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Future Boys

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For those of you who have been reading my crazy life stories unfold in Thailand, you will know that Future Boys is a stop I make on a regular basis. They have the widest mix of boys I have seen in Bangkok and they rotate the boys on stage fast so you get to see all the boys often.


When I went into this bar tonight as usual I was impressed with the number of boys they have. I had a few minutes to count as the 2 boys I had "offed" from that bar were getting dressed. Just to let you know the size of the bar, there were 25 waiters that were inside when I counted. There were over 110 boys in the room all sitting and standing on stage or in the main room. With numbers like that, everyone should be wanting to make a visit to Bangkok!


BTW: Firecat, I offed the boy that traveled with us to Pattaya and the other boy I told you was great in 3-ways. Two boys, both 24 years old, with asses to die for sticking straight up in the air waiting to get fucked on my bed. Do you see why I have trouble visiting you in Canada? :)


TY: Should I send you the photo of these two asses in the air to tempt you to get you to visit me? :)

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>I feel the need for a trip to the Far East.

>How long are you going to be staying there !!


>:-) :-)


I never know from one day to the next. I may cut the trip short but I just cannot tell. I plan on being at Black and Blue in Montreal or I have a few friends who will desert me. :)


I was going to take a trip back to the states this coming Monday. But, I met this adorable PR kid who is fluent in both languages. I have a meeting with him tonight and if I like him, I may just stay for him for a bit. Of course, the main obstacle is that he is not gay and he is working in a gogo bar and his limitations are more than I normally deal with. But, I made an offer last night and we'll see if he bits tonight. :) If not, Black and Blue here I come. :) If he bits, hopefully it will be hard enough to extend my stay here even longer and make it to Canada just as the opening of Black and Blue starts. Or, if he bits in the perfect way in the right place, maybe he will join me for Black and Blue. :) But, as Fire told me this morning as I was asking his advice, "you're nuts" he said. :) Yes, I agree but what is a life if not well lived? :)

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Or, if he bits in the perfect way in the right

>place, maybe he will join me for Black and Blue. :) But, as

>Fire told me this morning as I was asking his advice, "you're

>nuts" he said. :) Yes, I agree but what is a life if not

>well lived? :)


You ARE nuts!!!! You wouldn't ever see me picking up some boy just because he is hot and dragging him up to MOntreal!



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Guest Tampa Yankee

>I never know from one day to the next.


Ain't that the truth... :p


>I plan on being at Black and

>Blue in Montreal or I have a few friends who will desert me.




hmmm... who deserted whom.... lol.


>I was going to take a trip back to the states this coming

>Monday. But, I met this adorable PR kid who is fluent in both



Hmmmm.... fluent in PR and Thai? Where does that leave you? Sign Language? hehe I know you like to talk with your hands but... BTW is PR a language? :+



I have a meeting with him tonight and if I like

>him, I may just stay for him for a bit. Of course, the main

>obstacle is that he is not gay and he is working in a gogo bar

>and his limitations are more than I normally deal with.


Let me get this straight. You are staying for a a PR (Puerto Rican) kid in Thailand that is straight and limited in his activities. LOL. I know an island full of straight PRs that are limited... and you already lived on it.... lol. In fact you essentially lived across the street from a club full of them...lol. Not to mention a second island filled with the same only a few hours by air away from your former residence. Amazing what one can find half way around the world. :7



But, as

>Fire told me this morning as I was asking his advice, "you're

>nuts" he said. :)


You are... we have all decided, btw you are not the only one. A mutual friend was hoping to mule two montreal boys to Thailand for a fun vacation. So don't feel like the lone crazy ranger... hehe. Now that this person has an open slot I have someone for him to mule for me. As generous as he is I have no doubt that he will offer. :7 Would put him in the running for 'Best Man'. :o :p

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>You ARE nuts!!!! You wouldn't ever see me picking up some boy

>just because he is hot and dragging him up to MOntreal!


