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My first day in Bangkok

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Guest rampo

RE: Armchair Travel Advisory


The gay nightlife in Chiang Mai is definitely not at the level or pace that you will find in Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket. There is fun to be had, of course, but if the plan is to hit a few gogo bars each evening, it is not the place to go. Host and beer bars have their own charms - my Thai friend and I spent a great Halloween a couple of years ago at one of the small gay beer bars near the night market - but they have a totally different feel from the gogo bars. If I were planning a Thailand trip for someone, I would recommend visiting Chiang Mai at the beginning of the trip as its calmer pace works well with recovery from jet lag. As your stamina builds and your body adjusts to the time difference, you are better prepared for the sensory/sensual overload of Bangkok or Pattaya. :-)

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RE: In Love


>>Yes, I think I have fallen again. :)


>As I mentioned to you before... one in every port. lol :p


:) Perhaps this ship has found a permanent port? I have spoken to several expats here. It sounds like a nice life. I could easily see myself in Pattaya every day for many years. Wake up. Go to beach. Pick up boy from beach. Go back to beach. Go to GoGo bar. Pick up boy from bar. Sleep. Start all over again.

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RE: In Love


>You talked me into it! lol.


>So... when are we relocating? }(


Up to you! :) I am ready when you are. I think a condo by the beach would be the best location. Should I start looking? Firecat is trying to convince me each day that it would be a good move for me. But I am not sure if he is thinking of me or the guest room. :)

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Threeways with Thai Boys


One thing I have been disappointed in here is threeways and orgies. I have had a few good ones but it takes a lot of effort on my part. I had a great group scene in Pattaya that I really enjoyed.


It seems to me that a lot of the Thai boys are uncomfortable with each other and more comfortable with pleasing me. Even though I stress to them when I take them back I want them to play with each other. Of course they all say they will and when we get back to the room it is like pulling candy from a baby to get them to really interact with each other in that type of situation.


I found the opposite to be true in Brazil and I always find the opposite in New York City. But, I digress.


This week I have found a great boy from Future Boys bar that is great in threeways. He is totally versatile and once you tell him you really want him to have fun, he does. He and I took turns pounding this boy tonight for 2 hours. Perhaps I should not say pounding as I am a gentle guy. :) But, it was hot. Two nights we did the same thing except it was the boy that was the bottom for me and another guy. He is very flexible and totally versatile. After my first time with him, I pegged him as more of a bottom. But tonight, it was reverse. He is simply great in any situation. If you like young twinks (he really isn't a true twink as his age is a bit higher than he admits) and you are going to Bangkok e-mail me and let me tell you his private information as I think he would be good in most situations.


By the way, the boy that was the bottom tonight is adorable and a waiter at Jupiter 2000. I had wanted him when I first met him but I keep forgetting that all the boys in the bar are available. It is 500 baht as opposed to 200 baht to take the waiter from the bar but sometimes it is exciting to try someone you have not seen naked! :)


Firecat keeps telling me that even the doorman are available but when I get into the bar and see skin I often loose my train of thought. I think that happens to the best of us at times. As a matter of fact, Firecat and I were in Future Boys tonight. I knew which guy I wanted as I had him 2 nights before. Fire was up for another bar or two to find his date for the night. All of the sudden he sees a boy on stage that he gets the hots for. He asks him over for a drink. The boy sits down with us at the table and before his drink even arrived Firecat leaned over to me and said, "I'll see you at noon tomorrow." Here I was thinking that we were going to another bar or two for drinks and he leaves me high and dry. :) Well, not exactly dry as my boy was full of juices. :) He was sweet and succulent and tasted oh so fine! How the hell have I lived so long and never found Thailand?

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Dear Marc Anthony


As a proud member of the National Alliance for the Advancement of Twinks in America, I must admit I have broken the bylaws.


I figure since my trip is ending and that Firecat will return to North America soon that some of the true tales of my trip may leak to the wrong person so I write this letter to make amends.


Dear Marc Anthony,


As I sit in my room overlooking all of Bangkok, I have come to realize that my membership in your society may be at risk. As a faithful member, I wanted to be the first to tell you I have erred in my ways and need help.


While on my trip to Thailand I have been with many guys over 30 and even a sexy doctor that picked me up one day shopping. He was a wonderful lover but he was 42 years old. I know that this is inexcusable but I ask that you please keep me in the group. When I return to the states, I will seek therapy and will volunteer my time to go to Montreal for reconditioning.


I know that I have broken my pledge to you and the society and I humbly ask your forgiveness and request that you please give me another chance. I am sure with time and enough nights at Taboo that I can regain my old self.


Sincerely yours,


Totally Oz

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RE: Dear Marc Anthony


>As a proud member of the National Alliance for the

>Advancement of Twinks in America, I must admit I have broken

>the bylaws.




>I know that I have broken my pledge to you and the society and

>I humbly ask your forgiveness and request that you please give

>me another chance. I am sure with time and enough nights at

>Taboo that I can regain my old self.


>Sincerely yours,


>Totally Oz




LOL! Becoming vers, I see.


Actually with the problems I am having getting twinks to be reliable in setting up dates with me during my next big trip, I may not be too far behind you! As cute as they are, there is only so much flakiness you can take at one time! And the planning for this trip is TAKING THE FUCKING CAKE!


x( x(

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