addition to strong eye contact helped). Pulled around to corner, a bit less nervous now (but felt a bit less of the rush too...). He came up, said something unintelligible, asked if he could get in, I said sure. Started to drive around, he asked me if I was a cop, undid his pants to show me he wasn't and because he really likes showing what he's got. He had a sore on his mouth and never stopped talking, plus he was a top (probably what he'd said through the window, not that I think he'd have that much luck getting it up as high as he was), we drove around a bit and talked, maybe 10 minutes. I drove back to where I picked him up, told him I was dropping him off, gave him $20 for his time. He was happy with the $20 but seemed a bit disappointed I was letting him out, and warned me to be careful. Wasn't there some rule about fishing that you'll only have good luck if you throw the first catch back? ;o)


Drove around a bit more, now that I knew the area (and now I know once you see one there will probably be more on the side streets of the area...) and had had someone high in my car once already I was a bit more careful. One guy went out of his way to show me he was interested, but he just wasn't what I was looking for. We kept crossing paths as I circled, probably drove the guy nuts. There was another great looking guy, well built, high as a kite and grungy, pass.


Drove around a bit more, went up Santa Monica to the Beverly Hills line once or twice, didn't see anything I'd recognized as for rent out that way at all, did the pull over and look as a hottie or two passed, didn't seem to notice and I don't want to play leapfrog several times and piss off somebody that's not working.


So I start to head back towards the bad area, starting to give up, notice a hot young thing, about 20, (think it was somewhere between Highland and La Cienega, but before the especially bad area I'd picked the first guy up in) and he waves towards me. I go down a bit and it takes forever to turn around, finally get back in the area and I see him sitting near where I left him, facing away. As I approach (he hasn't seen me) he gets up and starts to use the phone, this makes me a little uneasy (thinking cop around every corner, there are so damned many out there!), but I pull past, make eye contact, and park in the mini-mall parking lot. Within a minute he comes to the car, very hot looking! *Clean*, and not high, looks great! He looks mostly white to me, a touch of latino or South American maybe but obviously born and raised here, just as easily more generations back then me, says he's just moved down from the bay area (I think, the city name didn't really stick), very light skin. Chit chat for a couple seconds, he asks to get in. Of COURSE. I start to drive around again, he says his name is Antonio. He's kind of small (though not especially short), wearing a clean white muscle shirt and shorts, he doesn't fill out the shirt, so I figure average build (wrong!). We chat some more, he asks what I'm into. I eventually tell him I haven't done much, liked oral, topping was OK, may like to try more. He says he's very versatile but very safe, more small talk, he mentions he has some massage training and would like to become a dancer or choreographer. More small talk, eventually we get to the subject of money, maybe by me asking about an ATM nearby, he says $100 to do anything anal in a roundabout way.


I say sounds good, though I think I committed to more then I meant to... what I've developed of an anti-LE strategy is to just agree to pay for time. He directs me towards an ATM in a gas station, then to an hourly motel. I'm a little more uncomfortable, as we've gone pretty far south, not a good area (though we did pass Pink's hotdog stand, *very crowded*, I always wondered where exactly that was), but you knew it wasn't a great area because there was an hourly hotel here... the stuff I've read about the LAPD seizing your car and such is on my mind. Still, he's good looking, calm and cool, and good looking ;o). We get to the place, I ask him to get the room, he says he thinks it's $20 an hour. I give him $40 in case there's tax or something... He gets the room, comes back over to the car and tells me the room number and gives me some change, I stuff it in my pocket without looking at it. I follow him in.


We get in the room, I'd never been in this kind of place, it's... maybe a touch better then I expected, though could be cleaner of course. Has AC (thank god, though I had to turn it on so the room was a little warm), cable TV with porn (str8, he may have asked for it to be on), and a ceiling light that provides reasonable illumination (more then the $150+ a night room in Vegas I stayed in!). It also has quite a few mirrors. As I'm taking this in he strips. So now I'm positve he's not a cop, and am in love. Well, lust, but holy shit! Not an ounce of fat on his body! Slight build, but what he's got is as defined as I imagine it could be! Wow. I take off my clothes, go into the bathroom to wash up some (keeping the door open, talking to him a little, as a precaution for my wallet, but he's not that kind of guy, and he never asked for the money...). Come out, get on the bed with him, can't keep my hands off his torso and chest. I've never felt anything like it, nice bulges but almost no give, 180 degrees opposite my bulges with nothing but give! He rolls over, wow again... his ass cheek fits entirely in my hand! He's got some thick black hair down there, but even that was so much hotter then I ever thought it could be! He rolls over, nice hard cock, probably average size or a little longer, but looks big on him. I play with it a little, he plays with me a little, I lay down on my back. He gets out some lube and strokes me a little, gets out a condom and puts it on me (seems to me it'd work better if the dick wasn't lubed, but I don't know...), goes down on me (yes, very safe..., good considering how I found him, but he's so careful and in such great shape I wouldn't mind kissing him and mutual oral without the condom next time, up to him of course) says this condom tastes awful, and climbs on top of me. This is almost humorous, in another thread I made a joke about my size compared to the WEHO eye candy, but he is literally about 1/3rd my size, doubt he could weigh more then 120, he can barely straddle me, and it is as much his size as mine as my height makes me somewhat proportional. But he manages! Wow again! Before it even occurs to me to try to hold back it's too late, though I'm so quiet about it he's a little surprised.