Do I know you? I mean really? Do I know you? I think you are the Marc Anthony I have met before. Didn't you come dancing into my apartment in NYC with 3 boys from Montreal with you one weekend? :) Honey, I am old but my memory still serves me well. :) Plus, I still have the pics from that weekend as well! :)


BTW: the PR showed up at my hotel today out of the blue. I was a bit surprised but had given him my hotel and name and told him if he was in the neighborhood to drop by and say hi. :) He did. We are in active, and I mean very active, negotiations. :) So far it stands that he wants everything I can offer to him but is not in a position to negotiate what he does to the extent of the value of the entire package. He did ask to shower in my room as he was hot and sweaty. I sent him to the bathroom alone. He came out buck naked and smiling. He sat on the couch in my living room chatting with me for a bit with the towel wrapped around him and his cock teasingly visible. Damm, this boy is hot! And, has an amazing PR ass to boot. :) He feel asleep in my bedroom and is there now. I have to wake him up to go back to his bar later. As he was asleep, my ex BF from Pattaya shows up at the hotel to stay with me a few days. Having a sexy PR boy laying on the bed asleep is not easy to explain other than to say, "He is straight. We didn't do anything." And, then secretly yearn for him as his body moves on the sheets. :)


I am at least intelligent enough to know that nothing will come of this but he did increase my yearning to visit PR or Brazil again soon. So, that is now back on my agenda for the near future. :)

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>Hmmmm.... fluent in PR and Thai? Where does that leave you?

>Sign Language? hehe I know you like to talk with your hands

>but... BTW is PR a language? :+


Ok. Smart Ass. :) I will bite. Yes, PR is a language. They have their own signs and movements. If you have ever been to a totally latin club (and I know you have in NYC as we went together) you will know that you can spot a PR a mile away. They have a certain move, walk, ass, body language. OK. OK. Maybe the language is same as spanish but it sounds so sexy when spoken from someone from PR. :)

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>Do I know you? I mean really? Do I know you? I think you

>are the Marc Anthony I have met before. Didn't you come

>dancing into my apartment in NYC with 3 boys from Montreal

>with you one weekend?


I think you may have me confused with someone else.... hehe. Or maybe not.





>I am at least intelligent enough to know that nothing will

>come of this but he did increase my yearning to visit PR or

>Brazil again soon. So, that is now back on my agenda for the

>near future. :)



Being in the active process of falling hopelessly in love with a gorgeous Brazilian boy at the moment (I hope he weathers the hurricane ok)... I am in no position to criticize this urge.

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Guest Tampa Yankee

>Ok. Smart Ass. :) I will bite. ...


ROFL.... :7


Well!! Make up your mind? Is it Rio or Pattaya for the Fall. :p BTW, there is an interesting thead on the DR. Maybe a long weekend? ;)

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Hey!!! How do I get the kind of life you boys are leading???


& as long as I'm in this salon, which I rarely get to visit... Oz, can you tell me, are the Thai boys who work the clubs there all lithe young waifs, or can one also find macho, tattooed kickboxing types?

I'd love to get my fingertips on a lean hardbodied boy... perhaps one from the Hill Country, who rolls his own cigarettes.


Ahhh... fantasies... I really must go to bed. Right now!



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Lucky is right. Thailand is filled with them all. They do come in all shapes and sizes and you can find them all at the gogo bars. There are several in Bangkok that are known for what you are looking for. If that look is what you like, let me suggest Tawan, Future Boys, Dream Boys and Boys Bangkok. If you go to them, I am sure you will more more than enough to keep you coming back for more. :)


BTW: Was at Future Boys tonight to "off" one of my favorite boys, a 29 year old hottie. He likes the same type of man as you. We found what we were looking for at Dream Boy. He was very sexy man with nice muscles and a bit of a rough edge to him. He was more into getting serviced that anything which was fine with my boy as he gulped it down for a long time. Although he had the boxing look, he was actually quite passionate and a great kisser for me. He was also sexy to look at all night long. :)

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Hmmmm... for a guy who just posted that he was about to leave Thailand in a couple of days except for the infusion of some PR excitement, it sure does sound liike it is "business as usual" over there!


Starting to worry if we are going to be having breakfast a Chez Cora's next month!!!!!!!!



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RE: Future Men


I blush... you are so right, Lucky! I realize, of course, that Thai men come in a plethora of personalities... even here in the SF area. I just wasn't sure if the club scene in Thailand tended to offer anything other than standard-issue twinks.

When I visited Langkawi, in Malaysia, the sexiest guys I saw were the tattooed, gilt-toothed "sea gypsies" that ply the Andaman sea...




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