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The Extinction of the hustler

Guest paysforit
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Guest paysforit

The hustle scene is far, far from being extinct. There are tons of 18 year olds with ADD and plenty of 30 and even 40 year olds with or without ADD out there working the streets in every major and many a minor American city. Unfortunately, just about all of them have a CRACK HABIT, and the dynamics of picking up a trick are consequently quite different from the "good old days". It really helps if the person doing the picking up is "chemical friendly". By that I mean somebody who likes to party on illicit substances (but not necessarily crack )during their time with the hustler. If that is not possible, it really helps, if the John is at least comfortable or tolerant towards the hustlers drug use. In order to have a good experience with most hustlers nowadays, the John is going to have to finance a drug purchase for the hustler of his choice; otherwise he is likely to discoverthe TRUE meaning of attention deficit disorder as it applies to sex with street hustlers in the year 2002. Most potential Johns either have too many scruples to engage in such behavior, or they lack the nerve. It is not a scene for the faint of heart.

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I'm rather new to this board, and have mainly been perusing the deli section. But tonight I've had a chance to look at this here hustler line of posts. I must admit, I've never had the gumption to go out and pick up a guy off the streets in order to satisfy my longings. Well, I did once, but he was more of a down-&-out (Trixie says: Always use your ampersand!) illegal alien with whom I was already familiar than an actual hustler.

Anyway, it seems after reading ALOT of the posts here, from all over the nation, that the hustler is a dying breed. From Santa Monica Blvd to Times Square, from Bourbon to Polk Streets, they're just disappearing. It's a darned shame too, because it's always been an urban-decay romantic notion of mine to take part in this particular culture. Maybe I read too much Tennessee Williams, John Rechy and William S. Burroughs as an impressionable youth. But somehow, the idea of picking up an 18 year old with ADD off the streets just seems so...yummy!

So tell me guys, to what do you attribute the decline of the Great American Hustler? The internet, I suspect, is the culprit. It allows for the average fucked-up teen to fish for johns from the comfort of his suburban bedroom.

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>So tell me guys, to what do you attribute the decline of the

>Great American Hustler? The internet, I suspect, is the

>culprit. It allows for the average fucked-up teen to fish

>for johns from the comfort of his suburban bedroom.



I think that drugs and AIDS has a lot to do with it. In the 70's it didn't really matter whether a street hustler was using or not -- so long as he wasn't too stoned to perform.


Now, as a potential client, I want nothing to do with stoned twinks who have an incredibly high chance of being positive (whether they know it or not) and who would be among the first to ignore the safe sex guidelines.


That just about eliminates everyone on the street these days -- especially here in San Francisco.

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Montreal has an active street scene with cute guys, charging REALLY low rates and seemingly sober.


Fort Lauderdale is a bit more expensive and the guys are not always so sober but there are plenty to chose from, several being sober.


(See my reviews in this section on both cities. I have not had anything worse than a mediocre experience with street boys in these cities.)



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Oh, for sure!!!

C-O-I-A-w/ADD sounds like a dream come true! Evry good tickler knows that men with ADD tend to be VERY ticklish, and men going through withdrawl tend to be highly sensitive as well (although usually rather cranky about it).

Put the two together!

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  • 2 weeks later...

>>So tell me guys, to what do you attribute the decline of the

>>Great American Hustler? The internet, I suspect, is the

>>culprit. It allows for the average fucked-up teen to fish

>>for johns from the comfort of his suburban bedroom.



>I think that drugs and AIDS has a lot to do with it. In the

>70's it didn't really matter whether a street hustler was

>using or not -- so long as he wasn't too stoned to perform.


>Now, as a potential client, I want nothing to do with stoned

>twinks who have an incredibly high chance of being positive

>(whether they know it or not) and who would be among the

>first to ignore the safe sex guidelines.


>That just about eliminates everyone on the street these days

>-- especially here in San Francisco.


I could not agree with you more! I had my first and last "hustler" experience pre AIDS and excessive drug use. Yes, your two reasons cited here are quite, quite, quite valid and "right on"!


Last year I was on Polk Street in SF just about ready to go into Le Salon (before it shut its doors completely), and a young man (emaciated and I think on drugs are coming off of them) approached me and said he'd give me a bj, or perhaps he'd like one for ten dollars--I can't remember if it were the former or the latter, but I WAS NOT INTERESTED, and just told him-- no,thanks, and sauntered into the venue.


Man, again, I'll reiterate. Unfortunately, as you stated, the use of drugs on the part of these young men and the AIDS pandemic have all but SHUT DOWN this activity!

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Guest JON1265

I don't see what AIDS has to do with any of this conversation...


Are some of you saying that the clean cut, internet savvy, web-page totin, high class, overpriced escorts could not be POZ? Or is ignorance truly bliss?


Drugs are another story - but you should be playin safe with everyone...so AIDS should not be a factor in hiring a hustler if you indeed play safe ALL the time with all your men...

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  • 3 weeks later...

You're forgetting the main reason why AIDS has had an impact on the hustler scene. Before the world became aware of the disease, there were always a certain number of straight guys who were willing to play around for money (as in 'trade')--first, because it was easy way to make extra income and second because 'everyone knew' you could get better head from a guy than from a gal. Unfortunately, the very real threat of what was (and is still, maddeningly) considered a 'gay disease' was just too much of a risk for these guys. Most of them truly believe you can be infected by GETTING a blowjob. And that's why the talent pool dried up: instead of healthy rural (and suburban) studs pouring into the big city, ready to 'try anything,' we have only drugged-out desperados to choose from. So, alas, for most johns now alive & looking for trade, the return of the good old days is just a pipe-dream. For the foreseeable future, we'll just have to make do with the relatively few who are willing to 'risk' hustling.