He goes in the bathroom to clean up, then I do. I've found I withdraw quite a bit right after I've come, and I've got to work on this, but knowing is only half the battle, and I was in too much of a daze. Plus I'm self conscious, so I want to start getting dressed... he asks if I want to head out, I say sure. (Idiot! It'd been 25-30 minutes, and I'm sure he wouldn't have objected to spending the rest of the hour...). As I said, I really have to work on that, negotiate for time and stick to it... Anyway, we both get dressed (damn, there goes the view!), I get out my wallet and give him $120, he thanks me. Drive him back up to Santa Monica, it's a pretty long drive, we were below Wilshire and I tell him what that means according to some threads on this board, that he should be careful and stay out of LAPD jurisdiction as much as possible. We chit chat some more, he says he actually waived at me because my car was similar to a friend of his and he though I was him. I tell him I'm pretty chickenshit about this and wouldn't have known to come back if he hadn't. He tells me a little more about himself, down on his luck, trying to rebuild. I drop him off where he likes, but first he gives me his phone numbers and I give him my email address, mention this site, he says he's heard about it, I tell him to email me his pic and I'll write a review, he says he has some pics on CD and will send one. I also ask him about Numbers, he says he went there once with a friend, drinks are expensive (what the devil is he doing paying for them I think) but he and his friend hooked up with a couple and had some fun.


I drive back westward on Santa Monica, I kill some time on the way home by driving around. Eventually head slightly north, end up in Westwood and then in the middle of the campus, takes me a while to find my way back out, eventually find my way back to Sunset, good as I wanted to drive it in the daytime and look around. By now I'm hard again, wishing I'd made more of the experience! I eventually check my pocket, the change he gave me was the extra $20 from getting the room.


Wow, not the street hustler experience at all! Let's help him out and get him off the streets... anybody that wants to give him a try message me, he's staying in Hollywood and I don't think he'd object to me passing on his info (though I will try to check with him first).


I'm really looking forward to calling him again, in a couple days at most!


Well, I've gone and typed out war and peace again, but the response was good to my Vegas experience, so hope you liked reading this too. I know I like reading details and helpful hints, much more useful then the pointless cattiness that sometimes prevails here IMHO. Only way a guy can learn after all!

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Thanks guys!


I appreciate your support!!! Not in the writing field, had some interest in journalism and the like in college, but hated writing anything in college (probably would have been a bad choice anyway, given what qualifies as journalism now...). Now I can type for hours and think nothing of it...


Have passed Antonio's info on to those that've asked so far, hopefully they will post and back me up on how hot he is! I'll probably set up an actual appointment with him for this weekend, maybe pick him up and take him back to my place. :9

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RE: Thanks guys!


Hi James,I wish you would have seen S.M.B.8years ago when I first moved to SoCal from Las Vegas.I would circle for a long time(as you describe)but not because there were so few boys "working"but because there were so many that it was tough to decide which boy to pick up!

And this was at the tail end of the glory days of S.M.B. Friends tell me of seeing Lance,Matt Windsor,Bo Garret etc...working the street as well as an assortment of fresh off the bus guys,and party boys.And we used to have a wonderful bar called Hunters,where,until the last few sad years,you could find so many cute boys and studs that you would not be able to date them all unless you really tried.It was such fun-till the pompous English asshole that owned the joint fell into the bottle and let his buisiness go down the toilet.

Now we have Numbers,which can be fun-or not-depending on the crowd(I usually have the best time when I go with friends for dinner-if you show up once every few weeks your face will become known and the boys will eventually say hi)or the spotlight,which can be very hit or miss-sadly,lately it has been mostly a miss.I have a good friend who tends bar there so I visit more than I care to.

So,good luck on the boulevard-be very carefull of the cops-I find it not worth the risk right now.LA is a not a good city to be in without a car.

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Sounds hot...


