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Guest SeaGuy

Well , while the last post might be a tad harsh, discretion is key in Morroco. There is gay life, but it all takes place behind the high walls of private homes. Only been there once so I can't report much, but it has its fans, mostly French and European men who keep lovers there. ;-)

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wonderful moroccan boyz


Moroccan boyz are very nice. Mostly on the small size, but firm and full of vitality. They can cum twice or more into an hour. The rule is that they can only top, so they don't consider themselves gay. You can be cruised when sit in the open bars, every town has his special place. Marrakech is one of the best places, sort of hidden criteria eveyone knows and accept. You can easily find apts for that purpose, but the prices are not cheap. Around 500 Dirham or 50 USD the day.

And the boys want money and cadeaux-present. They are very nice, the nicest boys I've ever met. And sly. They use to tell you the story, just to get money from you. Nothing seem to be real. And they don't mind to lie. Every promise seems to be an Arab-Promise. Which means something just to reach the goal. Notwithstanding this, I've felt in love everytime and sure will do again. Just know the cost of the beautiful adventure.

Best places to meet: Cafes on Guelize, newest part of Marrakech, in the afternoon; promenade of Agadir, after dinner: the boys will see you and try to speak. The playa of Essauira.

Everytime, be really careful of your belongings, as they have art of disturb you and steal.

Nice boyz on the european side in Casablanca, white skin, you meet them into the discos on the beach front. Somtimes taxi drivers can help you when with the boys, protecting you with the police. Like every arab country, a good tip helps...


Sorry if I don't give you more details. Tomorrow I'll look at my minutas of previous trips (6). Enyway, be careful at the police. Boys ar not allowed even to walk or talk with tourists. But the boys are used to survive, and they do in a wonderful way...!

Hope to give you more details if needed.




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  • 2 weeks later...

RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


Yes, I did watch my notes.


The cafè in Guelize is Reinassance, on the cross of four roads, but you can also sit at the other bars in front of it. This is a special place, where the walking of the boys take the few glances from the tourists sit at the open bar. This is a habit in Maroc.

And Marrakech is the special place to go. Beautiful boys, not much work around so many boys have the habit to look around for tourists.

There is a aptment hotel down in Guelize where you can stay by the hour if you like. The boys will do the agreement with the desk-tender. Only be sure not to take lot of valuables with you as this is not safe.

And do not go alone with more than one boy at a time.

Better with a friend of yours, taking two boys, as you can have a nice swich in case...

The tip for the boys is anything from 200 dirham to up, but they tend to ask more if they understand you are not skilled.

As for AGADIR, the controls are little bit more intensive from the police, as is a classical touristic place.

The cafè over the promenade, expecially around the Karaoke Cafè are the most interesting spot, where the boys use to walk up and down peeping around and looking from response. If you like someone, you can walk and talk with them, but be sly and not walk "with" them or the police will approach and investigate you all, asking who you are and why you are with these boys... etc.

The Blak Cafe in the back road is also a place where the boys find tourists. In general, the boys know that the tourists are in the bars and cafè where beer is sold. This is a muslim country, and common people don't drink alcoholics. So they tend to go and catch the meat in places where they know tourists stay.


Renting a whole riad is a nice idea. You must be very discreet, and have the help of some local. As said before, tipping someone, a tourist guide or a taxi driver can help you more.


A riad is a short house of thwo or three flats wsorrounding an open space or a small garden, inside the anciant Medina of a town. The medina of Marrakech is very popular among the tourists. Prices are not expensive compared to an european country, even if they are if you consider the zone-africa. But consider that Marrakech is the touristy place, and prices are higher then Meknes or Fez. Usually a room into a riad is around 600 dirham the day (60 USD). A riad has usually three to six rooms. But you may have agreements in low season.


Here links to riads: http://www.riyads.com/ (..and...)



The boys all know each other and will be happy to introduce you to their friends if you like. Consider that sexual morality is very close in muslim countries, so usually sex is not easy between the sex. The maroccan literarure speaks a lot about easy sex between mens, because of the difficulties with females. The other rule is that the male want always consider himself as a Top.


So if it is easy to him to have sex with a male tourist, and often amusing too, on the other hand he have a rule. And the rule is usually money. This help him not to think to himself as a GAY.


So they are Tops, want money, and want a cadeaux as well, or a present, when your holydays are over. No problem when they have clarified the situation: the tourist is the only gay, they did sex wit him just for money, and they tend to show each other how much they have been able to take from you in financial terms.

