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street trash hustlers

Guest Pinecone
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Guest Pinecone

Anyone have any information about street trash hustlers (especially those who are bottoms and/or roleplay) in the Harrisburg,PA or Hagerstown, MD area?

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Guest jizzdepapi

LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-01 AT 00:53AM (EST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-01 AT 00:52 AM (EST)


I'm really offended by the term street "trash" hustlers and wonder if anyone else is. I have a fondness for somewhat wild Latino escorts, some of whom I've met off this website, others at Stella's in NYC, and still others at the Port Authority or on the West Side streets in that area. I've usually had as good a time with guys I've met on the streets as I've had with "higher-class" escorts--I attribute it mostly to the luck of the draw, which is part of the fun, I think, of choosing an escort.


I assume the term "trash" refers to some hustlers' drug addiction--and the kinds of usually erratic and sometimes criminal (victimless and otherwise) behavior that they might be forced into to support their habits. (And more than a few of these sometimes-hot papis could well use a hot bath and change of clothes.) Anyway, I don't think drug addicts are responsible for the draconian and inhuman laws that govern the use of some drugs (i say some because I just got back from smoking a cigarette and am drinking a cup of hot coffee--much more widely used and legalized drugs if I'm not mistaken. How many more people died from disease related to smoking last year as compared to illicit drug use? I don't know a number, but I do know it is much higher.)


I'm also a recovering alcoholic, who never had to buy my drugs (yes, Mary, alcohol is a drug) on the streets. So why isn't drug addiction treated as the medical problem that it is rather than as a criminal problem (which forces many non-violent drug offenders into long prison terms and contact with truly-violent career criminals--contact which often initiates a progressive cycle of more serious crime). I guess I'm saying that I think drugs should be "decriminalized" (if you must), or simply legalized. This could include pills taken by mostly white suburbanites and yes--even the alcohol imbibed by many addicted judges, lawyers, executives and prosecutors. If we treated drug addiction as the medical problem that it is rather than created a criminal problem (incidentally, corporations that build and maintain private prison systems for states and the federal government are one of the hottest commodities on Wall Street right now), then we could get on with the business of treating and preventing drug addiction.


Readers can weigh in on this if they like, but what I really want to know is do people really think that any human being is "trash"? If they do, I think it's a sorry state this society has come to. And just to kick this discussion off, I think that there should be no death penalty (after this government ignored the AIDS epidemic for so long, do you trust them to administer a system governing who lives and who dies?) EVERY murderer, rapist and child molestor (100% recidivism here) should receive mandatory life imprisonment, and the rest of the non-violent criminals should be set loose and DRUGS SHOULD BE LEGALIZED. The money that we save on prisons (to the tune of $30,000 per prisoner per year and up) would pay for a lot of drug prevention and treatment. If an addict could get his/her fix at Rite-Aid for $3.00 a day, imagine how many police could find employment elsewhere (maybe as escorts?) and how much nicer our cities and towns could be. Maybe in the future when we have an escort visiting, we could even leave our back doors open or tell them "the keys under the mat like it always is" in the future.


Sorry to go on and on and on and on. But what do you think? Eager to hear.

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Guest Pinecone

"Sreet trash hustler" is a widely accepted term. I think you are a pompous ass. No one in 2001 uses words like "draconian" especially on a website dedicated to hustlers. May you soon get a life.

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Guest jc92103

I've been a player in this "Hustler" / "Escort" game for over 20 years. The term "trash" is not widely accepted. In fact, I've never heard it. The widely accpeted term is "Street Meat". And I don't much like that term either. To call these guys trash is cruel. The majority of Hustlers are actually very nice guys. There situation is just that, a situation. What makes life so hard for them are the creeps who pick them up and treat them like "Trash". The only thing that seperates the hustler from the john is money. Beyond that the situation could have easily been reversed. A wrong turn in your life could have landed you at the intersection of Santa Monica and Orange instead of that guy you call "trash". It's all about respect. We need to take a moment to respect every human being as an equal on this planet. The Hustler, the homeless, the disabled we are all seperated by a "Situation" or two.

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Guest CallMePapi

Seems the word "draconian" was a perfect choice, especially on a web site about hustlers. Sounds as if you could use a course in compassion. Certainly not all street hustlers are angels, or even people who would have been good folks if only born to different circumstances. Some are actually dispicable (see the thread on falling in love with an escort). But they are all human, and calling anybody "trash" just seems to be inviting being treated the same way yourself.

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Guest jizzdepapi

LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-01 AT 04:03PM (EST)[p]Oh!!! "Sreet" trash hustler, is it? Well in all my pompous life, I have never heard this term; I had it all mixed up with "Street" trash hustler and of course never would have written my obviously lifeless post. Perhaps you could define this term for us. Unfamiliar one-syllable words can be a challenge for those of us who occasionally use four-syllable words.


Now would you please get to the meat of your argument and explain why some hustlers are street trash and we johns who patronize them are such cherubs.


And by the way, Needlenose, I surely hope this post finds you happily jizzin'!



Keep on jizzin' guys!

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