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Numbers in LA?

Guest Merlin
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Guest Merlin

Has anyone been to Numbers in LA lately? How would you describe the escorts available? What dates and times do you think are best?

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Hi Merlin,I and my partner in sin(the Ventura Vixen)were just at Numbers last weekend.There was not a lot of choices.I think a lot of the guys wer at parties(pride weekend)however,there was enough of a choice to make it worth the trip.

We had gone to see Sam Harris-what an energetic performer!So we were in the nieghborhood.

Wed-Sunday seems to be the best nights-and after 9 pm.But it is hard to pin down a specific day and time that are best.If I say Saturday nights after 10 pm-you go and it will be dead!So good luck and happy hunting.

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Guest Jocoluver

I had not been to Numbers since opened on Santa Monica Blvd. I was there 2 weeks ago (6/14) about 11pm. DEAD! nada. yes, some people there - in fact some I used to see at the Sunset location. Nothing I thought attractive for hire.


Numbers used to have hot bartenders. Not the night I was there! The bartenders looked like me (old gay troll)


I did like the layout of the new Numbers a lot!


But where are the studs?


(We didn't eat, so can't comment on restauarant.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cruised the area last night. Was kind of bored though not especially looking to hire. Didn't go into Numbers, took me several passes to even figure out where it was. Since there aren't that many street numbers on buildings looking for 8741 Santa Monica BLVD wasn't as helpful as it could have been. Finally found it when I looked UP.


How busy is Numbers? Is the hustling only in the bar? Would I need a reservation to dine?


Was more looking on the street, but it was so busy and crowded in some areas (though not right by Numbers) I wasn't tempted to try and park and get out of my car. Not sure I'd like standing out that much anyway, being about three times the size of the eye candy on the sidewalks and having the fashion sense of a walrus... Lots of openly gay stuff, though the real hotties with their shirts off were usually with a girl... Saw two different groups of two guys and a girl, with the guy in the middle being rubbed on both sides... lucky bastards!


Found a pretty good looking guy standing around on the street up on Highland though, above Franklin. Circled through the parking lot he was in front of a couple times, tried waiting discreetly off to the side, eventually came to a stop in front of him though it was a wide sidewalk. He knew I was looking, rubbed his dick through his pants, but never once made a move in my direction? Was I supposed to shout something to him? I started to think his refusal to come to me could mean he was LE. Circled one more time (very short circle, couldn't have been more obvious), waited in the driveway out of the parking lot, nothing, then he swung over the half-wall he was leaning on and disappeared. I waited a couple minutes to see if he was discreetly approaching... nothing. Couldn't see him as I left.


Not a big deal since I wasn't all keyed up to hire right then anyway, but this and the other cruising stops I've made... guess I need to be even more pro-active? Having the window rolled down and looking as they pass doesn't seem to be enough, but I don't want to piss off somebody who's not working...

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>Has anyone been to Numbers in LA lately? How would you

>describe the escorts available? What dates and times do you

>think are best?



I have been to Numbers and it is miserable there for finding decent "escorts". The only redeeming asset that Numbers has is a restaurant on their premises where the food is not bad, although overpriced. The "escorts" at Numbers are usually older and/or on drugs, want too much money and many are "over the hill" so to speak.


There are only two "hustler" bars in Los Angeles (Numbers & Spotlight). The "escorts" at Spotlight are even worse than you find at Numbers.


In short, after visiting the only two hustler bars in the large city of Los Angeles, one can readily understand why gays spend their time and money for travel to Montreal to seek escorts. Other than Hamburg, Germany, there is no place in the world that compares favorable to Montreal. Try Montreal, you'll like it (love it).

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Guest Merlin

I was there several times over the July 4th weekend. Hired two guys who were very hot. One, a tall athletic blond with Swedish features was gorgeous.

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Guest maxmtnman

I usually visit Numbers when in LA and have experienced virtually every type of situation -- alive, dead, active, quiet, jammed, empty, etc., etc. I don't think there's any rule-of-thumb -- you just take your chances. Some nights are fabulous; others are dullsville. In general, Friday and Saturdays are better than others, but not necessarily. I can usually predict the tone of the visit within five minutes, although I have been wrong. Good luck!

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Guest Tomcal_

>>Other than Hamburg, Germany, there is no place in the world that compares favorable to Montreal. Try Montreal, you'll like it (love it).<<


IMHO, there is one place that is WAY better then Montreal, and that's Rio, There are 5 "rent boy" suanas with, depending on day of the week, there will be 20 - 35 mostly stunning guys for 1/8 the rate that you will pay in Montreal(more then enough to cover your airfare several times!)

I go to Montreal several times a year on business and I think it is great, and before going to Rio for the first time(Aug will be my 6th trip in 20 months)I would have agreed with you. Many of the guys in Rio look like Montreal French Canadian guys or visa versa. BTW, I am not being biased against Montreal, I was born and raised in Canada and I am 1/2 French Canadian, but those Brazilian boys and the way the suanas work in Rio, it makes for a Great vacation and everything from hotel to food to boys is alot cheaper and just as Hot!