What the hell happened? Did the AIDS scare eventually kill it off? Police? Sounds like it was a lot of fun back then. What do these 'fresh off the bus' guys do for $$$ now, especially with the economy in the crapper...?


Haven't been into Numbers yet, should've swung by last night. We should do a M4M get-together there one night, could be fun (especially if the 'other side' shows up in force too...).


Yeah, loosing my car or any other brush with the cops does not sound fun. I try to be pretty cautious and have no trouble doing the catch-and-release thing, but probably will not do much more street cruising (who am I kidding, I'll cruise for a looksee anywhere I think there's action, but the actual picking up and doing something, probably not). Though it sure gets to be expensive the other ways, and maybe I've just been really lucky, but what I've picked up was one hell of a bargain both times I kept the catch!


BTW, would still love to hear your casino stories mentioned after my other big post :9 :


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RE: Sounds hot...


Gee,maybe they should open a new forum for hot cruising/tricking stories!

I could tell you about the time I blew a bored 19y/o in the elevator of the Sahara(they have security cameras everywhere I guess!)

Or the boy who worked at the florist at Ballys who loved getting sucked of in the walk in cooler!


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Guest Utopia

RE: Thanks guys!


BGP, I wish you all could have seen SMB 25 years ago. What a fucking amazing experience. Hundreds of guys working the street each weekend and close to 100 during the week days. Needless to say it was one huge party pre-AIDS, far more trusting on both ends, and always happening from dusk to dawn. No matter what you were into you could easily find it at Ben Franks or Arthur Js or the Troubadour or Flippers or The Oddessy or the Pleasure Chest. And if that isn't enough Las Palmas was great as was Hollywood High School (after the close of school, not the school kids) Selma, Hollywood Blvd, LaBrea and Sunset and just so many other areas. I wish I had a time machine and could go back for a few weeks, especially knowing what I do now.


And the boyz ... yum they were all so hot from all over the country everybody wanted to be a star. Most of the standard cruising took place between Fairfax and Highland on SMB. Long haired surfers or skaters, muscle types, stoners, hairy, smooth, legal, not legal (not my style but they were all over the place as well) and every ethnic background you can think of.


Prices were amzing as well. For 20. you could get hours of fun and for 40. - 50. the guy would spend the night. Though most the time they were looking for a place to crash so everything was upfor bidding and usually a hot guy for the night in '77 cost about 25. maybe 30.


I know I am rambling ... just reading this thread gave me flash backs of far more happier days.


"You realize that life goes fast

It's hard to make the good things last"

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Guest Utopia

RE: Utopia!


>It sounds like it was a real utopia back in those days!

To a wide eyed kid from that tiny town of San Diego it sure was. Hey maybe we bumped into each other driving up and down smb :0


"You realize that life goes fast

It's hard to make the good things last"

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BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


I mentioned to Antonio my idea of something of a M4M get-together at Numbers, how cool it could be especially if the 'other side' showed up... He said it sounded like a great idea, he'd be there!


Maybe he could also bring a couple friends, others on here who know reasonably priced providers could invite them and their friends...


Am I the only one excited by this? At the least it could be a fun night out meeting new people.


I was thinking some week night, maybe a Tuesday or Thursday.


What do you think?

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Guest Merlin

RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


If I happened to be in LA, I would like to try. The problem I see is that one hot number will show up and there will be a feeding frenzy.

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RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


As much as I like Numbers,I dont know if it is the place for such a soiree.Tony and Bob,the owners,Like to keep things somewhat "respectable"(that is how they have kept the cops out for over 20 years)so they have no problem telling a kid(or a patron)to come back after they clean themselves up.They also will tell you to cool it if you"get a little too familiar"with a boy/or fellow patron.And he has kicked out long time customers for innapropriate behavior,drunkedness(this is a nightly occurance)

The Spotlight,on the other hand,has a much more liberal attitude.Unfortunatly,because of it's much deserved reputation,some of the boys don't like to go there(or can't get in-they have a long 86'list and card heavily)However,if the boys knew that someone was going to meet them there they might be more willing to make the trip in.

And Thursday night would be much better in both spots under consideration.

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RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


I'd mentioned Spotlight, it didn't sound like he'd ever go back to that 'scummy tweaker bar' as he called it. Seems like Numbers would be the easier choice, at least for the first get-together...


I'm thinking we'd be a pretty quiet crowd, hopefully enough turn up to avoid a feeding frenzy with most staying long enough to exchange phone numbers with other interested people before they pair up and head out.


A Thursday sounds good, when do we want to do it? Any chance you could ask the owners, just a group coming in to meet up and have a few drinks together, should be nothing but good for their business...