The typical presents they ask you after staying with you a week or two are the Nike Air brand new model, or Cat shoes or similar fashion products. It is strange to think how poor they are and how interested in fashion symbols. The cost is always around 1000-1200 dirham (100-120 Uds).


All these considered, they are the sweetiest and most macho boys on earth. In a country with good food, good weather and no need of viagra at all!!!


Dont' miss the opportunity to accept an invitation into their homes to eat with families or brothers. Go with a present, ask the boy if it is fruit or beer, and enjoy the meal and the sincere experience.

Or plan a visit to the valley of Welmes 40 km. over Marrakech, into the Atlas Mountains. Good landskape, fresh nature, sprinkling waters and real good Tajine on the super-cheap rest on the road.


I don't use to give full details on the web because I don't want to give problem to the boys.

But If you like I can private e-mail you the pics of some very beautiful boys I knew there, Karim, and Rachid and Mohamed and Achmed.



Let me know if you want me to discuss some others details.




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RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


yeah, great help....i was wondering if i rent a riad of one of these web sites, when i get to marrakech, and check in, then i should be al to ourselves while there and be able to bring someone back without a problem, right?


thanks a lot

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affectionate boy


Hi, floridarob

I sent you a private e-mail with the pic of Karim, a young 20y/o very well hung, sort of firm body (like to play footbal) and very very affectionate, great kisser and reciprocates j/o and oral into the tend in the desert. Very unforgettable experience.


As I already said, the rule is to be descreet in public even if walking with the boys, is better not show you are together.


Do you know a little french language?

I mean to communicate, not to kiss... ;-)

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Guest trescho75

RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


Well, even though I am very keen to renting boys in Europe, I have never had to do so in Marrakech. I have been going there for years now, renting a riad in the Medina (the rate is now from 800 to 1200 dhs for excellent entire riads with a cook and a manservant: not to be taken for the local gogo boy). Maybe it is because I am French and have been an admirer of Morocco for a long time: it is true that the French hold a special relationship with them. We share a language and they have a special position among France's migrant workers.


Along the years by sitting a café terraces (not specifically Gueliz), I have had gorgeous guys talk to me.

Sometimes we became just friend as they found out I was not ready to pay 1200 dhs (a month salary in the country, they would rather ask 500 to me) for a bad quickie. But more often, I have ended up in bed with fantastic young men who were "tops" to start with but who accepted a lot more once they found out I was extremely discreet and would not blab to other foreigners or locals.


Of course there are gifts, but it is part of the civilisation in Maghreb and arab countries and it has nothing to do with renting or escorting. It is also part of the rules in South Europe.


When I was discovering the wonders of the City, they proved fabulous guides. Now this is getting more complicated because, by local law, you have to be registered as a guide to show foreigners around. The tourist police is not kidding with this and they end up getting bribe money if your current boyfriend shows you around: 50 dhs will do. I personnally, since I speak French, will loudly complain to the policeman who will most of the time back up. The law was enacted so bogus guides would not ripoff tourists.


All in all, my American friends, dont come rotting a civilisation that is very old and respectable: by flaunting money in the face of less well off locals. Money is not of the essence in Arab countries, unless you dont want to spend some time talking, but just want to rush that "darkskinned stud" into your bed. He will probably steal/take as much as he can and I wont blame him. He is grabing money, you are grabing his soul.


Remember what US GIs did in the Philippines and Thailand and you will understand.

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RE: Oh, oh...potential trouble in paradise


>All in all, my American friends, dont come rotting a

>civilisation that is very old and respectable: by flaunting

>money in the face of less well off locals. >


"Vive l'amour, vive la guerre...

A bas le gringo mercenaire...!!!"


On another note, Moderators: could you please find a home for Middle East and Africa-based escorts? This topic doesn't belong here in South of USA, but there's no other forum for it. Maybe the European Escorts heading could be expanded to include these two groups since they're geographically contiguous. And if you guys notice, there are more and more European posters. They may have some very interesting and juicy tidbits to share, but are deterred from doing so for lack of a specific place.


On Morocco - I wish to thank the above two French posters for their very informative, up-to-date tips. I felt a lump in my throat while reading their posts... Merde...! It's been quite a while since my last visit...I've got to go back soon... encore, une fois! The Middle East will always have a special place in my heart (Brazzeuw is a more recent passion!) and I must confess a weakness for middle-eastern/mediterranean types...and an undying love of the desert.