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Guest chubsksesc

As someone who has been hiring Street Hustlers for over 18 years, I would like to weigh in on this discussion.


It has saddened me to see the decline of the hustler scene. In the old days, you could help out a down and out stud and he could give you what you needed. The variety and quality of the guys on the corners was amazing. Furthermore, they were much less into themselves than the Much higher priced Escorts and usually performed with more passion and intensity.


In Cities like Chicago, New York, SF, Atlanta and LA Guys who were nothing short of dream boats were available for 20-35 bucks. There were no "Per Hour" rules and they really wanted to impress you in the hopes you would become a repeat customer. You could have anything from a muscled, diesel straight boy to a young 19 year old twink.


In he old days, most of the guys were out there because they fell on hard times financially and needed some cash. While it is true, some were on drugs, the drugs they used were no where near as devastating, all encompassing and commanding of their attention as the ones they are on today.


Today it is a whole different story, you cannot not find a single hustler anywhere who isn't strung out on crack or something much worse. You have to watch him very closely for a few minutes before taking him home to assess whether or not he is far enough into his habit to rob, hurt or go nutts on you. Because of these new drugs, they all look dirty, tired, desperate and sickly. Often emaciated and overly hyper.


AIDS has been a risk factor in engaging with anyone when it comes to casual encounters, I do not attribute the great decline in the Hustler scene to AIDS. The guys you see out there looking so bad, look that way primarily because they are so strung out on drugs. They no longer care about hygiene, eating properly or other normal, rational activities. They only care about earning more money for the next hit.


In the old days, you cold even find a guy you could keep for a while or hope to take in as a BF after many many encounters to make sure he is trust worthy, now that is simply impossible.


My experiences had always been that Hustlers were much more enjoyable than Escorts. Sadly, that is now untrue. Now we have to hire these prima donnas who want to charge 4-6 times as much as the hustlers for just an hour and who often spend much of their time talking about themselves and what other men do for them.


Let me say this, I have met some truly amazing Escorts, in fact some cold knock your socks off. However, far too many fall short of the great experiences I have had with guys I met on the corner who had an eager smile and a genuine desire to make you happy.


I believe if we can get the US to declare war on Colombia and the other nations who grow and manufacture drugs, it would go a long ways towards making this a much better nation.


A handful of Arabs, bombed our country and sadly killed 3-4 thousand Americans. We are now raging war with an entire nation and our President threatens to go after an array of small, defenseless third world nations (Mostly those who have Oil) to flush out a few terrorists.


Drugs have and continue to kill countless more people each year than we lost on 9/11, but because politicians get under the table gifts and because these drugs are primarily killing off the "Undesirables," (Blacks & Hispanics) no one is calling for war against those who continue to funnel drugs in our country.


To me, those drug cartels are far more dangerous to our nations security than a handful of Arabs in the dessert.

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>To me, those drug cartels are far more dangerous to our

>nations security than a handful of Arabs in the dessert.


Hey, you old fat fart. This is quite simply the most disgusting thing I've ever read on this Board. I hope you're in the restaurant/theater/mall/fill in the blank when the first suicide bombers begin their act; and, unfortunately for the rest of us, it will probably be sooner rather than later.



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Seriously. I think America Online has contributed greatly to the extinction of the hustler. Where before, the hustler had to peddle his wares on Peachtree or Spring Street here in the ATL, now he can get an AOL account and work in a safer evironment. The pay is better and since he gets more per client, he can work less.


Go into any AOL M4M chatrooma nd there are usually at least 2 if not more escorts in every room.

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Guest chubsksesc

Mr. Traveler-


First, insults aren't warranted in an open forum.


Personally, I think you should be sickened by the fact our Gov't. allows the drug cartel's to continue to pump those drugs into our communities. Thousands of young people are seduced into a horrible life of drugs, disease, criminal life and often, finally death each year.


We all feel the impact economically and socially of having drug addicts on the streets. If it is so easy to wage war on Bin Laden, why aren't we going after the drug lords? How many 10, 11 & 12 year old boys and girls will have to see their lives ruined by drugs? How many of us will have to suffer from theft, muggings and worst at the hands of a cracked out adults?


I do not want at all to diminish the loss and devastation associated with the 9/11 attacks. They have touched us all in a profound way. However, based on the decades of attacks on our society by drugs, statistically, we have lost way more lives, and suffered more losses economically, socially and ethically, than 10 more 9/11's could ever cause.


Let me be very clear, we do need to go after the people responsible for 9/11. Clearly they must pay the severest penalty for what they have done. But the true circle of evil is not over in the middle East, it is just south of the border.


Traveler, I share in your pain from the 9/11 events. But we should use this as an opportunity to reexamine all of our nations threats, the ones that make the headlines and the ones we embarrassingly sweep under the carpet. Drugs are arriving in our country NOW, this moment, this, and everyday. Americans are dying everyday as a direct result of drugs.


We cannot continue to sweep this deadly threat under the carpet any longer. To do so would be to suggest that somehow those people who's lives were lost on that tragic day were more important than the little boy and little girl who will be introduced to drugs in their playground today.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Merlin

I agree that an important reason there are fewer hustlers is that there are more opportunities to "escort" without standing on street corners. I additional to AOL and many other internet sites, most cities have gay magazines etc, and most large cities have escort agencies.

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