Maybe as early as this Thursday? Anybody else interested?

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RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


That's fine, though you'll find just about all I know in the couple recent threads in this forum.


Like the idea of getting together and chatting with others from this board, at Numbers or somewhere, and it'd be especially hot if there were boys for hire there as well... not much response to the idea so far though...

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RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...



I made my first trip to NUMBERS several weeks ago to have dinner with Tomcal. Since he has been there a number of times, the owner treated us like royalty (guess tomcal gets used to that wherever he goes). The food was very good if a bit pricey, but overall worth it. Saw a few guys for rent. What I like about the place is that you can carry on a conversation over dinner. Have heard that rentboys are hit and miss, but I liked the place. Would be willing to come into town for an M4M gathering if it develops.

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RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


Bob and Tony,the owners of Numbers,have been in buisness for many, many years.They are also life partners.Bob has cut back on his participation in the biz-getting on in years,which is a real shame because he is the consumate host-great old school queen-and knows lots and lots of people.Tony is sometimes a little short with customers,as well as quick to throw unruley customers out.For this he has gotten a bad rep-which in my book is not deserved.

If you are a familiar face,both of them will treat you grandly.Untill they get to know you-wellllllll it might take some extra charm.

These types of establishments are a dying breed.I remember in my heyday so many supper clubs that catere to a "special"cliantele-so many are gone.

Who here remembers The Fickle Fox?The P.S?Sutters Mill(back when they had a dining room)?Alta Plaza?(all in San Francisco)The only establishment I knew of in Los Angeles was The Carrige Trade(and of course Numbers)So I am so happy to still have a place like this around-and I would love to start the same sort of place if I could!I know I would lots of HooVillians as customers!

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RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


"Who here remembers The Fickle Fox?The P.S?Sutters Mill(back when they had a dining room)?Alta Plaza?(all in San Francisco)The only establishment I knew of in Los Angeles was The Carrige Trade(and of course Numbers)"


I do. Well, 3 of them anyway. As far as the owners of Numbers, how can the reputation be undeserved if you yourself say it is so? There is just no excuse for treating your customers badly, even if they are not regulars. In fact, giving favored treatment to a select few while treating others badly is reprehensible.

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RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


Lucky,while I think that is a noble,oft repeated,goal,anyone who works with the public(in the service biz at least)that if you have a repeat customer,whose company you enjoyed,you do tend to favor that customer more than a new face.You should never slight a new customer of course-as he has the potential of becoming a regular-but rewarding repeat customers with special service is one of the rules of the game.

As I have been on both sides of the table I understand that,and am not ofended if I see other folks getting preferential service at a restaurant,hotel or store.As long as I get good service,and am made to feel welcome(make me want to come back-that is the service persons real job)I am fine.At the places at which I am a regular I enjoy being made to feel special-I think most of us do.

Tony has never been rude to me-and the instances where I have seen him lose his cool it was toatly justified.There are a lot of pretensious queens here in Hollywierd-I wear high boots when I go to numbers(the shit can get pretty high in other words)And I am sure you have met one or two boys who got a little out of hand after a few drinks.Well some one has to put them out -and the fact that they do makes it more comfortable for the rest of us.

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RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


Big Guy

Based on your description, it was Bob who welcomed us. He took one look at the two of us (Tomcal is 6'5, I am only 6'1") and said with a wink, "At my age it will be impossible to do you both, so you will have to settle for a great table." He was charming and it set the tone for the whole evening. I have nothing but good things to say. The food as I said was excellent and the portions generous, just a tad pricey. The drinks were also well mixed.

Of course the view is terrific if you get a table next to the window (which we did).

BTW, last week we met Trilingual and Tomcal's friend at Cafe d'Toi (?) on SMB and Robertson. Excellent food, drinks, company, and view (saw Eric Evans...get down off the table 'lil Jack).




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Guest Tomcal_

RE: BTW, mentioned my Numbers idea...


I have been going to Numbers for about 7 years for dinner with my buddies. One of my friends was a "working boy" in his 20's(he's 40 now) and he has known Tony and Bob since that time. My friends had my surprise birthday party there last year and they brought out a very "graphic" cake from the kitchen. We had 16 guys in the back windowed corner and Tony had no problem with the noise and Luaughter. Unless you guys were planning a M4M party with naked guys, I don't think you would have any problem with having a good time at Numbers. They are not going to jeopordize their liquor license, but I think everyone would have fun. My friends and I have dinner their about once a month and it's really hit or miss if you are looking for hustlers(we don't, but we always take note of what's going on)Last Friday, there were at least 10 or so there at 9:30 and I would say 5 or 6 were pretty hot.

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