A word of caution... Morocco can be dangerous. In fact I was mugged twice in Marrakech. One stole my money...the other stole my heart. The latter was an irresistibly charming very young gentleman fresh from secondary school speaking fluent French who with firm determination unilaterally decided that he'd be my guide. Not that I needed one, as I could find my way around on my own. But how could I resist? Off we went to exotic places like Mogador (Essaouira), El Jadida, Rabat, Dar al Baidha (Casablanca), Tanja (Tangier) and one of the Spanish enclaves Tetouan. It felt like a journey straight from a thousand and one nights with all the erotic elements, if you know what I mean. Marvellous. Whenever I think of him, all I can say is... Al Hamdulillah!!! (Thanks be to God).

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  • 7 months later...

RE: Oh, oh...potential trouble in paradise


I am planning on going to Morocco. Any recent updates? This thread is excellent and wanted to see if people had other experiences to share. Any suggestions for guides / "boys" in Morocco would be very helpful.

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RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


I, too,thank you for most of the information. However, I must say that I find you are typical of the French. An overly proud people without any reason to be so. Have you forgotten the abuse you put the people of your colonies through? Don't admonish us about our manners until you recognize your own arrogance and misbehavior.


the Cajun

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Guest trescho75

RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


Oh Come on! This comment belongs in the war and political folder, not here. And for crying out loud: Morocco became independant 47 years ago. I was NOT even born.

Can't anyone moderate these forums?x(

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RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


Cajun, that was a totally unnecessary post. I also enjoyed reading about Morocco and would love to visit the country. Our French speaking friends had some very useful and informative experiences to relate to us and we don't need to bash them because of the Iraq war situation. France has been around a lot longer than the USA and has contributed a lot to civilization. Just cool down.:+

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RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


Have been several times there.

But this last year decide to stop and wait for news.


Fundamentalist has prung up in Morocco, too, and some young boys risked jail just because they loved western heavy metal music.

Homosexsuality is also a behave to hide and you risk to be caught by a policeman just because you are in a weak position, es. driving a car with a youg local with you, etc. Consider thet a policeman is sort of boss, and some roads they stop everyone.

A certain amount of tea-money always works, but you have to understand and feel the situation, the atmosphere.


Prices are going up with apparently no reason, as business is just a way to rip you everytime. Must decide to discuss a lot with every vendor, because this is a sort of culture. Don't even think to pay the first price they ask you, nor for a taxi or for a souvenir. You must became sort of part of the place, they study you and you study them.

Many moroccans ship illegally to Europe and from there send lot of money to their homes, so the boys left there still dream TAKE GOOD MONEY FROM THE TOURIST !

This just to say that the landskape is nice but the rules are hard down there! It is not an easy going place with helpful population.

At least not for a first-timer.

Best edvice: go with a friend who knows the places.


And if you like to go, imagine just to be descreet and protected, mentally protected against the extended way of living of a population who wrote his history as carpet salesmen and living in the desert.

Everyone teach and learn how to be sly.

A westner is a pink innocent between rude and festive depredators.

And you are the fest. They use to call you "the victim".


As for how to have a contact with these beautiful, hot boys, this is the less difficult step.

They see you, don't be afraid. Just sit out of a cafè, sip your tea or soft drink and watch around. The boys pass and understand who you are. You just look back, and you are fished!




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Guest Deweywop

RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


It's been a while since I've been to Morocco (6 years and 12 years ago), and while it's one of the most exciting, intoxicating, sensuous places I've ever been to, I think any amatory adventures are best left to those very skilled in the ways of the world. Morocco will strain your ability to pick out the good from the bad. Anyone you meet could either show you hospitality that would embarrass any westerner, fuck your brains out, or kidnap you for ransom.


On my first trip there, I came expecting lots of sex and lots of scary encounters. Neither came to pass. On the sex front, I was simply too young and naive to know what was going on. My welcome to Morocco was at the ferry terminal in Tangiers. I hear things are much better now, but those familiar with this entryway from years past may understand what a howling maelstrom of fear and deception it is. Well, after being hounded by a dozen very aggressive touts, I started making eyes at this rather quiet, stunningly hunky boy in a tank-top. Once we started chatting, all the other touts left me alone. (Should have clued me in.) Well, the stud was very soft-spoken, almost sweet, but kept trying to get me to change my itinerary. I was tempted, but chickened out in the end. Looking back now over all these years, I realize I probably missed out on an incredible sexual adventure. The boy was clearly another tout ("and very good," said one of the others, after my man and I parted ways in the train station), but he was probably just interested in getting me to the beach resort he's pushing to get his commission. I'm almost certain I could have bargained for a little more of his attention, on the train or on the beach, and it would have been amazing -- the most amazing experience, because it was the one that got away. Oh well.


