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street hustlers boston

Guest jimtwo
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There used to be hustlers across from the bus station a few blocks down from copley sq. I went to school in Boston, and there were always plenty of young guys there my age. Loved it

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A street trade still exists in Boston, though from what I can tell, it is much smaller than it was when I first arrived to Boston in '85.


From what I've observed over my years here, the main 'stroll' for men has been primarily around one block, located near the Park Plaza Hotel: West along St. James Ave. to Berkley St., North along Berkley to Boylston St., East along Boylston to Arlington St., and then South along Arlington to the the corner of St.James.


The Greyhound Bus terminal used to be along the St.James block, but it has moved and been replaced by a new office building.


Currently, there's a local bus stop near the Arlington/St. James corner that is near the entry alcove to an office building. I've noticed guys hanging out there that definitely look like they're waiting to catch the eye of a by-passing motorist. I've also seen guys lingering on the St.James side of the building. The block on that side is longer and easier for motorists to stop on without holding up traffic. I have seen motorists pull up to the curb and guys going over to talk to them.


Word of caution to the potential "shopper": the local police have been pretty aggressive about squashing the street trade in recent years; I don't know if undercover men are being used to bust customers.


Also, the men that I've seen lately that are likely to be for hire look to be in their early thirties, and appear to be butch "straight trade" types that look like they might be rasing money for their next fix. Keep an eye out for your safety if "curbside service" is what appeals to you.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Glamazon

>That block was active in the

>70's! Some things just

>don't change.


I'll be in Boston for business next week. Now that

the weather is getting cold, I expect the 'street'

hustling won't be great.


Are there any sleazy bars or other places in Boston

where I might pick up a rent-boy?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Guest shadow

Well I guess that finding twinky street hustler in Boston must be as hard as finding the legendary city of Atlantis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Atlantis went down without being coaxed.


The last time I had an encounter with one of the St. James gentlemen in Boston, he turned out to be tall, blond, handsome, soft-spoken, and... get this: a software technician!


(Seriously... he was! We chatted about programming while finding a trysting spot in the South End.)


Now I realize he must just have been looking for venture capital.


I've thought of all the lines I could write at this point concerning software, firmware, and hardware. But as Nixon once said, "It would be wrong," and there was a Dick if ever I saw one.

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Guest shadow

>1. This really happened. We talked

>about his software development and

>then had sex. The guy

>was incredibly handsome and sexy.



>2. I was making an oblique

>joke about who hustles in

>Boston. Very oblique, apparently.




About how old was he? Does he have a pic? Would you categorize him as a twink or something else? Was he smooth? Did he have a toned build or anything? How much did he charge?


What did the two of you do?


Maybe we can turn him from a hustler to an escort.

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I saw him twice. Haven't seen him out there since (this was early last fall).


6'-4" (roughly). Blond. Slender, well-muscled build, wearing a white dress shirt that looked like it was painted on a copy of the David by Michaelangelo. Dazzlingly handsome, blue eyes. So hot and so much like a model that I assumed at first he was a decoy.


When I finally met him, he was charming and masculine in a grad student jock sort of way.


I don't want to be too specific, but his distinguished conversation was not his only oral skill.


Suffice it to say that I was surprised when he mentioned a two-digit number beginning with a four.


He was a non-smoker to boot.


I asked whether he escorted and he said that the idea had occurred to him when the software compoany he worked for had a partial layoff when the economy began to turn down and he lost a good deal of income abruptly.


He was charming and enthusiastic with his favors.


I wish I could find him again.

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Guest MrB

Hey Shadow,



We can't have them all become escorts... we need some street hustlers too!




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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, guys... aside from nostalgia for the good old days in the 1970s when we had college kids showing and selling their wares along Commonwealth Avenue, there's not much new information here. Let's look for some, concentrating on gentlemen for rent.


The old Greyhound station area on St. James St. is less and less active. Around the corner, there are still gentlemen of the late evening on the block of Arlington St. between Providence St. and St. James, and they go around the corner onto St. James and continue up that block if a contact appears likely. This area is also under police surveillance from time to time. Best time: after 2 AM, when the bars get out.


Any recent info? Recommendations?




1. Dartmouth St. near Copley Place and the Back Bay train station. This area is sort of on-again / off-again.


2. South St., near South Station (outside several gay establishments that have migrated there in the last 5 years), sometimes very late at night.


3. The corner of Dartmouth St. and Tremont St. in the South End.


Can anyone report on real activity in any of these areas?


Can anyone recommend other areas? Is any of the bars replacing the old Sporter's as a place where you could have a drink with friends and then make a date with one of the charming young gentlemen eager for business?


What's happened to the bars where older guys met younger escort because for each it was a mutually satisfying arrangement? Napoleon is gone, but this is too good and too permanent a market not still to exist. There are always those of us who are older than we used to be, and especially in Boston there are always new college students each year, some of whom must be seeking educational opportunities in the commercial sense as they explore new vistas!


(For the benefit of the clueless, parts of that last paragraph was written tongue in cheek.)


We need some real scientific and anthropological reports here. Not to mention where to look when it's 2 in the morning and you're terminally horny and you just want to find a rent guy who's not carrying an Uzi or a machete.


Come on, Boston-area guys. Let's talk about it.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest DJPerez

Hello, All!


Just thought I'd update with a little "traffic report".


Things look to be picking up on the traditional Arlington St. stroll. I got out of the John Leguizamo (yum) appearance last night @ the Shubert theater, and strolled to the Arlington St. "T" trolley stop. There were at least six lads hanging out, and I don't think they were there to catch a bus! They were defintely "displaying the wares".


So some traditions don't die easily. The market is still open for business. Just shop with care & discretion; Ms. Lillian Law is out with her sister, Ms. Billie Club. They are putting their annual summer squeeze on the trade, and they don't mean to be be warm and fuzzy about it. Clients as well as tradesfolk are likely to get a free "go to jail" card. Don't let 'em grip you!


Peace & Pleasure!



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