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Polk Street Visit

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At least for one, brief, shining moment, Polk Street lived again. Last Friday night, August 8th, I was in San Francisco, and took a walk up and back down Polk. Granted, it was August, and quite warm and pleasant out. Your mileage may vary, especially in the chillier, rainy months. But, at least on this particular night, it was as though AIDS never happened and the boys were out in force.


One thing to watch out for is breeders driving badly. In bygonne times, my memory recalls much less traffic, and drivers being much less aggressive. As I was leaving the City, about 11:30, I took Polk on my way out of town. Several lurking rentboys attracted my attention. So, I parked the car and went walking.


As I drove south on Polk, doing the people watching thing, several guys on the sidewalk made lingering eye contact. Several more appeared to be talking to prospective clients.


A few random observations: There was plenty of talent out. Maybe 12-18 working guys. Hadn't seen this many guys on the street in years. Spoke with several to varying degrees. Owing to the lateness of the hour, didn't hire anyone. Had some great offers though. There were a few serious looking street workers, with that wary, on-edge, rough and ready look that guys working the street seem to acquire. Some of the more talkative guys were area college students, out trying to earn some extra bucks. There were also a few blue collar types out as well, supplementing their income by working the street.


Much to my surprise, especially around Kimo's, there were a number of rather tired drag queens working. Hadn't seen drag queens on Polk since I can't remember when. Down on lower Polk, very late, just before I left, some younger guys were on the east side of the street in sort of femmy but masculine attire. They didn't say much. Wished I had a camera, as their attire was most unusual.


The food at the Grub Steak II is still as delicious as ever, and, I was actually a bit surprised this venerable, all night establishment is still operating. At all hours of the day and night, you get big portions of good food. In ancient times, you could always find a few guys in here too. Same on this visit. Stopped in for a late snack and coffee before rolling out of the city. The wait staff is usually pretty easy on the eyes too.


At least on this particular night, walking up the street, the street guys were flirty and friendly if you chatted them up. A fair number of people appeared to be out looking for Mr. Right Now on Polk Street as well. Saw a number of cars doing the "circle the block" thing, etc.


After years of decreasing activity, I was pretty surprised to find the return of an actual street scene. Back in the early 80s, pre-AIDS, Polk Street was full of good looking guys. Between the merchants and the police, activity was severely reduced for a while. Some of the lighting on the alleys installed (apparently) to reduce the availability of dark shadows has been removed. Some of the clubs (I forget the name of the notorious Polk hustler bar) are gone. There is a ton of straight clubs/bars now too. The crowds seem to blend without incident, which, is a good thing.


Would welcome comments from some of you living in SF. Is this common? Did I just hit a lucky night? Or has activity been increasing? I will be back in SF in a couple weeks. Definitely going to revisit Polk and see what's happening then. I'll post an update afterwards.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you hit a "lucky night"! Warm weather is a rare in SF even during the summer months of Northern California. Your sense of Polk is accurate. During the 70s and 80s and prior to that time, that is where all of the happenings occurred. Then came SOMA and the Castro. All, of the once almost exclusively gay areas of the City, have seen a definitive change, and I for one say for worse instead of for the better.


SF was formerly my favorite, favorite city; it has lost its total touch for me now. Although I am at a different space.


(...never been one for the men on the streets, but I truly enjoyed reading your account. The description brought back fond memories.

(My first male-to-male contact for me happened in LA in Hollywood; I picked up a cute man off Hollywood Blvd. I was GREEN, GREEN, GREEN.

He lay on the bed-- I sucked him a little; then I began to cry. It didn't last long, for I came much too quickly. The man was kind to me and almost apologetic. My experience would make for a wonderful beginning of an erotic short story.)

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  • 1 month later...

Any updates? I used to street cruise, including some very memorable trips to Polk Street, and Santa Monica in LA. This discussion has brought back a lot of memories for me too. My last visits in these cities saw dry streets, or else some hustlers that were desperate and on god knows what kind of drugs. The internet and ads in mags have totally transformed this scene, which is too bad in a way as it was also a trill to see the merchandise and wonder what was next.

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>Any updates? I used to street cruise, including some very

>memorable trips to Polk Street, and Santa Monica in LA.

>This discussion has brought back a lot of memories for me

>too. My last visits in these cities saw dry streets, or

>else some hustlers that were desperate and on god knows what

>kind of drugs. The internet and ads in mags have totally

>transformed this scene, which is too bad in a way as it was

>also a trill to see the merchandise and wonder what was



Was in SF last week for the Folsom Street Fair. Walked a couple blocks down Polk with some friends. Lots of traffic. At least a half

dozen or so working boys visible. We were in a hurry, little time to dawdle, so we didn't take time to chat anyone up. One guy in particular caught my eye.


Seems to be an increase in activity on Polk lately. Not sure why, my guess is that the bad economy has people doing what they have to do to get by.



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  • 1 month later...

polk street goes up and down in activity


weekends and near paydays there is usually more activity


there are less homeless people and more drug adicts as the City has become an impossible place to afford to live unless you are rich or have a rent controlled apartment


inside Reflections (the meet and great bar) is is mostly busy but at a rather leasurely pace - it appears that (belive it or not) the internet is takeing a few guys off the street (at least those with cell phones and web ads)


the old QT (which used to have great amatuer strip shows - when the street guys stripped and showed what they had) is now the Club Rendez-Vous and is scheduled to be torn down so a church can be built on the site


Polk street in general has become a straight yuppie hangout and it is not uncommon for 3,000 to 5,000 twentysomething year olds to be roaming up and down the street on Friday and Saturday night from Russian Hill almost to City Hall


as with most street activity places, what can be great one hour can be dead the next


Mayor Brown (with two very hadnsome body guards) was at Reflections drinking for about an hour last week. and a lot of the street guys seemed very excited to come in and shake his hand.

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