The rest of my time in Morocco was mostly in soaking up the indescribable effusiveness of the culture, and dealing with the disorientation of such a bewilderingly different set of social rules. I made some social mistakes but also scored incredible experiences. I ended up meeting a 19-year-old boy on a train and being invited to stay with a family for several days. His friends and family in turn invited me to their homes. They were cute, but not my type. (Well, now that I'm a dirtier, older man, maybe...) It was nevertheless a priceless opportunity to really get to know a country.


In Essaouira, one of my favorite secret places in the whole world, I was walking on a beach and some guy standing on a dune 50 meters away started waving his dick at me! The beach wasn't crowded, but it wasn't empty either. Another boy ran up to me from behind a dune. He spoke neither English nor French, but he made this peculiar motion with his arm. I later learned this motion meant "travailler beaucoup," which somehow meant fucking. In any event, neither of these guys was my type. I did talk to an incredibly hot Moroccan from Paris with a gymnast's body. My more worldly present self would simply have dispatched his younger cousin to buy us a Coke and then directly propositioned him. But alas, I was young and naive, as I said ...


In a hellishly hot town of donkeys and dust in the south, a boy followed me on a bicycle. His patter was different from those of the other kids trying to sell me trinkets or begging for money. He kept saying "I will be your friend," "pas de probleme." Looking back now, that must have been a remnant of Morocco's infamous pederastic trade. He said he was 15. I was not interested and even less aware of what was happening.


On my second trip to Morocco, I cruised this blondish, bruiser-type guy in the Marrakesh Medina. Older and wiser, I pushed our friendly chat into a trip to the hammam. Mohammed claimed to work there. Anyway, he soaped me up and I asked to return the favor. I slyly allowed my soaping hand to stray under his boxer shorts. He instantly caught my hand and whispered, "Dans le hammam, non. A la maison, oui." Well, the rest of the experience was never quite the same pulse-racing mix of riskiness and innocence. For facilities, we used the house of another louche fellow. Mohammed was not great in bed, and the other guy (whom I did not sleep with) was annoying. I ended up paying about $20 to him and $20 to his friend, probably far more than I could have. At one point, they locked the door until both got paid, but afterward, all was cordial and kissy-kissy, or at least business-like, again. That's Morocco.


In El Jadida on the same trip, I was walking down on the street bordering the beach. There was another guy not very cautiously grabbing his crotch at me. My attention, however, was on the wiry and very handsome, shirtless boy who ran up to talk to me, in the purely non-sexual, non-hustling friendliness Moroccans often show to foreigners. We chit-chatted for a while in very limited French. I politely but somewhat abruptly asked if he wanted to have sex with me. With equal non-chalance, he said, "Oui." He said something about preferring "les femmes," but, with me, "oui." Then the issue was where to go. We ended up hiding in the bushes of the house where he was doing construction work. Oh, there was a friend of his, not as pretty, but very sexy in a sullen kind of way. It was just a given to them that any faggot was a slut and would take them both on. However, they were under the impression they were going to fuck me, and bodily injury was not on my menu. The first guy was fine with that, but the second guy lost interest. Afterward, the boy I sucked off asked for 10 dirhams ($1). I think this was just a unique cultural practice, a favor someone in a higher social position is expected to grant to someone in a lower, and not exactly prostitution. The other guy also wanted 10 dh, and I, perhaps rudely, said I didn't get to suck him off. That's Morocco again.


There were other adventures and misadventures in my travels in Arab lands, but the actual sex itself was pretty limited in both quantity and quality. Morocco for me has always been more about the thrill of the chase, and it was astounding, than the satisfaction of the capture.


In an episode of Will and Grace, there was a throw-away plot point about the two of them going on an impulse trip to Morocco, at which prospect they danced around chanting "Morocco! Morocco!" as if they expected conga lines. No gay man with actual experience of adventure and "travailler beaucoup" in Morocco would react that way.

