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San Fran's NEW Hustler scene

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Bon soir, mes amis! I'm so excited, I've not been able to sleep nights! It's too fabulous! For all those who've been saying the street scene is dead in The City, look again, my petite pois.

Polk St. may be dead, but out of it's ashes rises 16th & Mission. Yes, it's true, the Mission is the place to go!

This past weekend I attended a post "carnaval" celebration with some friends at the Esta Noche Bar. And let me tell you, it was jumpin' both inside the bar and on the street as well. I did not partake of the outside entertainment, as I was with "polite" company (that meaning middle class homo couples with SUV's and sticks up their arses. The only thing THEY'VE done in the back of their SUVs is load groceries from Andronicos.)

Anyway...16th st. from the BART station to Valencia is THE SPOT. Mostly latino, and mostly very young, but I saw a few whiteboys too.

Since I'm an incorrigable smoker, and had to step out to the sidewalk a few times in the course of the evening, I had a chance to really watch the goings on. At one point a young tuffy sidled up to me, asked for a cigarrette, and said "Wassup homey, whatcha lookin' for?"

Why, I nearly melted into a puddle of lust!

Miss Trixie has yet to sample the wares of this neighborhood, but you can bet your gramma's pajamas that I'll be back. Some of those boys I saw were just incredible!

Happy Hunting!

La Belle Trixie

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Well Lucky, I smoke Virginia Slims, of course!

But as to whether the boys on 16th are more risky than those that used to frequent the Polk,

that's hard to say. I think making a business transaction on the street with a total stranger has a certain element of risk inherent to it. I certainly didn't see anyone who looked like they were going through withdrawl and had been sleeping in a dumpster, the way a lot of the Polk crowd used to look.

In fact a majority of the boys I spied were very nicely dressed and clean cut, healthy looking and pretty. All in all, I'd have to say that the ambience and relative safety of 16th/Mission is a lot better than Polk. Unless one frets over darker skin tone and a spanish accent. In that case, do stay away.

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I concur with Lucky! There are more felons at 16th/Mission than Turk & Taylor (aka TNT).

Stop smoking that stuff and go down to Army St.(oops, Cesar Chavez) and look at some of the day laborers for a cheap thill, poss. trick.

Life is too short Miss Trixie.

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Felons? Really Glutes, "Felons"?? I hardly think the Mission can compare to the Tenderloin when it comes to "Felons" per square block. But I do recognize that my tastes are rather liberally unorthodox; being a felon does not necessarily disqualify a man from being my paramour for the evening. In fact, it's rather a turn on! (giggle)

Believe me, my pet, Miss Trixie lives in faith to your adage that Life is too short! And that is why I will not fear a man simply because he cannot afford to shop at A&F. In fact, I would love him all the better. I'm no fool... I know why these boys are out there on the street. They're looking for money, not love. And not all of them play fair. (Miss Trixie does now how to protect herself... despite my demure and coquettish demeanor, I can become a terrifying big pink Thing when I need to. More than one ruffian has been singed by my Virginia Slim... It's true, second-hand smoke is dangerous!) But I'd rather pay for the services of a boy who really needs the cash as opposed to an escort who charges US$300 per hour to keep him in the "Life he's become accustomed to."

Well, ever the game gal, Miss Trixie is going to spend the next few weekends doing some investigative whoring down there in la Mision.

I will scour the gutters and give all of you here at M4M my unbiased, full-bodied and slightly fruity report of what I find.

Until then, ta-ta... oh, and Glutes, do keep in mind that according to American Society in general, you and I are felons as well.

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Guest Gringo



we all take chances. some of us are closer to the edge than others, but we all take chances. :o

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Well I guess you told me Miss Trixie.

If you like hanging out with drug addled youth wearing clothes from Quentin, or Youth Guidance Center (not A & F for sure) - well you Go Girl, whatever blows your dress up!

Now, how are we 'fellow felons'???

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Trixie, you sound like the kind of gal that would luv a walk down the wild-side of a Montreal sidewalk in the Gay Village. We have a street scene not unlike what you describe in the Mission area of SF. It's been DECADES since I was there so much has changed, I am sure. But the scene you describe there is VERY similar to what you would find here in ole Montreal, the gay Paree of North America. The only difference would be that the street hustlers here are mostly French boys as opposed to Latinos, but they are a Latin race so there is some similarity in culture, if not skin color. Vive la difference!!!}(

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>>Now, how are we 'fellow felons'???


>Hiring guys for sex is crime in what 49 of the 50 states?

>Police usually don't arrest the johns but not always.




And in what State is being a john a felony????

(Cetainly don't want to go there if there is...)

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RE:Us Feller Felons


Hi Glutes!

Yes, "felon" is a serious word. One dictionary i looked it up in said it referred to "more serious crimes, such as aggravated assault, murder, arson, and rape." So I apologize, truly I am mistaken. We, as johns, fall under the category of 'misdemeanor" crimes. Less serious, but punishable by jail time nonetheless! The only state wherein hiring another person for sexual intercourse is legal, is, of course, Nevada! God Bless them randy miners!

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RE:Gay Montreal



You are a whore after my own heart!! Once, when I lived in the American midwest, I had the opportunity to visit Montreal, but I did not. Je regrette!

It sounds truly fabulous. I would book a ticket today, but for the fact that I fly on to Russia for three weeks vacation very soon. Perhaps this fall I shall taste "les latins du nord."

Should I forget to bring a fig leaf to cover my nakedness, please reserve for me a maple leaf!

La Belle


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RE:Gay Montreal


Trixie, I prefer slut to whore, as I DO NOT charge for my services LOL. Be that as it may, if you do book a trip to Montreal, get in touch with me and I'll try to give you an introductory tour of the, umm, more intriguing parts of our fair city. Just don't come in the winter as it is extremely cold and I happen to be in Florida. But the fall can be very nice, up to sometime in November. And have a fun trip to Russia!