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I concur with Tomcal, you are much better saving your dollars on American hustlers, and buy a plane ticket to Rio or BsAs for some affordable quality - generally with no attitude or impostoring. What you see is what you get down there, "Accuracy Guaranteed"!!!

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Went to Numbers Saturday night,a little before 11.Many young guys,some "more mature"fellad and a few musclely guys.Visited with some friends(I went there with a friend)and cruised some boys.

My friend chatted up a boy and,finding out he was not into the same stuff,told me about him and I went out to the terrace to chat with the boy.

His name is David,young 22-looks younger,guido from NJ.VERY CUTE,dark curly hair,boyish body,nice unit.He is strictly trade-though he claims to be BI,which in this case was fine.Was able to perform and shot a huge load.

As we were leaving the proportion of working boys to Johns was definatly running to the boys.My friend stuck around and said that there sees to be a smal cabal of boys,led by three french-canadian guys,who runn up to any guy they see talking to anouther boy,and try to ''butt in''on their conversation.I have seen this happen before at Numbers over the years,and I find it a little disarming.I usually knock the intruders stock down a few points,and pay more attention to the boy I was chatting up in the first place.I have witnessed this behavior in the clubs of Montreal as well.I guess that they smell a player and they want to make their availability known.It is unnerving at first-till you figure out what is going on.

Anyway,this "cabal"saw me chatting with David,and when I returned from the head,were surrounding him!?!.I was civil to them,nodded to David and headed towards the elevator where he joined me.

It is the end of the month-there are always more boys at Numbers at that time-rent's due!

David is planning on returning to NJ shortly so I do not want to publish his contact info.

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RE: Canadians


The intruder tactic of the Canadian guys indicates that there is a segment of these guys who are getting more (less?) sophisticated in their approach to clients. In the Gaiety thread, Cooper tells how they are making pacts at the Gaiety to increase the prices they charge for privates.

Hopefully these guys will see a loss of business instead of an increase. But in LA, maybe they already have, thus the more aggressive approach.


BTW, thanks James, Trixie, and Big Guy for making the Street forum more interesting these days!

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>IMHO, there is one place that is WAY better then Montreal, and

>that's Rio, There are 5 "rent boy" suanas with, depending on

>day of the week, there will be 20 - 35 mostly stunning guys

>for 1/8 the rate that you will pay in Montreal


Hello and thanks for the information on Rio. Do you happen to know the names and/or addresses of the five "rent boy" saunas in Rio that you mentioned? I would appreciate your letting me know. I travel a great deal but have never been to Rio. It sounds as though a trip to Rio is worth a try. Is there any particular time of year better for a visit to Rio? Thanks in advance.





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Guest Tomcal_

If you go to the south of Border thread, there is pages and pages of info. that has been posted on the Rio suanas, especially since April when there was a M4M meeting there! The names are Estacio, Club 117, Pointe 202, Spa 73 and Meio Mundo. The addresses(right down to how many steps down the block!)layout, what boys work there, etc. are in the treads.

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>The names are Estacio, Club 117, Pointe 202, Spa 73 and Meio

>Mundo. The addresses(right down to how many steps down the

>block!)layout, what boys work there, etc. are in the treads.








"RIO DE JANEIRO: The city continues to experience a high incidence of crime. Tourists are particularly vulnerable to street thefts and robberies on and in areas adjacent to all the main beaches in the city. Walking on the beaches is very dangerous at night. Recent efforts of incarcerated drug lords to exert their power outside of their jail cells have resulted in serious disruptions in the city, violence directed at the authorities and incidents of crimes against property, including after-hours shootings and explosions set off outside hotels and restaurants frequented by tourists. While these occurrences have not resulted in any injuries to U.S. citizens, visitors and residents alike should be aware that inconveniences such as closed shops and disrupted municipal services are likely. In Rio de Janeiro City, motorists are allowed to treat stoplights as stop signs between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. to protect against holdups at intersections. All incidents should be reported to the tourist police, who can be reached at 511-5112."






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>>Glutes,what is BsAs?


>Buenos Aires?


>Barry :)


Barry's right. Bs.As. is the common Spanish (or at least Argentine) abbreviation for Buenos Aires. In English it's usually abbreviated and referred to orally as B.A. However you say it or abbreviate it, it's one of the great cities of the world and currently very cheap for visiting Americans and Europeans.

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Besides all the information in the "Escorts South of the U.S.A" board, go to the semi-world-famous review of Brazilian Saunas in the Escort Review section. (Click on Mexico & South America section, then look for the Brazilian Saunas review.) That's what got the whole ball rolling! The information in that thread is still pretty much accurate.

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