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RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


hmmmmmmm another loudmouth jerk............damn the judged are so judgemental. as the last group of people (gays)that are universally vilified,you would thing we would not be so quick and easy in our dismissing other groups based only on generalities. if you want to hate a french person,and you have a reason,hate him .but to denigrate an entire group for some specious reason, is the same as some right wing nut saying all fags are child molestors..........taylor@23:32-04/14/03

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RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


>hmmmmmmm another loudmouth jerk............damn the judged

>are so judgemental. as the last group of people (gays)that are

>universally vilified,you would thing we would not be so quick

>and easy in our dismissing other groups based only on

>generalities. if you want to hate a french person,and you have

>a reason,hate him .but to denigrate an entire group for some

>specious reason, is the same as some right wing nut saying all

>fags are child molestors..........taylor@23:32-04/14/03


How silly. I didn't realize you were one of the pc police. All he was doing was making a comment about the French national character. They're famous for their arrogance, just like Americans are famous for being hardworking, optimistic and loud, and Canadians are famous for obeying the rules, wishing they were bilingual and being otherwise generally boring.

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Guest trescho75

RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


The description you made of your trips to Morrocco 6 and 12 years ago could in some way apply to today. With a slight difference, gays have opened the door of the closet though not out of it yet. Islamist fundamentalists have actually pushed gays and other minorities to be more voiceful if not critical of their situation.

Morrocco is very ambiguous vis a vis gay foreigners. It is the heir to old tolerant Al-Andalus (Spain) civilization where moslems, christians and jews were allowed to live their religion freely ( The Spanish kings changed all that after the Reconquista). Thus all minorities are tolerated as long as they dont infringe on the main stream population's views and life. This is why way bakc at the end of the 19th century, the first Europeans and Americans found a country that was rather "free" for the gays.

Under French rule (from 1912 to 1956), since the country was not a colony but a protectorate where the Sultan was the nominal ruler, the same applied.

It is in the late 70s and after that gays descended in droves on to Morrocco, some thinking it was a "subsidiary" of Thailand. it was never the same, Morrocan men still believe that being the top does not make you gay! Thus bottom Europeans were satisfied. On the other han, young Morrocans still see older men much as it was perceived in ancient Greece (Mediterrannean culture), for that matter they pursue in their strange way older non Morrocans. It is true that many see in us a way to get out of their country legally.

So to all who go to Morrocca (and it is not a dangerous country even now), keep in mind that discretion is the rule. Always remember that it is a country were the most beatiful houses are hiden behind discreet walls. Some might see it as hipocrisy so just understand that different rules apply to different countries.


On another topic, for those looking for a nice riad in the medina go to http://kelma.org/kelma.html and then into the "annonces" page, you will find one, owned by friend of mine: great house, great location and great cook.

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RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


Now you've REALLY gone too far. Canadians boring???? Oh dear, next you'll be saying our stripper bars just don't show enuff dick, or ass. Not like those USA bars, where the boys wear nice little G-strings or hold towells in front of their genitals. Oh, sooo titillating! You must just die of the excitement!

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  • 1 year later...

RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


I thought I would check to see if any of you guys had been to Marakech lately. What is the scene like. Is there any problem with bringing guys back to your average tourist hotel? Any other info--feel free to e-mail me.



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RE: wonderful moroccan boyz


Hi guys,


I spent part of my vacations in Morroco 3 years ago and all was sort of magical and fun. It was a lucky trip. Marrakech is very agreeable and misterious. Had the chance to saty in a very nice guest house run by a very helpful french guy. There you can take boys to your room since it is a gay guest house. The best places to cruise are: the cafes in Guelise and around the large and fantastic square of Djema El-Fna and the disco Diamand Noir.

You just have to wait to be aproached by the boys. They are very discreet and you should be too. The key thing there is not to look gay. They will talk to you and ask if you want to have some tea if you agree follow them as if you didnt know them but once inside the tea room you can socialize much better. As for everythingelse you have to bargain a bit but in general I think I paid around 25 dollars to each boy I was with.

The big square Djema El Fnaa is something to be seen and to be felt. Lots of food places, people with monkeis, snakes, etc. Some people playing music. Just stay a while listening to the musical groups and certaily you will be approached (better to be alone) and the tea invitation will come very discreetly.

On the other hand the disco Diamand Noir is easier to get around. It´s a quite big and modern disco where #### and hustlers go at night. Very easy to talk to people and take them home. But never forget that you are in a muslim country and that homo is acts are forbidden. Went also to a very wonderful small city called Essaouira, very windy but very intriguing too. It´s where Jimi Hendrix had a house, now a hotel. Worth the visit.

Have fun. If any of you want the site of the gay guest house please write to me in pvt for security reasons.

Speaking a bit french helps a lot.

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