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RE:Gay Montreal


Glutes, That could be a VERY short report as the Soviets have been extinct for over a decade! But the RUSSIANS, umm, that's different. They seem very much alive. I once had a Russian boyfriend but that's another story...;-)

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thank you all for the posts

will go down there this weekend and check it out

any times of day that are better?

what part of chavez street?

is 16th better in the bar or out?

also: any idea of were the reflections crowd will go now that it has closed?

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Hi Bam!

I visited the section of 16th again this past Saturday, late in the afternoon. Unfortunately i had some pressing engagements, and couldn't loiter as long as I would've liked, but in the half-hour I spent there, this is what I ascertained:

You will see all types of men hanging about the 2 plazas right at 16th/Mission. Generally, they look like a lot of unemployed dudes with time on their hands, and I think one would have to be pretty ballsy about approaching someone here, and really be into rough, rough trade. It's more sensible and safer to walk up 16th a block to Esta Noche Bar. Saturday afternoon there were a handful of guys milling around on the street, and I talked with two of them. The first one "O," was the hot young boy I referred to in the first post. I was happy to see him again. We chatted a bit, shared a cigarette. He was alternately aggressively flirty and shy. He wanted $80 for "whatever"... I promised him I'd be back!

My second boy, "M", was fresh from Guatemala, a 19 Y.O. Mayan for whom spanish is a second language. He was very, very shy, quiet, serious, and oh!, so beautiful. His face had the enigmatic character of a sculpture on a ruined temple somewhere in the Yucatan. He seemed very unsure of himself and nervous. We had a fairly nice conversation, too brief, and I discovered that he had not yet actually "been" with anyone-that Saturday afternoon was the first time he'd hung out there. He wasn't even sure how much to ask for. I gave him a twenty for his time, and my phone no. and suggested he think about it a bit more before getting in to this sort of work. And of course I told him that if he decides to do so, he should call me right away!

General notes: Being able to speak spanish helps, certainly if you prefer the immigrant types. The scene here is low-key. The guys are unlikely to approach you the way the Polk st. crowd used to. But they'll let you know with a nod or perhaps asking for a smoke that they are approachable.

I don't necessarily think that inside the bar is where to look for rent. But it's a fun bar, and makes a good place to base your cruising from.

Oh, and Regarding Cesar Chavez... that was a joke, a reference to a post I'd made earlier. Don't bother going down there.

Let us know what you find, sweetie!

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When did Reflections close?That is so sad:-( I remember many a pleasant hour spent watching the parade of boys from their window.In fact,and this is going back many many years,I remember when it(and the chinese restaurant next door)were 1 night club called the Macambo.I saw Miss Eartha Kitt there-what a show!I have so many memories of happy days and naughty nights on Polk street-I just cannot bare to visit now,it makes me so sad.

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RE:Glutes on 16th


Glutes, your dear thing! Thank you for the compliment! I'm itching with curiosity to know what you think of this minute but fascinating scene.

As for me, I was back at Esta Noche this Friday. Ever a curious crowd. I chatted with a Swedish tourist, a gay-hispanic-auto-mechanic (it just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it boys! What a great name for a salsa group!) danced, and sweated, due to the lack of air-con.

I would probably have picked up the GHAM but for the fact that I found my beloved "O" outside, on his usual doorstep. He seemed a little down, but was working, so off we went.

He is truly a sweet boy. very accomodating, polite, a little limited in what he knows how to do (Like most young men, he thinks he's a fantastic stud merely because is dick is oversized...he needs to learn a little sophistication, and that the whole body is a sexual organ). But willing to expiriment.

Once he dedided that I was OK, he developed quite the gift of gab. Not much to say really, but was infected with the typical adolescent need to impress.

We shared a lot of personal details, which would be inappropriate to write about here, but our "hour" turned into an overnight affair, of mostly cuddling and talking. He left only at 11:00 this morning.

I suppose I am getting soft in my middle age, because I did not tie him down and perform scandalous acts on him, my usual modus operendi with hustlers/escorts. (Always consensual, my dear, always consensual) But when a hot young man turns into a teenager needing attention, I find myself feeling sympathetic and compassionate. Sigh...maybe it's those hormone pills.

In any case, I feel my night with "O", although different than I imagined, was a success. As I return from Russia in late July, I shall try my luck in the Mission again.


La Belle Trixie

Ps... I did mention this website to "O", and he didn't want any publicity, as he lives with his family.

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RE:Glutes on 16th


OK went over to 16th st from 4 pm to about 6:30


Was slow so I went across the street to ti-couz and had a very excellent melon soup, great cup of coffee, and organic tomato crepe: of course from my table outside I could watch all the action and players


If I wanted to buy drugs this is definitely the place

The boys tend to travel in packs which is a definite turn off for me

Went in to Esata Noche for a drink about 5 pm (I was their first customer of their day)


Soon after a 20 something black man had his throat slit in front of the bar (about a 8 inch slice – could have died from all the bleeding), he lived and the police were all over the place for about 30 minutes


It did strike me that if someone could be knifed in broad daylight on a busy street that this might be a dangerous place


Did not get layed

Will try again

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RE:Glutes on 16th


Now BamBam (the name does go back to the Flintstones), this is what Lucky and I wrote in response to Trixies' first post. 16 Street/ Valencia/Mission neighborhood is full of felons and ruffians in general. Someone with their throat slit in broad daylight? Might as well be Kingston Jamaica in my book.

Settle for the safety of the Nob Hill Teatro, things have picked-up there recently...

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