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RE: The Butler Did It ...NOT!


I believe that Oz is talking about the doormen and waiters at the gogo bars, not at hotels or restaurants. At the gogo and host bars the waiters and doormen are usually available for a higher off-fee to compensate the bar for the loss of their services for the evening. It would be a mistake to assume that all hotel waiters and other staff are available. Some might be, of course, but play it as discretely as you would at hotels in other countries.

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RE: The Butler Did It ...NOT!


Oh. But hey, that reminds me of another story!


One night at Twilight bar I was sure that I was done for the night, but the mamasan kept after me to choose a boy. So I picked the fully-clothed, but very cute, dishwasher, thinking I had avoided her. Not. The guy was at my side in seconds. Lot of fun, too! Turned out he was also a ballwasher!

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Lucky Did It


LOL. Good story!


I have been Lucky with many of the guys in the hotels I stay at. They are not money boys though and some are a bit insulted at the thought of it. But, gay boys abound in Pattaya and don't miss any nook, corner or cranny!


As far as waiters and doormen, the off fee is normally one hundred or two hundred bath more. My story on this is that at Jupiter 2000 in Bangkok, I had a waiter I adored. I went in last year to off him and it was a special holiday. The mamasan said I could only off him for a crazy price. It was my last night in Bangkok and I said, "OK." The boy got ready, I got ready and the mamasan changed her mind and said the boy was needed to work the busy holiday night. I was livid and expressed myself to her in the manner in which I thought she deserved.

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4 Ways and Great Sex


What a wonderful night. First, I met a great boy at the beach and within minutes was on the way to my hotel for a nice fuck session. This boy was so fucking hot. I had him before when I was here and he worked at XXX bar. He was fun but when I went by this trip he was not there. He is now a beach boy and gets his clients there. His body was so fucking perfect I almost locked him in my room forever.


After dinner, my "husband" and I went to Kaos and picked up boy 1 and then to Soho in Boyztown for boy 2. After hitting a few other Boyztown bars to say hi, we headed for hotel. I had a 3 Thai Boy massage with 3 amazingly beautiful bodies and all for less than 100US. As I have said, this place in wonderful and the sexual opportunities are at every corner.


I am sitting here after sex has been over for 2 hours and boys were paid and told they could leave. All are still here playing PlayStation. :) Yes, I take a PS II with me when I travel. This way if a guy gets bored, there is always a game that will keep them occupied.


:) Anyway, as you can see, Thailand is wonderful and the boys are fun and sexy and for those of you who have not experienced this before, you need to at least once in life. And, if you are like me, you will find it addictive! :)

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Surprise Endings


Well, you know I am married over here. I often get into situations I find uncomfortable. Tonight was one. I was supposed to have great sex (in my mind not his) with my husband only tonight. We made our way through a few of the bars in Sunnee and Boyztown and low and behold I saw a vision in beauty on stage at SoHo. I was immediately struck by his high cheek bones, perfectly shape hair and beautiful smile. As I had already invited a ladyboy over for my "husband" and another boy, I had to meet the beauty on stage that was capturing my full attention. I invited him over for a drink.


To my shock, he was as beautiful on the inside as out. A college student only here for a few days. He spoke better English than most of my redneck relatives. When I chatted with him I knew instantly that he was a special boy. At 20 years old and taller than many at the bars, this amazing boy answered every question perfectly. He was gay, versatile and a great conversationalist. I loved the chat I had with him and the time flew by. I knew I would not be able to partake in the forbidden juice tonight so I set up a date with him for tomorrow.


Then, out of the blue, my boyfriend walked over and said, "You want to take him home?" I said, "No, why?" He said, if you want to take him to hotel, I'll go to Karaoke :) Wow! What an opening. I asked if he wanted to got to Karaoke and he said yes. I said, "OK, I'll take the boy to the hotel."


Off we went.


Back at the hotel, I was greeted with luscious kisses, deep and wet and with a vigor and enthusiasm I had not seen in ages (Thai time = 2 days). We showered together, made our way to the bed and then proceeded to the many acts which followed and believe you me, there were plenty of them.


I won't bore you with the sordid details but will just say, his orgasm preceded mine and then 2 more followed. I am not one to go around repeating gossip so, you better sit tight and listen close the first time. :) (Hee Haw 1970, 80's TV show) His lips were lovely, his movements made me shake, his cock were nice when it slipped and slided, and his smell was calling me from the moment I laid eyes on him till the time I saw him out the door.


It was yet another amazing day in Thailand. I will sleep sound and happy. My lover will return shortly to ask the questions they often ask. My food is getting ready to be delivered soon to my room (yes Hoo it is Spaghetti). My cock is drained and tired. I have been known to take a few of the blue pills to help out after a time or two in the same day. However, none were needed with the 3 today and the thing that excites me about my husband is that when he returns, we will have sex again and I will not need one with him. He is perhaps the only one I know who after 2 or 3 orgasms in one day, that just the touch of his hand to my chest gets me excited. I think that is why he is with me so much. The sex is great but the fact that it is so natural and comfortable, makes for a new experience each day.


If you wonder why I love Thailand, it is not just for the sex. But, damm, it is great. And the best thing about each day is that you never know when there will be a surprise ending! :)

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RE: Surprise Endings


>Oz, sorry you are having such a bummer of a time. Buck up

>guy... it'll get better. :+


:) I hope so! I have friends coming soon and more activities planned. :)


Last night, I had a very relaxing night and rested up for the day today. The beach was packed yesterday and not an extra chair to be found. :) Wish you were here to share a drink with me Tampa! :)

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